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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The thing was to strong she couldn't fight it at lest not like normal. Jenny's eyes glowed red again. "If thats what you wanted all you had to do was ask." Jenny shifted her own underwear allowing the beast free reign of her sex and even wrapped her legs around the beasts getting ready for the ride.

Jenny is such a slut she is not resisting any more and lets the beast have its way with her
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shifts the remains of her clothing.

Jenny is penetrated!
Hellhounds deals 29 PP
Jenny deals 52 PP

Hellhound orgasms and is stunned!

Jenny gets knocked up and then some!

Jenny felt the creatures cock slowly grow as it grinded itself against her belly before reaching a very impressive size. it was far too strong for the girl to take out wth her blade, instead she'd just submit and teach one more of these rapist creatures, how careful they should be when picking their victims.

Noting its victim submission the creatures snarls and growls ceased as it panted happily and took a few steps back. Likely just so it could get it's rod in it's victim. Jenny made it all the more easier as she raised her legs and presented herself as a willing mate for the creature, her eyes burning red and face carrying a cruel smirk.

The hellhound wasted no time sliding into the girl, it's knot slipping in effortlessly as it lowered it's weight and started fucking the girl silly, knocking a significant amount of air with each rapid thrust. All that strength and agility was now solely focused to spread it's seed into it's pray.

Though this was Jenny afterall and the creature didn't last quite as long as the girl... quite frankly would've actually liked. For being raped by a creature such as this the girls body was certainly enjoying the ride. It's huge cock and rapid fucking would've likely ruined a simple human, but Jenny of all things was far beyond simply human. Jenny moaned loudly as the rapist mutt continued it's fuck, but unfortunately she was soon cut short as the creature filled her up, a huge amount of it's cum splashing outside and onto the rapist itself, absolutely soaking Jennys lower half.

The hellhound panted hotly and was starting to get it's grip. It was done here...though obviously it was completely offguard after the fuck.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Oh no no no it wasn't just gonna tease Jenny like that it would get her off. Jenny latched on to the creature using her and began to impale herself on the creatures rod using her tight pussy and excellent muscle control to bring the beast back to hardness once more. Impailing herself on the rod Jenny drained as much energy as she could with out killing the creature after all she didn't want to devour any more souls let alone this creatures.

fuck and suck till the hell hound is unconscious
Then stab it to finish it off
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny force-fucks the hellhound during!
Hellhound is stunned and has no say in the matter!

Jenny deals 58 PP and drains more than enough EP!
Hellhounds deals 33 PP

Jenny orgasms
Hellhounds orgasms

Jenny kills the hellhound.
[xp's later]

Jenny wasn't done with this thing by a long shot. And it's woozy state and knot inside her made it all the more easier for her to completely exploit the creature.

The succubus grinned evily as she rode the rod, more and more of it's soul essence flowing into her "Whats the matter boy? Not enjoying yourself?" Jenny giggled evilishly before closing her eyes and biting down on her lip, feeling the odd cock absolutely fill her out.

It was all too easy to drain this thing, almost boring, but at the very least it'll find a fitting end. Jenny increased her rate holding on to the creature dearly as her body fucked the creature silly "Yes... yes... YES!! AHA!!" a massive amount of soul essence flew into Jenny making the creature collapse during the mutual orgasm. Making the mess around their sexes all the more worse.

Jenny slowly got up, helped with a little shapeshifting to get the knot out her, took her blade and approached the pathetically weak creature "Good night, Fiddo." the creature yelped one last time as a blade pierced through its eye. The heroine twisted the blade inside and pulled it out of the corpse it's legs jerking one last time.

Now then... where was she.
Jenny is on the left side of the tear, she can see VERY impressive double doors near her. A simpler on if she went north and then that open door where the hellhound came from.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny kicked the dead hell hound out of spite. Looking around at her options Jenny decided to check the new doors near her and this time she took all the stealthy precautions she could.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The nearest door was actually a silver and gold double door, heavily reinforced. The girl cautiously approached it and almost felt dizzy from something in the air. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't hear beyond the exceptional double door.

Soon Servo showed up once running to and jumping out of joy to see her victorious once more. Jenny almost felt like under the spotlight, as the little guy continued to look to her happily.

Any attempts to open the door were a complete failure. Looking around the area Jenny noted a small board reading "Power room". So this was the academy power supply room, perhaps the magical energies from her is whats messing with the oculus.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Humm well that was a dead end for now still there where plenty of other rooms to check. Looking down at Sir Jenny smiled. "Yeah that was a close one Sir it had me worried. Come on lets check what that thing was guarding." Jenny would lead Sir back to the room where she found the Hellhound and look around it to see if anything of value was present or any clues to where her sister might be.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys footsteps echoed deftly through the hall, though she could see with her night eyes. The details still escaped her, if only she could find a way to light this room up...

