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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey turned to Riley curiously and smiled "We've met, but weren't introduced. A pleasure to meet you, Mistey." the showgirl smiled cutely to the alchemist, lightly leaning forward... only for a another Riley to lean forward right next to her side and yet another. The alchemist blinked at the sight, only for the two illusions to shatter a few moments later much to content snicker from the show-off "A pleasure." Mistey smiled unsurely and leaned out from the hug, just as Jenny mentioned their little 'secret'...

"Jenny!" Mistey blushed cutely looking to the heroine! "Oh~ you mean that one?" Riley looked to Jenny almost playing along much to the Misteys embarassment "Mhm~" both exchanged mischievious giggles much to the tease of the alchemist.

Nico cover her mouth with one hand in feminine fashion, hiding a shared laughter. Looked like the 'secret potion incident' wasn't as much of a secret as Mistey would hope... "How is he Mistey?" Nico smiled warmly to the alchemist, breaking the alchemists embarassment. Mistey looked down sadly "He's still unconcious, but stable." the succubus smiled widely to the asnwer "Well with someone as caring as you with him, he'll be better than ever before the day is even done." she winked to Mistey encouragingly squeezing a smile out of her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled as her thoughts drifted to the sheriff. He had called them here only to be set upon them it was a sad state. "Yeah Im sure he will be up and complaining all to soon." Jenny turned her attention back to the maps. "I like your plan Nico and Ill see Meril about lending a hand but first I want to see Ezalor there is something I need to discuss with him." Jenny offered Riley her arm "Ready to see the sights?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey giggled warmly "Hey~ Rei doesn't complain." she smiled in a fragile fashion, amused by the joke, but clearly still torn by worry. Meanwhile Nico sighed sadly "Unfortunately I can't reach any of the girls out in the field and I have to keep the field active. Jenny you'll have to head out alone." the succubus smiled tenderly, looking the heroine dearly in her eyes "Bu---" "I'll go too." as if reminding the succubus of herself Riley spoke up and smirked confidently "There's no way I'm staying inside a basement, not after finally returning to a real actual town!" the showgirl smiled brightly.

Though not too joyous at first, Nico relaxed "Well I guess someone to look over your back is always a plus." "Up the stairs and first right, then go past the counter and outside." Mistey spoke up "I'll keep Servo here, magic is still frowned upon in the streets remember?" the comment instantly catching the showgirls attention "What? Really? Why?" Mistey smiled sheepishly, though the answer wouldn't come from her "It's a very long story, don't use magic unless you absolutely have to." Nico turned slowly walked to her dressed and opened it up looking all over it "And before you go." she inclipped a light blue dress with a classic jeans jacket combo and threw it to Jenny "Do get dressed." the succubus giggled and winked to Jenny, Riley and Mistey joining in on the hidden snickers.

Riley eagerly took Jennys hand and the two made their exit, it was a fairly short flight of stairs leading to a wooden hall with quite. Jenny recognised the area from her earlier visit, but this time most of the doors were closed and silent. Leading her companion out soon enough both girls pushed aside the front door only to meet the rays of sunshine and mountain breeze head on!

"Ha~~" Riley smiled brightly taking a few steps forward, looking over in absolute wonder as simple cart of tonic rode past her. With the dark of night and flames out, the town was just as it usually was. Quite a few people walked the streets continueing their every day schedules, everyone from the very noble dresses to the middle-class was just going about their daily routines, giving quite a few stray looks to the girls out of curiousity...

"There's so many people here! So many buildings! Let's go take a look inside each and every one of them!" Riley ran up taking both of Jennys hands almost keen to drag her away to explore other peoples houses. Thinking back, when was the girl last in a proper city. Or even among people...
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smirked at the offered cloths and changed right then and there before tossing the borrowed nightgown back at Nico. "Thanks Nico Ill try not to get this dress ruined as well. Smiling Jenny gave Mistey a hug and Nico a hurried kiss on the cheek lest she be drawn into the succubus embrace. Taking Riley by the arm they headed out into the fresh air. "Riley..whoa!" Jenny stumbled as the eager show girl pulled her along. "Hey we can't be entering peoples houses now." Jenny smiled before regaining her feet. "Come on I want to show you something." If Riley let her Jenny took her to see the golden girls mansion or rather what was left of it telling her the story on the way there. After that she would take her to the lake and point out a spot she had picked out. "I was hoping after all this calmed down and the town was safe I could build a resort there. Maybe make a hotspring with some" Jenny lowered her voice and looked around. "With some magic."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Why not?" the girl lightly turned her head looking to Jenny, however Jenny chose to explain it Riley wouldn't argue only snicker clearly on half-hearing it. The two slowly walked down the street only to note one of the bonfires standing atleast a few feet tall, left cool for the moment.

