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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny jumped the shadowy demon in an attempt to grapple the sucker what else was she supposed to do after all this demon seemingly could shift from place to place at will.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attempts to grapple!

Jenny lunged forward attempting to grapple the demon only to fall straight through it's shadowy form, it was like the demon wasn't there at all!

"You... what is a lieutenant of the Shadow Ops doing here." Nico clenched her weapon tightly and gritted her teeth "Oh so you know of us? Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised... "Captain of the Black Widows" he smirked mockingly, much to Nico hate "Such a fearsome opponent, stopped in her tracks by a mere sealing collar." he laughed out loud proudly, Jenny could tell Nico was pissed, but there was little she could do.

Meanwhile Grace quickly ran up to Jenny while the demon was taunting the elder succubus, though the room was so dark it was hard to even tell when the girl approached her "I've never seen him like this... this is wrong..."

Looking around Jenny didn't really notice anything of note, the small flicker of the flames from the boiling pot only illuminated the room so much. She even struggled to find her sword, in this darkness.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got back to her feet and retreated to the fire maybe some of the light would keep the shadow at bay. "Stick together Nico we need to watch each others back." Jenny also listened for the sound of broken plates and cups being moved or kicked around giving her an indication of where her foe might be.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The demon flinched lightly as Jenny started making her way to the fire "As if I'd let you!!" before he even finished the sentence he reappeared infront of Jenny standing directly in her way to the fire, though there was something odd about his arm as it stretched out much beyond the norm and was way thinned than the other one... Why was it so imperative to keep the girl away from it?

Meanwhile Grace was hot on Jennys tail with Nico lifting off to head to the fireplace aswell there was no way he could stop them all, though what they'd do once they reach the darn pot was up to them and perhaps for Jenny to hint for the girls.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Fan the fire we need light." It seemed that was a weakness or at lest an annoyance for the demon in question though what help the small fire could bring was questionable right now. Still Jenny take a swing and move to the fire trying to keep the thing busy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny is smacked around:
16 damage! 54/70 left

Grace perception roll
43 vs 35 win!

Jenny attempted strike down the dmeon once only to see her attack pass right through him, she unlike her weapon though was not so fortunate as she could see a fairly big shadow suddenly from and slam into her, sending her tumbling across the room.

Fortunately atleast one of the girls made up for Jennys misfortunate as Nico approached the fire place and slammed the pop out of place, making it roll to aside, whatever food within it spilling across the floor.

The fire was very small it lightly illuminated around a feet or two, but no more. The girls didn't even know what was this creatures relation to the fire to begin with!

Oddly enough Grace, was actually hiding? Without a word said the priestess ducked under the tables, for some reason. She couldn't possibly be that foolish could she?!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got up once more and made her way to the fire light well as much as her tormentor would allow. She was clues to what was going on or how to fight this thing. Seeing Grace duck under a table to hide Jenny didn't think to much off after all the girl was hardly a fighter. "Any Ideas Nico?" She needed time but there was little she could do untill she got a clear idea on how to use the fire or light.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Darkness demon uses his whip!
45 damage! to Jenny 9/70 left!
37 to Nico! 6/43 left!

"We need to clear the shadows!" Nico scoffed at the weak fire, how will they actually use it? There was just no way to properly illuminate anything with this!

"I'm sorry for disturbing your tactic talk girls, but I really don't have time to play..." a whipping sound echoed through the room, so it wasn't just a trick Jennys eyes played on her the demons left hand did indeed turn into a shadow whip!

Suddenly an attack came at Jenny! As the shadow whip slashed against her body with tremendous force, almost crippling the girl there and now!

The same treatment went for Nico, as it recoiled across the room and into the succubus, leaving a clear sting mark on her exposed body! Making her cry out in pain and kneel down from the force. This creature was strong... too strong! Would their escape really end like this?!

Suddenly a voice rang out to Nico "Catch!" Grace threw a bottle to Nico... it was alcohol! The succubus eyes light up, as Grace placed her soaked blade into the fire igniting it! Nico soon followed the same! Still Jenny was across the room and at the mercy of the demon, if she reached her friends perhaps they would stand a chance!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny made a zig zagging path to Nico she needed to get some fire on her blade though what to do with it then was something else all together.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Darkness demon attacks all three with his whip!
52 vs 70+ nope
Nico is unaffected!
Grace is unaffected!

Jenny quickly got to her feet and ran to the girls, staying in this dark would soon spell her demise.

"Tisk-tisk...Where do you think you're going..." the demon waved his whip-like hand once more and launched an attack directly at Jenny likely ending her!

Seemingly in an instant Nico intercepted the attack covering Jenny with the blade and her body! The shadow whip instantly disperesed upon entering the light!

Looked like they were safe, but how would they beat this thing. Grace quickly ran up to Jenny and gave her the alcohol, while the shadow demon disperesed into the darkness, eyeing the girls menacingly. It wouldn't take long for him to strike again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny breathed a sigh of relief at the handy interception by Nico. Wasting little time she also poured some of the strong liquid on her blade and ignited it. "Any more of that stuff lying around Grace?" Jenny kept her now light blade at the ready and guarding herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Girls look around for any useable bottles:
35 vs 34, 40, 40 Grace and Jenny notice
40 vs 34, 40, 40 Grace and Jenny notice
45 vs 34, 40, 40 Noone notices

Demons attack rolls higher than dodges.
Grace is grappled!

The girls looked around, trying to spot any bottles to fit their needs, though Nico seemed more keen to keep a watch out for the demon. Were they safe in the light?

Though the blades alone didn't really emit all that much light the mess around the room served the girls greatly as their flaming blades reflected from the dishes and silver-ware.

