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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's face took on a dark look. "Well I didn't know that I was till about three weeks ago. In fact before all this.." Jenny gestured to her body "I looked like this." Jenny took on her premutated from from memory. Showing off how skinny flat chested and beanpole looking she had been before. Once that was done she quickly changed back to her true form minus her wings. "Oddly enough sense my gifts manifested I look more like Lina then I did before. How about Riley what was your life like before the academy?" It was a tender topic and if Riley didn't want to share then Jenny wouldn't blame her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley sighed nostalgically "I can't say I even remember it anymore... the academy drafts it's students at a very young age. Think I was five or four when they brought me with the others." the showgirl smiled at the memories "Wish you would've seen it back in the day. This place used to be so beautiful, so clean... so... uncorrupt." the nostalgic spark in the girls eyes rapidly dimmed as reality caught up "Noone expected the assault on the academy. I used to live in this very Dorm with Freya and Micky. When the attack came, I was still in the theatre working on the newest show... that is until I heard the screams and sounds of batle outside. Only for my troop to be caught on our way there... 2 demons and 3 hunters. The boys infront never saw it coming, the demons either knocked us out or took us away."

She gulped lightly a distant look in her face "I took out 2 of the hunters, but the third one no longer wanted to sate his lust. I was a real threat to him so..." she looked down sadly "The next thing I remember a black hand picked me out from the dark and threw me to that mans grasp, the black moving all around me, suckling, tickling... fucking."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got up from her spot and moved next to Riley and gave the girl a supporting hug. They sat silent a moment Jenny refusing to ask any questions at the moment but simply content to comfort the showgirl.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley accepted the hug and leaned on Jenny, a smile on her face. It would her who once more pierced the silence "It's... after two years of roaming this ruin, to meet someone who'd just give you a hug. Thanks..."

"I've only seen this academy for most of my life, only on occasions wandering outside it's borders for materials in the forest. Kings Coast... what is it like?" it was a warming thought, the city seemed more like an escape to a much more perfect world, a return to the past without all this death and insanity... but was it really?

WHether Jenny asnwered or not, soon enough the sounds outside would shimmer down. It was up to the heroine whether they pushed onwards or lingered in the calm moment awhile longer.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hum its not bad really though it will be better once we solve whats going on here and in the town. Once we get out of here you should met Nico Im sure she could use a girl like you till you get on your feet." Jenny smiled at Riley "I think once all the trouble calms down it will be a very peaceful place. I can already tell that it could be a shiny jewel if people would put the polish into it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So the events here affected the town?" Riley looked to Jenny curiously "Well I'm sure you'll be able to clean it up." she smiled lightly "I think the action died down outside. Alice's room should be in the middle hallway... somewhere around there atleast."

"Thanks for the moment. It's nice to have someone to talk to." Riley gave the heroine a light kiss and would shift from the casual rest on the sofa to a simple sit, she was ready to head out...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grabbed Riley's hand a moment. "Riley... one way or another you will be free and well I just want you to think about what I said earlier about staying with Nico awhile alright." Jenny smiled up at Riley trying to get her to feel how serious Jenny was trying to be. "If we want something we need to make it happen right?" Jenny got up and headed for the door and pressed her ear against it. If it sounded clear then she would unlock the door and proceeded to Alice's room letting Riley guide her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The showgirl smiled warmly at the gesture and soon enough the trio set out. Sir was busy sorting and cleaning up their inventory while the two chatted.

Jenny slowly opened the door to a pleasant silence, the girl notioned the rest of the group to move onwards. Riley possibly knowing the way went first, unfortunately the sentry was once more active the sounds of it's wheels echoing out from the right wing. If they were going to attempt to explore the middle hallway the girls would have to commit to each door fully, lest risk being spotted by the passing tricycle.

"If I know Alice she'll pick a room around the middle" the hallway had a total of 8 doors 4 on each side. Riley pointed out the 4 doors at the center. It was up to Jenny to pick their route.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded and moved quickly to the first door in the middle on the right side. Blade ready she moved in ready to face what ever danger awaited them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly entered the door her weapons at the ready to unveil... a most gut dropping sight.

It was not a single room. The walls connecting the rooms had been brought down to make one mega room. In the middle stood a statue of man with a particulary fancy beard, but the rest of the room was far more of note. Patchwork ornaments and bit and pieces of chair and beds were all hanged up all around the room and in the room atleast 20 puppets all sat around with small birthday caps on thier heads. Each puppet disfigured in a dirrerent way.

Be it two orbs jammed into the heads to make two big eyes, springs rammed inside to make hair or a moustache, rivets on either side of the head to make them seem 'comical'. It was a gruesome display and all the puppets swayed in one single motion as Alice stood "Happy Birthday... to~~~ me~~~ haha~" the girl clapped excitedly.

Alice herself was nothing what the illusions showed she was, her hair an absolute mess, unkept and raggedy. Her dress patchworked with numerous blood stains seeped deeply into the fabric. The girl was sickly looking almost like one of the puppets, likely not having eaten in years, but she so energetically motioned to the puppets it was impossible to tell whether she was actually weak or not.

