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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So we're going back into the chambers risking life and limb again on my hunch?" Riley smirked playfully at the heroine "You ARE quite the daredevil aren't you?" the showgirl pushed away from the wall and approached Jenny and Sir with a sexy and energetic sway "Then shall we?" she grinned happily.

The girls were already underground only now Riley had a active lantern out, enterting the chambers would be a short walk away. The sight would be exactly the same as Jenny first visited them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You know it." Jenny sounded all to happy about this. Maybe it was due to her being so close to saving Lina or maybe it was Riley. This though caused her to blush as she chased after the girl. Getting to the room Jenny got her gun ready and handed Riley a peice of chalk. "Okay if we get seperated and you want out just draw a circle around you okay!" With that Jenny looked to where their first door would be. Looking to the south Jenny took Riley and Sir's hand and headed in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Well here they go again... "Mhm~ I'm an ex-student, who liked to explore this place. We should be fine" she winked at Jenny and the trio slowly entered the room once more, passing by the small wooden chair, vacant of any watchers.

South would be tricky since that the route the group entered, the trio stepped forward into the middle of the room, smiled at each other and turned around. Their previous exit was gone, making the south door appear.

The girls locked their hands together and proceeded onwards, these chambers were far different from the terrors. The dread was gone, replaced by a light curious fog.

The group slowly opened the door and passed inside. Oddly enough the room was empty... "D-do you hear that?" a chill ran down Jennys spine as indeed there was distinct silent ushering. Taking a few steps towards the middle revealed a surprising creepy sight! Spider! Itsy bitcy spiders were running down the walls and from the gap in the ceiling keep to close their distance to the girsl "S-S-SPIDERS!!"

actually fell down on Jenny! Though as the heroine tried to avoid the envenomed bite?? She'd note it wasn't even trying to hurt her, but snuggled it's fuzzy body against the girls skin. It's huge big black eyes as innocent as innocent spider eyes can be, heck it didn't even seem to have fangs! Then again finding out such things later may come at a cost.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

That was creepy and creepier still it seemed to like Jenny. Keeping a death grip on the showgirl Jenny smiled a the cutsy thing and looked to Riley. "M-My mother always said leave it alone and they will leave you alone....." Being cuddled to death by overly friendly spiders was hardly something Jenny desired so she kept moving slowly making sure not to step on any of the critters that fell to the floor. Heading to the East exit Jenny smiled at the cutie on her shoulder making sure to appear as nonthreatening as she could. This of course gave her usually pretty face a strange distortion as she smiled a very tight lipped smile to avoid showing her teeth.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Make them, go away. Make the go away, make them go away..." Riley was not having a good time... the showgirl had her face covered and eyes shut tightly, all too scared to look around or to move without proper guidance for that matter. Honestly it may be for the better... looking around there was a scittering mass of big black eyes looking up from the sea of fuzz below. The real problem was while they didn't seem to be inclined to drown the girls in affection procceeding onwards was a slow and methodcal proceess with Jenny having to gently push the spiders aside who quickly crawled on her foot and not go away unless thrown aside.

On the brightside Sir, just continued to float alonside the girl with 3 of the spider on his head lookin over the girls happily. All too cozy on the contructs body.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Shhss its okay Riley just don't look okay. Keep your eyes close and think of them as warm little kittens." In all honesty Jenny wouldn't mind keeping one of these guys as a pet but now was not the time and undoubtedly this room was triggering off one of Riley's fears. Dang this walk was taking a long time and Jenny was getting way more spiders on her than she thought was cute. Still she best keep moving trying not to hurt any of the little things after all who knows what would happen if they did. "Come on little guys out of our way please we just need to move on to the next room." She spoke to the overly friendly spiders trying to sound gentle.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny lead the group onwards and soon enough reached the correct door and finally found passage through the surprisingly cute spiders, looking back she'd see sea of small big round black eyes looking at her sadly "A-are we through yet...?" the answer was yes indeed Jenny stood at the entrance to the next passage, she could play around or perhaps even take one of the spiders with her.

The one on her shoulder looked to girl lightly, it's fuzzy mandibles moving as if it wanted to say something. Still Riley stood nearby and sir helped his own trio off. It was up to the fate of this tiny spider... they proved harmless. Still whatever Jenny wanted to was up to her now, go on onwards or mess around here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes where almost through Riley just keep you eyes closed okay." Jenny would then move the spider from her shoulder to her hand and gentle pet it. "You wouldn't anyone would you?" It was strange how dose one pet a spider to begin with but alas Jenny tried. "It looks like they want to come with us. Poor little things are probably lonely." Jenny sighed they where probably constructs of magic and would fade away once Jenny left the room and who knew maybe they where just babies and if she took one the mama would be mad or worse they where babies and harmless now but not after they grew up. Checking Riley and Sir over for any hidden spiders Jenny spoke to the showgirl. "Riley I want you to turn around and take a look at these little guys okay don't freak out I have one in my hand okay? Just trust me they are harmless I just want you to look at them alright." Jenny wouldn't force the issue on Riley but she thought giving the girl a chance to confront her fear while they where in the form of cute fuzzy spiders would be best then running into the giant ones in the forest.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Effect #50
"W-what?!" Riley froze up at the offer, but slowly opened her eyes. The lil' spider looked to the showgirl curiously, scittering from one leg to the other on the heroines palm. It's b-- *Fwoosh* Rileys hands ignited in fire!

