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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny watched as Grace hit it off with Ezalor and smiled. If only Grace knew who Ezalor really was. Taking the occulus from her bag Jenny gazed at the duo from her position trying to catch a glimpse of the beautiful angel before heading into the darkness. Getting her view of his splendor Jenny turned to her Servo and had him look threw it at the map. "Okay little guy we need to go to that magical academy alright? Can you lead me there?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked back at the duo through the oculus just wanting another glimpse of the shiinign angel in his true form. Indeed it was quite the sight a brillaint white light radiated from the man as his majestic and very impressive wings rested gently on either side. The raggedy robe had revealed itself to actually be quite the beautiful battle armor, with polished light metal adorning the shoulder and chest, some covered in writing, others in actual scrolls. Interestingly enough though, Grace... had the exact same brilliant white light aura around her aswell, though in leeser quantity, the girls beautiful pale skin and flowing hair matched perfectly with the obvious holy power within her. Was this how all holy mages appeared or was there more to the girl than Jenny thought.

Servo moved it's cristal so he could peek through the oculus and took note of the location. The tiny droid looked up and very lightly bowed to Jenny, likely his way to nod an affirmative.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked once more at the duo and headed out leading Servo lead the way. She was likely walking into a death trap with only her trusty rifle and borrowed shortblade. Still she had her friends support and despite recent events she was more than ready for the challenges ahead or so she thought.

Her mind wandered to Nico and the girls especially Rosa. In away she felt sorry for the fallen girl obviously something had driven her into the arms of the demons. Jenny just hoped it wasn't her arrival that pushed the girl over the edge. Still as much as she felt sorry for Rosa she still was pissed that the bitch had Frost but that was a rant for another time. Her thoughts drifted to Mistey and Reicarn the odd couple of the town. She hoped those two finally tie the knot after all with as small as King's coast was their had to be talk. Letting those thoughts pass Jenny thought about Grace and Aylsa and their little girl April. She was such a cute child and Jenny hopped Grace would keep her promise to visit.

(Ive picked what I wanted to spend my xp on but I will add it to the sheet tomorrow)
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The heroines mind wandered to the people she met as the calm of the night soothed her. To an extent it all seemed rather sudden, was it fate or coincidence for all that happened to her. She was hardly human anymore, then again was she ever really a simple human shepherd to begin with or just a dormant creature she had become.

Servo continued to float onwards and out of town keeping his pace easy for the girl to keep up. The sky was clear and the moon illuminated most of the road the two traveled out, hopefully the heroine was ready for whatever challenges are yet to come.

After a brief walk following the road, the girls contemplations were cut off as Servo stopped and stood on his legs. The tiny golem quickly rummaged through the backpack he was given and pulled out the map, turning around one foot at a time and extending it infront of Jenny. His circular hands keeping a firm hold on the paper via traction.

Jenny leaned down to inspect what was the matter only to see wispy blue lights create 2 distinct lines across the map. One cutting directly through the forest and making a B-line to where Jenny knew the academy was, the other was significantly longer and followed the trade route forward and cutting upwards in a direct line from the road at a certain points. Was the heroine going to follow the road a little bit longer or cut through the forest?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Lets stick to the road as long as we can Servo. I have limited resources and I don't want to be spending them fighting mutated squirrels or some such." As she continued on the road Jenny's mind wandered to her training with Reicarn and her first experiences with the man. He was intimidating but thats what a sheriff is supposed to be right. Someone you don't mess with right but she had seen his softer side and despite him bringing the demon hunters to town Jenny couldn't really fault him for that. It was a mess for sure but she knew the girls would take care of each other.

(Jenny gains erotic fighter check her sheet for the skills gain)
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

44 vs 41 fail
54 vs 43 fail
51 vs 31 fail
As Jenny announced the route the wispy trail through the forest on the map disappeared leaving only the one following the road. Servo rolled up the map and placed it in his handy backpack once more before turning back to the road and continueing onwards.

It was nice to have a relaxing and peaceful treck through the night. Even with the winter coming, it was surprisingly warm night. The clear sky, full moon, the sounds of crickets and silent humming of servos magic at work the only things keeping her company... well that and her own thoughts.