Soon though Jenny noticed a hall-full bottle under a nearby table! "There/There!" seems she wasn't the only one as the Graces voice rangout alongside the heroines. She turned to the priestess a smiled warmly "I'll get it it..." with the light illuminating her she should safe.

Jenny turned her gaze only just barely notice another bottle, not too far away from the first! "Grace there's--" "I see it" with that the priestess slowly stood up two bottled held firmly in her against her body.

"Look out!" suddenly a fleshy tentacle shot out from the darkness coiling around the priestess intent to drag her to the dark!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I don't think so!" Jenny leap into action trying to cut the tendril of shadows holding Grace. Hopefully the tendril would dissipate as the other had.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny cuts off the tentacle!
6 damage done.

Special area effect: Blinding darkness.

Jenny slashed down, forcing a hefty amount of blood to spur out from the tentacle as it wiggled infront of her, releasing grace! "Ew~!" The priestess quickly stepped aside.

It was a brief moment of silence before a chilling roar rang otu through the room. Seemingly lowering a wall of darkness, enveloping the room. The trio could barely see infront of the with the burning blades providing the minimal amount of light to see each other.

"This is bad... we don't have time to fight this thing." Nico scanned the area "We need to move... but which direction. You two remember where the door was?" the succubus looked to the two girls.

Choose a direction to proceed:
Forward [West]
Right [North]
Left [South]
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Follow me!" Jenny went right it was her best guess at the direction of the door. Okay if that son of a bitch jumps us again pelt him with one of those bottles alright." Jenny had a nasty plan but it was contingent on hitting the demon with the alcohol.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Demon attempts to trip Jenny!
32 vs 24 WIN!
Jenny is prone!

Disarming resistance check:
33 vs 24 Jennys fails!
Jenny drops her sword!

Jenny turn skip due to prone.
Jenny is grappled!
Nico attacks the tentancle!
Jenny is free!

2 flame swords and 1.5 bottles remain.

The girls proceeded right, the complete darkness absolutely enveloping them. Grace reapplied the alcohol just incase it burnt out, while it was wasting one bottle if these swords go out that's the end of this fight.

Jenny slowly made her way over a table when suddenly she could feel a whip like tentacle coil around her leg and tug strongly! No matter how she tried the girl fel to the floor her weapon flying out of her hands!

"Jenny!" "Oh no!" thankfully she wasn't alone as the girls reacted quickly to come aid her, though they lost one of the burning weapons now.

It was over yet! As the very same tentacle tightened its grip and was aiming to pull Jenny into the dark! Only to be foiled by Nico this time! Cutting off the tentacle the girl could hear another roar from the darkness "Come on, up you go." Grace quickly ran up and helped Jenny. It was complete darkness they had to advance in a direction.

The girls could see they were at the corner of the room now. Hopefully if they followed the wall they should be able to find the exit...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her blade was lost no point mourning it getting to her feet she urged the girls forward. "Go keep moving." They only had the wall to follow but if they kept moving they would find an exit of some sort.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Whats that sound?
35 vs (G)35; (J)48; (N)26
Jenny and Grace noticed!

The girls continued to hug the wall, Grace pouring some more alcohol just to make sure the fire did not dim or disappear. The girls encountered a few tables and chairs but effectively passed right on.

Jenny was on her absolute edge, she didn't have weapon against the beast so the least she could do was keep a watch out and take care not to lose their only saving Grace.

Perhaps her little fumble was fortunate as her alerted state allowed her to distinguish what she heard. Jennys listened in and could hear some furnature moved and the sounds of something heavy being lifted. She turned to her friends, meeting Graces eyes who heard the same. Though Nico was looking in a really tough spot, seemed that attack hurt her fairly severely, not to mention she was already on edge struggling to control her hunger.

Still, she'd have to rough it through... the sounds meant one thing. The demon would likely throw something their way. It was up to Jenny to decide how they would interecept it and from which angle.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Nico stay close hold my hand." Jenny grabbed for Nico's hand and held it firmly as she kept moving along the wall. No doubt a table or other large object would be heading their way soon so it was best to keep together as much as they could. That way when the inevitable toss would come Jenny would be able to dodge the group out of the way using her experience from fighting on the run to spoil the targets lead. No doubt her target was skilled but his seemed a more melee type of encounter so dodging a heavy table should possible. Judging from when (if she was tossing a table at someone) she would launch her attack Jenny made the trio dive for cover hopefully avoiding any injuries.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Incoming! [bonus for early detection]
46 vs 58; 47; 50

Phase 2 go!

Jenny decided to attempt and dodge whatever was sure to come their way. Grabbing Nicos hand Jenny squeezed it firmly and procceded onward with the Priestess looking over the two like a third wheel, but keeping close.

The group would barely make it two feet forward, as suddenly they could all hear a crash and an whisking off the wind "Dodge back!" Jenny felt the creature would use the darkness and lead the girls with his attacks and indeed the moment Jenny pulled Nico back, some splinters showered the girls from the front, thankfully not harming any of them.

Smiling to each other soon the girls reached the door! "We did it!" Grace beamed a smile, when suddenly a roar rocked the room. Covering the door with 2 fairly thin fleshy tentacles and surprisingly igniting all of the rooms torches "Enough! You will not escape!"

Turning back to the rooms center Jennys could see why the creature earned it's title, it was an amalgamation of tentacles with a base of just a the upper part of the torse, cut off half-way the ribcage, only numerous tentacles twisting and churning below.

Soon the torse rised as the tentacles formed a body of sorts acting like 8 spingly spider legs some tentacles acted as the lower body and two up top as arms. It was an unnerving sight and perhaps an opponent the girls were in no shape to fight.