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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Really and your the authority here? The one who picks who lives and who dies! Ive seen the sheriff save countless lives, battling alien horrors and corrupt beasts." Jenny kept her eyes focused on the man on the ground making sure this wasn't some trick. "Tell your buddy their to stay face down in the dirt if he wants to keep living. As for the rest of you. You should be ashamed all of you ready to throw him to the wolves after all he has done to keep you safe. Ya sure he's not popular when he dose it but this town would be gone if not for him. How many of you had the golden girls treat your injuries before you burned the last one alive in her home after her sister died. I will not let you kill more people trying to help you." Jenny was angry really angry and had it not been for a tiny little golem hand on her leg bringing her back out of her anger things may have gotten out of hand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I AM!" the mans voice boomed out seemingly all around town as he turned to face Jenny his eyes mirroring her rage aswell "I am the Judge. It is I who decides who lives and dies, on the authority of the Star God!" he silently turned to the younger man who kept his hands up in the air "Michael, get up."

"Hey I'm not gettin' shot by psycho today. I'm fine like this." the Judge huffed at the young man "She's one of them and she's unstable. Now get up." the young man froze up for a brief moment, before suddenly snapping up along with the whole darn chair into a sitting position and slightly leaned forward looking to Jenny "Young miss, are you really with the demons too?" though the hood obscured his eyes, his smile was in full display. A friendly smile?

Still as Jenny let out her outrage she glanced around the crowd with fury, notting most of them were looking down sadly. Then again, the jeers she thought she heard were from a fair distance away, sound had a way to distort itself... Noone seemed agresive nor supportative of the action, most having defeated sad looking eyes. The torches not accompanied by any pitchforks or anything else really.

The Judge shivers with odd energy, hinting at a protective shell
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny watched as the man displaying some spectacular acrobatics bring himself and his chair to and upright position. "[Young miss, are you really with the demon.../COLOR]" Twin shots echoed out as Jenny fired hopefully hitting the front legs of the chair before the man settled and hopefully spilling him into the dirt. "No and I said stay down!" She had five shots left. "Sir free Grace and the Rei please this tragedy has gone on long enough." Jenny kept her eyes on the the olderman. "Besides if I was with the demons I would have popped his head like a ripe fruit from a distance."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley stealth check:
vs Mickey: 43 vs 33 WIN
vs Judge: 41 vs 31 WIN

Mickey use Battle Aura
Mickey summons 2 Energy Weapons

Cries and screams rang out as Jenny pulled down the trigger twin shots ringing out across the silent town. Though as her shot smoke cleared the sight was not what she hoped for, the chain crumbled from the shots completely, but the young man was nowhere to be seen. Only a blink later seemingly appearing and looking over the chair "Hey I only borrowed tha!t" he placed his fingers on his lips thinking "Say Judge can you spare me a few denarii, we'll need to--" "MICHAEL!" the judge turned to the young man angrily "Enough is enough. Take care of the interuption or shall I do it."

The young mans gaze lingered on the older man, before he sighed heartily "I'm so sorry, young miss. This may hurt a bit." before Jenny could even readjust her aim a seeming boom of air rushed from the stockades. Two bright white batons appeared in his hand, the robe rustling on him emiting a strong aura "Please we mean no harm, they're our friends!" Lina no longer silent cried out to the two executors.

Though as the dust was kicked up Jenny noted something else, near the stockades a figure was visible, but only a for a brief moment. Where was Riley? The answer was swiftly hinted as Grace suddenly turned to her right in surprise.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny kept her calm trying to make sure she didn't give anything away. "Well Micky its a shame your gonna have to hurt me cause really I would rather not hurt anyone. But I will not stand idle while someone passes judgment on the sheriff and an angel. Inquisitors of the star god or not I won't stand for it. If you two had any common sense and decency you would save your wrath for the actual enemy." Jenny turned her attention to the people around her. If she could sway the crowd maybe the inquisitors would leave. "Listen to me are you gonna just watch them do this or for once are you gonna stand up for yourselves. If you continue to let them do this how long do you think it will take them to go after you or you" Jenny pointed at few citizens for effect. "They won't stop with just us, it will only be a matter of time before they come for you. If you fail to stand now there will be nothing to stop them when they knock on your door and no one left to morn for you once they put you to the torch."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mickey goes wild:
Instant-transmition into melee.

