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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Forget the blade it would do her no good against that thing. Quickly dodging about Jenny brought up her rifle and fired 3 shots at the creature before turning about and firing two more at the hunter who had Sona.

Jenny uses rapid fire 3 shots and the grabber and 2 at the creature holding Sona while she is fighting defensively.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was a firefight~~!!

Jenny shoots 5 times:
vs Grabber:
#1 59 vs 45
25 damage!
#2 49 vs 45
21 damage!
#3 52 vs 45

vs Hunter
#1 34 vs 30 HIT
20 damage!
#2 25 vs 30 Miss

Mickey attemps to escape!
47 vs 58
Hunter wins!
Hunter takes Mickey away!!!

Sona attacks her attacker!
Uses Slay
33+ vs 30 HIT!
108 damage....

8 warped enter the battle, 1 more grappler one turn away

Jenny quickly took ehr trusty rifle, which now had particulary good craftsmanship and ornaments on it and let her skills shine. Shot after shot rang out at the huge target, Jennys speed was with the weapon at hand could only be described as awe-inspiring.

3 shot pierced the air and through the leaves only a loud low bass moan escaping the grabber as its legs stood unsteadily before it crashed out, the massive body beginnign to melt away.

Jenny quickly turned around her hadn extended adn let loose a shot at the hunter holding down Mickey! The shot flew true and smashed into the creature only to be followed by another, just barely dodged by the rapelizard!

Meanwhile Mickey was fast strugglign against her captor running out of air fairly rapidly stuck between his clawed hands. The creature turned to Jenny and after a sneer quickly grabbed its victims and jumped away into the trees out sight!

Son meanwhile was runnign forward with her greatsword in hand, the girl cried out battleroar that would make even the bravest men stutter back, the hunter seemingly scared at what he provoked never saw it coming. A loud crash later Sona cut down the armored fiend in two, even leaving a deep crevice where her blade landed. A barrage of red blood covering the camp.

The bushes around the girls shivered to life, looking around more opponents appeared atleast 8 of the forsaken warped! The ground shook lightly as another grabber cried out in the distance, this was not right at all! The area should be blessed and cleansed of any invaders!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"SONA TOSS ME YOUR GUN AND RESCUE MIKEY!" Jenny with all her skill wouldn't be able to reload in time and hopped that Sona would be able to catch the fiend that had Mickey. For the meanwhile though Jenny had to face off against the warped and grabber. Hopefully Sona was smart enough to drink a potion before starting her attack.

Depending on what Sona dose Jenny will do two things

If Sona listens to Jenny she would unload as many shots as she could get off on the grabber using the same spread as before with two shots going to one of the warped near her.
If not then Jenny would pick up her blade again and go on full defense.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sona runs after Mickey

Jenny has a fresh rifle! Shoot-em-up!
vs Grabber:
#1 60+ vs 45 Auto-hit
#2 56+ vs 45 Auto-hit
#3 52+ vs 45 Auto-hit

vs Warped
#4 48+ vs 35 HIT
24 damage!
#5 44+ vs 35 HIT
21 damage!
*0/45 DEAD*

Grace is grappled! Grace is in a submission hold!

Warped attack Jenny!
40+ vs 40... all auto-hit.
12 damage [20 TP damage]
7 damage [15 TP damage]
9 damage [17 TP damage]
25 damage

Jennys wounds heal! But she's still naked.

"ON IT!" Sona nodded firmly, throwing her own rifle, before quickly running in chase of their lost comrade "You better be in one fuckin' piece when I get back!" it was more of a good luck wish than anything and by the looks of it, Jenny will need all the luck she can get.

Jenny caught the riffle and instantly locked it on the shivers in the distance, the big white blob of tentacles clear as day even in the dark forest. The heroine let loose the 3 shorts with perfect accuracy severing whatever life the foul beats clinged too.

Still she had more unnerving matters as numerous warped made their way from the bushes. Jenny quickly locked onto her next target and let loose a shot! A perfect headshot!...yet the creature was still moving towards her, some white ooze oozing from the half-torn off head. One more shot would ground it.

A scream suddenly pierced the air as their captive, cried out. One of the warped holding her hands firmly as she was helpless with all the bindings in place! Jenny cursed lightly not noting the first incoming punch!

Her breastplate clang out loudly as it absorbed most of the damage, sending Jenny almost to the ground. Before the heroine caught her breath she was already surrounded, another attack smahsed against the steel making it churn from the impact! Only to be followed by yet another attack, sending the rivets loose and the breatsplate off the heroine!

