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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"That that was different." Unfortunately Jenny was slight aroused at being nude and having Riley so close still she returned the hug and made her way back to the room. Waiting for the door to close Jenny would hug Riley and pull her close. "Have you found Sir? I think I found out how to defeat tentacle man and Im gonna need some of my gear to do it." Jenny continued to hold Riley tight enjoying her warmth as her body got down from the adrenalin high she was on. "I was really worried there Riley.. I wasn't sure if I could resist that demon.."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately the trip would not go as smoothly as the heroine hoped. Riley leaned out of the hug smiling warmly, when suddenly numerous tentacles appeared from the shadows all around stage.

The tendrils coiled around the decorations and ripped them away and apart clearing the stage in a fairly brutal manner "Go...go...go into the stat room..." Jenny felt herself pushed harder and harder by Riley and away from the stage.

The backstage that previously was so orderly kept by the shadows had the decorations brutally throw across it's lentgh some breaking from the impact. The shadows all howled loudly running in a almost berserk fashion, but still taking bits and pieces of what they were supposed to set up.

The duo dashed across the backstage, barely even dodging a background painting as it slammed violently not 2 feet infront of them, before the heavy items was jerked up forcefully.

They almost made it to the room when "AAH~!" one of the tentacles coiled around Rileys waist! "I need you. NOW!" the shadows seeemed to darken beneath the showgirls feet as she began to slowly submerge into her masters realm "B-but the final act!" this seemed to slow Rileys descent, but not stop it completely. The ruler of the theatre, doubting his urge to violate the showgirl just quite yet.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was almost paralyzed with fear what could she do if she pulled Riley up it would only incur the wrath of the creature. If she didn't help Riley might be pulled down and sealed away forever. She needed a clear direction and she had none. "Come on Riley we need to get ready for the next act." Jenny tried to sound excited about it and hopped the shadow creature would listen to Riley if she sounded willing to finish.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"It's your favorite master!" Riley lightly stuggled agains tth egrippign tentacle as numerous more slowly started sliding up her legs dispersing her clothing where they went.

Jenny quickly intervene with her 'enthusiasm' aswell causing the showgirls descend to stop, a thick tentacle to slowly coil around Rileys leg it's mushroom rip a shape the succubus knew all too well.

Riley didn't actively fought back, only froze up be it in obedience, fear or both. The thick tentacle slowly rubbed itself against the girls clothed sex, choosing not to disperse that illusion. Before Riley was shooved forward to Jennys hands "I'll have you both, after." the shadows lightened up as the threat ceased.

The shadowmen seemingly panicking earlier now all stood still blankly looking to the two girls, with the heroine holding Rileys lightly aroused body against her own. The two would quickly retreat to the star and Riley would close the door behind them with great relief "He's angry... he's very, very angry."

Riley looked to Jenny silently "How did you do it? Alter... no change the act? It's not possible. Sure there can be slight alterations, but I have never seen or heard of anything that happened back there."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"It wasn't me. Remember when I told you about the man who saved me? It was him again but he also told me how to defeat him. Do you know where Sir is? Ill need some gear specifically the orb of Light I got from the guardian in the nature class." Jenny breathed in calming herself things where coming to a head and the next few moments would be critical and dangerous.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"To do something like that..." she looked to the heroine a little concerned "Atleast someone is on our side" she snickered to herself lightly "And he's giving me better plays than just the planned gauntlet into rape" she grinned happily, brushing the actual terror of what went on just outside the room aside.

"I saw Servo held by the audience, I'm affraid I can only get him to you mere moments before the play starts or right after." Riley looked to the heroine calmly "He's fine don't worry. Seems the shadows don't take notice of him for some reason. For all he knows you're just playing along in the show."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"How much time do you think I ll have before he ... uhh comes for us?" Jenny remembered the promise the foul creature made. No doubt he would suck Jenny and Riley to his realm and Jenny would need the orb before that happened.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked down thoughtfully "He always comes right after the final scene curtains close or the heroine falls." she looked to Jenny "So it's a risk to have Sir be in the play or I try to snag him right after it in time." the showgirl lingered briefly.

"You shouldn't have come here. Now he'll have both of us." her legs shivered lightly "...but this man who's helping you. What did he tell you to do?" the instructions were likely their only hope against the theatre lord.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned "Don't give up yet Riley the skull man said Take the Orb of light to his domain and weaken him, then bring the orb to the ward. You'll know what to do by then" Jenny frowned a moment once more. "He might have meant the orb I got from Ezalor so I need Sir unless you feel like having a shot at him with the orb getting some much needed payback!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked to Jenny thoughtfully, but before she could speak a slam against the door alerted the girls "SHOWTIME!" the voice itself called out to them, making Riley fall to her knees, just her masters anger and commands enough to drain the girl weak.

