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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not good! Jenny tried to pull herself out of the sinking shadows but their shadowy nature just pulled and swirled around her pulling her deeper. Still Jenny fought on using her astral wings to help pull her free. "Riley now is your only chance to free yourself." If Jenny managed to free herself she would reload the mystical revolver and prepare for another attack.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses round to free of devour condition!

Dark Master attacks once more [steamroll mod]
33 damage!
Jenny is knocked prone again!

Jenny is being dragged down [one turn to devour]

The Heroine flapped her astal wings strongly her pure white body, sliding away from the shadowy vines, as they reached out her, but out of reach!

The girl landed, just as the dark master shifted the area oncer more. A dark tentacle atleast several stories high towered above the girl and soon went creashing down towards the girl.

Jenny quickly dashed aside avoiding most of the impact, but the sheer force sent her flying and tumbling across the floor. The Shadows seemingly sticking to her body! It was no good! At this rate he was just toying with her!

Riley meanwhile did indeed get to her feet and looked over to Jenny in a fairly worried, fashion... unlike the heroine she'd be brushed aside in one fell swoop, but still she got to her knees and began chanting some spell. A chadowy choker appearing around her neck and slowly burning away... She'd need time.

The succubus looked to her opponent once more as he extended his hand towards her, the shadows around the brilliant white light figure extending around her hands and legs. Keen on coiling around and dragging her down to the unknown!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Maybe if she weakened him with more attacks she would gain the upper hand. Jenny rolled to get a better shot the sticky shadow mass coiling around her tighter and let loose with more rapid fire death from her weapon.

Unload on the Tentacle lord again
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny unloads!
98 damage done!

Jenny is devoured!!!
4 internal tentacles appear!

Jenny unloaded once more, her weapon firing off bullet after bullet of pure light making parts of the dark master flightoff as he didn't even attempt to dodge the clearly damaging shots!

Before the girl could reload, the tentacles she took a risk with, thickened and tightened around her legs and around her arms, pulling the aside! The girl struggled agains the dark constraints, but in vain as her pure white body as lifted by a good dozen tentacles before dragged downwards into the darkness, her revolver falling to the dark matter nearby...

Jenny felt herself dragged almost down one of the tentacles as the walls seemed to disperse from a single entity to numerous tentacles all around barely a half arms reach away. The girl felt the dark matter tighten around her waist her most of her lower body locked away from her top. Thankfully if only due to her radiance and spirit the girl free her arms, but her lower body had no such luck. The walls were closing in around her as they shifted and churned, as 4 tentacles mere inches away from her slowly slid out keen to violate and corrupt the caught girl. Her bright light illuminating the nigh-chamber.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

She was in a room of dripping shadow that had begun to pool around her. Her light shown even in this darkness illuminating new foes to which she needed to deal with. Jenny concentrated bringing her hands up to form a weapon. It was a brilliant sword of light and Jenny knew what to do with it. They would be easy to take out she thought and moved to attack only to feel her self locked into place. Not good not good at all. Still her hand where free and she soon put her blade of light to work severing the first tentacle that was closest.

Jenny will attack the first tentacle unless they are all close enough to be hit with one swing
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 46/110 EP: 67/75 PP: 75/75; DEVOURED; Hurt; Penetrated
Jenny attacks!
Er... there's literally no way to miss.
53 damage!

2 Penetrations
1 oral

Jenny struggled against the bonds and soon enough was freed her hand igniting to form up a brilliant blade!

The tentacles all round swirled and churner as they neared. The inner tentacles looking to the girls mouth and breast, preparing to corrupt and prepared her for the master.

With one fel swoop the tentacle was cut off! It's lifeless body burning up from the blades pure nature!

Unfortunately the chamber would not let her go so easily. 2 of the tentacles slowly sank into the black matter only for their tips to start pressing against the heroines folds and other tunnel. Sliding in without much care, whether Jenny wanted to or not she cried out at the double penetration and at that moment the third tentacle quickly coiled around her breast and slipped into her mouth. Plowing her mercilessly.

The dark tendrils would continue to fuck the girl, as their slick bodies made the sensation all more dark... and pleasureable.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Fine it wanted to fuck then so be it. Jenny quickly got into motion putting her little twist on this forced gangbang. She maybe locked into place but she still went about trying to take control of the rhythm. Remembering all the lessons she learned about feeding Jenny kept her hunger in check. This creature was made of pure shadow and darkness no telling what it would do to her if she consumed it.

Jenny tries to get into rhythm x =5
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gives the bastard one last ride.
Jenny gets into rhytm.
10 PP damage to self
15 damage to tentacles

Jenny deals 61 + 78 + 52 PP damage.
Jenny takes 29 + 34 + 23 PP damage.

Total PP damage taken:
Jenny 96
Dark Lord 206

Both orgasm and both are stunned.

Perhaps out of spite or to stop the process Jenny quickly bucket her hips against the double rods inside her, the tentacles becoming all the more eager to plow into her, as soon enough they adjusted to the girls rhytm.