The relaxing treck would continue for some time, when some clouds moved in and seemingly stripping the serene nature of the trip. Servo suddenly stopped for a brief moment "Whats wrong?" the little golem turned to Jenny looking to her briefly, then back to the road. How odd... not to mention the small droid soon empower the very small light he used to a much brighter and wider beam, illuminating a fair distance infront.

It would be long till he stopped once more and looked to the forest, turning to his master and pointing into the forest. The light illuminating a small area to pass through the fairly dense flora.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Alright lil guy lead on." The Servo's actions where indeed strange to Jenny but then again the servo itself was strange to her. Still she readied her rifle just in case something decided to ruin her nice walk in the dark. Thankfully her mutations let her see in the dark fairly well even if it did give her eyes a slight red glow.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

46 vs 37
43 vs 32
With that Servo went on forward, the magic surrounding the construct illuminating the fairly high grass as he made his advance, with the heroine right behind him. Jenny clucthed at her rifle, something was just off... it took a little bit of time, but soon Jennys eyes adjusted to the darkness giving her a clear view of what would've been otherwise barely tunnel vision.

Even with her night sight, the trip was unnerving. The formations of some rocks seeming creatures of the wild, the occasional brush movement and twig snapping just out of her sight. Oddly enough Servo had his cristal pressed closely against him too, his movement speed slightly faster than before... was the construct actually scared?

Perhaps it was for good reason as the brush rustling became more apparant and rapid, they were not alone here... a loud howl from up ahead confirmed it. Servo quickly locked down ceasing flight and only keeping enough light for a 5 foot circle. Jenny tightened her weapon grip and looked around, numerous feet scittering around her but out of sight.

Soon one of the creatures emerged from the brush likely the alpha. It was one of the creatures that greeted her into the city. A wolf corrupted beyong recognision though in the dark it's coat was pitch black causing a clear contrast against it's white dull eyes... and shiny sharp teeth.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Wolves why is it always wolves. Still Jenny was far from the scared little girl from before and knew all to well these creatures tactics. Though as warped as they where she might be in for a few surprises. "Sorry Servo!" Jenny moved to the locked down construct and used him as a stepping stone for a leap letting her wings free shredding her already ruined cloths. The best way to fight these creatures was to have the high ground. She may be in a forest but there had to be a branch that could support her weight she just needed to get to it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny: HP: 65/70 EP: 35 PP: 35; Immobile; Stuck; Taking 1d4 damage per round; In flight
Luck rolls 14/100... unfortunate indeed...
Jenny takes minor damage from the branches tearing into her wings.
5 damage rolled

Jenny quickly spread her wings shredding her clothes, but damnit it felt good to let them free once more. Using the locked down little golem as a stepping stone Jenny took to the air!

Unfortunately the thick flora proved to be quite problematic for the inexperienced and fairly wide winged flyer. Jenny felt her wings slam against the branches, the fairly sharp points slamming into her pushign one of her wings back, with her other wing getting stuck in a cluster of branches to her right side.

The heroine hanged down from her right wing, quickly lifting her left one up out of reach of the wolves. The wolves barked loudly and all made their appearances known. There was once more a trio of them, though the way their dead eyes gazed at the exposed heroine was fairly unnerving, it wasn't like at a meal... they were far too concentrated on her other features, more like a mate. The triple scent of pheromones from down below didn't help the girl aswell.

Well atleast she was out of reach, but a shot from this postion may dislodge her. Not to mention it was horrendously uncomfortable... on the bright side the wolves completely ignored Servo.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny hung from her wing the pain clearly annoying her. Still she was away from the wolves at lest for now. Looking about Jenny searched for a hefty branch to grab onto so she could pull herself up and further out of reach of the wolves.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny: HP: 60/70 EP: 35 PP: 35; High ground; Wings ready
Jenny takes 5 damage by branches straining and stabing her wing
Jenny looks for a branch:
44 vs 30 success!

Gods this was annoying, not to mention fairly painful!. Jenny quickly looked around for a branch to pull herself up and on to. Thankfully her night eyes gave her such an impossible advantage than otherwise, helping her see her target fairly easily.