A swift kick to her gut would send Jenny tumbling out of the crowd, but fairly severely hurt. Fortunately a pink mist would gently caress her wounds and heal them up "It's almost over, survive!" a voice rang out in the back of her.

Still she was facing atleast 5 more opponents and their captive was held firmly by one of the creatures, her backup was gone too...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny rolled away from her attackers cursing her carelessness blade at the ready She slashed at the warped holding the priestess down while assuming a defensive stance. She silently thanked Riley for the healing before eying her next opportunity to attack.

While fighting defensively make an attack against the warped holding Grace.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Def. Fighting at max.
Jenny attack!
13 damage!... okay.

Now the warped have no chance to hit Jenny '~'
40+ vs 60 dodge hax [equals favor PC]

Jenny quickly dashed to the warped man holding Grace and slashed away at him... to very little effect. The creature didn't flinch or react as the blade passed him... she was in serious trouble!

The other 5 would quickly lunge of her throwing punches or tryign to catch the elusive leader only to catch a boot to the face or knee as Jenny moved in between their attempts foiling them at every turn.

Still eventually she'll tire out and these things would not. Not to mention if there's 8 of them here... there'll far more to come.

"Is this the one?" suddenly a voice rang out as two shadows levitated in the darkness above her "Yes... I can smell her from her." the figures were clearly that of man and a woman. The two would non-chalantly land to the ground and only light flickers of the campfire would reveal hints and who these two were. Clearly demons, a woman and a man. The woman wore exceptionally scantily clad 'nun' clothes with her breast revealed with pierce nipples, the man wore some dark variation of a high ranking religious cardinal or priest "You can't mistake the smell of angel pussy for anything else."

The creature holding Grace was swiftly blasted aside as the man wrapped in shadows tore away her clothing to reveal the girl hidden, she wore scantily clad and see through pure-white clothing, her skin was fair and bright even in the darkness and her face... Jennys eyes widened. That was HER Grace! The girl she met in dungeon! The priestess she rescued!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace! damn double damn. "Run!" Jenny began to switch tactics giving up a little guard and striking at the warped creature again. Maybe this time the blow would strike home and let the angel slip free. Maybe it was all an illusion or a figment of her imaginations but Jenny couldn't let Grace be taken again.

Fighting defensivly -10 attack +10 dodge
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys is cut-off by the numerous warped.

Warped grapple
42 vs 50 miss
51 vs 50 HIT
60 vs 50 HIT
53 vs 50 HIT
49 vs 50 miss

Triple group grapple
Jenny cried out to the angel, as the girl tried to crawl away from the man approaching her. With a simple gesture he swiftly knocked the angel girl out, some dark magic smoldering off her. Jenny cursed loudly and charged forward "Grace!" but the warped, would not let her pass flatout throwing themselves in her way only to cut or kicked aside.

This man won't have her! A wild flicker of flame would reveal him looking directly at Jenny a vile grin on his face. She saw that face before! The priest in Kings Coast! The man Rei argued with right before the attack! He was a demon?!

The BDSM nun would approach him as Jenny struggled to keep the warped at bay, their talk clearly heard by the heroine "What shall we do with this one. She saw us." the priest scoffed snobishly "Do as you please, I have my prize." the man would levitate Grace up and look to Jenny once more "Thank you for delivering her to us. We'll make sure your reward is due." he smirked cruely and disappeared.

Whatever Jenny said would fall on deaf ear, as the warped outnumbered her throwing her around the place before locking their hands on her "I love the ones that struggle, breaking you will be quite the treat..." woman smirked cruely "Tre--- no... Jenny." with that everything went black, the final laughter of the cruel woman leading Jenny out.

The curtains slowly rolled infront of her as loud applause could be heard from beyond. Jenny looked over herself, noting the armor was indeed smashed aside... this was no illusion, atleast not fully.

"Jenny!" Riley quickly ran up and hugged the heroine warmly "They changed the scenario at the last moment. Are you okay?" the showgirl looked to her with a fairly worried expresison. Numerous shadows around her taking the decorations of a the cardboard forest and campsite away.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got up a little woozy from being pushed around. "I don't think the boss man likes me much." Jenny tried to sound like she was joking but the pain she felt was real and she had a burning question to ask Riley. "Was she real? The image of Grace or was that another shadow Riley?" Steadying herself Jenny awaited her answer while they went back to her "room" for another set change.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Er... It's real enough to get you killed." Riley smiled, thinking Jenny meant if the show as real, though the heroine would soon clarify "That is none of my concern, I make sure the act is played to perfection for the master. What happens inside is none of my concern" obviously Riley couldn't be truly open around here, not with HIS eyes and ears everywhere.

