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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sat in her corner ignoring the sheriff at all costs. Even if wild dogs came in and started eating his entrails and Jenny was the only one who could stop it Jenny wouldn't help the man at lest that was her mood at the moment. Wrapping what cloths she had around her she sat crying silently to herself and wishing her sister was alright.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was an verall quiet evening, perhaps even night in the office, when suddenly the door swung open "REINCAN!" Jenny wasn't sure, but it was likely the sheriff was sitting in his classic feet on table manner as he nonchalantly adressed the pissed visitor "Took you long enough Nico...."

It was indeed Nico in her night-time barmaids outfit. The silver haired beauty quickly dashed to Jennys cell "Jenny! Oh~ Jenny~ Did he hurt you... why are you crying?" the woman with gritted teeth went off to find justice for her friend "The hell are you doin Sheriff. How dare you! Of all the horrible things--" "You know very well why she's in there Nico and yes... don't mention it. I didn't want to harm her anyway." a slam rang out through the office "She's in tears in the cell! Don't you have a heart! You let her out THIS INSTANT!" "no."

"We both know what she is Nico and what she can do. Ernston was her first, I WILL NOT HAVE THE CITIZEN OF KINGS COAST PUT IN DANGER!" obviously both of them were standing by now "She didn't know YOU DAMNED IMBECILE! Who cares about the life of some rapist murderer! You have no right to lock her up. It's wrong!" "Don't you tell me about whats right and wrong, must I remind you what the city was like before I came. What YOU and your friend had done?!" a momentary silence filled the room "I told you they're not my friends... I do not know where they are now!" another long pause "I hope you aren't lieing Nico... I can't let Jenny go, she's a threat to every citizen in the city." "I sai--" "I heard you the first time, thats exactly why I can't let her go. She'll kill and ruin her own soul without even knowing it." obviously this discussion has been boiling for quite some time and half the things Jenny heard were a mystery to the girl.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Utterly confused Jenny finally spoke. "Whats wrong with me why are you keeping me in here and what do you mean by ruin my soul?" The conversation was frighting Jenny was their something wrong with her the only people she had killed where the to bandits.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A silence broke out throughout the room "Might aswell tell her." "Not the way you're going to tell her." "I'll tell her the truth..." after a few moments the two sides finally showed up. Nico eyeing Jenny empathically, while Reican kept his stern, but no longer cold gaze on her "If you would stop hiding behind your tears, you could let me explain why you're here... and how to keep yourself and those around you safe" sure he was rough and gruff about it, but the Sheriff seemed to know a lot and he'd be straightforward with his input. "Reincan! Stop it, why must you be so cruel and mean to my kin..." Nico looked up at the man spitefully and turned to Jenny "Perhaps you'd rather I explain it to you Jenny?" Nico smiled warmly, surely the woman would give the information warmly and gently, though with all thats happened could Jenny trust this woman, however she looked at it, the hints were clear - she was more than a mere barmaid. Who will the girl hear out was her own choice, perhaps she'd choose to hear out both sides of the coin...

Reincan explains:
You're cursed. For one reason or another your soul has taken sustantial damage from the corruptions in the world, reshaping it and to a lesser extend harming it. Perhaps you noticed when you... accidentally eliminated Ernston, the odd energies that flew into you. That was his soul essence. If a creatures soul is intact, no matter how vile it will restore their souls essence after a brief rest. However since your souls is harmed it lost the ability to heal itself and must feast on others to sustain itself.
The problem with you, Jenny. Is that you absorbed a full soul, I've lost count how many succubus I had to put down because they couldn't help themselves and drain simple folk dry leaving rows of husks in their wake.
...you drain your victim souls through sex. And judging how well you cleaned Ernston YOU are very potent at it. I'm affraid I can't have someone like that running free until I'm sure you have your urges under control.

Nico explains:

