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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked on the fireworks would distract the puppets for sure but what about the other enemies who where not so easily fooled. Still it was better than nothing and she would rather risk having to fight a few puppets than deal with Alice's mood swings once more. "Okay Sir lets go!" Jenny opened the door taking Sir by the hand as they made their way to the theater moving from cover to cover attempting to avoid puppets as they went. It was unnerving to say the lest and Jenny would have rathered watch the fireworks still she couldn't let them distract her as she needed to keep an eye out for any threats.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny neared the theatre a chilling sight slowly made itself clear atleast a good hundred of the creatures stoo all around the theatre. The heroine jaw dropped at the sheer number of opponents at hand, not to mention they all had that darkly aura from before... even attempting to approach it would be suici--

Suddenly felt one of her shoulder lightly bumped form behind as someone passed rigth by her... a puppet! The creature looked back to Jenny and continued walkign forward, dark tendrils slipping in and out of it.

Looking back to the mob the puppets all stepped aside leaving a clear trail to the theatre all standing still. She was expected? Invited... or was this just a trap?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stood up swallowing hard. "Well Sir Riley did say their was a show tonight.... I'm I ready?" Jenny took a few hesitant steps forward the sickly puppets not attacking her or hindering her one bit. What challenge awaited her in the theater. Jack had gone insane and had become the aspect of death and Alice had lost her mind. For all the thoughts she could muster Jenny kept drawing a blank. It could be a trap and was likely a trap but she needed to go their it was the last goal as it where. Jenny stopped a moment unsure if she could continue on after all with all the puppets here she could explore the main building at her leisure.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny glanced back only to note a wall of puppets already blocking her way back. Looks like the show would not delay any further.

The heroine proceeded forward, all the light all around the threatre were on with fresh posters litering the walls 'Premiere tonight! The Succubus adventures! Starring frist time performer Jenny Ann Hulus!' Jenny tried to read the rest, but her vision seemed to blur out as she tried to read the 'show contents'

Well there was hardly any way out, even up in the sky a few of the shadow puppets patroled just to make sure any escape would be punished severely. Jenny slowly opened the theatre door only for a cascade of applause to overwhelm her, by the sounds of it the theatre was... packed?

Jenny slowly made her way to the seat only to see the theatre brimming with 'life' all the seats were filled by the shadowy creatures with big yellow eyes she's seen on so many occasions only a few glancing to the heroine while the rest silently cheered on and applauded to the show on stage.

Riley was performing numerous with her magics on stage, from disappearance acts to several of her illusions doing numerous tricks. She seemed actually fairly happy blowing kisses and sending sly winks to the audience as some of her tricks slowly, but surely started to have more and more sensual hints.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny breathed a sigh of relief Riley looked to be okay but then again who knew what happened to her in the brief moments of disappearance. What did her master do to the poor girl. Would Jenny have to fight her would she have to fight her master? If she did and defeated him what would happen to Riley. If she was animated by him would she die. Jenny looked about all the seats where taken she couldn't even enjoy the show but still maybe she could use Riley's show as a distraction for her to slip past the stage and find the statue before things got out of hand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Slipping past the show was not going happen... one of the spotlight suddenly lit up exposing Jenny to the audience "There she is everyone!" a sea of canned claps echoed out from the 'audience' as Jenny sheepishly smiled at the sudden attention. Well there goes that plan, a blink later Riley already stood near Jenny smiling at her. Though the way she looked the heroine was just like the first few times she met Riley, like at a stranger.

The showgirl took Jenny by the hand and waved to the crowd "We'll be right back with our main event! But for now give a warm welcome to The Saphire Sisters~~!!" on-stage numerous slime girls appeared, shifting their forms and changing making the show surprisingly really entertaining!

The spotlight would go off from Jenny and Riley as the heroine was literally dragged along with the showgirl "You're not even in costume yet?! What are you thinking!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hey let go Riley! Im not part of the show you have me confused with someone else!" Jenny didn't like the idea of performing in any sort of play let alone on a stage of monsters. Still Riley wasn't that physically strong and should prove easy to get away from that is when they where out of sight. "Riley let go don't you remember its me Jenny we have to find the statue!" Once out of sight and if the showgirl didn't seem to listen to Jenny she would attempt to break free and hide.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ofcourse you are! You're the main performer for tonight." Riley snickered lightly as Jenny broke free, still in plain view of the 'audience'. Suddenly a deathly silence cut the air as the show on stage stopped, the audiences canned cheers and applauds ceased.

Such a sudden contrast cut at Jenny instantly "Jenny..." Riley looked down seemingly trying to recall something "I've seen you before haven't I? Mm?" she smiled lightly "Come on, we've got to get you on stage as soon as possible. A lil' stage fright is natural, but it'll be fine!" depending on Jennys actions the show would either continue or the shadows all around the girl would darken with ill intent, seemingly making no place safe to hide.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This place was to open not to mention she was outnumbered greatly. Following Riley to the back Jenny looked for a place she could duck out and hide away from the shadow audience and from her once playful companion. It would be hard but in all actuality Jenny was could easily hide herself if given enough time. Still it was best to wait till she could slip away.