"You look a little tired, let's go get you freshened up. The next act starts in few minutes." Rley would help Jenny up and lead them back to the safe star room.

The moment the door closed behind them, Riley turned to heroine "What did you see? I never had this script before..." obviously the scripts were not stored somewhere, but somehow given to the showgirl? Were there any scripts to begin with?!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I saw a girl I rescued from a dungeon full of demons. In the play she was an angel and me and the other girls where tricked into bringing her to the demons." Jenny frowned. "The priest I was supposed to release her to was actual a demon in disguise...." Jenny had sufficiently calmed herself to looke at Riley. "Whats the next act Riley? The sooner I end this the better off we all are."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"How odd...." Riley paused briefly after Jenny explained the events "Usually the plays aren't this... specific. Not the first act." the showgirl looked to Jenny briefly "The first acts are usually just a group of heroine or heroes fighting off orcs or the like. Nothing specific like this."

"The next act will be a scene from..." Riley coughed lightly " 'The Angelic Slut' play." the showgirl looked to Jenny briefly "It's a glorified sex fantasy for the audience, atleast thats what it always becomes."

"The outfit will be provided as will be the weapons... I'm not sure how I'll be able to help." well there she had it. The heroine was now to be part of some twisted tale, featuring rape fairly prominently. What kind of perverts would find interest in such things...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lots of sex? Well sadly Im a weapon built for that though I think your boss knows that I could be in trouble. Jenny tried to sound upbeat but sat and relaxed a moment a prayed before being called out to the next part of the play. It didn't sound like it would be pleasant and no doubt things would be dangerous.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley smiled warmly as Jenny got ready "Alright, let's get that armor in check." the girl winked slyly and tapped her cane against the ground, when a poof later Jenny new 'armor' appeared.

The girl wore a beatiful gold tiara, her body was wrapped in a white silken scarf, though it seemed to only cover her breasts in a vertical fashion. The silk far too thin to protect or actually hide her naked body as she was clearly seen. Her lower body had it even worse the only 'protection' being a poofy silken dress barely even hiding her exposed body underneath.

Riley looked at her with playful guilt, covering her mouth at the sight "Well it's kinda armor... maybe they'll be too busy trying to catch a peek to attack?" honestly she was taking the situation particulary well.

Well at the very least Jenny had a silver shortsword in her hand and fairly sturdy looking bracers, likely her only means of protection if someone decided to attack.

The backstage was as active as ever as numerous shadows were busy setting up props and decorations for the next scene, quite a few running around some sort of scrolls in their hand. Scrolls Jenny somehow found fairly familiar.

Whatever the case soon enough the heroine was at the stairs to the main stage. Riley waved to her enthuastically only for a blink later to be gone, well time to see what the "Angel Slut" play was all about. Oh dear...

"Good evening perverts, creeps and their lovers~" the intro continued slightly too hard to listen in, but seemed Riley was really abusing the innuendos this time around, when soon enough the curtains started to move and it was show time!

With one final flap of their wings the two scouts reached their target "Pesli Manor...." Yenna sighed lightly "Why are we always the ones checking creepy old manors. Usually there's only so creep wanting to feel up inside and nothing else." the companion harumphed lightly.

Both girls wore similar attire and by the marshals commands this manor seemed to radiate quite the significant amount of demonic energy. Though it could've been a pervy demonologist playing with a succubus. Either way...

The manor had 1 main entrance and quite a few buildings behind it. What seemed to be ruined servant quarters, a barracks and a barn.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Flap? Jenny looked back to see her wings. They where no longer black but a shining white. Still she had to keep her mind on task. "Hum we should check the barracks first no need to run in with a set of potential reinforcements at the beck and call of who ever in the manor." It was likely empty but Jenny just had a sneaky suspicion to check it first. "Lets try to stay out of sight lest that creepy pervert who lives here spots us." With that Jenny began to move trying to keep silent and unseen.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Yenna giggled lightly "I don't think every single manor has one of those" the manor seemed in decent condition, but absolutely noone was around. Only the occasional shadow playing tricks on the heroines eyes or the wind blowing past some curtains. The silence was unnerving to a certain point.

Jenny carefully made her way up to the front door, each step placed carefully on the creeky wood. Yenna was right behind her looking over her back, honestly these inspections were just folly pretty much everytime, but Jennys intensity inspired her to be careful aswell.

The heroine slowly pushed the door, only to quickly cover her mouth from the smell and sight. A corpse of a man entombed in ashes stood in the middle of the hall, his face frozen in his last moments of agonizing death.