Attacks is undodgeable for Jenny meek dodge.
196 damage done (Rend activated)

Riley remains invisible:
vs Judge: 27 vs 31 WIN

Unfortunately Jennys roasing speech was swiftly cut short "Listen to me are you gonna just watch them do this or for once are you gonna stand up for--" with that in an instant the young templar was right before Jenny "Young miss, they ARE our enemies." he smiled lightly before in a flash Jenny felt not one, but three attacks land on her. Yet her eyes didn't catch whiff of a single strike...

The girl was swiftly knocked off her feet and up from the initial strike, the other two strikes aimed to numb her limbs. Jenny fel down completely unable to move, only one last cry of her sister guiding her away to unconciousness.


With a sudden gasp of air Jenny quickly shot up from her bed. The dark damp walls, the numerous barrels and dry rags. The girl was in someones basement. Any attempts to get out of bed would be sore reminders of her crushing defeating, her supernatural body just barely able to keep her moving. Each and single nerve in her endings screaming out in pain.

Thankfully as all things, the pain would slowly subside leaving a uncomfortable numbness. Her bones were fine and her bruises treated, though it would hurt Jenny could move onwards or rest a bit longer.

The door outside would be unlocked and would lead to a dimly hallway with 4 other doors. 1 on each end left and right, one other on her side and one on the wall infront.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny woke and gasped. "Damn" she hurt all over but despite her injuries she got up. She had to find out what happened to the others. Stumbling a bit Jenny reached her door and opened it slowly. Looking down the dimly hit hall Jenny let her ears do the searching trying to listen for any noise or clue to people or other things hiding about. Thankfully the numbness in her body held the pain and fear of what could have happened at the back of her mind though if any of her friends had been killed... Dark thoughts filled her though she quickly pushed them aside. No time for that she thought to herself I need to figure out whats going on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

After he defeat all the girl could clearly hear was a ringing in her head, still focused enough she seemed to be able to hear echos from the further end of the hallway. The other door disturbances far harder or impossible to hear in the heroines current condition.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Damn it..." Jenny slumped against the doorway a moment before heading for the first door on the right. Gathering her strength she opened it slightly to see what was in side.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny pushed the door meekly and looked inside, her eyes widening with hope upon the sight. Still in his Lederhosen getup Servo had his hand placed and busy healing the sheriff! The man was in heavy bandages, most of them soaked in either blood or antiseptics, Jennys limited knowledge would only note heavy dark red stains.

The rest of the room was clearly hinting at a improvised medical room. By itself it was fairly small 2 bed barely apart took up the mayority with a open wooden shelf having numerous potions and lotions along it, ending with a big wrap of bandages. The walls were bare stone, but far from damp or abbandoned. Not to mention almost each corner had a hefty amount of dust pushed to it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled inspite of the pain.. "Sir thank the gods your okay." Jenny looked at the other doors and hoped the rest of her friends where there. Moving to the next door on the left she opened it to see who else had made it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Be it because the magic or Jennys weak voice unfortunately Sir didn't seem to hear her. The lil guy all too focused on the heavily hurt man beneath.

Sated with just a glance and relief knowing atleast one of her companions is safe, Jenny decided to check the other door. A short walk a seeming sting at her side later, the heroine pushed open the other door.

This room had atleast 7 beds in total, pretty much all of them having different sheets. The room was dimly illluminated and mostly unoccupied except for one bed.

In the bed closest to the exit lied Riley, her ringmistress outfit gone to leave her in fairly skimpy panties and bra. Without the sheets on her, no bruises or wounds were evident. Judging by her pose the girl had been asleep for some time.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Reicarn, Sir, and Riley where all safe but there where people still missing. Her body aching she wanted nothing more than to lay next to Riley and sleep but concern for the other forced her on. Using the wall for support Jenny moved along to the next two rooms checking the one next to Riley's before looking at the other. Come be alright please be alright. Seeing Rei in seriously bad shape had shaken Jenny but thankfully due to her own condition she was mostly numb to feeling of dread that it forced upon her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slumped over to the door where the most sound seemed to be coming from, if it wasn't for the ringing in her head perhaps the girl could eavesdrop, but as it was right now it would prove futile.

Skimming whatever the other two rooms fully contained, Jenny slowly pushed open the final door...