Follow Riley till they are out of sight of the audience.
Once she gets a moment Jenny will use her shapeshifting to take on shadowy and try to hid -2 perception +2 stealth.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth vs Riley: Checks out.

Jenny can't hide.
??? attempts to catch Jenny!
48 vs 60! Dodged!

Riley resistance check:
36 vs 44 success!

Riley is no longer dominated! You go girl.

Jenny choose to follow Riley and the show continued with laughter and cheers from the audience once more reappearing. The two soon enough disappeared behind the curtains to enter the backstage.

It was chalk full of life, with numerous of the shadowy creatures running all around and pulling the decorations in place. Shifting the background and getting everything set for the main, a show Jenny would rather not star in.

"Alright we've already have your outfits ready. Stan and Leo will help you change clothes when needed." Riley stopped to allow a decoration of a house to pass by "I assume you read the script. The male talents would prefer if you warmed yourself up and if you need some help with that we'll provide the tools or..." the showgirl smiled in a suggestive manner "I can provide assistance, personally." in a way it was Riley... but it wasn't the girl Jenny got to know...what happened?

Whatever the case the heroine needed to disappear and fast, catching a moment when the shadowy workers passed by Jenny would quickly duck behind on of the decorations and hide. Even her skin adopting a stealthy coating.

It worked like a charm, as Riley turned around the star of the show was gone! "Hello~? My dear actress~?" the girl harumphed playfully and tapped her foot "I hope none of you boys took our actress to play around. She's got a show to attend to." Riley was about to continue onwards, when Jenny would be exposed in a fairly chilling way.

The heroine glanced down the backstage as Riley continued to make her way to the dressing room, turning around looking perhaps she'd spot the disappeared girl somewhere. Jenny was about to sigh in relief when infront of her seemingly from the shadows themselves an huge eye opened up and looked directly at Jenny.

A moment later Jenny noted the shadows around her slowly extend forward, but before they can close up the heroine rolled forward and turned around a skeletal black hand as big as the heroine herself slowly submerged into the shade Jenny had taken shelter only for a figure of man to step forward.

Unlike most the shadowy creatures here, the man was completley made up of seemingly numerous moving and churning black tentacles, copying a design that of a human muscle design. Though he was made of what seemed a mass of black tentacles, he was clearly imitating a fairly buff and tall man. His face that of a white carnival mask with the anger expression, a clear contrast to the rest of the body.

"This one is trouble, cease her!" Jenny could see Riley turn back, just as suddenly atleast 10 of the shadows came to life and grappled Jenny! Their holds tight and sure "Bring her to me, she will join us."

"Excellent! A rehearsal very well done, Jenny!" Riley quickly ran up holding her top hat and stopping whatever was going on "Looks like our stealth section of the play will be a grand success!" she smiled innocently, quickly grabbing the black mans hand and snuggling against him.

The creature turned the ornate face to her, the mask of anger submerging inside to reemerge from the wriggling mass as that of a curious man "Riley..." the tentacles from the hand slowly extened off the hand and towards the girl, some slowly coiling around the girls limbs... other slipping under her clothing and moving lightly.

"Master what are you doing? I need to get her dressed! Afterall the show is about to start!" the creature continued to gaze at the showgirl more and more of it's tentacles shifting towards her, seemingly all too eager to expose and abuse her.

Riley shifter lightly as the creatures tentacles were already well almost tearing at her clothes, but kept a playful smile at the thing "Isn't that right, Jenny?" she looked to the heroine, though her gaze was now clearly recogniseable. Something changed in the way she viewed Jenny, but what exactly...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well this was the creature that bound Riley to its will and had seemingly done so again though something was different. Could Riley have snapped out of it or was it all an act once more. Either way Jenny didn't much like the idea of joining them. "Uhh yes Riley had to limber up its going to be an active play." A part of wanted to feel the caress of the tentacles a part of her that Jenny couldn't deny but it was also a part of her she could control. Still it was up to the so called master to decide their fate at this moment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley shifted lightly "Y-yes I needed a little exercise too~ A little game of hide and seek. I'm sorry, Master. We'll not tally here for long, please let ME get her nice and wet for the play. The audience enjoys it so much more when the actress is all the more eager." it was most certainly a tough call, was Riley covering up for both of them or was she actually planning to 'warm up' Jenny for the play... a play that most certainly sounded something Jenny would rather pass at all cost.

The dark man paused briefly, when suddenly the numerous summoned shadows dispersed "Yes... I'll wait." with that it stepped away, releasing Riley from it's temporal grasp, the girls clothing shifted heavily as she was almost abused by the tentacles there and now.

