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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dodged out of the way barely avoiding the dive bombing things thankfully her room didn't really lend itself for attacks on high though with this many she could be overwhelmed. Readying her rifle Jenny shot the closet of the creatures (#1) while keeping on her feet. It would be tough but she could do it.


Attack: Shoot number 1 with her rifle
Move: Keep on her feat standing still will only get her caught
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

42 vs 31 HIT
It's dead.

Rays attack Jenny!
28,29 vs 35 MISS

Thankfully the creatures were as mindless as they come as they just flew throughout the room in panic of getting closd off in such a small space, though in that panic they rapidly attacked Jenny aswell, afterall she was the chosen pray!

The creatures way of lunging at her made it all too easy for the girl to shoot it down even if she was mobile. The gun rang out once more, piercing the otherwise silent morning... monster screeches excluding.

The ray instantly fell dead, much to the ignorance to it's allies. The loud shot quickly got the definitive attention of the pack outside, a sound of shattering glass filled the room as another 5 rays flew in through her window! She was now stuck 7 of the creatures in the room, forcing Jenny to duck to avoid the mass gracefully bubbling above her. The earlier 2 rays quickly lunged down at Jenny!

Jenny quickly rolled away from one of the attackers, shoving the other ray off her with her rifle. Still she was in big trouble. The moment one of those creatures latches on it's the end for her!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was in danger bur if she went outside the others would surly get her it was bad either way but at lest inside the monsters mobility was limited. picking another target Jenny fired leaving two shots in her rifle it would take to long to reload thankfully she had her handgun which was far easier and far faster to back into the fight.

Attack shoot another skyray and hope it goes down or they leave.
Move keep light on her feet
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Here they come!
38, 35, 37, 25, 27, 25 3 HIT!
Jenny gets triple grappled!
Jenny is blinded!
Deciding to stay and fight was the better option Jenny quickly lockd her gun and shot into the swirling mass above her!

One of the creatures fell lifeless, though this only gave room for the other to move in on the girl!

Jenny quickly tried to reload her weapon when one of the creatures blindsided her, the girl turning to face it at the last moment, as it's wings quickly wrapped around her blinding the girl! The girl was too busy trying to tear the creature of her when suddenly another one latched onto her breasts and one more around her lower body! 3 more gusts of wind passed Jennys hair likely the other 3 looking to join in.. though Jenny was in big enough trouble as is.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not good! Jenny tried to slip away from the one on her face quickly hitting the ground and rolling for all she was worth hopefully the bed had some space to get under protecting her from the other flying monsters.

Action break grapple
Move try to get to cover
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny tries to tear off the sky ray from her face.
39 vs 38 + [24 group grapple bonus] = 39 vs 62 She ain't goin nowhere...

Sky rays attempt to remove Jennys clothes

Facehugger let's some tentacles inside Jennys mouth!
8 PP damage to Jenny!
8/100 corruption

Well there was one huge problem and relief at the same time, no more sky rays could attach to her... but that was because there was just no more room to attach to!

Jenny tried her best to free her hands to remove the creature from her face, but she was absolutely covered by the creatures fimrly holding her! Looked like she was at the mercy of the foul beasts!

Feeling numerous tentacles run through her clothed body Jenny could feel the creaturess attempting to removed her clothing sliding it out of the way, much to the girls helplessness. Soon she found the rays rubbing their bodies against her breast and exposed pussy!

Meanwhile the top facehugger slowly slipped in numerous tentacles, tingling and slimy forcing the girls mouth open while being covered, before a bigger tentacle slid it's way inside her mouth in and out, forcing her to suck it off!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

FINE! they want a piece of Jenny they'll get a peice of Jenny just not in the way they want to. The beasts all to eager to rape the girl didn't try to subdue her at all leaving her hands free which she planed to use to good effect. Jenny balled up her fist and winced knowing the next part was going to hurt maybe the nasty beast on her face would absorbe most of the blows.

Let the lower creatures do what they will Jenny is gonna start pummling the one on her face
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny: HP: 60 EP: 30 PP: 22
38 vs 30 HIT
Jenny kills sky ray with her raging fists!

Tit sucker deals 8 more PP damage!
14 PP damage!
Jenny deals damage back forcing the creature to orgasm!
JUST enough for Jenny to actually orgasm!
38/100 corruption
Jenny wasn't scared by this her predicament at all as she clenched her fist in retribution! Swinging with wild abbandon Jenny quickly pummeled the creature on her head, making sure it would know she was no damsel in distress! With succesful blow Jenny could feel the creature weaken and weaken...

