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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The exit still seemed blocked and given Riley level of power it was best to play along for now. "Sure Riley lead the way." Jenny hopped that she didn't just bite off more than she could chew.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Right this way" Riley smiled at the heroine and lead the way to the backstage, her heels echoing throughout the empty area "After most of the cast departed it's impossible to find a helping hand around here. Finding help can be such a bother, especially with the new cast only useful for random fucks." Riley sighed lightly "It's nice to talk to someone who's still has some wits about them." some ruckus could be heard up on the catwalks as the girls passed by.

Speaking of which the backstage was littered with props, backdrops, dresses and outfits of all kinds! From angels to devils, from knightly armor to banana suits.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So umm Riley do you have any current cast members right now?" Jenny threw a worried eye up on the catwalk. Something was following them but Riley didn't at all seem surprised or scared.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley playfully placed one finger on her lips thinking over the answer "Well~... there's you, the brady bunch, Stevenson, Marky, the Raidy Bunch, Ottie... and a bunch of extras." more sound rang out from the catwalks as someone was definedly patroled around the girls via the iron walkways, fat too dark to see up there "Oh and Snib, Snab and Snoob."

The area was an absolute heaven to ambush, this was the theatre backstage with several floors here for all the actors and theatre workers. The smaller stage decorations rested here, like the faux rocks, trees, single doors and the like. Still they were approaching the end now and judging by Riley slowly altering her course to the right they were likely close now "By the way did you look over the scripts yet? It's a rare occasion to have a triple-header like this, the cast will definedly have quite the work out." she snickered warmly, not at all concerned at the loud metalic noises from up above.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley didn't seemed concerned about the noises above which only made Jenny doubt her own choice in following the woman to the back of the theater in the dark. Trying not to think about it only made her nerves on edge more. "Well Riley no one seemed to have given me any scripts to review." The woman was more worried about her shoe than potential ambushes? Or was it that she had been planning this?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Really? That's odd." Riley casualy snapped her fingers as a stack of papers suddenly appeared and floated infront of Jenny "We'll be doing 3 plays. The Heroines Perils, The Demonic Invasion and The Closing day." indeed the top page had a title, but beyond that all the pages were completely blank...

Soon the duo reached an open wooden door leading downstairs, deeper still "Here we are. Don't step in any pudles 'kay, that's not water." Riley smiled at her going down first "And if any of the cast gets touchy, just smack their naughty hands aside, they'll walk all over you if you let them."

Riley disappeared into the darkness downstairs, it was even hard to see with her nightseyes down there. Though now that she was alone, she could always change her mind. The sounds from upstairs had ceased too.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grabbed the scripts and hurried after not liking the warning one bit. Hand on her blade she descended down the stairs trying to keep up with Riley. The puddles she mentioned must be more of the slime girls she had encountered before and she needed to be wary.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys perception:
29 vs 23 +
44 vs 32 +
44 vs 34 +
47 vs 39 +

38 vs 46 -
40 vs 54 -
Slime perception:
ALL FAIL. In the dark. Not a bloody chance.

??? perception:
38 vs 51 -
31 vs 35 -

Jenny hurried after Riley, the theatre mistress smiling at her star performer "No time to read now." in a poof of smoke the papers disappeared from Jennys hands "Alright you go take the left side I'll take the right side." Riley pointed down one of the hallways "Second door on the left. There'll be some scrolls and stones there, you won't miss em. I'll grab everything else. Thanks~" Jenny looked down the hallway, only to note numerous puddles. Infact there were quite a few around her even know. Seemingly sleeping or unaware of her presence. The heroine turned to Riley, only to note she was gone.

Jenny was now in a fairly big room. There are 3 puddles here, unaware of her. The left hallway has one puddle. The room has 2 exits right and left, aswell as the stairs up behind her. Everything is covered in unnatural darkness, making sight a problem.

Route choice:
There's 1 slime here Jenny saw. If she proceeds past it there are 3 doors here one to her right and 2 to her left.
There doesn't seem to be any enemies here. There are 3 doors here. 1 left, 1 right and one at the end of the hall.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well shit though it wasn't exactly if she wasn't expecting it. Still it was best to follow Riley's directions with all the slime girls around it was better safe than sorry. Moving carefully and quietly Jenny made her way to the pointed door her normal curiosity tempered by the threat of danger.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny made her way to the left hallway, carefully sidestepping the dormant puddle. If these were indeed slimes or slimegirls, if they woke the girl would be in big trouble. The heroine passed the first door on the left without incident, but as she walked past the door on her right she could clearly hear some chain rattling! There was someone inside no doubt! Still for the time being the threat of angering Riley and what may lie down here, won out as Jenny continued onwards to the second left door.