At any rate soon the girl was at the open door area, these doors were dark perhaps black, with bright red ornaments. The sign nearby reading demonology. Well that explained that. Jenny peeked inside carefully just to be sure there wouldn't be any more surprises in store.

Thankfully the room was empty. It was a large circular area with numerous bookshelves on the sides and some training dummies at the other end of the room. The heroine slowly entered the room, when it suddenly light up! Numerous small flames sparking mid air and one in the middle. The sight though wasn't too comforting, at the very least there was no blood here... but the ground was litered with shreded black robes and dried up white stains. It was almost everywhere... someone sure had some fun in here.

Looking around Jenny noted a gentle shimmer from one of shredded robes, otherwise there was a whole bookshelf to check, nothing else of note in the room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well it didn't take any stretch of the imagination to figure out what had transpired here but before getting a load of memories from the robe Jenny decided to check the book shelf for anything she could read or might be useful later especially against Rosa. If that searched turned up bogus Jenny would close the doors to the room before touching the robes just to make sure she didn't have any unwanted visitors.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny approached the bookshelf and took one random book. Honestly the only difference Jenny saw between them was their color. The girl was about to look over the book when suddenly it snapped open in hands and flipped to a page! An incantation instantly locking her attention, though it was the same arcane dribble Jenny already knew and hated, this one she could somehow read out. Felt almost compelled to do so...

Aenigmate somniare creatura libido et oderunt. Aperuero transitum pro vobis per hoc porta. Et hac necessitate adiuvare portabit semen tuum.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The words called to her and Jenny couldn't almost help her self words formed at her mouth but Jenny resisted speaking them. Mustering what will power she had Jenny tried to look away and close the book its words burned into her mind.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Resistance check:
40 vs 37 [another natural 20 to the rescue]
Jenny resists

Jenny snapped the book closed as it flew right back to the bookshelf. The girl had to shake her head briefly feelind a little woozy. This was a demonology class afterall best be careful, not to something silly.

Upon closer inpsection, if the girl didn't pay such heed to the stains and taters around she noticed there were numerous runes and symbols here all surrounding one huge engraving spanning the whole room. A symbol of some sorts.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Shaking her head Jenny closed the door and moved to the robes. Looking down at them she sighed. "Ready Sir lets see what Dark Secrets this holds. Reaching down Jenny hesitated over the robe a moment before touching it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

OUCH! It burns! Seras moved her hand away from the fire... honestly she should've known better "Seras what are you doing this time" Steve looked over to the girl non-chalantly "I'm trying to tame the hellfire spell." her fellow student rolled his eyes "If you're looking to tame fire you're in the wrong class. Focus! We need to finish this summoning spell. The other teams are already ahead of us" "S-sorry..."

Seras cursed silently at her failed attempt she always had a knack of playing with fire, why wouldn't this hellish flame want to play with her aswell. Still the instructor had 5 groups of 2 summon forth and subdue a demon. Honestly every time they completed the ritual, every damn time the demons always looked to her in an unnerving fashion.

Though she knew the cause of the attention. Demons are lusty creatures and the girl was gifted with fine DD's and a beautiful figure. Even with the crimson baggy robes, the foul creat-- "SERAS! Stop day dreaming you've got that summoning rune in check." "OH! AYE! One moment!" the girl quickly scrambled to her feet and finished the rune.

A round of applause could be heard from another point of the room, as an exceptional beauty slowly emerged from the rune: Red haired, extra curvy, covered in dark leather and demonic wings finishing up the package. "Reginalds team... ofcourse." Steve grumbled "They're always first... I don't get it" Seras gently whined as she added the finishing touches to the rune "Yeah well, he's been 'practicing'. Every night actually..." Steve slowly shook his head "He'll end up like Hulus... You all set?" he gave the book over to Seras.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A sense of shock came over Seras though it was extra potent for some odd reason. "Hulus you mean the drop out? Did something happen to him?" Seras tried to remember what she had heard about Hulus searching her brain for memories though she wasn't sure why she was so interested all of a sudden.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Steve gave the girl the book "M? Didn't I tell you this already?" Seras looked to Steve curiousity in her eyes "Terry Hulus? The loser who got spun so hard a succubus finger he abbandoned the academy and signed off his soul to her." the student snickered lightly "Back in the day, they didn't have these binding writings around, so you had to pay a price for summoning a demon." Seras knew the price... a fairly disturbing one at that "Sex?" Steve nodded firmly "Mhm.." Steve casually nudged his finger for the girl to open up the right page "Get sexed up by a succubus enough times and you'll end up the servant, not her. That's why we have regulations when and how you can summon a succubus."

