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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No this was wrong these where not her sheep. Where was Benny, Ruth, Holy, and Clover. Her sheep where white and fluffy not half.. naked.. men... Jenny licked her lips a little but quickly shook the thought from her head. Still almost out of practice and muscle memory Jenny cracked the whip causing the men to get moving at a measured pace. It felt right but it also felt wrong these where not her sheep but then again they where. Jenny found herself putting the men threw the paces while she wrestled with the inconsistency in her mind.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her fields were as desolate as ever, whole lands of empty desolance strecthed beyond from here. The smell of ashes very lightly giving a scent to the air, the shorn weeds around here while not having much interest in her sheep. The man eating wines having been causing quite a bit of trouble recently.

Jenny slowly led her flock back home, each letting out a ecstatic moan as the whip slammed against them. Though as she approached her house she noted a huge slime creature approach her home and leave a few boxes there and papers, ah~ it was mister Jenkins! After the numerous times it tried to rape her Jenny already thought of a name for it. Still she wasn't in the mood right now and waited for it to pass by before approaching.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As her whip struck home Jenny grinned and then felt bad. The sense of wrongness didn't go away and only deepened with the sight of Mr. Jenkin. Letting the slime leave Jenny inspected the boxes and documents before heading into the house. She needed to sort out what was bothering her before the buyer showed up.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Herding up the man back into the barn Jenny blew them a kiss and locked the door again, the men wavign their hands in doppy fashion. Such perfect little sheep.

The girl approached the boxes and brushed aside the sludge to see who these deliveries were from. First the girl checked the papers, looked like one of the rebels causing trouble was caught and to be punished in town square a few hours from now, besides that there was a invitation to new bar opening up and personal invitation from the areas lord for her and her mother to come to his palace. So many choices to visit so little time, yet it was best for the girl to check atleast one out.

The box was from Christie! her sister always amde the family proud, being the number one fuck around the area, a title Jenny just KNEW she could take from her. Inside there was a delicious looking cake with a note reading "To our dear sheep." just a taste of the topings revealed that it was heavily laced with aphrodisiac and other goodies to send the sheep into a mating craze. She shouldn't have~
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grinned her tongue tasting the potent aphrodisiacs. Smiling Jenny could tell that Christy had shared a bit of her self to make the icing. Grabbing up the mail Jenny went inside to show her mother the package. Still even the thought of a night out still caused Jenny some bother a whole sense of wrongness just seemed to be about today.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned home to find Eliza using the didlo on herself "Mail's here." Eliza slowly opened her eyes and smiled continueing her actions "Anything interesting?"

Eliza slowly removed the dildo via her tail and licked it off the juices "You should warm up too dear, your father will be expecting us both to be nice and wet for him" oh right her father... one of the great demon knights? Terron Angelslayer. After so many years of simple blowjobs or foreplay, she was finally able to receive the full-course.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No that wasn't right... her father was mage turned farmer not a demon knight. Jenny held her hand up to her head. "Mom I don't feel so good." Jenny wasn't sure if she would be up to servicing her father at the moment something was obviously wrong with her after all Demon's don't get sick. Wait demon.. shes not a demon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh~ Sweatie" Eliza quickly got up and hugged her daughter lovingly "That's anxiety, Jenny. Todays the day you become your true self afterall, a true demon." the mother gently stroked her daughters hair, even if the appearance and voice were her. Eliza still seemed fairly alien, would her mom want this? What was she thinkign ofcourse she would! It was a great honor to be turned by the Lord demon himself!

"I left the denarii on the table, you go relax with Rosa. She came by and said she'll be waiting in town, there's a few events going on over there. 'kay?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rosa! a single spark of angry roared to life in Jenny. Her and Rosa could never be friends after all she had Nico raped and raped her. "I need some fresh air. Jenny stumbled out of the door and began to run heading for an open field missing the green grass of her true home. What ever trickery had befallen her Jenny nearly fell head over heels for it. She needed to get away escape leave this madness behind.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Suddenly her mother appreared infront of her "Is there something wrong, Jenny?" Eliza had demonic legs and dark, imposing demonic wings "You're not thinking of skimping our meeting with the Lord of demons are you?" the warmth of the voice was gone, replaced instead by coldness and darkness. Her actions did not please Eliza one bit... though she could still perhaps explain herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A cold cruel voice.. Not once in her life did Jenny hear such from her mother. Sure their was anger but it was never cold and cruel. "YES EVERYTHING IS WRONG THIS IS NOT MY LIFE ITS HOAX A FABRICATION I DON"T BELONG HERE!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"And where do you belong then?!" The changed it was hardly her mothers anymore, but more of some unspecified banshee?! She was right, all of this was wrong! "You have no morals, you are reckless, you mount every cock you come across or rape anyone who even shows a hint of submission!"