Though as they walked around, Riley couldn't help, but continiously look around waving to people and keeping a huge grin on her face, especially whenever some of the strangers waved or smiled back to the strange beauty. At the very least the town still had it's fairly pleasant feel to it, even in such a odd time.

As they went seeming roar escaped from the blacksmithy, Riley quickly running up near the doorway to peek inside without asking her guide "Psst Jenny! Look!" the showgirl called her over and once more peeked inside. Whether Jenny spurred the showgirl to follow or joined in on the distraction was up to her.
The whole smithy rumbled as grunts echoed from inside. Taking a peek inside, the massive blacksmith and another man were in locked in a armwrestling match.

Riley puckered her lips with curiousity at the macho display, the men hands seemingly wider than she was. Their locked tug-of-war seemingly making the ground shake around them. Looking at the stranger Jenny quickly noted some base white gown and a tome?! "GAAH~!" with a resounding thump and the table steel reinforced legs bending down the white dressed giant was victorious!

Both men laughted merrily at the match "You damn ox!" the blacksmith laughted merrily locking his hands with a the stranger both of them grinning widely from beneath their beards - the blacksmiths black and the strangers orange "Now that was a match! Dahaha!" with the smith walking to fetch something Jenny could look over the stranger fully.

He was way taller than average clearly even having to bend a bit to walk out most doors, not to mention looking over his absurdly broad shoulders likely he'd have to walk outside side-ways. Riley giggled silently at the beast of a man "Wow..." one thing was certain this was one beast of a man and thankfully he had a warm and welcoming smile hidden behind his beard.

Besides that he had a full head of hair, fairly neatly combet and fixed, even if a bit ragged post their intense matchup. He worse a white tabard hiding whatever armor he hand beneath, but judging by his massive plate boots he was ladden in silvery heavy armor.

Soon the blacksmith returned carrying a massive two-handed hammer, runes and golden ornaments covering most of the heavy steel weapon "Gods damnit--" the red haired stranger quickly raised a finger only for the blacksmith to laugh out once more "Sorry. At any rate here it is, balanced just perfectly for ya." the stranger grasped the massive hammer before lifting it with one hand and grinning "Dahaha now that's what I'm talking about!" he grinned lightly let go of it, the hammer dropping with a thud that almost sent a wave outside or at the very least blowing both of the peeps hair back "How much?" he smiled at the blacksmith.

"After you cleared those demons for us? Call it a favor--" a heavy bag of coins suddenly dropped on the table "NONSENSE! Besides I owe you a new table." he chuckled warmly, not hearing any arguments about the cost "I'll see you around." he nodded to the blacksmith and turned to leave "Aye!"

"Time to go!" Riley grinned to Jenny and quickly the two girls made their escape.

Soon enough the two girls arrived to the destination they had planned - the Golden Girls mansion. Jenny stepped forward and sigh deeply looking over it. Unfortunately restoration work had only barely started the mansion still as desolate as ever, though as far as ruins go. For some reason it had a certain pleasant wibe to it "Let's go see inside." Riley smiled brightly and quickly slipped in through a hole in the fence. Walking around Jenny finally managed to share the story of what she faced around the mansion with Riley the showgirl listening eagerly to each and every word. The heroine even pointing out certain areas where something had happened. Though just how detailed about their fates Jenny, was a choice she had to make herself. It may shape the girls views on the town.
Write a short version what you tell her.
Riley will remember that ;P
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny watched the struggle between the blacksmith and the larger man. "So was he the one that stopped the others?" Jenny looked over to Riley who seemed all to pleased to watch the show. Her excitement as always was contagious and Jenny allowed her self to smile a bit. Clearly Riley hadn't heard her so Jenny turned her attention back to the event. As the contest played out and the large man got even his larger hammer Riley suggested they go but Jenny found herself eying the man as he left. She had no spite in her eyes but was clearly measuring up the man looking past his body and to his eyes. She was looking for genuine kindness in them and no doubt she would have her answer once the massive mountain of the man met her gaze if at all. If he did Jenny would simply smile and excuse herself politely heading out with Riley in tow.

