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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moaned as the demon pulled on her tits. It felt so good to be dominated by this demon might enjoy it while she can. "Harder! Harder!" Jenny slapped the demon urging the creature to do more and more while she rode the cock in her ass.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While the demon didn't care much for the girls urges, her offer was far too good to pass up. Still it was impossible from this position... the demon suddenly stopped much to the girls dismay, his firm grasp not allowing the girl to object with her body. He quickly got up and dropped the girl down making her land on all fours, moments before she felt a stinging slap against her ass and the demons hands grabbing her waist firmly slamming her down the cock to the same hole as before.

It was rough, it was nasty, brutal, dirty... it was wonderful! Jennys eyes went cross as her tongue shot out feeling the very substantial cock enter her at very forceful and satisfying way. It was the girl getting her body used like it was meant to be, feeling just right.

The rough fucking continued for some time, before she felt cock engorge and fill her up seemingly pushing the girl back. Till suddenly she felt the demon grab at her hair not allowing her to move off the cock and forcing his seed inside her.

Right after that he changed holes with a satisfying slick noise, the girls sex utterly drenched and still leaking from the previous filling. Unless Jenny opposed or did something else, after what seemed hours and several orgasms and filling after fillings. The demon would be done....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny let the demon use her in all manner of dirty vile ways but she didn't care her usual centered self had taken a long vacation and wouldn't be back till after the demon was done with her. When the demon was finally spent and departed Jenny would slowly come to one eye stuck shut from dried cum. She was sore all over and covered in dried demon cum. It was on her back in her hair on her face. "What came over me?" No one would answer that question however but as the memories of what transpired came back to mind she quickly looked over herself to make sure she didn't have any extra limbs or such. Settling down after what she found or hopefully not found Jenny would find her chalk and draw a circle she was done for now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Prego roll: 1 NOPE
Demons know their safe sex

The more time Jenny spent fucking the demon the dirtier and more perverse the sex had become. At the end of it all Jenny was completley pumped and covered by the demons foul seed. The demon sighed with relief and with a content grin made his way back to the center of the summoning enrgaving "Fuck you're fine. I'll make sure the boys hear about your name, Jenny. Don't be a stranger and call whenever you need another round, whore." he cackled happily as he took his greatsword in hand and submerged into the rune, fire tongues dragging him back to hell.

Jenny awoke soon after absolutely drenched from head to toe, sore all over and her mind slowly recalling more and more of what transpired here. This was quite enough... the girl slowly got up and drew a circle around herself, the chalk beaming brightly, a bright light igniting once Jenny stepped inside.

Jenny opened her to see familiar chair, the hallway leading into the room and behind her... thank the gods, the exit! With Servo still peeking inside exactly as she left him!.. as in exactly as she left him. Did the lil guy freeze up or has the room twisted time aswell?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved towards servo exhausted and dirty. "Lets head back to the resting place Sir I need to recoup a little." Jenny walked past her little friend and headed back to the tare hoping to rest up and recoup a bit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny never thought she'd think this... but it was nice to be back here. Atleast there wouldn't be any magic tricks pulled on her whenever she passed to another room.

The girl slowly stumbled forward with the tiny golem cleaning her up gently and offering a tattered piece of cloth. The remains of some robes likely. Still judging by Sirs reaction Jenny to him wasn't gone longer than a few minutes perhaps even less.

The two walked forward Servo infront and looking back to Jenny to make sure she was fine. The heroine smiled at the concern, she was perfectly fine honestly, just tired and more than a little sore... though very satisfied inside. Perhaps that would catch up after the girl found somewhere soft to lie down.

Jenny was near the tear when suddenly she heard the shuffling of feet earlier VERY clearly. Looking to the sides she noted around 6 of the meat puppets, 3 through the left staircase and 3 through the right, were making their way down! The creatures moved slowly and one step at a time, staring blankly forward... but would surely get down eventually.

The tear was likely the safest place to go either way, Jenny stepped forward and fell through the portal, landing cozily on the fine rug. The orchestra of violins continuing their soothing music as before.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny turned to the tear and wondered if the meat puppets could accidentally stumble in here. Was their a way to close it? She had no clue and so decided to rest keeping an eye on the tear just in case rifle at the ready.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys is rested

While the unease of potential threats lingering soured up the girls rest, soon she eased up and relaxed a bit lieing on the comfy bed the fine silks touch like felt like heaven.

Servo was busy inspecting what made the instruments work, while keeping an on the tear. For the moment it was safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt rested relaxed and was soon back on her feet. Looking around at the books Jenny sighed likely they where all filled with all manner of perverse tales but maybe maybe there was a journal she could use sense the diary was sealed from her. Hopeing that she was on the right track Jenny would look threw the books trying find the journal she wanted the journal of Professor Einhart. If that proved to no avail Jenny would look at the various portraits and check the desk one more time.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well since she was here migth aswell take a look around. Jenny approached the gargantuan bookshelves and looked them over. There had to be more here than perverse tales! She checked several other books, well they weren't all perverted tales, but there was one problem. Jenny would be damned if she could read this darn arcane dribble!

Why couldn't these mages just write in simple understandable languages... yeesh. Still Jenny looked over the bookshelf, to no avail. Then again finding a personal journal of a proffessor in a book shelf would be quite odd... unless this room was professors room!