Though she didn't act... the girl looked at the single spider, it's big innocent eyes looking at the flames "H-hey... it's kinda cute." the flames dimmed as the girl relaxed a bit as fragile smile forming on her lovely face. Jenny grinned contently as the showgirl leaned a bit forward "D'aw~ look at it's tiny hands" they were mandibles "Whacha doin lil'---" *jump!* a cold silence enveloped the room as the spider jumped up to Rileys hair....

"KYAAAAAH~~~~!!!!" the doors to the next room slammed open as Riley ran forward in panic! Not noting the cute spiders location unknown for the group.

If Jenny followed she'd find Riley covering her mouth with both hands looking fearfully at the sight before her! A huge pile of bones of all manner of creatures rested in the middle of the room. A white tabard and heavy plated corpse nearby. It's clothing that of a holy warrior... near the middle there was a small box...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"RILEY! its okay its okay he's not.. going.... to .. hurt.. you." Jenny stopped and saw the sight. Well this was disturbing. Still Jenny quickly checked Riley over for the spider making sure the the little thing didn't make the situation worse. "W-We should move on...."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Suddenly before Jenny could look over Riley something moved from beyond the bones. The trio looked over in fright as... a small white bunny appeared. The two girls blinked at the sight. Well this was odd... then again what was with all of the bones around it and the white knights corpse.

Looking over the sight once more, Jenny noted that the bunnys jaw was actually bloody!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yeah lets keep moving Riley that rabbit is far more dangerous than that little spider." Jenny was of course interested in what was in the box but its not like she had a hand grenade to destroy the rabbit with. Keeping an eye on the rabbit Jenny led the group to the next door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny moved she noted the rabbit looking to them! At this rate it'll attack if they kept moving in their current direction! But what could a simple rabbit do-- suddenly Jenny felt Riley stop her, the showgirls eyes looked to the small rabbit "Wait... I've got a horrible feeling about this. We need to make sure that thing can't attack us." she paused briefly, her voice kept to a whisper "I mean look at the bones! There are no roaming creatures here, meaning it killed whatever entered it's domain!"

It was a fairly ridiculous prospect, but then again this WAS the chambers. Things tended to make very little sense here. The small box was nearby and Jenny should be able to reach it if she wanted to, hopefully without enraging the critter.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny noted the box and looked to the rabbit. "I wish we had that army of spiders now." Jenny moved cautiously to get to the box hopfully the rabbit left her alone. There was no place to hid from it and very little she could do after all it looked rather fast and if ti could take down a fully armored knight then what could she do against it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully Jenny managed to grab the chest and slide it awya without getting her throat ripped open... inside the heroine found a gold orb with a silver cross on top. At the bottom of the box there was a book titled "The Book of Armaments" unfortunately the girl couldn't get it open due to a very sturdy lock...

Riley just looked over the collection and then to Jenny, her gaze saying much more about her view on the situation than words could ever muster. They were literally trying to find a way to kill a rabbit... a rabbit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Bah locks only exist to keep people honest. This lock was no diffrenet than any other though with it being as sturdy as it was she doubted it would be a quick pick. Handing the strange grenade to Riley Jenny did her best to open it the lock and see if she could figure out how to use this thing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Be it by sheer luck, coincidence or fate the girl opened the page that illustrated the "Holy grenade", but the instructions were just... Jenny had to take triple check to see if what she saw was actually written down. Everything from eating cereal, the grinning Star God to numerous mentions that after pulling the cross out the thrower has to count to 3! Five was right out.

Riley looked over the object with rgeat curiousity "What IS this thing..." looked like it was up to Jenny to lead Riley through the very odd weapons usage.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Pull the cross out count to three and throw it!" Jenny tossed the rather strange manual aside and held her breath. Would it work that was starting to look hungry.

If the link doesn't work let me know. You want the last page of the comic
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"To five?" Riley shook her head strongly, okay she wasn't that stupid... something in this room was wrong. Right along that damn rabbit!

The showgirl looked over the grenade and took a deep breath "Here goes nothing... 1... 2... 5!" "Three Riley!" "Three!" the girl chugged the grenade between the bones for a violent explosion to rock the room! A heavenly chorus singing somewhere in the back of the duos head.

A the smoke cleared the rabbit was no more "Let's just... get the heck out of here eh?" Riley couldn't help, but break into lighthearted laughter. This was the kind of the room, you'd either never speak of again or just keep remembering.

The Beast has been slain!
xp awarded --- [no xp given within chambers]
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Dusting herself and Riley off Jenny took a look for the little spider again even checking under Riley's hat. Dang it seems the little fella was gone which was to bad he was kinda cute. Heading for the east door Jenny looked about the room and shook her head. It was a silly place.