You have been born with a wonderful gift Jenny. A gift given to very few girls throughout the world - the gift of the succubi. It grants you dominance over men, exceptional looks and potential to grow into someone awe-inspiring. However there is a price, we succubus have to occasionally drain some lifeforce from other creatures, usually small amounts that the other side hardly even notices... however... what you did with Ernston was different. You see if we accidentally drain too much lifeforce we inadvertably... can kill the creature in question... We "feed", if you will, by having wonderous sex, our gifts made sure we are exceptional partners in bed, incompareable to any other creature.
The reason Reincan might've been harsh on you, is well... when a succubus drains their victim fully, the ecstasy usually leaves them hungering to repeat it again and again. Unless the succubus has a very strong will, the temptation to drain creatures dry may rapidly overwhelm them. That's what Reincan is worried about, he thinks you may not realise what you're doing and... drain numerous Kings Coast citizens dry of their souls.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny heard both out well she had no choice really both of them would not be ignored so in the end she received a mixed message. She was a beautiful monster who ate peoples souls.... thats when the realization hit her she had eaten that bastards soul. A sudden nausea over took Jenny and she promptly turned to the side and puked though it wouldn't clean the mans filth from her system. "I ate his soul" it wasn't pleasant news to the girl and she simply curled up into a tight ball and held herself. Jenny held herself tight and rested against the cell wall. "All I wanted to do was find my missing sister she in trouble and then all this happened I should have just stayed on the farm. Mama was right." Jenny was ignoring both Nico and Reicarn. "Ive never hurt anyone till that man attacked the carriage I should have stayed home." Jenny started crying again and gently rocked herself back and forth.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Reincan quickly unlocked the bars and let Nico in. The barmaid flatout lunging to forward and wrapping her arms around the girl "Shh~~ It's okay Jenny you didn't know... the first time is always horrible." Nico gently stroked Jennys hair allowing her to rest on her "Shh~ Don't cry Jenny, it's not your fault. A succubus doesn't just eat the soul... she purifies it too. The mans wicked soul was cleaned and purged by you. He's at piece now" it was a complete and utter lie, but Nico knew she had to calm and comfort the shocked girl.

Even the sheriffs stern nature cracked at the sight "Take her to her room Nico. She's got a lot to absorb..." Nico smiled at the man "Thank you Rei." the man looked away, hiding his hint of blush "... this doesn't change anything between us. And I'll be watching her carefully." The silver haired girl stroked the girls hair continiously "Come Jenny. Let's get out of here. I'll take you to your room. Is that okay, dear?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny let Nico lift her to her feet and even lead her out of the jail and to her room if thats where the succubus was going to take her. For Jenny it didn't really matter what Nico did with her she was in shock and everything around her passed in a daze. Where ever she ended up she would be a surprise when the girls head finally cleared.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico did exactly what she said she would do... though the "walk" there wouldn't be quite so simple. The two girls slowly made their way out, Jenny legs absolutely trembling in shock and horror there was no way she could just walk there, though she wouldn't need to. Nico gently hugged her as a pair of majestic greater bat wings formed up behind her, just to be sure the woman made sure Jenny could only catch a glimpse at them if she really tried, but the girl was so out of it chances were she wouldn't remember.

It would be mere moments before they reached Jennys room, the flight making sure the trip would be not only safe, but incredibly fast. The moment Nico reached the inn she quickly hid her wings once more and unlocked the room with the spare key she had.

Seemed Jenny had already packed all her things... not like she had much to begin with. Nico gently placed the girl on the bed and kissed her on the forehead "I'll stay with you for the night, okay Jenny?" the silver haired beauty smiled at the girl and awaited her answer. If she didn't recieve it she would just make herself comfortable and just sleep alongside Jenny, the bed was more than big enough.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sadly Nico didn't get an answer to her question but laid next to Jenny through the night whether or not the succubus slept Jenny didn't know but at some point during the night Jenny snuggled up to Nico. Having been used to sleeping with her sisters for must of her life she was used to sharing her bed with them and quickly drew Nico to her in a loving embrace. Though her oldest sister had always shyed away; her and Lina had always snuggled close. If Nico stayed awake for the night she would catch Jenny talking in her sleep about Lina and how much she missed her and that she would find her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico would sacrifice a significant amount of her sleep, just so she could watch over Jenny for the night. Hearing a healthy amount of the girls nightly whispers, before she herself fel asleep with the terrified peasant girl in her arms.

The morning would come and go as both girls slept longer than usual, keeping each other warm through the night. Jenny would be the first to wake up with Nico still by her side sleeping soundly, some birds chirping from behind her window. It was likely almost lunch already... but did the girl really care about food right now.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny opened her eyes and saw she was very close to Nico one could say almost intimately close. It looked like the succubus had indeed taken her to her room and stayed with her throughout the night. She had tried to run away from Nico but the woman had saved her from staying in that cell and had cared for threw the night. "Im sorry Nico I don't deserve you being so nice to me." The succubus still looked asleep and Jenny at the moment didn't want to leave the only person that seemed to care for her no matter what she was. Drawing close Jenny kissed the succubus on the cheek and drifted back into sleep.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny drifted off back to sleep, not separating herself from the silver haired beauties embrace. The peasant girl didn't even notice when the succubus left, but the next time she woke up she would be alone, but still feeling the warmth from a kiss on her forehead.