The main entry hall was dominated by a large staircase that could fit about four people walking up or down at the same time. The first flight of the stairs led to a landing with a statue of the dead godess Venus. At the landing the stairs split in two one set heading up to the right the other to the left where they joined the second floor. A narrow balcony connect the two sections of the second floor with a commanding view of the entire stairway and front entry hall. There was a huge painting overlooking the whole area, a raven haired woman and... the other half was shreded to bits, impossible to make what the other side contained.

Yenna knelt down near the corpse and looked him over, tapping the numerous steel plates around him "This was no accident. He was burnt alive still in his armor..." she looked to the heroine fairly concerned "Let's be careful..." the angel girl stood up and turned to Jenny.

Indeed there was a lot of ground to cover here. There were 4 doors including, numerous more upstairs. From the looks of this place, the manor had 3 stories and likely a basement. Though where to begin their scouting report "I'll take the left hallway you check the right one. We'll meet up and check upstairs." Yenna offered Jenny a plan, though it was up to her wether to follow through with it.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded though thought it a bad idea to split up. Putting a finger to her lips Jenny headed out to the right hallway. She felt bad for the man in the center of the room the poor soul must have suffered greatly. Keeping quiet Jenny made her way to the hallway to examine what lay ahead.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Even if the thought of them splinting up bothered her, she allowed it. Yenna was a fairly experienced duelist, even if her behavior hinted otherwise.

Jenny took a deep breath and proceeded left to a beautifully decorated door. The heroine gently tried to push it open, only to hear numerous ringing and grinding glass echo out from behind it. Looking through the gap would reveal most of the hall was covered in broken dishes and other tablewear. Still she needed to see what lied beyond the particulary sound-inducing hallway.

The girls sandals slowly crushed or brushes aside the wrecks of a what was more than likely pristine kitchen ware, empty drawers lining up most the left wall. This place was not looted, the destrcution here was more than likely collateral damage. There were 2 exits, one leading downstairs and one leading onwards.

Jenny glanced down the small stairway to note a fairly fortified door at the very end, somehow heading to a basement of what might be a corrupted mansion without backup didn't sound like the best idea.... the girls gaze returned to the door at end of the litered hallway.

The wood creaked loudly as the heroine pushed it open to reveal a kitchen, looking around would not reveal any dangers except for a particulary nasty looking hole leading outside. Seemed it could serve as a decent side-entrance.

The kitchen was an absolute mess, most of the pots either litered the ground or were turned over, whatever food resided in them dried up or rotten.

Though something else caught her eye, Jenny picked up a black rag noting its flaky texture. There was what seemed to be remains of a womans uniform here, completely soaked in... ugh. The vast quantities of the sickly 'lovejuice' meant there was far more than one of the rapists here or one really big one. The whole area was absolutely soaked, the walls, the floor, especially the work tables, which on further inspection revealed numerous scratch marks on them.

Still the kitchen had one more door inside, Jenny slowly proceeded onwards. It was fairly dark, but the girl had a light radiance coming off her lighting up just enough to make out what she wished. Opening the door would reveal a array of small rooms, evenly spaced out and of almost identical furniture inside. 2 bed, 2 dressers and a small nightstand in between them. If Jenny entered the rooms for a better look she'd note the dresser being turned inside out, numerous femal clothing litering the ground. The bed matts were broken in and absolutely drenched by the same disgusting liquid, she saw back in the kitchen. These were the maid rooms... poor girls never saw them cu--coming.

The fifth room at the end though proved to be much bigger than the other 4, a single massive bed rested there with a table taking center stage. Numerous documents litering most of it's surface, well that is if one could call grocery lists and random bills 'documents'. Though there was a roster of the servants here. Jenny lightly glanced over the list noting only females, as she read each name a brief image of a girl being violated flashed across her mind.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Those poor girls likely they never had a chance. Still Jenny needed to keep going and do a little more inspecting of the ruin. It was obvious something was here. Her exploration of this part done she moved back through the kitchen and past the hallway with the basement. The dinning room was rather grand at one point but the massive oak table had been broken in the middle rendering it nothing but fancy firewood. Moving past this Jenny opened the door to the main hall cautiously looking for Yenna.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned back to the main hall only to note her companion was missing "Yenna?" an empty echo would ring out across the abbandoned building as some clouds moved in to darken the bright summers day.

The angel girl had a choice to go check if Yenna was alright, then again maybe she just went ahead of her up to the second floor. She did take quite awhile looking over the rooms afterall.