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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was winded and tired and her vision was slowly fading out but she looked over at Nico and smiled. "I.. I I did it." With that her vision went black from her efforts and feeding.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With Jenny fainting from her efforts and all that's happened she blacked out from whatever discussion went on after that...

Jenny would wake in silken sheets completely nude and smelling of a wonderful fragrance, though it wasn't her room. This room had ornate tables and chairs, high quality red curtains covering the walls, there wasn't much here at all a small tea table, a reading desk and a chair. No windows, but a warm light emitted from numerous expensive looking candlestands illuminated the room. Honestly with all these ornate designs and high quality materials around her it seemed more like a royalty room than a hotel room.

Jennys clothes were nowhere to be seen and if she looked out the room she'd notice her was around sixth in a collidor of 8 doors on each side and two more at the end. The collidor would have a lush red carpet intriccately detailed go throughout it's length and the same design wall mounted candle stands made sure the hallway would look fairly dreamy and illuminated, a red silken drab worked as ceiling decoration, making the hall way flow beautifully. A lot of thought and taste was put in here. But where was 'here' exactly?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked around where was she? She had heard Meril mention private rooms maybe this was one of them still where were he cloths. No gowns or sleeping robes seemed apparent so Jenny grabbed a silken sheet to make a toga like garment she wasn't about to explore in the nude. Guessing the rooms on the same wall as hers where similar to the one she was in it left the two on the end to check. Moving to the closest of the end doors Jenny opened it a crack to see what lay beyond.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The closer room was the more simple looking of the two. Opening the door Jenny would find it to be a storage room, numerous orange drinks, medicine packs, tablets, sheets... strap-ons, dildos, anal-bead the list goes on.

Hopefully she was still in the bar or else she was stuck in some other perverted place. Still Jenny was free to take what she pleased, noone was keeping watch afterall.

The room on the other end, would actually be well known to the girl. Beyond the ornate doors was Nicos bedroom, with Nico herself present in the bed slowly fingering herself, likely not noticing the girl enter.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grabbed an orange potion off the wall and downed it. Licking her lips from the morning after potion Jenny made her way to Nico's room it was strangely comforting and slightly scary at the same time. Stepping back from the door Jenny knocked so Nico could here her and waited for the invite to come in. If given Jenny would first ask about her cloths and what happened last night it was all a blur to the girl after all.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico slowly turned around and smiled warmly at the sight "Jenny! You don't have to knock, come in. Sleep well?" "Aye I did, but I can't find my clothes anywhere." The silver haired woman giggled warmly "Don't worry they're exactly where you left them. Upstairs in your locker, your uniform needed to get well scrubbed though..." Nico shifted closer to the beds edge and looked at Jenny "So~ how was your first night? I have people begging to book one of your tables, from all over town. It was a huge success!"

"After you went to sleep, double shifts tend to do, that I had you moved to one of the staff rooms, while I tallied up the boys costs... something tells me you'll be pleased with the denarii you've earned" Nico winked slyly at Jenny.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blushed "Well I think I got a little carried away the special seems to affect me more than other people. Sorry if I caused a mess I didn't mean to I don't know what came over me." Jenny looked at Nico her own arousal starting to stir again but she did her best to squash it down after all she needed to see Ezalor today. "Thank you for putting me in one of your private rooms. How much do I owe for it?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico giggled warmly "Well your table did put up the biggest show of the night." she winked slyly, it hasn't really come across to Jenny that during her fuck, she was still in the bar. And it wasn't desolate at all, atleast from what she could recall... did she have actual spectators?!

"What are you talking about? Owe me for what? The staff rooms are there exactly for that - for the staff." Nico smiled warmly "As for other expenses, if there are any, we'll just take it out of your pay. Don't worry about going upstairs dressed like that, it's still early in the morning and we aren't open yet."

"Speaking of which, can I expect my soon to be star barmaid, up for another evening today. Perhaps even the night?" Nicos eyes glinted slightly as she looked to Jenny anxiously awaiting an answer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's blush deepened it was starting to come back to her. The memories sending pleasant tingles throughout her body. "Ya yes Ill be back tonight." Jenny didn't know she was sliding deeper into perversion and moving exactly where Nico undoubtedly wanted her to be. "Well I better get dressed I still have a lot of work to do before tonight." Jenny smiled at Nico before heading up the stairs to her locker.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico cheered out in delight and threw her arms up "Oh~ I knew you'd enjoy it! I'll tell the girls to reserve a few tables for you again. I just knew you'd like it" the woman smiled warmly at Jenny, her younger sister will fit right on in "Drop by anytime, I'm always here for you." Nico smiled warmly and lead her up the stairs with her warm gaze, with Jenny looking back with a smile and waving her goodbye warmly. There was just something about the silver haired woman Jenny just couldn't help, but adore... to a questionable degree even.

Still upstairs numerous girls were cleaning up the place, with Jenny blushing brightly as she passed by her spots. A certain table missing likely being scrubbed before opening. The moment Jenny entered numerous smiles greeted, seemed Jenny was considered one of the family now "Mornin Jenny~ Sleep well." Meril smiled warmly at her "Oh~ Wish I got fucked that well last night..." one of the barmaids with red hair tied into two ponytails spoke up playfully "Well if you weren't such a cocksucker maybe they'd still have a hardon to fuck you with~!" the red haired girl yelped out as she suddenly got pinched on her particullary perky and round ass. Much to the smiles and snickers from the other girls. The naughty pincher of fine asses was a woman Jenny didn't see before and likely the only pure black brunnete in the whole place.