"We've got to go!" she looked to Jenny almost sorry at the statement "When shall I try to get Sir to you?!" the girl almost screamed out her words, her eyes squinting as seemingly noise Jenny couldn't hear was overwhelming her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gasped at the effect on Riley that her master had. "Well if the plays have been altered get him to me before we start he shouldn't notice to much!" Jenny helped Riley to her feet and opened the door after all the show must go on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Alright. I'll go ahead, get to the stage and ignore anything else. Don't stop and don't touch anything." the showgirl gave Jenny a warm hug and ran off through the door. Hopefully the duo will be able to pull this off.

The heroine followed her out the room in tow, only to stop in shock and see what was happening. The decorations all had numerous black tentacles sticking out of them. As all shadows had a foreboding sense about them, the unnatural darkness clinging to even the merest of shades.

Jenny quickly pressed onwards, the shadow men previously so orgasnised in their approach now zipping past her with incredible force, just a blur of darkness flying by every so often. The huge backdrops above her churned, as the steel holding them cried out the shadows twisting and turning even them.

Just as she thought she was safe, the catwalks from above suddenly crashed down not few feet infront. The whole place was churning and crashing down! All around her. The loud stage music announcing the start of the final act: The fall of the Academy.

Jenny barely made it on stage a robe quickly forming up on her naked body "JENNY!" a huge white poofy looking ball was flying directly for the heroine! She swiftly sidestepped it as it crashed down and cracked open, the girls tiny companion inside.

The succubus casted a glance to where it came to note, Riley looking to her with a smile, mouthing a good luck. Just as the stagelights came to life.

A blink later Jenny found herself, where she was already numerous times before. The hall of the Star God in the academy. Numerous students rushing past her outside. Jenny had seen so many events unfold around this one incident.... but where would she go make her stand. The mages downstairs or the mages in the courtyard.

Sir gently hugged the girls leg and looked up to her, not quite sure what was going on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stood on a moment before grabbing up Sir and heading down to the demonology class. Sure she couldn't change Seras's fate or the fate of anyone in this play after all it was merely a fiction played out for a perverse monster. Still Jenny just felt the need to help Seras at lest in the play after all she still felt guilty for her actions during the flashbacks even if they hadn't actually altered the outcome of the situation. She owed it to herself to at lest set it right in her own mind. It was a play and she was no mage it was a set up to be sure but maybe if she played along the play would allow her some power at lest temporary.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately Jenny was unarmed and had no magic powers. Looked like the Master of theatre had no intent to even give the heroine a fighting chance. Still maybe she'll find something along the way, she had to!

The girl quickly grabbed her companion and rushed around the corner and downstairs, only to be almost knocked out of the way by another robed figure. As the figure shoved her lightly, Jenny could only for a very moment see it was Riley! But she was smiling warmly to her, before rushing off away.

Jenny looked to her lap to find Frost! Loaded and ready for combat. Seemed Riley was going all-in on the heroines success here. Hopefully she won't disappoint.

It was odd to see the hall downstairs illuminated. The numerous torches ignited brightly as sound of conflict echoed from each of the rooms. Still it was the demonology class that interest the heroine as she quickly lunged forward, noting the tear to the Grandmasters room not there at all.

Before Jenny could get close to the door, it was smashed open a hellhound with the corpse of a poor mage in it's maw flailing the lifeless body around before chugging it aside. It sniffed the air sharply and turned to Jenny. Blood still frresh on it's fangs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The hell dog would not bar her from her goal. Raising frost Jenny let loose with 4 shots at this range the beast would stand little chance. Frost gleamed in the lmap light as its action triggered sending the first of many frosty payloads at the dog beast. The blast back rippled Jenny's illusionary robes and sound in the corridor was deafening. The flash of the muzzle briefly illuminated Jenny's face highlighting her delicate features.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Each bullet left a wispy blue trail as it it slammed into the beast. Each impact making the creature knockback, it's bone shatted and impact area instantly frozen up.

With the final shot the hellhound fell down lifeless, frost continiously encroachign all around it's body. Though the shots made her ears ring, Jenny couldn't help but smirk proudly at her handywork.

The heroine spun the chamber wispy blue lights flying into each sockets and reforming her bullets. She had no tiem to waste!

Her way to the demonology class clear Jenny stepped in to a sight, perhaps she expected. Simple demonic grunts, succubi, even hellhounds each had a fictim to them fucking them wildly for their spiritual energy. The succubus seemingly on her thrid male as two limp, pale bodies laid near her. The demonic slut moaning loudly as she rode the demonologists cock, the poor man already sumbited to her rule thrusting into her wildly.

