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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I guess I can rest a little bit but not for long. In truth I don't belong here and I should leave. Im no mage and I have no idea what patterns to look for and it seems untill I do I would just be wandering for eternity." Jenny sat on the grass feeling the green blades in her hands it almost felt like home. She would rest for a moment recoup her strength a bit. "So your not real then or at lest not my perception of you? Do you think I should explore more or leave?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Mmm... depends. How clear is your conscience?" she turned around look down at Jenny, a beautiful smile on her face "There is a lot to see here, but not everything nice. Though if I came, chances are you're a pervy girl." the nymph giggled girlishly "Your greatest sin, can come to really tear away at you... let's see... mhm Lust." she winked slyly at Jenny "So you'll attract rooms related to it. Still chances are you'll stumble into a few oddballs. Think of it as a adventure!" she grinned happily.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Standing up Jenny looked at the Nymph blushing "Well given what I am I'm not surprised by that. Though it could be worse I suppose." It would be nice to stay here but her sister was in danger the whole reason she came to this place was for her everything she had done and suffered was so she could find her and rescue her. "I should continue on I need to find my sister and maybe their is something in here that can help. Thank you for the company uhhh Miss. Will I see you again?" Getting her answer Jenny would pick another random door. Skipping over the one she went in before at lest from her perception of it Jenny decided that hallway number 3 would be her next target and moved that way before stopping at the threshold. "Umm Miss can you tell me something? What is the prayer of Janis?" Getting her answer or lack of Jenny moved on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Effect #49
"To help? Hummm... I like you Jenny, so I'll let you in on a secret." she knew her name? The girl never introduced herself "Find out more about Professor Einhart, follow his steps and you'll find Lina." she continued to rest on the blossom playfully swinging her legs.

The nymph just giggled at the comment about their possible meetup, not answering it "Prayer of Janis? Silly girl, there is no such thing, but there is an answer to the question you seek." obviously the nymph knew disturbingly much, but was not keen on sharing much with Jenny.

Still with that Jenny proceeded to the third door and stepped through. Bracing herself for whatever comes next...

Jenny opened her eyes to reveal around a hunched over old man in a cloak, the exits behind him blocked off by some dark mist "Stop! Who would cross the mist of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side she see." the man eyed Jenny patiently and awaited her to approach.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed and looked at the old man. "Very well sir I accept your challenge ask your questions."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The barely straightened out and licked his lips in delight "WHAT... is yer name?" did this one really count? "WHAT... is yer favorite color?" hopefully the girl didn't mix up colors...

"What are the faculties of magic available in the Kings Academy?" the old man looked to Jenny and awaited an answer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well this was an odd fellow. "My name is Jenny Ann Hulus my favorite color is grass green and which magic spirit or arcane?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The old man blinked briefly "I don't know that..." suddenly the gatekeeper was lunged back into one of the deathly fogs, disappearing forever. The deathly fogs would soon disperse allowing Jenny to continue on her travels.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

....... That was odd poor man still Jenny couldn't let that bother her as she moved forward selecting door number 2 this time. "This place is getting stranger by the minute."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Effect #35
Well that was strange... still there was hardly a reason to feel sorry for the old man. Jenny just continued onwards beating her challenge easily.

The second door was going forward. Jenny braced herself entered inside...

The room did not have anyone or anything in it. Well that was almost disappointing when suddenly, the gentle wind that was always throughout the area breezed against her skin and her exposed folds. Sending a shiver of excitement through the girls body.

She's become ridiculously sensitive! Her nipples instantly hardened at the very meek caress. Spending more time in this room may provide interesting side-effects... still perhaps she should get out of here as soon as possible!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shivered that felt good... to good. "I better get out of her before the wind gets any other ideas. Jenny's face was flush as he began to move to the next door she picked which was number 1 though she hesitated a moment to feel the effects again before moving on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Effect #41
Jennys resistance is drained by 10
10/20 left

The longer Jenny spent in the room the more sensitvie she had become, to the point of just the simple feeling of the gentle breeze against her body felt like gentle caresses. Jenny really wanted to stay put pushed onwards taking the first pass to her left.

The moment Jenny entered the room she shortly choked on the change of air, this room was filled to brim with odd pink gas... which actually had a very pleasant scent to it. After a while Jenny caught herself giving healthy breathes of the gas into her it felt marvelous! Her body heated up from the joy as her hand slowly slid down her ultra sensitive skin. She was so drenched... WAIT!

The gas was aphrodisiac! There was no doubt about it!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No not good! Jenny closed her mouth refuseing to breath as she stumbled threw pink gas to the next path which turned out to be path number 3.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Effect #9
Jenny is healed to full health
Realising her current situation Jenny quickly shut her mouth and dashed towards the closests exit! the gas all too keen to seep into her turnign her to acts of perversion she might regret...