"... that's exactly what I fear--" as the door was slowly pushed open a silence fel in the room interupting whatever discussion was going on. Jenny slowly raised her eyes only to instantly meet eyes, she didn't even know she missed so much.

"J-Jenny!" before even the words reached her ears the girl felt a all too familiar touch slide past her sides. The gentle skin, expert touch... even the expectional perfume "Nico?" perhaps even subconciously her mouth spoke as she looked up to the platinum haired elder succubus.

"Hey." Nico smiled tenderly holding her, gently lifting her to rest on herself and indulge in the heavenly embrace. Whatever Jenny intended next was swiftly interupted by a sudden gentle kiss, Nico's tender lips making the already barely concious girl almost drift away. Instead though Jenny felt herself grow ever so slightly stronger, the more she lingered in Nico's heavenly embrace.

Though she couldn't quite see it now, Jenny was in a substantially larger square room. The place had fairly elaborate chandelier lighting up the area, a fairly elaborate rug and a large long table on it. Otherwise the room had numerous shelves all around the room most of the lining up numerous potions. Besides that there was only 1 other door.

Around the table sat other 3 figures: Meril, Rita and Jasmine!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Indeed Jenny mouthed the words and sadly started to slip away into slumber once more her strength spent. "The others.. are they okay...." Welcoming darkness took her into its arms her dreams mostly relaxed and peaceful despite all that occurred. Waking again and hopefully in better condition Jenny looked about the cellar trying to feel out if she could walk again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

And with that her hazy dream-like glimpse at her friends ended. Finally collapsing Jenny would awake only some time later...

When she awoke the girl found herself in the same room as before, but this time she wasn't alone. Her head turned to the door Jenny could clearly see a light blue light slowly scan the room and the top of Servos chasis in clear view. The lil' guy was in his alarm/stand-by mode right infront of the door.

Thankfully the pain had subsided this time around aswell as the nauseu.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny's head cleared she remembered what she had seen. Getting up despite her state of dress if any at all, Jenny moved to the door and activated Sir with a hug. "Hey buddy." Jenny held the little golem tight before opening the door and heading right for the room with Rei in it. The sheriff was in a bad way when she had seen him last and she hopped that Sir had managed to save him.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Fortunately the girl did have a nightie on her, not one of hers and it was clearly FAR too small around her very bountiful beauties... but it was something. The hug worked as expected as quickly turned off his alarm stance and hugged her back. Her current state much better, Jenny wasted little time looking around her room.

The girl quickly opened the door and stepped out--- "Eeep" only to bump into Riley! To make things worse the girl was carrying a breafast plate which was now well on it's way down from the sudden impact!

A spectral hand swiftly caught the plate mid-day and even most of the food on it! "Well someone's active from the get-go." the girl snickered warmly, before leaning in for a tight hug on Jenny "Thank goodness you're okay..."

Meanwhile the spectral hand, now a fully formed illusionary Riley held the plate nearby. Both Rileys wore the same, a surprising casual shirt and short shorts.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Bumbling into Riley caused Jenny to smile as the show girl pulled her into a hug. This of course only caused Jenny to pull her into a deep kiss mushing poor Sir between the girls. "Im so glad your safe Riley. I was so worried." Jenny kissed her again before letting their embrace slide. Riley was safe that knowledge alone lifted Jenny's spirits, still others where yet unaccounted for. "What about Lina?!" Her little adventure from before did not reveal her sister and despite the warm and caring energy she had a sense of dread was building within her. "I don't remember what happened. That man Michale took me out in one go... I... couldn't protect them...." Tears welled in her eyes as she hug Riley again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While surprised at the kiss at first, the shock was swiftly replaced by sharper eyes and a smile. Sir thankfully was right behind Jenny during the scene so he barely saw anything, not to mention a simple-... with a light turn of her head Riley quickly deepened the kiss, her hands sliding around the heroines neck, a particulary content giggle escaping her.. Well at any rate Sir had seen Jenny in far more 'questionable' situations.

Though as all things the kiss would soon break as worry still ravaged Jennys mind or perhaps a certain intuition "Lina..." Riley leaned out and looked down, not daring face Jenny only spurring her dread forward "She-- I'm not sure I should be the one to tell you." the showgirl looked to Jenny clearly holding something back... and none too comfortable about it.