Still the girl Jenny wanted to find was nowhere to be seen! A smoldering line across the wall Jenny knew Seras's group stood. Either way, she could've left the orgy to it's own accord... or try and help these mages, gaining their aid in return, but just the sheer size of the orgy... Jenny glanced over to one of the demonologists, the man stroking his cock gleefully as he waited for his turn with the succubus, perhaps the demon wouldn't mind sharing? Jenny was feeling a little peckish.

Enemy count:
2 hellhounds
5 demon grunts
1 succubus

All penetrated/ing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It would take to long to help them all so Jenny looked to see who was fighting their rape and take out their rapist. If none of them where she would simply take out the succubi using 3 shots on her before using two shots each on each grunt. Likely she would miss most of her attacks but some would surly hit. She made her way to the line to see if she could find Seras.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Remaining clip:
Vs Grunt 1:
#4 42 vs 45 MISS
#5 47 vs 45 HIT!
31 damage!

Vs Grunt 2:
#6 37 vs 45 MISS
#7 35 vs 45 MISS

Errr.... Jenny? :(

Enemies attack!
Grunt 1:
48 vs 40
9 damage!

Grunt 2:

Grunt 3:
Attempts grapple!
34 vs 40 FAI:

Grunt 4:
Attempts grapple:
50 vs 40 CAUGHT!!!

Grunt 5:
Attempts to join grapple:
35 vs 40 FAIL... wow good job.

Continues fucking a girl silly.
15 PP damage taken

Jenny aimed down to the succubus who slowly turned to her, the foul creatures eyes going wide before 3 brilliant streaks of icy blue pierced her head.

The heroine quickly changed targets to a few of the the demons, all too busy standing around a poor demonologist girl, her robe in tatters and soaked in demon semen. The two eagerly stroked their cocks as the girls well fucked body was continiously bathed in their spunk, the raped girls eyes distant.

Suddenly the scene was interupted as a brilliant blue streak, pierced the air around both them, one of the turning to face the shooter only for a nother icy bullet to pierce his shoulder "GET THAT BITCH!"

Jenny quickly aimed down for his friend who dashed towards her, though unlike the hellhound from before this one was much quicker. Predicting the heroines shots perfectly making her miss both of them!

The situation caught the heroine by surprise, perhaps she was a little overconfident post her previous battle. Suddenly a punch flew her way knocking her back only to be followed by a kick making her tumble inside the room.

The heroine cursed under her breath only to note a shadow behind her! She rolled out of it to see one of the grunts, looking to her cursing at his ailed at-- "GOTCHA!"

Suddenly two stong hands grabbed Jenny from behind! "Hold her still!" another one ran straight for the two only to catch a swift kick to the jaw making this party invite only. Though one mistake now could mean distaster...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was more effective than she planned and at the same time not as effective as she wanted. Still maybe some of the mages would snap out of it then again Jenny knew all to well how sex with demons leaves people in states of mindless lusts. Thankfully only one of the grunts managed to get a hold of her. She would have to break free of it to do any real good. Looking to one of the hellhounds Jenny let her eyes meet as she gave a command. "Help me!"

Jenny uses charm on a hell hound.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses charm:
48 vs 26 [literally 20 vs 1] SUCCESS

Hellhound is charmed.

Grunt 4:
Attempts submission hold:
40 vs 56 FAIL

Grunts 1,2 attempt to join in the grapple!
50 vs 40 success!
35 vs 40 fail

Grunts 3 man modes vs the hellhound:
Hellhound attacks!
23 damage!
Grunt punches!
er... no.

Grunt 5 steals Jennys weapon!!!

Jenny called out to the hellhound and it answered with a howl, slipping it's cock out of the poor summoner it was busy violating, its cock still hard and soaked by the mixed sex juices.

Meanwhile the dmeon holding her attempted to lock her hands safely behind, just incase she tried to do anything, but to little effect as Jenny struggled with all her might "GET OVER HERE AND HELP ME WITH THIS BITCH!" he cried out barely holding the girl in place.

Jenny struggled fairly harsly almost making the demon trip over one of the numerous drained bodies around the room, but soon enough one of the demons latched! He quickly pressed his body against hers and looked her dead in the eye "Came to join the fun, lass." his breath that of sulfur and stale alcohol.

Meanwhile, the other two noted the hellhound acting funny as it snarled at it's opponents "Down, boy... down---AAAGH!" suddenly the hellhound lunged forward it's teeth almost sinking into the man jugular misssing by a hair, his blood spilling forth. But still alive "AH FUCK!"

"I GOT HIM!" Suddenly Jenny felt frost taken from her "Kill it quickly, we've got a slut to break." the demon infront of Jenny grinned and leaned forward slipping his vile smelly tongue into her mouth.