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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Meril the far more experienced of the two had clearly seen her plan. "Better hold off on the boys we know how quickly they get turned on." Jenny winked at Meril before taking the order to her customers. "Two specials it might just be the best drink on the earth at lest I think so. Can I get you two anything else?" If so Jenny would see to it before checking her other tables.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"We're good for now." the blonde smiled lightly at her barmaid "The best drink in the world eh?" the auburn haired girl sip lightly of the drink, sparking an odd sense of satisfaction inside Jenny. "So~?" her friend leaned forward waiting for an reaction impatiently "Oh... my... god... w-what is this? It's heavenly!" Jenny giggled lightly "Told ya." the two girls would be busy sipping and sharing the sensational feeling the drink brought with it for quite a bit now. Jenny was free to go or stay and watch the festivities, who knows maybe she can wait out another order of the same drink here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well girls if you need anything else just let me know Im going to check on that table of cute guys." Jenny hinted at her intentions with a nod of her head and headed off to see if they needed anything else.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ofcourse" The two girls looke dover curiously to Jennys table of the trio and just giggled lightly, before proceeding to slowly down their drinks and chit chat.

The fellas were just chatting up as always their mugs already nearing the end "Oh hey gorgeus." one of the fellas smiled warmly at her "Well we're gonna need a refill soon..." he glanced over to his friends "Mind helping us settle a bet? The guys don't believe you girls offer... 'extra' services past midnight. It's true right?" Jenny succubus side easily caught hint of hope in the poor lads voice.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the boys and their near empty glasses. "I don't know that's an interesting rumor. The only way to find out is to stay after humm and find out for your selves." Jenny leaned close to the man who had asked letting him get a good view of cleavage. "You do want to know for sure right?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With an incredibly gorgeus girl looming over him with a promiscious offer the poor lad slightly even lost himself "Well uhm.. Y-yeah... but we were thinking helping our friend--" a light punch quickly flew to the guys shoulder from his friend "Dude!" "Oh come on just say it you two... we were thinking if the rumors are true, we've got some denarii saved up to get our friend laid. So~ maybe you knew of someone we can talk to, to arrange a private session for him?" the guy in the middle blushed deep red in embarassment, looked like the virgin wanted to lose his title in a big way.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh?" Jenny smiled at the blushing man. "You boys should wait for the evening relax a little no need to be so high strung. Would you like to have something else to drink or eat? I recommend the special and if you boys stay until the night I might have a surprise for you." With that order done Jenny would see to the noble at her other table to see if he needed anything else.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't say no, nor really react in any particular way to the offer... that meant... "Uhm.. sure we're about to finish our mugs. Bring it over it. Yeah." honestly the boys would've agreed to anything after that conversation and such juicy food for thoughts.

Meril just chuckled lightly when Jenny brought over the order for the special, not saying much just having a very pleased and knowing look on her face. Seems this route of actions would gain her a very strong approval from the succubi in the bar.

The man was busy reading a newspaper with half of snacks gone already, his glass half-empty. He turned to the girl snobbishly "Anything you'd like, sir?" obviously the man wanted to make a just as snobbish a comment, but Jenny was quite the looker afterall... "No I do believe I'm rather good. Please do bring the bill over at your earliest convience." he flipped the page and let Jenny knew the conversation was over.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wasn't expecting much from the man and head back to Meril to fetch his check. "Meril is Mr. DeTurmon married?" If the answer was yes Jenny would get her revenge on the rude man. If the answer was yes Jenny would pay for a warmed cup of the special and give it to Mr. DeTurmon as an apology playing it off as it looked chilly and a warm cup would ease the walk.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yup, but he's an outer-towner. He drops by for a month or so to do his dealings in the town hall and heads on out. Not a particulary faithful husband though..." Meril snickered lightly. Though seemed the man rubbed Jenny in a certain way as she decided to cause a little mischief "Meril.. could you give me a warmed cup of the special... on my tab." Jenny smirked lightly. The bar girl raised an eyebrow in curiousity but did just like she was asked mixing a very low amount of scalding water into a cup of special warming it right up.