Jenny quickly glanced over to the table and looked for anything, mentioning who's room was this! Under the piles of failed scribbles... and attempts at drawing girls with fairly oversized eyes... she finally found something useful! Jenny picked up a name plate and checked what it said "Archmage Azreal"... where did she hear that name before?

Thinking it over, the heroine placed the nameplate down and looked over the pictures. Well they were fairly simple pictures, oddly enough with names missing from beneath them. But one picture, unfortunately had a very clear nameplate beneath it, engraved in a golden plate was written "The Grand Master of Kings Academy, Archmage Azreal" Jenny raised her eyes to the gutwrenching sight... it was right beneath the picture where the mans face was a blue flam enveloped skull. Hopefully this was a metaphor...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was clear that none of the books on the shelf could help her at lest until she learned to read arcane writings. "Arch Mage Azreal huh her could probably teach me how to read arcane scripts." Jenny looked over at the desk and back to Sir. "He wold probably do it for a little personal company to. Still he is either long dead or long gone." She sighed Jenny cannot stay in this room forever as she would simply starve not to mention never find Lina. "Come on Sir we have meat puppets to kill or evade rather." Jenny moved to the tear blade ready if they where close this would be her best bet. Taking a deep breather Jenny moved threw the portal ready for what may come or at lest she hopped she was.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lina wasn't going to be saved, much less found while sitting in this tear. Jenny gathered up her strentgh and with a pat on the liltle golems head both headed out, ready for whatever comes next.

Unfortunately "it" came in force. Jenny ducted behind a pillar and looked around there were around 6 meat puppets here with her. 4 standing aimlessly while two patroled ever so slowly around. Be it as it were, the underground was in complete darkness. Sneaking around these creatures shouldn't be too hard... perhaps even kill them, but one odd sound the whole room would converge upon the heroine...
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had a plan but now wasn't the time for it. If the meat puppets had come down here their should be less upstairs now should be the time to check the spirit warrior class. Moving silently Jenny snuck past any of the puppets she needed to to get up to the class she desired.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys sneaks back up the stairs.
Stealth checks:
52 vs 27
53 vs 25
53 vs 25
47 vs 24
41 vs 36

36 vs 35 phew

All checks out. Jenny went ninja mode.

Servo had his light turned to a very dim, the lil guy was powered by magic afterall whether he liked it or not, he still emitted a very faint glow. Still he was trying really hard to reduce it, if he had fists the lil guy likely had them clneched like mad!

The duo silently moved upstairs, the meat puppets not even getting a whiff of their presence in the darkness.

Jenny quickly made her way upstairs and so happy to be out of that dark, grim place she wandered out in the open taking a deep breath. Only to hear some breathing from her left!

The heroine quickly ducked behind the corner and looked to the source. The same meat puppet from before that had been resting against the wall still was there... though thankfully none of his kin were around.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's eyes narrowed as she readied her blade. No this one will not be getting away. Even if it was mindless it had offended her. Taking aim Jenny swung for a clean swipe at the creatures head.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth check:
43 vs 40 Jenny wins


Jenny rapidly approached the creature her blade at the ready. The meat puppet slowly turned its head towards her and before it could even fully grasp the presence there and raise it's hand Jennys blade clanked against the marmur wall. The puppets head rolling down towards the center of the room leaving a oozy black substance trail.

Looked beyond the path was clear, Servo was close behind Jenny looking over the puppet in a fairly scared manner even stopping by and poking it, only to awake it's post death twitch causing the small golem to dash to Jenny even lighly bump into her leg.

Either way the coast was clear. Jenny sighed with relief and proceeded forward. Re-entering the hall it was very much the same sight as before. 2 section for the main training area. One closer to her surrounded by collumns and with numerous training dummies... thankfully not the meaty kind, standing firmly except 1.

On both sides there were some doors Jenny could check, but how many would be hard without going to investigate one of the areas wings. Jenny could check the left or right side, the training dummy area or go deeper forward to check the sun illuminated court.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The training dummies had caught her attention earlier but she decided to check the wings first to make sure there where no more surprises waiting for her. Patting Sir on his head slightly Jenny made her way to the left wing remaining silent using her ears and eyes to find any hidden foes.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny chose to inspect the left wing first.

The heroine, approached the area keeping an ear out for any of the foul creatures that lived here. Thankfully nothing truly stood out. The was a very short hallway forward here, leading to broken down door. A wide red cross hanging on one chain above the single entrance there. Looking along the the wing there were 2 doors rather nearby and 1 in the distance near the sunny area.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Humm what do you think Servo? Shall we check it out? There might be more potions and healing supplies in here." Nodding to her little companion Jenny went to the closest door and checked it out for sounds of movement or breathing before entering to search the place.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny recgonise the signs of a medical care office and choose to investgate. The girl silently approached the area and peeked inside, covering her mouth in shock. The floor was covered in dried black blood, broken glass and ripped bandages laid scattered about. Shreds of white clothing scattered around, some oddly flaky.

As for simple design of the room it had a row of beds on either side totallin in 6. Most of these were either torn, bloodied or drenched in what was quite frankly likely cum. At the end of the hall there was a table with a some drawers nearby, likely fallen off during the events. It wasn't pleasant, not to mention this place had only one entrance, but Jenny could inpsect it in greater detail.