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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at Riley and the door and moved to knock as well. "Hello my name is Jenny may I please come in for a visit." Maybe if it was someone new the woman would be more interested.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

After a brief delay the lid slowly slid aside, it's very narrow peep hole hardly enough to even make out any features of who was on the other side "Do you like tea?..."

Riley looked to shrugged lightly, well either answer will likely work.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Depends on the tea." Jenny answered honestly though she doubted she would like any tea she found in this place. Jenny waited for the door to open pondering what may lay before her. Riley had mentioned that Alice wouldn't try to kill her though she would most likely try to drive her insane or keep her forever. Neither prospect was good.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The lid quickly closed and after some comotion a small section at the bottom of the door opened up sliding out a raggedy tea set "Drink!" the section quickly closed and the lid opened up, the mistress of the dorm watching if her request was listened to.

Jenny looked to Riley who clearly didn't like the prospects on offer here, but didn't say a word. It was likely their only way inside...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took the tea and sniffed it before looking up at the slit and sipping it slightly. With her luck Alice was some crazy cat lady and the tea was made out of cat droppings. Setting the cup aside Jenny looked up and said. "Not exactly my favorite but thank you."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

?? vs 35 fail
The liquid was odorless, but it most certainly wasn't made of anything one would like to drink. Well, it was all or nothing, Jenny picked up the tea and sipped some of it's content.

The tea was a horrible mix of seeming metalic rust/copper and just flatout bitterness, though with her determination to drink it, spitting the blasted thing out was not a option, atleast not all of it. No way was Jenny going to keep her composure after that!

Jenny lightly gagged, but to her joy heard the lock on the door undone. Hopefully she hadn't just drank something fatal...

As the door slowly started to open up, Jenny felt a brief moment of tipsyness and overall lightheaded. Though as the sight revealed itself it all passed by and was replaced with awe.

The door was pushed open by a girl around her age, black haired and in a pure casual blue dress. She smiled widely before speaking in a wispy and cute voice "A pleasure to meet you, I'm Alice~" the girl cursteid politely "Come~ come~ It's not safe outside"

The dorm was not what the heroine expected at all. For one thing it was spotless, for the other clean white hallways, covered cut marvel and quite a few beautiful blue silk flags. From the rooms, merry laughter of some girls rang out. The areas design a perfect mimic of the boys dorms, except the opposite in atmosphere.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny walked in trying to overcome the bought of tipsiness before smiling at Alice. "Thank you Alice. Jenny tried to curtsy a little but the tea still threw off her balance slightly. "What a lovely home you have here." Jenny remained polite doing her best to be curtious knowing full well that what she was seeing may be another trick or trap.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Thank you very much, Jenny." Alice smiled brightly "Come this way, there's someone I want you to me--" the moment Riley stepped in Alices face seemingly darkened from it's previous cheer, but only for a split second "Riley! You've come too~ I've missed you so much" Alice ran up and hugged Riley, who had a strange smile on her face as if not her own, not to mention this act raised a few questions upon itself.

"Come right this way." Alice would lead the duo past numerous rooms, daring a peek inside Jenny noted a pristine and a little too pink apartment inside, there were sounds of commotion inside, but Jenny wasn't sure she saw anything there.

Soon Alice lead the two girls and their walking teddyb...ear? Teddybear. To a small tea table, with quite a few guests already attending. A skinny man in a elaborate tux slowly sipping and noted the arrival "By Jove! New company, Alice?" a light laughter echoed near him as a man with a huge smile laughted merrily, even slapping his knee. He didn't say anything, besides that there were two blue haired girls giggling at the arrival of the guest and spoke in unison "Hello~"

Alice grinned happily and pulled out a chair for Jenny, but not for Riley oddly enough "Riley you'll never believe who I've met up! The Bronxy boys!" two tall muscled men with a decent tan walked down the stairs, much to Riley covering her mouth, hiding a smile. The two men quickly walked to Riley and took her by the waist one of them kissing her deeply almost knocking her top hat off "Jenny!-- Jenny, I'll be right back" Riley smiled at Jenny and followed the two boy toys upstairs, though for a split second it almost sounded like a far different call out to her, more akin to... fear? It couldn't have been.