The heroine quickly used her tongue on her oral invader coiling around the cock and jerking it lightly in her mouth, the creature aiming to deepthroat her, the girls tongue running along the surface eagerly.

For that moment the light blade disappeared as Jenny used both of her hands to stroke the huge tentacle raping her mouth, the succubus both holes plowed with such force that it sent shivers down the girls spine as she indulged in the deepthroat and sex she was forced into.

Jenny was by far at her best, her sexes tightness, surface, grip everything all too perfect making the tentacles quickly succumb... unfortunately she got so much into it that her own body heated up, sweat appearing all over the girls body as her bright radiance flickered. Gods this felt so good, just as each alterating thrust slid inside her with such blissful swiftness the taste of the shadow tentacle alluring to lick it more and more.

The tentacles soon spilled their goods inside the heroine and down her throat the girls own orgasm rocking her body, her nippies stood excited. Jenny breathed rapidly as even more tentacles appeared all around her. Perhaps she should stay? She felt the slithery creatures, even two at each of her hole attempt to slide inside, her legs tickled by tiny appentages as the chamber closed in almost pressing against her. It's warm and gentle embrace all too pleasant to the touch.

Looking forward atleast 4 of the tentacles were clustered up as they approached the girl, one extra moment and she'll be in blissful ecstasy unlike ever before.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was oh so tempting but this is what it wanted not what she wanted. Gathering her wits once more Jenny formed the blade anew and began to slash at the tentacles. She was still in danger but she needed to get out of here and end this bastard once and for all.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Dark Master fight cleared!
You defeated!

Empowered by Light fades.

The succubus gulped lightly, the thick ooze sliding down her throat as 2 more tentacles slide upwards her midriff, numerous more approaching her all around as the walls left little room.

Suddenly the girls hands ignited a bright white, her resolve restored as the light blade returned to her hand and swung strongly infront of her. Cutting down atleast 5 of the tendrils the black ooze spilling out as the cut-off tentacles ignited in white flames.

Suddenly the whole chamber shook violently as Jenny felt the matter around her waist tighten and push her up with great force! The girl was to be removed from the confines! The corruption failed!

As Jenny as shot out, she tried to gather herself with a swift gust of her wings only for a tentacled of utter darkness to wrap around her neck! The Dark Master was withing arms reach and held her tightly. The tentacles surface slick and cold to the touch.

The greater creature held Jenny up by her neck slowly chocking her, it's sheer strentgh far too overpowering "I WILL CORRUPT YOU." the creature announced as his yellow eyes peered into the heroines face his other hand slowly extended back and trasnforting into numerous tentacles each seemingly having a little mouth to attach to the heroine. More than a dozen in total!

Struggle as she might she couldn't break the hold as her brilliant light flickered growing weaker as she was running out of air. Casting a glance to the Dark Master she could see tentacles slowly fall off him lifeless, she did exceptional damage, but in the end it was just not enough. The spit left hand about to wrap the girl in the creatures direct embrace...

Suddenly a bright piercing beam of light shinned down on the creature, the tentacles all over it's body sizzling and steaming from the direct contact! His tentacles loosening around Jennys throat and letting her go, to gasp for air! "AAAH!!" the greatly weakened greater being turned away from the light beam stepping back as it followed it.

Only for another beam to slam from the opposite side "WHAT IS THIS!" high-heels ran out in the silence as a particulary bodacious showgirl stepped alongside Jenny, a handle of a revolver extended to the succubus on her knees gasping for air "RILEY!" the showgirl had freed herself from the seals that held her!

Riley smiled brightly at Jenny, helping her up. Jennys energy and radiance returning once more "Sorry I took so long, wanted to make a grand entrance." the showgirl snickered as her master cried out in pain. Two spotlights beaming down on him, making the dark tentacles fall off to reveal a pale, sickly old man. His voice lost all it's menacing properties.

Her revolver in hand it was up to Jenny to finish the battle and the dark masters rule.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

He was a pathetic sight really. Once a grand professor in charge of molding students and teaching them the mysteries of magic. Now he was a pale sickly old man responsible for goddess knows how many deaths and how many souls denied freedom or peace. Jenny might of sparred him had it not been for the latter. The sheer amount of suffering he caused and his power was far from broken. No words came to Jenny's mouth no damning judgements she simply took aim and fired three times. One aimed for the head the last two aimed at his heart.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was nothing grand or epic about thesickly mans death, the figure of such immensepower yelling and shivering in pain under the bright lights. His miserable form illuminated as Jenny raised her revolver silently, Riley leaned against Jenny and looked to the final shots.

The booming shot rang out as it flew true, blasting the sickly masters upper left forehead as he raised his hand screaming in shock, before two more beams piereced his shriveled corrupt heart.

The master collapsed to his knees as the darkness all around started to slowly burn away. Slowly disappearing "Well we know who the heroine of this story is." Riley snickered warmly resting her body against Jennys as she leaned in for a kiss.