The heroine lunged forward and rolled out on the other side, gasping for air. This room was different as well... what now?

Jenny raised her head and looked around... soothing light green energy seeped from the floor. The stream ever so gently moved over her body and seemingly focused on her bruises from her rumble with the meat puppet, the bruise healing up to perfection. Thankfully this room seemed to be safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stopped a moment to breath fresh air into her lungs and to expel the gas that had entered. This was a good spot to rest and let her body return to normal (Resting till my resistance is back up to 20). After a while Jenny looked around and picked another random path to follow. Picking it looked like path 2 would feel her foot falls again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's resistance returned to normal.
Jennys sensitivity returned to normal.

Effect #29

This was a perfection location for the girl to take a braether and let her body reattune to normal. Time seemed to simply disappear, how long did she spend relaxing there? 10 minutes... or two hours. Nevertheless soon she felt herself back to normal, her body back to it's status quo.

Picking out a door Jenny proceeded onwards, time to see what this strange area had in stock for her...

Jenny opened her eyes noting the room being as empty as she ever. No strange gas'es, energies or the like. Odd... the girl took a few steps forward feeling a fairly strong wave of wind run across her body, from her thighs and up, rounding the girls magnificent bust.

Well this was disapp-- that wind was dancing around her in fairly odd fashion, as if someone was actually touching her. Jenny looked around quickly just to make sure, when suddenly the sensation of her breasts being lifted by a pair of stong hands was clear as day! Another pair of hands seemingly ran across her thigh and round her ass, trailing her with great care. Someone was definedly groping her and rather actively, but she couldn't see who it was. It wasn't invisibility either... that mean it was.. a ghost! A particulary pervy one though.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny pressed on horny ghost be damned. Hopefully the thing didn't try to disrupt Jenny to much as she made her way forwards. That however was not the case as the ghost or ghosts pulled and teased throwing Jenny of course till she tumbled onto path 1 and out of their reach.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was almost out when suddenly she felt a hand grab her leg tripping the girl just out of reach and dragging her back towards the middle of the room. There was no opponent to kick or fight back, leaving the heroine compeltely at the mercy of the ghosts.

That didn't stop the girl from trying to kick where the offender could've been Jenny kicked forward only to feel another hand take hold of her ankle aswell, making it all too easy to position the girl.

There was a brief pause at the middle, giving Jenny just enough to think they were gone when suddenly she felt herself raised up from below by several hands, well looked like there was no getting away now.

Soon she felt two strong firm hands, ever so gently grope her as another slid it's way across her back turning at her thigh, the sensation of touch disappearing for a moment before reappearing. The hand holding her legs eased up on their grasp, just enough not to discomfort the girl, making sure her legs were nice and spread.

And then it started... the hands previously gently groping her roughened up their treatment, squeezing the girls breasts just enough and pinching or tugging at her nipples with jsut the perfect amount of force to make it exceptionally enjoyable. A few pairs of hands started moving up and down her thigh almost worshiping the touch, another pair was busy feeling out her ass, giving her a playful spank, yet another pair of hands was busy running througout her body with a gentle almost ticklish touch. And ofcourse soon she felt a pair of fingers run along her folds massaging the girls sex and playing with her clit. Soon... unbelievably there was even more them! As she felt a pair of fingers spread her pussy, two fingers wet fingers massaging her most sensitive spots, before slipping inside and thrusting at a delicious rhytm, slow enough for the girl to enjoy the crazy worship she was receiving, but fast enough to give the sensation of a good fingering.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt her face heat up as the sensual treatment wore away her defenses."No stop please I have to find my my..ooohhh no I got got to have more more more more!" Jenny tried to thrust herself onto the fingers violating her pussy moaning like a whore in heat. "Harder harder spank me harder! MMMmmmm ahahhhh ohhhhhhh." Jenny let her self go enjoying every touch and tease every thust and spank.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The ghosts certainly delivered keeping their assault while, dleivering on the requests the hands which earlier only groped her ass soon added some spanking and a good rub to really feel her out. The previously two fingers feeling the girls eagerness soon were joined by a few more, each facing pressing against Jenny in a enjoyable way.

The more Jenny let go, the more faster and skillfully the hands worked on her, Soon making her indulge in her perversion fully her breast a perfect plaything while the girl was fucked. Her moans echoing loudly throughout the room.

All this mix of sensations was soon too much, as Jenny moans got higher and higher till finally the girl, finally reached her orgasm! Seemingly dispersing all the ghost with it. Jenny was left on the floor to bask in her afterglow, the ghosts jobs here were done.