If Jenny looked around she'd notice a there was a note on her table "I hope you're feeling better. I'm always here for you. *a kiss imprint* -Nico. ps.IF you have any questions about your condition please feel free to ask me." Looked like the succubus had to get back to work, after all she was the star of the bar. The brown haired girl was free to do what she deemed fit now... be it continue her investigation in Lina, or find out more about the creature she actually was.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As much as Jenny wanted to look for Lina finding out what she was dominated her mind. She didn't want to be a monster or worse yet turn into one. Getting dressed Jenny readied herself trying her best to clear away the tear streaks and improve her appearance. She could use a bath but that could wait a little longer and she could really use something to eat. Back to the bar where some food awaited and more importantly answers.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was already mid-day outside, the sun was high in the air, but did nothign to warm the cool mountain air. The Kings Coast citizens just continued on their own merry tasks, but Jenny had a hard time meeting anyones eyes.

The bar was up and active some folk having very late lunch, others just sitting around drinking whatever they bought reading the paper or just chatting with friends. Nico was busy going from table to table bringing and taking whatever the folk orderer. The silver haired beauty quickly took notice of Jenny appearance and asked a friend to cover for her.

Nico quickly neared Jenny and gently took her hands "Come on, we should talk privately" she smiled warmly and led Jenny away from the crowds "How are you feeling?" no gossip or whatever Nico jumped directly to adressing how the girl was coping.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Its alot to take in and its a bit overwhelming. I'm just so confused why me and not my sisters how did I end up well like this?" Jenny was confused and upset but not to the extent that she was last night. "The fact that it was deep inside me the whole time scares me."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I'm affraid I don't know the answer to that Jenny. Perhaps the stars deemed it fit, to give you this gift..." Nico paused briefly "Perhaps one of your parents was blessed with this aswell..." the silver haired beauty smiled at Jenny "This is a gift Jenny, just like Lina has her elemental magic. You too have unique magic around you." the woman continued to gently hold Jenny hand "Why would you be scared of who you are? Just like any instict there are some primal urges that come with this gift, yes. You may have noticed them taking over your senses, after or during sex... but don't be scared Jenny, we just have to learn to be one with them and control them."

"I could help you embrace this change and help you control it if you want." Nico smiled once more, though this time there was a mischievious glint in her eye.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's innate sense of danger clicked on their was something in Nico's smile that warned the girl off. "That sounds nice but I need to find Lina first. Could you teach me how to control it so I don't hurt anyone else with my g.. gift." It was strange to call such a burden a gift but Nico seemed convinced that it was so Jenny played along even though she didn't believe it. "Maybe we can practice tonight I still have research to do in the town hall."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico eyes light up "Tonight. I'll have everything ready, to help you learn the details of this gift." the silver haired beauty smiled widely "Ofcourse, make sure to keep me up to date if you find out where Lina went 'kay? I have no doubt you'll find her." finally Nico let Jennys hand go and continued to smile that warm smile of hers "So~ I bet you're hungry, we've got some fresh steak today. How would you like yours cooked? It's on the house" Whatever Jenny ordered, Nico would soon bring her the plate and not accept payment, before going on about her business in the bar. Looked like with their agreement done, Nico would leave Jenny to her search and thoughts for now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took her steak medium rare and thank Nico profusely for the free food. Digging in to her meal Jenny noted that the last few times she had anything it seemed kinda of bland like it was missing something. Looking at the exceptional steak Jenny wondered why it didn't seem right either way she loaded up the spices made available. Now to any conisure of steak what Jenny was doing was pretty much a crime against food but for the fledgling succubus who had yet to know what her hunger detailed it was the only way to give her food kick. Either way Jenny soon finished her meal and headed back to the town hall to dig threw the archives once again looking for mention of the Black manor as well as the pale manor.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny once more returned to the towns hall, the business suits and official looking folk standing all over some arguing over some papers, while others did their backstabing more subtly with fake smiles on their faces. Politics... ugh...

The receptionist just glanced up at Jenny "Back again? Go in. Same rules apply like yesterday..." with that dismissive comment Jenny was free to enter the archives once more... now then. Where was she...

The numerous drawers lied infront of her, making the girl gulp slightly... perhaps she could've learned more about the past from the townsfolk... atleast the year. Still it was up to her, she could dive right in and get to scanning over 20 years worth of newspapers... but where should she start her dounting task.