When they reached the Manor Jenny walked in with a smile on her face. "When I first came I here I was following a clue to my sisters where abouts. But before that I found out that this place was haunted. Two sisters Becky and Nina Brensly had died in this very place. One murdered by her lover the other burned alive by the townsfolk." Jenny looked around the building saddened by the memories. "My first encounter with a Rever took place in this very room. I don't know how I made it out alive. Still after I fled and did a little more research I came back. My second trip was more successful and I made contact with the girls spirits." Jenny smiled but it was weak as she picked up a shell casing. "I was so confident when I came back for the third time I nearly got myself killed twice. After that I almost gave up but then after calming down I went to Ezalor for help. He is a wise man and I hope hes alright. Anyway to make a long story short I freed the girls from their torment at lest their spirits anyway, and they blessed me with their occulus and badge. If it wasn't for them I would never have found my sister or you." Jenny leaned over and kissed Riley on the cheek. "Thats why I asked Azreal if he could bring them back. After all they had their own lives cut short." Jenny's little tour lead Riley to the makeshift shrine that Mistey had made. "Hey girls Im back just wanted to say thank you again. I found my sister and saved another lost innocent. I hope you two are not causing to much trouble for the kind spirits." Jenny smiled again before placing a hand on the shrine. "I know I've asked alot of you but if you would please keep an eye out for Grace and Lina.. they need your protection now and it would comfort me greatly if you would grant it." It felt odd asking spirits to watch out for her sister heck it even felt a little silly sense the girls now doubt had gone on to the spirit realm but still it never hurt to ask. IF that done Jenny would lead Riley out and to the library but she doubt it would be a fast trip and wouldn't mind if Riley lead her about a little seeing the sights.

:p by the way have you played 400 days?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley only shook her head and put a finger to her lips, suggesting they both stay quiet during the peep. Looked like this wasn't the man. Lingering in the doorway would indeed result in the two meeting each others gaze. The mountain paused briefly as he met the girls inspecting eyes. There was little doubt about it, he had soft eyes, but a very experienced gleam in them. Looking directly at him revealed quite a few hints of a very mature age, his skin a tad past his prime. As for what Jenny sought, kindness was a tough thing to spot... "Oh hoy there! Please come in, I was just leaving." he smiled widely. Though it wasn't clear if he was kind, the man had a honest and a friendly look to him, no ill will burning in them at all "Oh, no it's nothing. Thank you." Jenny smiled kindly and quickly took off, her own thoughts on the matter private to herself.

The shrine was warm to the touch, a spek of light from outside giving it a particular aura about it. Though no answer would come as Jenny made her plea... meanwhile Riley was busy working over the story, looking down thoughtfully "So these two girls came from the academy and wanted to start a new life, use their magic for good?" she looked over the ruins sadly "This town murdered one of them and burnt her sister alive?" a little conflicted the girl once more looked down, her first time ever out of the academy. Seemed the world outside the safety of the academy was much darker than she expected "Why?" the story was hardly showing the people of Kings Coast in positive light... though Jenny could continue her tale as they were enroute to the library.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well" Jenny got up ending her peaceful moment. "To be fair it wasn't the town that murdered Becky it was horrible man who I won't mention here. He apparently was a very evil person and poor Becky wasn't his first Victim. Though in the end she was his last and he was hanged. Nina however fell victim to a corrupt church who swayed a few weak willed individuals to perform a terrible deed." Jenny sighed "I wish you had seen this place before the whole thing went to shit." Before Jenny realized it they had stopped before the library with Jenny looking to the building hoping it had escaped unscathed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny explained the events leading to the fall of the Golden Girls, Riley visibly eased up, rapidly creating a picture of the town and it's inhabitants by the heroines tales.