Though it wasn't like the other two just sat there, with no more obstruction the ray covering the girls breasts quickly unleashed numerous tendrils from its body, wrapping around and tweaking the girls breasts, even placing a few sucktions to suck on her nipples. While the lower one had much grander plans! The rays quickly shuffled into position as Jenny could feel a slimy object rub against her folds and quickly thrust in! Jenny yelped out as the sky ray, got to moving half of it's body to deeply thrust into the girl. Raping it's victim!

Jenny didn't want to she even got disgusted by the very thought, but by the time she finally beat off the facehugger, the constant teasing and fucking actually got too much. Her body got hotter and hotter as her mounds got teased and sucked, while she herself got fucked by the odd creature! The rough and primal treatment, forced some unvollunteery moans from the raped girl as she couldn't do anything to stop her body from heating up from the pleasure.

The facehugger slipping it's tentacles out dead from the beating, was removed just in time as the rapist sky ray came inside Jenny forcing her over the edge aswell!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The foul creature brought Jenny over the edge leaving her defiled in a new way but the one on her head was gone and she could see again. When she regained her strength boob sucker would get his due.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny is under the bed not allowing additional rays to join in.
Fucker ray is stunned.
Jenny is stunned.

Titsucker deal 8 more PP damage!
46/100 corruption.

Jenny wakes up and akwardly punches the ray from under the bed!
Ray is super fragile and dies or is knocked out.

Fucker ray continues to Rape Jenny!
17 PP damage!
Ray cums and is stunned for the next round!
71/100 corruption!

Jenny laid there unable to move from the orgasm that was just forced into her, the tit sucking ray contiously sucking caressing her mounds. Even forcefully starting to suck away at her nipples, looking for a prize from it's efforts.

Soon Jenny got her bearing once more. No! No! She would not become these ray breed bitch! The girl started smacking off the next ray in line, trying to get it off maybe even kill it. Being under the bed made such a task rather hard as before long she could feel the ray at her pussy start to slowly thrust back into her and increase the pace rather rapidly. Jenny didn't notice as she took the rhytm she was fucked with and moved her fist in tandem with the rapist creatures thrust.

Eventually even the one on her breasts would relax it's grip and could be easily shover aside be it dead or knocked out. Though suddenly Jenny tensed up as another hot splurge of cum entered her from the rapist ray... if this continues any longer she may actually start to enjoy this! The ray was fucking her so deeply and with such lcear intent to impregnate her... there was something wild about that thought.... she was so close now too. Maybe... Whatever the case the ray lied stunned from it's orgasm on Jennys pussy it's odd cock still in her as the cum slowly spilled out from her treasure.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

One more to go one more to go. The thought kept racing into Jenny's mind though there was an equal though of fuck it fuck it. Still Jenny was in control of herself and she hated rape the creature would pay. Using what ever means she could Jenny would kick punch bite the creature to death and remain hidden under bed until it was all clear.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny: HP: 60 EP: 30 PP: 5/30
Ray wakes from it's stun only to be met with numerous kicks to the face... thing.. it had.
Ray is dead or knocked out.

3 more rays continiously fly around the room.

71/100 corruption.

Jenny fought off whatever perversions she had and kicked the creature forcefully off, making it get stuck in the the gap the bed was off the floor only to suffer numerous more kicks from Jenny before it slipped out lifeless from under the bed.

Finaly Jenny was free, though the 3 rays were still out there. Deciding this was as safe as she'll ever get Jenny decided to wait out till they left. It would be a good tense hour before finally a distant screech resounded from somewhere outside spurting the 3 rays out of her room.

Jenny remained under the bed briefly longer just incase though she could see actual sun come in from the doorway as woman rushed into the room and gasped loudly "NO~!" was this the neighboring girl she saved?