The master slowly entered the shadows and soon enough, the shades seemingly lightened up "Come on, "actress". Let's get you nice and ready for the show" she winked slyly and would notion Jenny to follow. Whether the heroine trusted her or not was a choice she herself had to make.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed in relief even if Riley was just acting she had still saved her bacon at lest for now. Jenny did learn something however there was no place she could hide here and that in its self was a disturbing thought. Still she better follow the showgirl and hope that she had indeed snapped out of what ever control her master had over her. Not that she really had any choice it was either do the play or get raped by Mr. Tentacles.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley would lead Jenny past most of the backstage crew and into the 'star' room, a room both of the girls spent quite the bit of 'quality' time inside.

The showgirl let Jenny go in first and closed the door behind them, locking it shut. For a brief moment, the heroine didn't know what to think... were the two girls going to talk or do something much more interesting? The sheets still had their scent, why not go again, afterall Riley was quite the exceptional fuc--

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't have come!" d'aw... well atleast that disperesed any doubt Jenny had. It was indeed Riley and she was back to the girl Jenny grew to know fairly well.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't say a word and just moved to hug Riley. "There was no place else to go even if I wanted to all the roads I have left lead here and to you." Jenny took a step back a moment looking over Riley. "Besides I wouldn't leave you behind. Dangerous situation or not you've been here to long alone." Jenny tried to gauge Riley's reaction before speaking again in a lowered voice. "Now that we are here where is the statue we should get its blessing and get out of here."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley sat down on a nearby table "There's no way to reach the Statue from here. Not without permission..." the showgirl looked down sadly "Unless ofcourse, you outlasted the play." she turned to Jenny and looked her over "At the end of Act III The heroine prays for those lost in battle to the Statue of the Great Warrior. Though that means you'd have to complete the whole show. That would be your chance to get the blessing" normally this would be the end, but what she saw of the heroine... she just might make it through.

The showgirl smiled at the hushed tone "We're safe here. He does not listen in on what goes on inside here." if Jenny had any questions, it was now or never...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It looked like she had to do the play despite the fact she didn't want to. "Well the show must go on then..." Jenny sighed "Okay Riley what will I face in the play? Any foes that are extremely dangerous?" Jenny looked to Riley her fate was in the hands of the play now any information the girl could give would help. "Also what will happen when I make it to the end of the play will that bastard let me go?" It was an important question though probably one with out a direct answer. After hear Riley s answer Jenny would make one request. "Riley could we perhaps warm up a little... Im a little hungry." Jenny had used a good deal of energy earlier but it was more to have one last sensual moment of her own free will just in case she failed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley nodded at the questions "The play will consist of a few parts. 'The Heroines trials' should be simple enough, it will be numerous scenarios of random adventures. At worst you'll be facing several orcs or maybe a few other creatures, nothing you can't handle. The second Act will be, much more difficult, it's a play of a war of angels versus demons... by the script." the showgirl smiled sheepishly "The angels lose... you'll be playing an angel."

"It's a Erotic scenario so... well maybe you'll win, but you'll be facing much more difficult foes though." Riley shrugged lightly "The last act and the one we need is the "Fall of the Academy... I've never seen this act before, so I'm not sure what to expect."

"If... anyone who is defeated or killed in the plays are dragged off by Him, if you're off no interest to him you become one of the shadows." Riley looked to Jenny "If you do interest him, he'll either corrupt or seal you."

"Noones ever survived the whole play... the contestants were usually just some unfortunate hikkers or the like..." this was not the first 'play' here... did Riley have a hand in what went on here? Then again did she have a choice to argue against it.

Though the answers had a fairly somber tone to them, Jennys final request caught Riley fairly offguard. The girl tensed up and blush brightly "W-what?" well this was most certainly a surprising offer, though she didn't say no. Perhaps it was hard believe, but it was fairly doubtful, Riley would need too much convincing on the deal.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny yearned for a kind embrace a sensual kiss. She knew all to well that she might end up being raped over and over again before the play was done. "If you don't I understand." Jenny wasn't going to push Riley if the woman didn't want to have sex then they wouldn't.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley covered her mouth with a few fingers looking to Jenny, but a smile was clear behind them. Perhaps the heroines quick back off just pushed the showgirl girl forward "Well, if you're going out there... we'll need you in your absolute best." the girl lightly swayed her legs, her excitement at such an idea betrayed.

"Not to mention, I'd like that." the showgirl smiled warmly, as she quickly jumped off the table and approach the heroine. Even if Jenny object Riley would steal this one kiss, the girl threw her hand around Jessica and closed her eyes in the embrace. Hoping the girl would answer the sincere kiss back.

"This dress is doing you no favors" she giggled warmly as she felt the dress seemingly cut in two and with a gentle push Jenny felt her naked body hit the bed, Rileys own outfit slowly dispersing all around as she crawled on top of Jenny and kissed her lovingly. For one reason or another, she still kept that cute Top Hat on...

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