Even though Jenny seemed keen to quickly rush past it, perhaps just ignore it. Rileys curiousity forced them to a stop once more "Is this it? Nico's bar?" the showgirl stopped at the entrance of the once bright and colorful bar. It's walls ash black, windows shattered and littered across the street. Seemed noone even cleaned the area up, leaving the Kings Inn just a smoldering ruin.

There were no doors to speak off, letting Riley enter unobstructed "I wanna take a quick look around." the showgirl paused before disappearing from sight, looking to what Jenny would do. She could look over the ruins or carry onwards letting Riley catch up later.

As Jenny followed her companion, a brief memory of laughter and dancing echoed at the back of her head, bringing a nostalgic smile on the girls face, before reality hit. The whole bar was barely anything, but ash. The walls only hinting at their previous color at the very top and few corners of the walls. The ceiling was pitch black, with numerous holes scattered throughout. The main bar, was not spared aswell. The remnants of the busted open barrels still barely legible. Thankflly there was no sign of true conflict, no burnt corpses or blood splatters around the area. Just a few bolts shinning brightly, stuck near the entry way downstairs and the back exit. Looking to the right, there was also a particulary burnt stairway upstairs.

Day 1. Late Afternoon, nearing Dusk.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny twinged at the sight but quickly followed Riley in. "Yeah Nico's bar." Jenny sighed it had been her shelter during the early part of her journey. "This place helped me come to terms of what I am and how to control it." Jenny smiled a hand brushing ash of the bar. "Good times all ruined by a few zealots."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked around once more, it was hard to believe this used to be the bar the succubus mentioned "Why torch this place?" walking in deeper, Jenny would note the stairs down were utterly ruined, but oddly enough Nico's room seemed to possess very few burnt items. As if it was cleared out when the fires came.

As Jenny inspected the remnants, Riley just barely pullet out one of the bolts from near the entrance "Look at this, Jen." the girl approached and offered the bolt, the item made of some unknown pure metal still having a almost blinding bright sheen to it. It's surface smooth with only one end sharp. It looked more like a steak "A crossbow user?"

If Jenny picks it up. [DO NOT CHEAT. Only read it if you choose to do so]
As the girl reached out for the item a searing pain coursed through her body, a painful sizzling sound echoing from her palm!

Jenny suffers 7 damage!

Day 1. Late Afternoon, nearing Dusk.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well Nico is a demon so her aura probably drew the inquisitors here." Jenny said it flatly hoping that Riley didn't freak out after all the girl was held by some crazy shadow beast not to long ago. "What do you got their OUCH!" Jenny quickly dropped the pure metal as it burned her hand leaving a nasty blister where it touched her skin. "Damn that hurt what is it made of." Most of the pain was shock and surprise after all Jenny wasn't a demon. Though the more she thought about it she was extremely tainted by them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You mean just like you?" Riley handed over the stake or bolt, to Jenny. The steel seeming red-hot upon touch, instantly burning the girls hand fairly severely!

The rang out as it hit the ground, a hefty sum of ashes spreading from the impact. Moments later the steel evaporated into a white mist, scattering into the wind "I'm pretty sure that wasn't a regular bolt." Riley sheepishly glanced to the other one still stuck in the wall nearby.

Otherwise the bar was just a burnt down ruin, though the girls could check upstairs or downstairs if they wished. Even if the stairs were unusual, Jenny had a few ways to travel.

Day 1. Late Afternoon, nearing Dusk.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny held her hand wincing at the burn. Perhapse it was the pain of the injury or the fact Riley's comment hit a little close to home gave Jenny's voice a slight upset tone. "Im not a demon." Looking around Jenny headed out not waiting for Riley. She had tears in her eyes from the burn or the thought that Riley thought she was demon. Maybe it was both either way Jenny headed for Ezalors.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley caught the sudden change in her tone instantly, her eyes widening "J-Jen?" the girl reached forward only for Jenny to quickly turn around and rush to leave this place already, a single sparkle of a tear flicking off her to shine in dimming rapidly dimming sunlight.

The showgirl didn't linger around and quickly went after the heroine, catching up to her only at the exit out of the bar "Jen, I didn't mean... it's just... Sorry." she looked down sadly, even if the cause of such a strong reaction was unclear. From what she had seen, the girl possesed strength far above a simple human girls, she could change her body at a whim, spread huge dark wings and even drain creatures of life... these were not human traits, but demonic. Something deep down Jenny knew herself, was she truly human anymore...