The lands mistress looked to the two guests and smiled widely, clapping her hands excitedly, giggling madly "Oh~ Jenny it's you~ Did you bring presents?" Riley would soon follow the heroine in "Alice, please we just need to talk to Mister Steve." she glanced to Jenny almost telling her best not to start trouble here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny waited to see Alice's reaction before speaking. "Oh I had no idea it was your birthday dear." Jenny gave a frown that was heartfelt for the poor deranged woman though it wasn't for missing her supposed birthday. "I just need to see Mr. Steve or else I will be late for my appointment."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No! Mister Steve is preoccupied." Alice stuck her tongue out and glare to Riley "And why is she here? No whores allowed!" the calm manner quickly turned to rage, as Alice eyed Riley hatefully, who just casually crossed her hand "Oh~ get over it you big baby. I couldn't and can't stay with you." it was much less of a talk between enemies, but more akin to a talk to simple neighbours. Now that Jenny thought back to it, Riley never showed real fear of Jack and acted in a similar fashion with him.

"No, no, no! You hate me and my tea! And I don't want you in my party!" Unless Jenny cooled Alice down, this would only end in one way... with conflict.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Alice dear please I have to keep my appointment with the head master." Jenny tried to sound soothing but doubted it was having any effect at all. "Besides you said I could see him after we had some tea. Besides if you don't want to be alone why don't you come with us and get some fresh air?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"It's my party! You don't order me around!" suddenly the puppets glowed red as they stopped their sway, Riley instantly tensing up... looked like the fight was unavoidable!

Suddenly Sir stepped up from behind the girls and in his hand held one of the energy potions they had found, a small ribbon on top. The room froze up as Alice blinked at the little golem "I-is that... for me?" she smiled widely, revealing her fairly rotten teeth. The puppets all paused and steped aside letting Sir pass if Jenny allowed it. The little golem looked back to the two heroines and slowly crossed the room "Oh~ it's wonderful! A new spice for my tea! Thank you very much~" she was back to her playful friendly self...

Alice looked to the two girls who sttod there seemingly suckerpunched at the sudden change "Well you did bring me a present. I guess you can see Steve." the host extended her hand to Jenny and waited for her to approach.

Jenny lost an EP potion... or she could fight for it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny picked up Sir can gave him a hug and a kiss to boot. The little guy came threw again. Heading over to the statue Jenny fished out her occulus and took a look to see what she needed to do to earn its blessing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A resounding 'aw~~' echoed throught he room as Jenny showed her affection seemingly pleasing Alice greatly. The heroine approached the statue, but before she could pull out the oculus Alice inetrupted her "Come on." she quickly took Jenny by the hand and pulled her closer to where she was right next, to the statue.

"Now hold still." Alice smiled, the dark rage and madness from before seemingly subsided for the time being... or perhaps it was just one of her mood swings. Jenny blinked as Alice looked her over and... quickly grabbed Jenny by the nose!

With a light tug Jenny felt something went wrong... looking to Alices hand she literally "Got your nose!" As Jenny lunged to get it back she'd be smacked lightly "Dragons have tails!" before she received she received a swift kick into her behind!

Though before Jenny could react in whatever fashion she deemed fit a laughter echoed out from the statue as bright green energies surrounded it and flew around the heroine... that was one way to activate the statue "By the way... Riley did you run away from home? He'll be mad~~" Alice swayed side to side giggling menacingly.

Jenny checked for her nose noting was back. The whole hall looked to her silently.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thank Alice before leaving saying a pleasant goodbye before getting out of that mad house as fast as she could. Hopefully unhindered Jenny moved to the courtyard once more and took cover from being spotted by any passing puppets. "Whew lets not do that again. I guess that leaves the warrior then."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Come visit me 'kay~!" Alice waved the girls goodbye, so the girl wasn't all evil it seemed. Then again Jenny already knew how quickly the story could've changed not too long ago... it was best not to give Alice a second chance to strike!

The trio would make their way down the stairs "So you aren't just cute, you're smart too." Riley smiled at Sir, putting her top hat on him for the time being as a reward "Are you sure we're not staying for tea Jenny/" she giggled warmly at the heroine.

Though her fun mood would instantly disappear as they neared the exit, Riley face went pale as there was no more light coming from the windows or doorway "I can't be... not yet." the showgirl quickly dashed forward to see the full sight.

The everlasting day in the academy was over, with night descending on the ruins. It was not harvest hours, but a far different and dreadful feeling clawed at Jennys gut too.

Riley slowly turned to Jenny with a distant look "It's after dark..." a distant memory recalling Jenny, when she was originaly invited to the 'play'... Jenny approached the doorway outside with Riley looking around "Ril--" suddenly black bars that fumed off darkness dropped!

The showgirl quickly turned around "Jenny--" "I FOUND YOU!!!" Riley stook a few steps back as a huge skeletal black hand grabbed her "NO! Please I don't want to! Jennny! Jen--!" with her final words cut off Riley was dragged off out of sight! Caught by her master once more...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"RILEY!" Jenny slashed at the bars with her blade but it seemed to late Riley was gone. Jenny looked to Sir with the showgirls hat on his head her tears came freely as she extended her arms for Sir to give her a big hug. She would find Riley but first she needed help and the only one sane enough for that was the head master. Still Jenny needed the warrior statue and that was likely in the theater. She would wait for day once more be heading out remembering Riley's warnings of being out at night.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was fairly odd though, Jenny felt like she spent days upon days in these ruins, but never did she see nightfall here. The Harvest always made it seem like dusk, but never night... though this, the heroine looked up. Was the darkest night she's seen in quite a bit...

Still if she was going to wait it out, she'll need a safe spot to do so. Looking back she could try Alices palace... or Jacks palace. Though neither seemed like particulary good ideas, especially the later, but nothing was stopping her to do what she saw fit.

As Jenny mused, the most peculiar sounds reached her ears - fireworks? Jenny looked down the Academy grounds noting quite the show around the theatre, with pyrotechnics galore of all shapes and sizes.