Before Jenny even noticed her walking teddybear was already at the teatable sitting and waiting her to join the group. Alice smiled at her expectingly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Something wasn't right. "Oh Sir Riley forgot her hat please be a dear and take it to her please." With that Jenny made her way to the table trying not to freak out to much. She so wanted Sir near but she just had a feeling that Riley was in danger. "Remember what I told you earlier Sir." If the giant teddy bear was indeed Sir then his programming or what ever Misty had called it should not be effected by the events going on around him. "Hello my name is Jenny nice to meet all of you." Jenny curtsied before taking her seat.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The teddybear just looked to her, but didn't move at all. Perhaps it wasn't Sir afterall? Suddenly the chair beneath the plush toy broke apart! As he was caught mid fall by the skiny gentleman in the tux, his face now cleared than before with a long dispropotioned nose, eyes that of an aged man and mouth filled with perly white, but oddly proportioned teeth. He spoke in a thick accent Jenny couldn't quite place "Careful there! You almost got yourself hurt." the man chuckled warmly, before placing the teddy on a different chair.

"Well~ this is Rupherd." Alice notioned ot the man in tux who waved to her warmly "Jimmy Jameson" the second was the chuckling man, he had a clearly disproportioned smile on his face and a skinny face, making his white brilliant grin stand out all the more, he was dressed like a simple commoner with a mix of red and green clothing, much less festive than his friend next to him "And the Tinny sisters, Jackie and Jill." the two twin giggled lightly "Hey/Hello" the duo were absolute copies of each other, with matching dresses and sat together resting their head against each other, their bright blue eyes looking to Jenny in a friendly manner.

"So what brings you to our little home Jenny?" Alice stood up and poured some, delicious looking tea into her tiny cup.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh well first thank you for the warm invention. You see my sister seems to have gotten stuck in the library so I need to get in to help her get out but its all warded and such. I was told that I needed to get a blessing from the statues around the academy to enter and well I found out one was here so I decided to stop and see if you would be willing to help me out." Jenny eyed the surrounding company feeling slightly uneasy. The brightly clothed man seemed to remind Jenny of one of the nasty hunter things and the man in the tux had a very meat puppet feel to him. The twins well they where a little to close and reminded Jenny of the duo slimes she encountered before. While they made her uneasy it was Alice herself that gave Jenny pause.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"How odd." Alice looked to her company, placing her finger on her lips quizingly "We don't recall anyone coming to visit Mister Steve for some time now." "We would've noticed/We didn't see anyone" the skiny man gently sipped his tea before placing it down "Are you sure she's even there?" Jimmy just continued to snicker at the whole situation.

"What does she look like, maybe we've seen her around" Alice nudged Jenny to drink the tea on offer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"She just has to be Ive searched everywhere else except here and if you had no visitors then its the only place left." Jenny brought the tea up to her lips but didn't take a drink quickly setting it down. "Well oddly enough shes a little shorter than me with Black hair and Blue eyes. She is one of my sisters so we have very similar looks."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Just like Alice!" the company laughted merrily as Alice stroked her black hair, smiling at them warmly "Ah well, hopefully she's there aye?" the host smiled warmly at Jenny and winked at her playfully "I'll show you to Mister Steve later, he needs to get ready for a girl like yourself." Alice looked around shiftily "He's a little shy."

