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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Tinas eyes shot wide as she felt Jennys hands slide across her sides and locked around her, a bright blush igniting on the girls face. At the loss of words, she quickly looked up with surprising innocence her eyes sparkling and whatever she wanted to say forgotten.

Even if her expression cried innocence, her body told the real tale. Fully leaning forward into the embrace Tina would quickly begin to teasingly brush her thighs against Jennys own, her hands vertically resting on the plentiful bust gently curving the finger tips to hook the top of Jennys clothing slowly tugging it down.

It would only be by Jennys own initiative that the embrace was broken, only for Tinas body to lean ever so subtly towards the succubus as she stepped back, seemingly slightly saddened by the step away.

"Oh... oh um... No, I don't think that's right. I'm looking for some sort of animal hormones." the blush from before still fresh on her face "Nico's downstairs." Tina looked down and then straight up to Jenny. Not avoiding her gaze at all, her lips gently puckered alluringly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Smiling Jenny kissed Tina softly before backing away. Her lips where sweet and beckoned to be tasted again but Jenny knew better. Not to mention her days as a free lover where in the past for the moment. "Thanks Tina see ya down stairs." With that Jenny headed down trying to calm herself before presenting what she found to the group.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Tina waved Jenny goodbye sheepishly and clearly giddy at the light embrace shook, when she thought the heroine in question was out of sight.

The alchemy was surprisingly silent, the voices from downstairs when she left had fallen silent. The girl opened the door to the basement and once more descened, though this time in a far more pleasant house and under far more pleasant circumstances.

Oddly enough the table previously fillled with paperwork only had one map on it. And to the left of it, stood three of the succubi Nico, Rita and Jasmine. The three seemed to have been too busy discussing something, to notice their sisters arrival until Ritas eyes wandered to the stairway behind Nico "Look who's back." the trio turned to Jenny and smiled, each in their own way.

"Any luck?" Nico would adress Jenny, before looking back and nodding to the two girls still in uniform giving them leave upstairs "See you when we get back, Jens." Rita hugged her as she passed by, with Jasmine only exchanging a warm smile with the heroine.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hold guys you should hear this before you go." Jenny beckoned to Rita and Jasmine. I went to the old priests house instead of the new one. It was mostly empty except for the basement. Clearly something dangerous and magical was down there and I didn't explore far. Sir show them the writing we found." Jenny made a spot for SIr to show them and looked to see their reactions. "I would like to head back there before the Mayor enters and stumbles upon what ever is hidden in there. It felt to dangerous to go alone."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The two succubi glanced to each other at Jennys words and approached listening to what she had to say. "Old house... ofcourse!" Nico leaned back lightly placing a finger on her luscious lips thoughtfully "It completely slipped our mind." "Not to mention it's in the block that avoided inquisition." Jasmine spoke up in a calm, even voice the three turned to the small construct who'd quickly duck under his box at the sudden attention.

Only after Jennys encouragement would the lil' guy lift the box once more and using his blue crystal would create a wispy trail, the blue light remaining in the form of the rune... more or less. Nicole looked to her two girl only to meet Rita head shake.

The elder succubus sighed and approached Sirs creation "Alright let me see it." she carefully eyed the rune with sharp eyes. Only a after a brief inspection her eyes would widen up "Were there others like these there?" she quickly stood up, clearly having caught the meaning of the symbol "That may be part of a containment ritual."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shook her head. "No I didn't check for more, like I said it felt dangerous and I was in no position to fight and I was worried...." Jenny looked away as memories of her brife captivity at the hands of Rosa flared up. She wasn't sure if she could resist that if it happened again.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico nodded firmly to Jenny "Alright then we're going there right now." the elder succubus turned to her bed and towards the drawer only for a voice to interupt her "No you're not." with sharp eyes Rita spoke up, only for Nico to clench her fists still looking away "If Kain finds you..."

Jasmine looked down aswell, only for Nico's temporal anger to relieve her fists unclenching, taking a deep breath to turn around and face the group with a gentle smile, a smile that reeked of sadness "Alright, then tell Meril to come back as soon as she can. We have need to check it out before the night comes." "On it." would nod at her leaders orders, though if called by Jenny would pause to listen her out. Otherwise she'd rush upstairs along with Jasmine "Jasmine your orders remain the same, we'll need that beast." "Ofcourse, Mistress."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny let the others go with a little wave and a yell of good luck! "Nico... how dangerous is that thing....... The Mayor was going to go sell the house this morning I need to stop him..." Jenny turned to head up the stairs after all the mayor should be warned.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What?" Nico looked to Jenny curiously "To who?!" she took a step forward "Tina has good connections in the town hall, make sure she knows of this!" the succubus looked aside thought "I only said it may be a containment, I'm not sure until I see the whole ritual... but dark runes like this are never a good sign.."

"Wait for Meril, I will not allow you to go there alone J---" suddenly one of the doors opened, a very well known mage stepping inside with barefeet. Her whole body enveloped by what looked a plain linen shirt, clearly too big for her "Whats with all the commotion." Riley fixed her hair lightly and stretched lazily "Some of us need sleep you know." she smiled casually only then noting Jenny "Jenny!" the trickster spread her hands and smiled brightly "Y-you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly thought back to what she heard the mayor speak of. “Maybe I was wrong but still even if he's not selling it today he might send someone to check out the state of the building.” Jenny was about to say something about being a big girl and not needing help when Riley made her appearance. “Hey you.” Jenny smiled warmly at Riley and gave her a warm hug before Nico spoke up again. “Something wrong Nico?”
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley hugged Jenny back eagerly sliding a sly pinch on her ass, during it followed by a mischievious giggle. Only to join in turning to look to Nico.