The girl slowly pushed the door open and looked inside. There were numerous books and papers here, all over, but most of them seemed to have gathered a very hefty amount of dust or otherwise lied untouched. Except for one shelf that is. Jenny approached the shelf and noted numerous scrolls here and at the bottom of the shelve there were 4 fist sized stones, that Jenny seemed to have seen somewhere. Some glass or gem lodged in the middle of the blunt stones.
It's too dark to read, night vision does not grant you the ability to read text, just see ;P
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly grabbed the needed items deciding to investigate them in the light rather than down here in the dark and blackness. Grabbing the scrolls last Jenny made her way back out being careful not to stop on any slime. She wanted to just run but with all the puddles around it would be to dangerous. Instead she moved quietly and carefully back to the stairs and the light.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grabbed the required gear and legged it out of there. Only to note Riley was on her way back form the rightside hall too. The showgirl turned to Jenny and smiled at the accomplished task, but she seemed slightly less confident glancing around occasionally as if looking out for something.

The two were on their way back to the entrance when Jenny noted something dark move behind Riley. Though if she shouted out surely the puddles would awake! Jenny quickly pointed to the whatever was behind her ally(?), only to note something coil around the girls waist "What... Oh no. No.. NOOooo---" much to Rileys actual shock and drag the girl back the hallway and beyond door at the end! The sudden and very forceful tug, knocking the theatres mistress hat to the floor.

The commotion caused the slimes to stur into action too! Some started bubbling lightly, other forming up their active states. Jenny was clearly in the open, if she stayed here she'd be seen, not to mention the place was devoid of any potential hiding locations. The girl could try and run into one of the rooms on the left hall or run and hope for the best, either to the right hall or the way upstairs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sticking with Riley was probably her best bet the woman clearly had powers and who knows if this wasn't some sort of trick she might get more help. Jenny moved to the right where Riley had gone/been dragged picking up the hat as she moved. Riely wanted a hero well Jenny might just fit the bill.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Chasing after Riley meant running through the slimes in the open, Jenny was about to chase right after her, but stuttered lightly as 2 slimes girls appeared yawning sleepily and the other slimes formed into their glob forms.

Sneaking past was not an option if she ran after Riley meant she'd have to dash past a few slimes along the way, likely drawing them into a chase after her.
Atleast 2 grapples rolls will be done if she dashes [more if luck roll messes with you]
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Trusting to her silent feet and the tired slime girls Jenny dashed by them as fast as she could. Riley needed her help even though the girl was probably fine.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny makes a break for it!
40 vs 59 well shit.

Jenny is grappled!

Jenny sharpened her look and dashed forward skimping past the sleepy slimegirls without bother, but one of the glob like slimes was going to be an asshole this day....

Feeling the vibrations and likely seeing the warmth the girl emited, it quickly slid infront of Jenny and spread across the floor numerous slimy tentacles extending up.

It was damn annoying, but Jenny had a plan. The girl quickly picked up speed and would just wall jump above the creature. Jenny skipped up, but when she was about to kick off the wall she slipped! The slimes kept their habbitat nice and slimy!

Jenny dropped down and right into the boom of the slime, the creature enveloping her instantly, right at the entrance of the right hallway to boot! The other slimes reacted to the pray and would soon approach the heroine aswell, getting enveloped by all of them now may prove lethal!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny swore out loud thankfully it was only one slime that got her and with a little luck she should be able to break free. Struggling Jenny tried to get away from the creature and move on.

Break grapple
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attempts to break free!
64 vs 49 FAIL
Jennys is in a submision hold!

1 gray slime joins the grapple!
2 slimegirls join the grapple

God these things were annoying! Jenny struggled with all her might, but it was like trying to shove water off herself while being knee deep in it. The slime just slipped between her fingers and slowly enveloped her restraining her legs and hands pressing the girl against the floor, her ass raised alluringly.

Looked like she wasn't going nowhere and soon the gray blob around her grew in strentgh as another one slowly slink across her body covering her up aswell. The two slime girls giggling and approaching her swaying their goo hips alluringly. One on each side the girls grinned widely and got ready for their surprised breakfast.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking over at one of the approaching slime girls Jenny felt her powers realease and wispy trails of energy flowed out to the girl with the simple command of defend me.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses charm!
33 vs 25 +
The dice favors the bold!
Sli--Gemini are friendly!

Gray slime starts melting Jennys clothing!
63 vs 44 FAIL
19 TP inflicted!
Gray slime starts melting Jennys clothing!
85 vs .... does it matter?
Buh-bye leather armor~

Jenny is naked!
Jenny will take Resistance damage if still exposed, by the end of the next turn.

Gemini attempts to shove gray slime off Jenny!
55 vs 70-
66 vs 74-

It was time to dip into the girls darker side, as her eyes glowed red. Wispy red trails surrounding one of the grinning girls that merged into the mass on top of Jenny. Suddenly she felt, a change around her. The slime started to warm up as she felt the mass actually start touching her bare skin. The leather pants and top armor slowly being digested exposing the girls beautiful body and especially the girls more sensitive areas!

Jenny wasn't new to this place nor the wants of the creatures, soon they'd get to work on her likely try to feast on her essence! Though that little bit of magic she used earlier finally showed its worth as she felt the slime girls mass start to push the gray mass off her! Was it greed or did they heed the girls command? Either way if Jenny fought back now likely she'd have much better chances to escape her gooey prison!