Well with the colorful company around, Jennys black lingerie did stand out fairly significantly-- "HEY! She didn't drink/Why is your cup still full?" the whole table looked to Jenny in a scornful manner "OH! I bet you need biscuits with that tea? How silly of me. If you need some please feel free to take some from that our snacks room." Alice pointed to a nearby door leading likely to one of the ex-proffesor rooms.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Oh dear Jenny had hopped the assembled patrons would have missed that. Still if she left they could do all sorts of things to her tea but it was tainted to begin with... "Oh dear sorry I didn't want to talk with a mouth full of tea." Jenny brought the cup up to her lifps and sipped a little hoping that it was just tea but something told her that it was a forlorn hope. Setting the cup down Jenny smiled. "Did any of you want some biscuits as well?" Hopfully she didn't gag at the tea and could indeed get up and investigate the room with biscuts.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The tea tasted divine! Much a king to the rare mix of herbs her mother sometimes treated the family with. The company eased up at Jennys submission and smiled at her "If you could be so kind, mi'dear" Rupherd nodded politely at her "Don't go wandering off now~ We won't finish the party without you~" Alice giggled merrily and discussed nonsense with her company.

Well Jenny had leave, the girl casted one glance to the teddy bear who eyes her silently. Mute to say a word. As Jenny stood up she felt a sudden wobblyness at her feet! The heroine rested against the wall, her mind slowly starting to blank out, before she collapsed!

Jenny would awake to the sound of that blasted rooster! Oh~ it seemed to always sing one day too early... "Wake up sleepy head~" her mothers voice rang out from downstairs as the farmer girl opened her eyes and glanced around her room. It felt like she slept for ages... her exceptional curves meeting the sunlight once more.

ReSTArting tHE whoLe stOry.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got up stretching out before getting dressed and heading down to breakfast. It was a practiced routine one she had one all her life. She felt different though but couldn't place it. Maybe she had snuck one two many glasses of hard cider last night. The house was much as she remembered it and Jenny quickly smiled at her mother before taking her seat. As she remembered wait hadn't always been this way. "Good morning mom!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Good morning, sweatie" Eliza kissed her daughter lovingly on the head and placed a plate of cereal under her nose. The woman smiled lovingly and got back to preparing a meal for papa. He was always the absolute last one to wake up "It's your turn to herd the sheep today again."

"You'll get your girls night-out denarii as soon as you get back 'kay?" ofcourse she did plan to go to town with the girls tonight, Lina should return from her trip from the Queens Departure monument today too! Jennys eyes caught something, common but somehow fascinating as her mothers tail spade-like tail swished around playfully. Eliza looked to her succubus daughter, her eyes blazing red and smiled.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Tail... why did mom have a tail.... I don't remember her having a tail. Jenny stared at it a moment till she remembered that her mother was a succubus. Giggling to her self Jenny ate her cereal rather quickly. "Okay mom Im gonna round up the sheep okay!" Jenny kissed her mother on the cheek before heading for the barn. Still the tail stuck in Jenny's mind and for the life of her she couldn't remember seeing it before today.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys thought seemed to be amiss breifly, for that brief moment somethign seemed wrong.... till the girl saw her own tail. Oh! Wait both of them were succubi! Not to mention...

The girl approached th ebarn where the sheep were run in, it was about time to let the poo things out for a walk! Jenny quickly undid the lock and opened up the barn.

Her mother always called them oddly, 'sheep'... well with their wills broken and submissive nature they might aswell be. Jenny smirked at their herd of 8. The numerous men stood there blindly, absolutely naked save for a loincloth "Excercise time boys!" the succubus smiled widely, her actions seemignly not her own, but felt... right.

The men slowly marched out of the barn, their bodies kept weak and wills bound to the succubi taking care of the 'farm'. Still they made excellent nourishment for the family, the duo picked only the best of the best.

Jenny reached out for her shephe--- whip and smirked "Whip us, Mistress~ When shall we please you mistress" some men stopped to fall to their knees and kiss at the succubus feet, there was no time for that. They had to make a few rounds, not to mention show a possible buyer was coming over soon, so she'd have to wash up and dress up one of the poor sheep.