"This IS your home! This IS where you belong!" the world churned loudly as in the distance the houses crumbled into tiny pieces.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"NO! I have never rapped anyone! NEVER! I can be reckless and my morals my be on the lustful side but Im no demonic monster!" The world was crumbling around her. Jenny stood her ground riding out the storm waiting for the next blow to come.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Is that one of the many lies you tell yourself?" it was a cold and emotionless statement "See for yourself what a monster you truly are." the ground beneath Jenny opened up and two dark skeletal hands grabbed her from both sides, instantly pulling her down into the dark below.

Jenny opened her eyes in dark area, a single bright light shiining down upon her from way above. Suddenly another light appeared in the distance, her mother and father stood there. Eliza was in her pure form exactly like Jenny truly remembered her. Both of them looked up to Jenny sadly.

"How can you live with yourself so." Eliza spoke first "They were our family savings Jenny! How could you just steal from your own family? We needed that money!" the memory from where all this started came to Jennys mind. Just before she went out, the girl did indeed take the family savings with her."Did you not think we'll need to repair out chimney after what you've done!" "It's cold in our home, Jenny."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would be lying to say it didn't hurt to hear her real mothers scorn. Visibly wincing at the statements. "Im a monster you who would make my parents say such horrible things. I know they would have done the same thing. They would have spent every coin they had to save their daughter." It still hurt even though Jenny was still convinced that her parents would have done the same thing. Not to mention her father had burnt more than one chunk of meat on the cooking fire a little fruit cake would be nothing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You dismiss it as 'They would've done the same', yet why do you think that pardons you from what you've done? Humans, Demons do horrendous things, what makes you so much better for doing the exact same thing?" a voice pierced Jenny as she stood there, it's features barely recogniseable and seemed more than some stray thoughts of her own "You could've taken a different route, yet you choose to rob your parents. Those that cared and took care of you. Yet you dare claim innocence!"

Jennys parents disappeared, only for a another figure to be illuminated "Murderer! How many of my boys did you kill? You monster!" of all the people to show up, Ernston popped up. His body frail and absolutely drained of all moisture, but his voice unmistakeable "You're not sated with just murder, you sick filth."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny scowled at the apparition as her first victim of her succubus nature. "And how many innocents did you murder? People trying to make an honest living. You've no right to judge me. How many girls did you rape then murder you sick bastard." Turning back to the twisted formless thing judging her Jenny spoke. "I never claimed innocence. My actions have been to protect my life or save my sister if their is something wrong with that then Im guilty. Guilty of loving my sister willing to risk my life, soul, and sanity.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I may not have been a saint or even a good man, but noone is born that way! You don't know me! What gives you the right to abolish my very soul! I was a good kid, your gods damned hunger stole away any chance of my redemption!" The man was furious as he eyed Jenny "Death atleast gives freedom, you've robed me of everything, just to sate your selfish thirst!" with that the man disappeared.

Jenny called out her objection and spitefully eyed the darkness "Good intentions, pave the road to hell. Which you seem to be keen on walking on." the girl suddenly felt herself jerked lightly as she took her true form: wings and succubus features on full display "It is not WHAT you seek to do, it is HOW you seek it."

A tear suddenly appeared of Jenny laughing merrily and kissing Nico lovingly, her trying out the barmaid outfit, her working at the bar "How much did you truly worry about your sister? Risk your soul? Your life? Your sanity?"

"Your changes came from your indulgence, not sacrifice!" a tear once more opponed to show Jenny having sex with Nico, her changes slowly coming into view "Do not hide behind your lies, when your actions tell a different tale!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What am I supposed to be ashamed of this? I am what I am that will not change. All you see is the actions not the reasons. I worked at the bar so I could stay and search for clues about my sister. Nico helped me overcome the horror of what I am showed me Im more than some demon tainted tits and ass. With out her I would have never made it this far. I will not be ashamed at being loved or making love. Its easy to judge someone when all you see are the negatives. What about Grace or the sisters I saved from eternal torment. All you can show me is the bad because you refuse to see the good.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"And what are you demon?" the question was simple and to the point "A creature that feasts on others souls, consuming them like a parasite. Turning them to your own sinful lust."

"You say you have not rapped anyone? When a creature is drugged and subdued to sex because of it, do you not call it rape?" new tears opened up "Given half the opportunity, you made sure to drug and pervert anyone you've met." Jenny could see her past actions in the bar, when she offered Nico aphrodisiac alcohol, when she found the aphrodisiac slime recipe with Mistey, even when she found Riley after the tentacles raped her.
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