If Jenny allowed Riley would lean to hug her lightly, following her lead right after either way.

As Jenny neared the library, thankfully the girl saw the clearly illuminated hallway from even a great distance. Turning the corner, nothing had changed. The Kings Library stood as grand... well it stand just as it had always stood. A bit raggedy, but having a charm to it. The whole area illuminated by torches far brighter than anywhere else "Wow..." Riley smiled at the sight looking around in wonder for some reason.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It hurt but as Riley leaned in for a hug Jenny couldn't resist her. Wrapping an arm around Riley Jenny held her tightly. Tears still streaming lightly after a moment Jenny spoke. "Do you really think I'm a demon Riley?" Jenny was rather afraid of the answer after all she knew she wasn't purely human anymore and during her quest she had in fact, lost or sacrificed some of humanity. She didn't think she was a demon. She didn't feel like one but than again Nico is a demon but different. Nico the silver haired beauty was kind, compassionate, and did her best not to hurt others.. but she did keep her toys. Jenny sniffed slightly she was in a grey area lost as it where torn between what her nature wanted and what her nurture demanded. The debate raged in her and she knew it was coming having put it off far to long. An answer would be demanded soon a final test of her character. Thankfully the golden glow from the library pushed those thoughts aside for now as Jenny stood before Ezalors sanctuary once more. "To see things threw the eyes of a mage." Jenny smiled faintly though tear streaks where still clear on her face. Reaching out with her burned hand Jenny out of habit tried to open the door only to pull back as the burn reminded her of her injury. Wincing Jenny used her other hand to open the door instead.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley only smiled silently "I don't care, so long as it's you. Demon, human or angel... you're still my heroine. You're yourself, that's all that matters" she rested her head against the girls, letting the heroine thoughts boil within even after the hug and as they were enroute. Perhaps inquiry onto who or what she was would have to wait, maybe Riley just didn't care either way earnestly.

Jenny once more approached the library, it's beautiful sheen even visible as dusk settled over the town "It's so bright here... what is this place?" Riley followed and looked around, clearly what a mage could see was a tad different to what Jenny saw... and even still it was a very homely sight.

The door was thankuflly as unlocked as ever, a light creak echoing across the entry way as the duo entered. Library was as wondrous as ever, perhaps even more active than before with numerous books seeming shuffling between lanes. Books of ages past flying back and forth seemingly several stories about the girls head "So she returns victorious." a voice echo'd from the side as Ezeril stepped forward a ever present warm smile clear even on his old, bearded face "And much earlier than expected."

Riley gasped at the sigh covering her mouth, looking over the hidden angel. Her eyes piercing his light veil to reveal him in full splendor "Welcome back, Jenny." the ancient angel smiled kindly.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled faintly, she had won but at what cost. "Hello Ezalore... if you can call this victory then yes. Though to me its seems I jumped out of the pan into the fire." Jenny walked in comfortable in the surroundings to take a seat on one of the poofy chairs. "Ezalore this is Riley one of the few survivors of the academy." Jenny smiled at the old man some relief even though she still held her wounded hand slightly. "Riley this is Ezalore the greatest man I've ever known.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The old man chuckled warmly at Jennys comments and went to sit down on nearby chair aswell "You would not? It's never as easy as one battle winning the war." he smiled kindly "But each victory should be cherished."

Introducing Riley quickly spurred the showgirl to give a deep bow at the man "It's an honor sir!" the old man chuckled at the humble girl "You two are going to make this old man blush. Please, no need to be humble." he lightly fixed himself in his chair and looked over Riley "A survivor then? I can't imagine the horrors that lurked that place. You can take shelter here whenever you wish, it's not much, but it keeps the dark and the cold away." he smiled widely.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was content for the moment at lest to let Riley indulge herself if she so chose with Ezalore. She however was thinking about her next move while feeling much releaved that the kind old man was safe. Still she had little time to waste and as much as she never wanted to leave she had things to do. "Ezalore we have little time I'm afraid. We must find a way to clear my name and Nico's or Lina and Grace will suffer at the hands of the inquisitors. Not to mention there are wards that need to be refreshed and well..." Jenny held her breath her emotions had threatened to overwhelm her so she needed to calm down slightly.