The fog seemed to have disappeared ending Jennys trial for now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Feeling safe Jenny made her way out from under the bed. "Its okay Im fine well mostly are you okay?" Jenny looked up to see who was talking. Her room was a mess dead skyrays lay over the place the furniture was busted blod splatters covered the wall. Discarded shells lay scattered over the floor. Frowning Jenny looked at her winter cloths that had been torn by the rays during their assault. She was disappointed but no doubt Nico wold be thrilled to dress Jenny up. Wait oh gods Nico is gonna flip!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The woman was one of the barmaid at the bar. Likely staying around just like Jenny, but working off her rent and making some denarii on the side working for Nico. She was fairly curvy with wave dirty blonde hair and blue eyes "THANK YOU!" The woman quickly lunged to the naked girl and hugged her warmly "Thank you so much! IF you hadn't... Are you okay? The things I heard...." the woman looked around the room in slight horror "Let's go tell the Sheriff what happened! He should know of such things! I-I have some spare clothes come please! It's the least I can do!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Thats okay Ill go talk to the sheriff you just stay put and safe though I will take the cloths." Jenny smiled at the barmaid waiting for the woman to bring her the promised clothing. After dressing and a few more reassurances Jenny would gather up all the dead rays she could carry/drag and take them to the sheriff and toss them on his desk before leaving with out saying a word to the man. If unopposed she would then make her way to the bar and apologize to Nico about her room being trashed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The woman smiled brightly and ran off to her room bringing back the offered winter clothes - a warm wolf fur coat and a nigh full-body warming suit underneath. Thankfully the two girls shared pretty much the same figure, with Jennys bottom slightly bigger making the suit cozily tighten around her behind.

With that the girl decided to send a message to the Sheriff and spite him the town protector. Though the moment she got closer to the office she realised this may not be as much of surprise to him as she thought. Easily dozen upon upon dozens rays scattered around the office, witha quite a few of the the reptilian creatures Jenny beat herself away all rilled with bullets, heck the girl even saw a few darkly creatures she never even seen... though obviously there was a major slaughter here.

Jenny slowly made her way inside the office when a loud click rang through the room! "Oh... it's you... *pants* is it over yet?" The sheriffs office had 2 of the repitilian creatures inside all dead with the sheriff himself sitting near some ladders leading to his roof, likely he made his stand there.

The man lowered his weapon and quickly got back to tending his wound. One of his hand hanged lifelessly, likely broken as his chest was covered in blood-soaked bandages throughout. The man panted, with gritted teeth quickly snapped his shoulder in place screaming out in pain. And catching his breath looked to Jenny... so what did she come in here for again?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt no sympathy for the man and simply laid her cargo at his door step and turned away. She was about to leave when the better part of her decided he needed some help fingering the two healing potions from her belt Jenny set them on the desk and left making her way to Nico's to explain why her room was destroyed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man looked down to the healing potions "Keep one... Mistey's got some potions set for these... *paused a moment to catch his breath* incidents." with that the man grabbed one of the vial and chugged it down "Thank you..." his voice slightly clearer than before.

Without ushering a single word Jenny left the man to his own fate and walked off to the bar. Hopefully it didn't suffer quite as much. A the sun continued to shine numerous people flocked outside of their homes rejoicing on the fog pasisng by and checking if everyone of their friends was okay, quite a few men ran off to the sheriffs office aswell likely to check up on the man.

The bar was locked though Jenny did note the air around it had a strange vibrating aura around it that rapidly faded away. Rosa quickly ran up to the door and unlocked it "Jenny?! A-are you okay sister? Please come in. Nico is resting, should I bring you something? Tea? A potion? Anything?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked up at Rosa no longer creeped out at being called sister by the stranger. "A morning after potion would be nice and maybe a new room to stay in mine is kind of a mess." With that Jenny started to relax and let the excitement of the fight bleed off it had been a close call.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ofcourse! We have a few of those around, be right back." the barmaid ran off to the back of the bar to fetch the potion in uqestion leaving Jenny alone to calm down and ease herself... so that was the fog Nico mentioned earlier... that was one close fight. If the doors hadn't been as sturdy as it was, if her rifle wasn't as powerful... the very thought ran goosebumps through Jennys body. Not to mention she just got raped by sky ray creatures.... the girl looked down to her treasure, the damned rapist sky rays ruined her previous clothing including panties, so now the tight new body suit almost showed ALL of the girl as it tightly squezed her down, but it was incredibly comfortable and warm...

Rosa quickly ran back with a new keyhmph looks like room number 18 will need of restoration she smiled earnestly. Luckily we had one more room for you" the barmaid gave her a new key with 20 written on the tag "Are you okay? The fog can be a cruel experience for everyone..."