Steve looked across the room to the group, the succubus having a glint in her eyes whenever near Reginald "Regis been breaking this regulation for quite awhile now..."
The incantation is the same, but without the last line... Seras ofcourse could goof up :rolleyes:
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"How come you don't report him to the professor?" This last part was said in a whisper. Seras looked to the book her eyes focusing on the words though more came to mind than what was written. "Aenigmate somniare creatura libido et oderunt. Aperuero transitum pro vobis per hoc porta. Et hac necessitate adiuvare portabit semen tuum." Almost possessed Seras spoke the words not knowing Jenny had influenced her though unintentionally in completing the spell.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Steve looked around shadily "I'm not a snitch and you best not say a word too. The dorms would be ridding our asses in no time." the student sighed lightly "Besides, when he's abusing the spell the succubus is still dominated by him. I doubt he's learned it from books." Sera flipped to the right page, listening to her friend "You think it was one of the professors" Steve silently eyed Seras "Eh enough about that, come on let's finish this up" Seras started reading the incantation "But students under professor C--" "-Et hac necessitate adiuvare portabit semen tuum" Steve even lost his trail of thought as the girl used the full incantation... the one used in the older days, with the promise of in exchange of aid, the summoner would accept the demons... oh dear.

Seras closed the book happily as the rune ignited nearby, though noting Steves face she quickly caught whiff that something was off. What did she wrong?

From the burning red rune slowly a heavily armored and tall demon, it's jagged sword aflame and overall appearance seared. It looked to it's summoner, eyeing her up and down before a smirk formed on it. A gasp escaped from the room, how the heck did the girl summon a demon of such power! The armored knight knelt down before her "I await your orders, little summoner."

One of the instructors quickly ran up to the duo "What did you two do?!" "I-I just..." looked like the full incantation brougth forth much more potent results, but at what cost!

The instructor whispered something nearby some chains wrapping around the summoned demons hand and feet, but it stayed on it's knee before Seras. Ignoring anything and everything around. Steve was just speechless.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Seras just looked a little shocked at the whole ordeal until she finally gathered her wits about her. "Demon tell me the secretes of taming hellfire." Sera's couldn't think of anything else to ask or command the demon to do. At the back of her mind though she felt a strange burning desire as well as fear and a single stray thought that didn't belong to her. 'What if its sees me...'
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What?!" Steve eyes shot up wide, first she summons this thing then she goes off to ask such questions! These freshmen will be the end of him! The demon snickered lightly "There is no secret, little summoner. Hellfire cannot be tamed, it can only be manipulated and steered." thankfully the demon was under the domination effects in the room. No matter how powerful it was till the runes hold it obeys it's summoner no matter what.

"Steve! What were you thinking! This is basic summoning" "I dunno I didn't expect her--" "None of your excuses! I'm deducting this reckless behavior from both of your grades!" The instructor returned to the other groups, with Steve giving Seras a scornful look.

Still she didn't mean it. It was simple freshamn mistake... however this demon. It wasn't the first time the girl summoned forth something, usually it was a grunt. Sometimes a hellhound, but this was different. Not to mention there was just something else in the back of her head, right after finishing the incantation and seeing the demon.... she couldn't shake off odd thoughts about it. To have sex with a being of such power?

Soon thought the rest of the class finished up their assignments. 3 grunts 1 succubus and Seras demon in total. It was time to asign the grades "Reginald and Trueman, a perfect summon. Bravo." ofcourse they did, Seras crossed her hands "Victoria and Ysera, a beautiful hellhound. Very well done..." "My payment." a chill ran down Seras body as she heard her summon speak, as it tugged firmly at the chain holding it in place "My payment is due... Seras..."

The girl almost froze up from the words, why did she actually.. did she actually want to "Shut your mouth demon! We've got enough trouble already." the demon silently cackled. When suddenly the ground shook violently! A powerful seeming forcefield penetrated the room from the north side, enveloping the room.

"What was that?!" all the summoners looked around curiously, but their summons all looked to their hands and cruel smiles appeared on them. A ringing sound of chains falling down leading Jenny out of it

A distant echo of lewd moans, in her mind for a brief moment before she woke up. Servo running up to her and hugging the girl as best he could. She was back in the hall and from this position she noticed another small detail... a crack in the wall to her right, so blood on the ground below.
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