The Elder succubus looked over Riley briefly and sighed "Hum~ Perhaps your 'Wildcat' may actually assist us." Nico smirked sharply as she looked to Riley, much to Rileys own eyes remaining sharp looking to her. Clearly no hatchets have been burried since Jenny left... just hopefully the two did do what she asked them to do in the first place "m? I didn't sleep for that long did I?"

"No, but your magical skills may come useful." the elder succubus turned to Jenny to explain her find instead.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sat down enjoying the small break for her legs. "Me and Sir ran into a rune while exploring a basment. I decided it was to dangerous to go alone and came back for assistance. The thing is the Rune maybe part of a larger containment rune. Most likely holding something nasty at bay." Jenny leaned back and let her wings out making sure they got a good streching. She had begun to find keeping them so restrained while shapshifting a rather tedious task.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As they spoke Sir would approach and create the rune to show the trickster the writing in question. Riley playfully leaned forward and looked over the light blue trail formed rune, her eyes widening "You found this in town?" she turned to Jenny curiously and leaned out.

"Well~ because someone in here skipped rune-reading, guess I don't have much of a choice." she spoke in a clearly teasing tone, but more to joke around than to show ill-will "One moment." the trickster would take the linen shirt and remove it right infront of the two. Making even Nico's eyes widen ever so subtly at the sight of the tricksters body.

Riley seemed as perfect as ever, her peerless skin seemingly gently glowing under the candlelight only accentuating her supreme form. Though the answer why was she stripping in the middle of the room would soon be answered.

The trickster extended her hands and crossed her finger closing her eyes with a confident smile, before spreading her hands for a array of purple wispy trails to surround her and coil around her body. Slowly settling down to form her ringmistress outfit, the fabric pushing her cups up, the coat tails shimmering in non-existant air.

For her final, she snapped her fingers for in a similar fashion a top hat to appear in her hands, her fingertips holding it by the brow before placing it on her head.

"Show off." Nico crossed her hands and looked away not impressed "Jealous?~" Riley wickedly smiled to her, both of them seemingly even ignoring Jenny for the time being.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt a tingle as images flashed threw her head. None of them innocent and all of them including Nico and Riley. Blushing slightly she watched the two rivals for a moment waiting to see what developed. Though she doubted it would be of her fantasies the succubus did hope.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys blush could only hint at the images she imagined, but unless the sight of the two was blush-inducing she'd have to be sorely disappointed...

"Jealous? Wildcat, there's little to be jealous off." Nico waved away the accusation "How about age, old crow~" Riley smirked wickedly, only for Nico to turn to her with a dark gleam "Yes, you would indeed need some more of that, lilttle brat." if it wasn't clear before, the hatchet was not burried. Likely it had a momument reaching for the skies somewhere...

The two rivals looked to each other seemingly shooting lightning at each other via their gazes. Clearly if unchecked, the battle would continue.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Thats enough" Jenny spoke calmly and looked at the two. "I don't need my favorite people in the world fighting it out. It hurts my feelings. Besides we have more important things to worry about. So Riley you reconized the rune then? If me and Sir went back and spotted more do you think you could work up a translation? And Nico what dangers would I likey face?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The two looked to Jenny and sighed lightly, before turning to ceasefire for now "Yeah, should be easy enough. We had demonology class in the academy, reading runes was one of the basics for it." the two turned to Nico "This one rune tells very little, but if this was the first rune you've seen it was likely on the outer layer. That narrows down the possibilities, one of them being containment."

Nico would pause before thinking aloud "But their main attacked had already happened, if this really is... the other demons work. What could they possibly still be keeping contained." Riley actually nodded to her briefly, seemed atleast their business relations were in order "But the Hunters Treat plan takes priority?" "Ofcourse, whatever is contained may not even aid us. We need to infiltrate their base - today."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hunter's treat plan?" Jenny looked at the two in a curious manner. Hunters where dangerous after all what could these two be up too? After hearing this out Jenny would think a moment. "We should still check it out. Who knows maybe its not something horribly evil and it could help us out. Its worth a shot either way. I will need some way to peirce the magical darkness though any thoughts?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"The bait plan we discussed. We'll use my magic to change the appearance of our agent and trail whoever captures her." "Except this time we'd not just rely on sight, but on smell aswell." Nico continued with a smile "Mistey will use a modified animal pheromone and douse the agent in it. A pheromone only Jasmines wolf will be able to follow."

"Though we did discuss sending two agents, two trails and another infiltrator in place could help our chances on both fronts immensely." "Though it doubles the risks involved." seemed that was the jist of the plan. Thankfully seemed the planning room was not only a warzone for the two rivals after Jenny left.

"When dealing with demons, a truly friendly encounter is very low. Unless a demon stands to gain something from the deal, there's little chance he'll be of any assistance." "But it IS worth a shot." the talk seemed to continue without Jenny for the time being, the girl serving as a judge and plan mistress for now.

"Darkness?" Riley grinned confidently "Why Light was my specialty in the academy. There's no veil I can't illuminate."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded keeping the thought about Riley's former master being a being of shadows to herself. "Okay then you should go with me but only if you promise me something." Jenny looked right at Riley her face a stern mask. "If something should happen I want you to flee no matter what. If it looks like I've lost or your in serious danger I want you to run back here as fast as you can okay?" Jenny wouldn't take a no on this one even if it meant leaving Riley behind.