"Excuse sir." Jenny smiled innocently "Please accept this free drink as an apology for the wines sub-par presentation." the well dressed man put away his newspaper "Well... thankfully the wine was finely aged, so I won't cut your tip. Thank you..." the man took the drink and proceeded to down it.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Your welcome sir may you have an excellent evening." Jenny proceeded to check the girls table once more to see how they where coming along. So far everything was going according to plan.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Both girls had a healthy blush on their faces by now, and it wasn't from the alcohol. Though unlike to Jenny the special didn't have the instant effect that could cause interesting situations, but with another serving things would start to go down very quickly.

"Everything okay here?" Jenny smiled warmly eyeing her little playthings "Aye~" the blonde giggled lightheartily "Hey Jenny~ Say we were argueing if--" the blonde quickly looked to her auburn haired girl friend with wide eyes, she wasn't... "If you were bi." "Oh~ my god, you totally did ask afterall!" the girls shared a laugh, though the answer to their question may surprise them.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny leaned close to the auburn haired woman and whispered so only she could hear. Bombarding the woman with her pheromones. "Do you want to find out?" Jenny's voice had become very seductive urging no tempting the girl with the secrete.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl quickly got lost in Jennys overpowering presence "Uh-huh..." she eyed the barmaid meekly, leaning closer and closer to Jenny probably even subconciously. Looked like she was at the palm of the succubus hand, now how will she use her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Still keeping her voice a whisper Jenny spoke. "Then you should convince your friend to stay till the late night and you can find out." Jenny stood back up and smiled at the girls and addressing them both. "Can I get anything else for you? Maybe a couple more specials? Ya only live once."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The auburn haired girl seemed somewhat distressed and lost when Jenny leaned right on out and away from her, leaving her in such weak and begging state... "Oh um... I'm not sure we brought that much denarii." the auburn haired girl spoke bashfully, still blushing madly "Let me try to scrounge up some..." the blonde checked her pouches "Think we only have for only one more... maybe we could share?" she turned to her friend "Aye... might aswell."

Jenny could always help the girls out just to make sure her perverse plans go to full fruition, but if the girls don't have any money for another drink her tip prospects were looking low. Then again was she really aiming for denarii from these girls anymore.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Very well Ill be right back girls." Jenny went to the table with the boys. "Hi guys everything good?" Hopefully it was a yes so Jenny could get her next phase going. "Ya know the girls at the other table seemed kinda lonely why don't you guys buy them a drink or two hum?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The trio looked up to Jenny and cheered out "Yup." "Mhm~" "Yeah boy~" well they seemed to be in high spirits and judging by their looks locked on Jennys cleavage only rarely actually looking up to her, their spirits wasn't the only effect that was high.

The guys looked over to the two girls table "Whatcha say guys?" "We are gents afterall" "Ofcourse..." the laughed out merrily "You are going to be around for a bit aren't you Jenny?" receiving their answer they boys would go over to the girls table and offer their company it these were large double corner tables afterall. As they walked away Jenny eyed with great pleasure just how much effort the guys made to hide their hard-ons. The special was working it's magic.

Meanwhile the snob seemed to be trying to catch Jennys attention, looks like the special kicked in for him too, but he wasn't exactly offered a way to release his anxiety so just waved over to Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Hopefully the boys wouldn't get rejected. Either way she did make a few promises she would keep for sure even if her planned orgy only turned into a threesome. Heading over to the rich man Jenny smiled and tried to sound innocent. "Hello sir is their something else I can get for you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes Um..." the man gulped lightly, his body in a akwrd position obviously trying to hide his tentpole "Bi-- no, not the bill. I um... what times is?" for someone so cock-sure and snobbish earlier he sure shriveled up to a meek man rather quickly once his arousal shot through the roof "No fuck it. I may be in need of the extra services, you girls provide could you get Tina-" the man paused and looked over Jenny lustfully "Perhaps, could you please sit down for a moments with me..."

Fortunately for Jennys perverse plan the guys were not rejected at all as they sat down and the newly formed company talked freely and joked around. Meanwhile Jenny could hear the musters coming form the dance hall. The final musical to end the evening program was about to begin.