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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Now it had to be now! Jenny reached out for Frost grabbing the cool metal firmly before unloading the gun into the demons head sparing no ammo and taking no risk.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny is stunned!
Demon is stunned!

Jenny attacks!
Rapid fire!
#1 62 vs 45 HIT
12 damage! [36 TP damage]
#2 48 vs 45 HIT
9 damage! [30 TP damage] ARMOR BREAK!
#3 57 vs 45 HIT
25 damage
#4 53 vs 45 HIT
32 damage
#5 41 vs 45 MISS
#6 35 vs 45 MISS
#7 34 vs 45 MISS

Total damage done:
70+ enough

But NOW was not an option! "HAA~~" Jenny unwillingly sank her nails into the demons chest, his cock continiously plowing her. Just a little longer, she wanted to stay and fuck just that extra bit longer!

Still the blue light from the side would not cease, a reminder of Jennys true quest. The girl looked to the tiny golem her eyes lidded in pure lust as her body grinded against the demons own. He playfully waved her weapon in his hand and looked for a moment to 'save' her.

The heroine extended her hand and quickly Servo rushed to give her Frost! With the weapon in hand, Jenny was about to make her move... "AAHH~~" but her threshold broke! The girl head leaned back with a lusty expression her hand almost dropping the weapon, though a spark inside her kept her from giving in.

Jenny breathed deeply as the demon just continued to fuck her, Frost slowly rising up to the demon. Gods she almost didn't want to do this... *click*

A shot rangout as the demon quickly threw the woman aside, a gaping hole in his jaw. Droping down jenny let loose a flurry of shots into the demon, each icy blue streak slamming into the reinforced plate sending it flyign away. Before the demons flesh was revealed... and pierced by two streaks of icy blue lights. Frost covering the wound.

The demon went to his knees and fell down face first. His blood cristalizing right next to the sharpshooter.

A yelp could be heard from behind the throne.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Sir remind me never to do that again...." Jenny got up and looked at the mess she had made and promptly puked what little she had eaten. The blast at close range had not only coated frost but Jenny as well. Steadying herself Jenny looked over to Sera's and back to the demon. "I win" come on Sera's we need you to help in the defense of the academy not to mention Im stuck here if you don't open a portal for us. Jenny hopped the girl had regained her senses some or she was in for a debate she couldn't afford.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The demonology girl was petrified, hiding behind the throne only just peeking from behind it at the greater succubus "W-who are you?" the girl looked to Jenny, her eyes previously coated red slowly regained their original colours. The demons influence no longer affecting her. Still Jennys demonic appearance and clear supremacy in power, were both fairly intimidating for the poor student.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny let her body go back to its original form leaving her wings out she wasn't going to lie to the girl about herself. "My name is Jenny I'm a succubus but I'm not a demon. I came here to rescue you from this fate." Jenny wasn't sure that she would believe her and it didn't really matter at all given that this was all an act a play nothing was going to change Sera's true fate.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Even if this was just a play, the fear and doubt in Seras eyes was all too real "Y-you're not going to---" Jenny smiled lightly "No I'm not. It's safe." Seras finally walked out from behind the throne to reavel herself.

The girls body had already taken upon some changes, making her already impressive body become trully exceptional "I can make the portal back, but it'll take some time. I'm Seras by the way." she smiled a fragile smile, still unsure at her rescuers intents... but if they were indeed vile Jenny would've likely already made a move.

"Are my friends okay? Last I saw them, the demons broke their seals and..." she looked down sadly, slowly drawing some demonic symbols on the ground with the cristalized blood.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked away how could she tell her some had died. "Saved who I could but their is still fighting going on." Jenny wasn't sure how this play would end was it invertible she lose or was their a grain of hope in all this still it was best to keep things going.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I'll hurry!" she nodded firmly and soon enough had most of the dark runes complete "...and thank you." Seras blushed lightly as suddenly a red tear opened up before them. Jenny would have to go first, incase there's trouble.

Jenny exited exactly where she entered, it was a disheartening sight as 1 of the girls lied nearby either unconcious or killed numerous rags all around them, the class covered in sign of conflict.

A loud explosion rang out just outside the class! Looking out Jenny would see around 20 mages all fighting back the puppets who literally had the girls up the stairs, a good 15 more lieing defeated all over the large hall downstairs with burnt, zapped and otherwise destroyed corpses of puppets ranging in what seemed a hundrer lieing all around.

It was just a cheer stumblign crowling and sneering mass that approached the mages. Each puppet working to get closer to the girls to cause them harm! Unfortunately this time 'harm' meant severe beating... to death.

The heroine gulped lightly and had to make a choice. She could try to flank the creatures and lure some of them away. Or go around the other staircase and join in the defense with the other mages. Then again... the girls eyes glanced to the necromancy glass, if she could cut off the source the fight would be theirs!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny checked the fallen girl to see if she still lived. If not she would head to the door to see if she could make it to the necro class. Steaming the tide might turn the battle in their favor but their where so many of the puppets she doubted she could get threw. Still even slowing them down a little bit could help quite a bit. If she could Jenny would try clear a way to the doors to shut them before more puppets made it out. The things where not to terribly smart so they should be contained rather easily.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl was severely beaten and would likely not survive without proper help. Seras soon followed Jenny and ran up to her friend "Maddie!" she quickly leaned down and hugged the girl lovingly "Oh gods, what happened to you..."