With a little oomph and a swing Jenny quickly latched on to one of the bigger brances and pulled herself up. With an improved position it didn't take much effort to free her wing from the cluster of branches. It was rough, but her plan worked out nevertheless. She was safely out of the wolves reach, who growled and circled the tree looking up occasional at the hope of the girl slipping down.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Secure in her heightened position Jenny took a moment to stick out her tongue at the would be rapists. "Ha didn't know I could do that could ya!" Still taunting beasts was rather boring and Jenny had little time to waste. Taking aim at the large Alpha Jenny steadied herself on the tree and fired.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

59 vs 47 HIT
27 damage!
Balance roll success

Wolves flee!

As Jenny readied her weapon the wolves looked up, their ears at attention knowing the sounds of a weapon being readied all too well! But just as a reminder Jenny aimed down and fired a shot from her superior position right into the alpha! A satisfying yelp escaped the once proud and all too sure creature as the shot temporaly knocked it down! A seeming panic overcame the wolf, before it found its footing and legged it, his 2 companions alongside him.

Jenny could see the grass split as the trio of the corrupt creatures ran away, was it a tactical retreat or were they fear stricken... either way the heroine was in the clear.

Servos cristal floated up and seemingly looked around before the small construct relaxed from it's lockdown and looked around... one feet at a time. Making sure the coast was clear he'd wave to the heroine and await her orders or till she came back to continue their journey.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny waited a moment to make sure the beasts where well away before climbing down. "Well Servo I think we should be very quite from here on out alright." Jenny kept the rifle at the ready ears open and feet silent as she followed servo on the path.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nothing came. After a brief moment Jenny gently jumped down using her wings to negate any impact from the height. Servo jumped up a few times with his hands raised at the victory and soon got into his floating mode lighting up the passage infront.

The two walked for quite a while, some distant howls and strange chirping sounds in the distance not too far away. It was clear they were not alone here and staying here for much longer may prove to be far too dangerous.

In the distance Jenny could see huge husks slowly scitter around the forest, thankfull oblivious to the girls presence... the very same husks that Rosa used to 'punish' her.

Quite a bit of time would pass, but soon Servo stopped once more and turned to Jenny, pointing his hand forward. The deep woods extending in the direction the golem pointed out. Gods don't let it be more wolves...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Servo what can you hear in that direction?" Jenny's voice came out in a whisper as she crouched next to her little friend. "Is it dangerous?" Jenny waited for the servo to perform his listing trick to see if she needed to hid from what ever was up ahead.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Servo quickly reached into the backpack, grabbed the map and unrolled it infront of the heroine a wispy circle of blue energy clearly indicating something. The circle was exactly where Jenny remembered the academy was...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So we made it huh." Jenny took the occulus from the bag and looked in the direction of the academy hoping that any secrete doors would be revealed. If her hunch proved true she would take servo by the hand and walk towards the doors.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It wouldn't be a secret door that the oculus would reveal. The heroine slowly placed the oculus infront of her eyes to reveal a huge dome. It spanned as high and wide as the heroine could see. The domes surface seemed to be shifting and changing, not to mention solid to the touch, the purple energy field not allowing any passage.

The heroine knelt down to Servo and rummaged through the bag pulling out the badge, time to see how this 'key' worked. Jenny eyed the object in her hand, how was she going to go about it gaining passage with this?

At first Jenny tried to just raise and yell "Open!", not to much success. So perhaps direct contact was the way... the girl ever so slowly extended the badge and gently touched it against the dome. As if popping a bubble, a small passage opened up bright light pouring out of the dome, slamming fairly painfully against the heroines night adjusted hands.

Covering her face slightly from the light, Jenny offered her hand to Servo. The little golem look to the heroine fairly unsure, but extended his small hand and followed her in... one foot at a time at a rapid pace.

A few step inside Jenny could hear a the small passage close up once more behind her. She arrived to the academy...
The dome had it's own weather - the sun(?) shinned down brightly upon the two, some birds singing in the distance and the sky being clear blue, with only a few lazy clouds rolling around. Jenny had to take a double take to make sure what she was seeing was real... what magic was this. With the chill outside she felt severely overdressed in here.

Infront stood the entrance to the courtyard, looking around Jenny only saw a wall atleast 8 feet tall blocking out her line of sight inside. The gate itself was busted down, one side of the double gate etched deep into the ground with the other bent out of shape, between them though seemed to be enough space for the heroine and her tiny companion to slip inside.