The heroines empowered light fadded as the darkness finally dispersed from all around. Both girls kissing in the middle of the main stage. The mans body lifeless a few feet away in a puddle of black ooze.

Sir quickly caught the orb, the powerful artifact dormant in the tiny golems hands once more.
Theatre Arc complete.
New companion available: Riley
10 xp gained
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny held Riley tight a moment a tear rolling down her face. She had saved her and was one step closer to getting her sister rescued. "Riley... for a moment before I found you again I.. almost ran away.... can you forgive me...." It hurt Jenny to say it but it was the truth she had been so focused on her goal she had almost left Riley to her fate. Thankfully Sir had reminded her of what a true Heroine should be.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley smiled brightly to Jenny, her fulls lips once more pressing against the succubus own "You came back and kept your word. That's all that matter." Sir walked up to Riley and tagged at her suit classy tail.

The girl looked down to see Sir offer her purple top hat back. Riley giggled warmly and leaned to the tiny golem giving him a kiss to the top of his head "Thanks, Sir." she gently took the hat and returned it to it's rightful place.

With that she stood up and faced Jenny once more "Well then where to, heroine."she winked slyly and leaned forward, a expression of pure joy on her beautiful face.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

I think its time to see the Headmaster. Shall we?" Jenny offered her arm to Riley while scooping up Sir in the other and made for the doors. They of course still had to be careful the master of the theater may be defeated but the puppets still roamed about. Getting near the doors Jenny looked out of them before heading out pausing a moment to confer with Riley and Sir. "Okay the one thats been helping me says I should got to the realm of Ernhart in the lower levels. I think their maybe a ward or something there. My sister maybe in the library with the headmaster. My intention is to free my sister so she can make it to safety before I confront what ever lies in wait for me in the Ernharts mage realm. What do you think."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley leaned on her left foot thinking "Well now with the library unlocked, it's best to talk with the headmaster either way. Wherever your sister may be he'll know." the showgirl smiled at the heroine.

The two girls peek outside the door, noting quite a few puppets roaming about, though fortunately the main building was, but a minor distance away "Alr---" suddenly the academy bells rang out, the blue sky above them rapidly changing to dusk "Oh no..." Riley looked to Jenny "We have to hide!" the bell rang out once more, as the puppets started their deathly chorus Rileys face growing pale in fear "The theatre is not safe!" The harvest hours were about to begin...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Sir stay close!" In a flash Jenny had Riley in her arms and took to the air. She had made this flight multiple times in reality and illusion. Soaring above the puppets on the ground Jenny made her way to hole in the nature rooms windows. The balcony was probably the safest place they could get to before the harvesters found them. Still it was a gamble and Jenny knew that she would be cutting it close.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly commanded her group to her and spread her raven wings once more. The ground all around them shivered as small pebbles and dirt, began to swirl up, the winds picking up speed a ludicrous speed.

The heroine quickly took to the air and had to face the powerful gusts of wind, which made progressing all the more harder! Riley help her top hat tightly as her body rested against the heroes "We won't the flight!" she cried out, but hoped for the best.

The bells continued to ring out as the whole academy churned and moaned, a seeming twister forming all around the courts of the academy. The few trees all around seemingly being ripped out of the ground as the wind picked up speed.

Jenny could atempt to go through with her plan or back down to a different one. Either way time was running out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had to they would never make it on the ground still there had to be away to get there. Putting forth some effort Jenny tried to use the gusts in her favor propelling her to the main building like hawk soaring on the winds.. or at lest she hopped it would.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Resistance check: [vs d20 + 30]
37 vs 47 FAIL
Jenny takes 27 damage.

Resistance check:
36 vs 48 FAIL
Jennys is taken out of flight and knocked to prone!

Jenny empowered her wings and quickly attempted to ride one of the upward wind drafts! It was all going well, till she noted where the draft would carry her, it was a nigh direct upwards wing going into a massive vortex above the academy!

With the winds blowing as hard as they did, Riley kept her eyes closed unable to see where they were going. Only Jennys succubus gifts allowed her to see.

Still if she didn't bail that would be the end, Jenny quickly tried to dive down from the sky and onto the academy, when she ran into a another greater gust stream! It slammed to her wings painfully nigh-breaking one of her wings and sent her flying down!

Jenny tried get her wings spread and get back to flight, but the wind was just overpowering as it slammed clipped the trios wings making the land 10 feet to the right of the theatre. A whole new side path opened up to them, but with no clear doors or the like!

Riley quickly got off Jenny and looked her over for any injuries, thankfull the heroine was a sturdy girl. The showgirl quickly glanced around "I'm not sure we'd make it to the dorms in-time." Riley looked to one of the windows "This window will lead us to the art room." she looked to Jenny with an offer to slip inside the academy. Even if that meant they'd be playing hide and seek with death... then again there were still the dorms and Jenny could try the sky once more.

The sky had turned to dusk as all sound began to slowly disappear the bells ringing our for their 9th time.