Most of the girls were either in only panties or wearing nothing at all, making Jenny stand out. Much to the knowing glances of the girls, seemed Jenny wasn't quite as comfortable being nude as them quite yet. "Your clothes are in the lockers upstairs. I'll have your denarii waiting for you when you get back." Meril smiled warmly, Jenny could stay and chat or just rush off and get properly dressed. Noone would stop her from doing either of the actions.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny waved at the girls but proceeded to head up the stairs and get her things. She of course would return the sheet once she was properly dressed. With her current buisness done at the bar Jenny would grab the occulas and badge to meet up with Ezalor after all he was likely the only one who could help her more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well the girls were busy cleaning up the mess and makign sure evrything was up to part, so Jennys departure wasn't particulary saddening. Upstairs Jenny would find her clothes exactly as she left them. Finally unwrapping her toga-sheet Jenny quickly got into her clothes, castign a glance around the room. Just a few hours ago the girl was here, absolute gutted at what was to come... whatever her opinion of how the evening turned out she kept to herself.

The heroine exited the locker room and closed the door behind her. Dowstairs she could see Meril wave her over from the counter, seemed her denarii was ready "Oh~ 15 denarii for the night and~ 25 denarii in bonuses, after the misc bills. Not too shabby for one nights job eh?" Meril winked slyly "All your tables were very happy at your efforts, color me impressed." so that was a total of 50 denarii that Jenny just earned. The sum was rather... breathtaking, especially for a mere one nights job.

"I assume you'll be back tonight aswell?" whatever Jennys answer was, her travel backpack in tow Jenny would leave the bar, all the girls waving good bye to their youngest sister. Judging by the dew it was very early right now, but Ezalor wasn't exactly an ordinary old man. Likely his library was open, but Jenny was free to do whatever she pleased.

Jenny gains 50 denarii for 'working' in the Kings Rest
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny counted the coins how much did she just make in one day? There was no doubt in her mind she would be back she was addicted now and maybe that was Nico's plan after all either way Jenny needed to work fast before work. Gathering up the occulas and badge she decided to visit Ezalor.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Even at such early hours the library was open. Jenny slowly made her way inside "Hello? Ezalor?" the girl will likely never get used to the distinct smell of aged books that lingered in the place. Still for one old man the place was remarkably clean and pristine... though it wasn't exactly a mystery that Ezalor possesed magical powers, since well books don't usually float around by themselves.

A familiar tapping echoed throughout the halls "A visitor? At this hour?" the bearded and robed old man once more revealed himself "Ah~ young Jenny..." he smiled warmly eyeing her up and down "A blessing from beyond the grave follows you... I take it your quest was successful." he leaned against his staff and looked to the girl a smile lingering on his face.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes the girls are resting at peace now." Jenny returned the smile. "They also let me have this!" Jenny held up the acadamy badge for the old mage to see. "My sisters hunch was right. Now I just need to find the entrance."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ezalor raised an eyebrow in curiousity and approached Jenny "May I?" well Jenny went through a lot of trouble to obtain this... still she wanted to see what Ezalor could tell her about it "Be careful with it..." the old man chuckled warmly as he gently took the badge in hand "Ah~ Yes indeed this is what you're looking for, such strange and powerful magic, trapped in an item of such size..." Ezalor smiled warmly to himself "The mages never cease to amaze me... yes, this is a badge allowing entry even through the most powerful warding magics..."

"But I'm affraid it cannot locate such fields or objects... think of it as a key. And a key cannot find it's lock by itself...." Ezalor floated the badge back to Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded but soon pulled the monocle from another pocket. "I was hoping this would help." Jenny went to Ezalor not even trusting his magic to carry the object for her. "Do you think it will do the trick?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ezalor leaned in closer and smiled once more "Seems like Lina was absolutely correct about her hunches. That's a Mage Oculus, it should grant you special sight to even see the secrets magic hides..." the old man turned to his library and called forth the old map once more "Lina, used a object very much alike to yours to scan this old map. I do believe she found this academy on this very map." Ezalor unfurled the map on a nearby table for Jenny.

Oculus sight:
If Jenny looks at the map:
She'd notice the maps painting shift right infront of her and clear as day reveal a rather large complex near the city marked "Azraels Magical Academy". Seemed it was a few hours worth of travel from the entrance to the city. Deep in the woods.
If Jenny looks at Ezalor
The man shines brightly with pure energies, Jenny could see brilliant holy robes and great majestic angel wings on the man. No doubt he was a very high ranking angel.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny peered threw the occuls and got a surprise about the old librarian. She was simply stunned. She had never seen an angel before let alone be in once's presence. "Oh I I didn't know." Jenny felt a great deal of shame standing before Ezalor after all she was a succubus a fledgling one but still her soul was marked. Did Ezalor see it? Jenny couldn't bare to look at the mage any longer her own shame of what she had been doing welling up inside of her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The peered into the suddenly shocked girl "Ah~ it disperses illusions aswell..." the old man chuckled warmly "No need to be humbled by this old goat, Jenny. Nor be shamed by your own taint." Ezalor smiled warmly "It is ones feats and choices that define who they are, not their nature..." the man slowly extended his hand to the map once more "I believe you were searching for something" seemed Ezalor didn't really react to Jennys shocking realisation about who he was at all.