Jenny knew no magic, nor was she or Seras a healer. The heroine approached the door and inspected the situation. Indeed the source of the puppets was the necromancy class, but she'd need to make her way past the well-light hallway to reach it. Not to mention what exactly would she try to do? The puppets seemed to march in the dozen outside, some wandering away from the group causing further problems for the heroines approach.

Sir would approach the fallen girl and scan her over looking to the heroine, almost sadly. They left her, she'd die. They left the puppet menace unattented hundreds of others would die. Not to mention the mage group fighting off the creatures near the stairs seemed to have started weaker and weaker spells, their magic reserves running low and no help in sight.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Seras is there a spell you could use even minor magic would save her life." Jenny looked to the hall trying to gauge how many puppets between her and the door to the necro class. She would have to act soon as the mages up the stairs where using weaker and weaker spells. "Not good we need to stop the puppets from getting out but there is so many of them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Seras quickly placed her hands on the girl, the girls hands lightly igniting in white light before snuffing out. The demonologist attempted the spell once more, but to similar results... the magic would not work "I-I can't! The demon sealed my magic before he... I can't do it. The link is still broken..." she looked to Jenny begging to help her friend.

Assesing a clear number was impossible with the puppets constantly moving, but just to approach the girl would have to clear at the very least 5 of the creatures. Even then she'd only have a mere moment before others of their kin came after her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Keep trying Seras its up to you I can't help her." Jenny looked over at the necro doors. Jenny looked over at the fallen girl and moved next to her. "Sera's are there any summoning runes here? Use one to help your friends outside."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I can't do everything!" the girl looked up to Jenny fairly fiercely, before quickly backing out her eyes wide in apology "I'm so sorry. I-I need to help Maggie. Nothing can come good of demons now... not with the seals broken." with that the girl looked down to her friend and focused her magic once more. Her hands igniting a pure white.

The sounds of conflict seemed to have dimmed outside, if Jenny peeked outside she'd note most of the mage girls have retreated upstairs. Leaving Jenny and Seras alone... with hundreds of puppets yet to note their presence. Reaching the necromancy now would be either suicidal or nigh-impossible without a injury.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at Seras "I knew you could do it. Stay silent Im gonna try and stop more puppets from entering the fight. Seras... thank you." With that out of the way Jenny moved back to the door and made a dash for it trying to avoid any of the puppets she could.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

20+ puppets to the way to nercomancy class
6+ puppets blocking the route upstairs

A clean approach just flatout was not possible from the get go. There were literally 4 puppets near the first collumn and it was barely midway across.

The girls could make an escape via the other stairway, but even then the puppets were encroaching on that route. Jenny cursed silently at her plan, lackings. She could still try it though...

"I've stabilised her..." Seras sighed with relief "But if she doesn't see a healer soon-" the girls eyes slowly looked down silently "She won't make it... Whats it like out there?"

By now even Sir made sure the demonology doors would remain closed if Jenny is not peering through them. The hall outside absolutely littered with enemies.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There where to many to stop now it was best if the girls made their escape. "Seras can you carry her? We need to make a run for the stairs but there are a few puppets I'll need to fight along the way." The plan was to head for the stairs to a better defensible position taking out the puppets as they went.

How spaced out are the puppets on the stairs?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I-I'm not sure." unfortunately the saved girl was not in her peak form... not after all those 'sessions' with the demon just hours ago. Sir gently floated near Seras and nudged her to load the girl on him, he might be able to fly her out of here.

"S-sorry..." Seras once more looked away as if guilty at her helplessness in the situation.

The puppets thankfully weren't bunched up and had decent spread, meaning Jenny should be jumped instantly by two at once, but once one was struck there were dozens ready to take it's place and join the chase.

Looking ahead, if Jenny wanted to clear her path she'd need to fight off 6 of the puppets even when going full blast ahead. The group stopping at any point meant upwards to 8 new foes... if they were going to fight their way out, best make sure there was nothing here left and everything was thought off....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Okay we are gonna have to run and fight anything you can think off we might need before we start this Seras?" Jenny wasn't sure what they would need after all if they tried to use a summoning stone it might not work at all. Checking her gun Jenny awaited Seras's answer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Seras looked around the room squinting at the numerous hints of conflict, blood and gore "No, there's nothing here. Let's go." she'd help Maggie up to Sir's back and hold her so she wouldn't slip off. With that the group was ready to depart.

Jenny slowly cracked the door open, the hall was swarmed with the sickly creatures as their howl, screeches filled the air even it seemingly becoming foul and fetid. Whatever the case the route had quite a few more of creatures on it and on the other side Jenny could see numerous goin up the right staircase, the left thankfully seemed to have not been noticed yet.

Whatever the case may be, Jenny would have to either sneak or fight past 9 of the creatures with just as many coming in soon after she was noticed. If she ran, she better know exactly where she'll be going to.