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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Escape grapple 56 vs 50 SUCCESS

As Jenny slowly approached the picture, she'd slowly take a step onto the rug only to feel her leg slowly slide along the slick surface?! Looking down the rug would seemingly slowly melt it's colors away to turn into a black slick mass!

Numerous black tendrils shot forth from the mass coiling around Jennys thighs and wrist, a dark chill running down the girls body as it seemed keen to pull her deeper to inside it. Thankfully, with enough focus Jenny would swiftly break free from the grasp lunging backwards out of range from the tendrils!

"W-whats going on?! Jenny?" Riley called out, keeping a firm graps on the top of Sir's box. The tiny construct himself looking on, all too scared at the sight.

Thankfully the dark mass would slowly evaporate as the lanters light lingered on it. Slowly dissipating to reveal just the plain cold floor.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Im okay Im okay just some creepy shadow magic. Im alright..." Jenny heaved a sigh letting her heart settle a moment. Reaching back she gave Riley a reasuring squeeze on her arm. Undaunted Jenny continued her examination of the room checking out the painting as well as the books for clues.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grapple check:
49 vs 54 Jenny wins

Jenny approached the picture as the lantern only now fully illuminated it. It was a picture of the top half of a young girl in a red dress. The girl had a casual smile on her face, her hands neatly laced over each other resting on. Her long brown hair neatly rested on her shoulders as she looked on to the side.

Jenny glanced down to read the name of the picture only to find the text seemingly escaping her glance, unable to focus and read the letters. The succubus looked back up to the picture curiously, meeting the girls in red eyes head-on. A quick thought ran through Jennys mind as she thought back, making her eyes go wide "GRAAAAH!!~" suddenly the girl lunged forward her hand grabbing Jennys neck and coldly starting to squeeze down!

Thankfully Jenny had reacted in time not allowing a firm grasp as she pushed the hands aside and stepped back. The girl from the picture now had upper half jotting from the picture as she fel to the floor, crawling on her hands towards Jenny! The frame dragged behind her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny screamed in surprise before the woman closed her hands around her throat. For a brife moment the two struggled till Jenny eventually one out between the two. Coughing a moment Jenny took a brife look at the crawling horror before giving it a swift kick in the face for its trouble and pulling her blade.

Use an unarmed attack and draw her sword. I need to really invest in quick draw!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Kicked her good!
38 vs 43 Jenny wins

Shadow painting has no dodge, next attack kills it it.
"Jenny?!" The succubus would swiftly let loose a kick to the creatures face, only to have her leg caught upon impact?! The creature screeched out once more and was about to begin clawing it's way up, only for Jenny to shake her off just in time!

The girl would quickly draw her blade and lunge it forward right through the dark creatures head only to have it slowly seemingly decompose, rapidly loosing it's color and turning into a black puddle dissipating right before the girls eyes.

"Sir, let go!" Rileys voice was all too clear behind her, as Sir seemed to hold the blindfold on for dear life, much to the Tricksters attempts to remove it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Its okay Riley I got it Im fine. Just a nasty surprise." Jenny panted a moment and placed a reassuring hand on Riley's arm. "I know your worried Riley but please trust in me. I can handle this." Jenny turned around and kissed Riley on the lips. "Please just belive in me." With that out of the way Jenny would take yet another calming breath and inspect the book case and desk, blade ready for any more surprises.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The kiss seemed calm Riley down as she relaxed her hands much to Sir, relief as fel down with a clank utterly exhausted "Alright... but tell me what you see. I can't see anything, except screeches and screams... I'm not sure where we even are." she looked aside clearly still frightened. Then again it was creepy just seeing this place, who knows the things Riley created in her mind.

There were still 3 objects in the room, but besides that nothing but plain walls and dusty pavement. To her left stood the couch, to her right the bookcase and walking deeper forward into the room there was the writing table. All the objects shared a dim illumination from the lantern.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The frighting sounds must have rattled Riley too as she had forgotten the discriptuion Jenny had given her earlier. "Okay the rug and painting are gone. Leaving only the bookshelf desk and couch. Im going to check the desk and I think thats it for this room." Jenny would look at the bookself only briefly and in passing before examining the desk for any papers or other clues.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The old bookshelf would seemingly creak and lean forward as Jenny approached, but with the girl keeping her distance nothing of note happened. The table was clearly aged, perhaps once it was a writing table. The succubus tug at the first drawer only for it to refuse to budge, only with a hearty pull would the handle and the drawer itself fly out a loud crash of wood echoing across the room and into the hallway.

While the first drawer seemed empty, with it missing Jenny could peek into the second drawer. Here she did indeed find something of note, a clearly aged and surprisingly burnt page lied there. Likely part of a larger book, picking it up Jenny glanced over the small parchment. Unfortunately it didn't seem to be anything she'd be able to read right now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the shattered draw and sighed. "Well apparently someting is real here." Checking at the next drawer she found the curious peice of paper. "Aww hells why is it written in runes. You would think people of ill intent would just write things down so they where easy to understand." Jenny sighed again before taking the paper and searching the desk one more time. Turning to Riley and Sir Jenny described the runes and showed them to Sir. "Any clues guys?" If Jenny had the time and inclination she could make a fair guess but it would just be a guess. "Well the writing is very sharp an definatly a form of runes." Jenny had seen much of the runic type writings during her trips threw the acadamy. "Lets see if I can discribe a word to you. The first letter starts at the top with a arch shape..." Jenny stopped and sighed this wasn't going to work. " I got a better idea Riley let me see your hand." Taking Riley's hand Jenny pointed out a single finger and traced the rune with it on her body. "First letter of the first word." Pausing a moment Jenny started again. "Secound letter of the first word." Jenny did this for the next letter and so on untill the word was finished repeating as necissary for Riley. Jenny knew that Riley would be able to picutre the writing in her head afer all she was the master of illusion magic she had to have a vivd imagination.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny painted the rune in her hand Riley froze up in concentration "It... it's a kin to demonic maybe, but I'm not sure." the girl chewed on her lower lip briefly "Do one more." even without the request Jenny had planned to do just that "Another one." while it was fairly tough to memorise the runes, between the dim lighting and the muddied page, but Jenny did manage it.

"Strange... it's like writing I kinda recognise, but not completely." she paused to clear up her words "It seems to share some similarities to demonic and... I can't remember the other." just as she spoke suddenly both girls froze up as a cold chill ran down their bodies, Sir too sharing in the sudden shift as he quickly jolted behind one of them looking to the eastern wall.

Ever so silent whispers echoed across the room as a seeming mist of darkness began to crawl forward at a agonizingly slow pace. It was clear whatever this dark matter was, it wanted them to move... or to just absorb them.

Oddly enough the hallway seemed to not share in the dark mist, it only prominent in the room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not saying a word Jenny lead Riley and Sir out of the room. In the hallway Jenny lead them down a few feet before eyeing the door to make sure the mist didn't follow them out. Once she was clear of that Jenny would look to see what doors where left and eye the closetes one she hadn't been in and open it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking back the door they came from was gone and the shadows thankfully kept their distance. Walking forward to the next door would reveal a pair of new doors up ahead. Just how big was this cellar?

Picking any door at random Jenny slowly opened it up to reveal a new sight. A sight usually fairly impressive but as things were... this room seemed to be a gallery. Atleast 14 different portraits hung from the wall each depicting a different person... atleast thats what it seemed. The dim lighting doing no favors for her.

"Whats next?" Riley spoke up from behind.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't like this room one bit. "More pictures... likely trapped." Jenny scanned the room looking for something that would catch her eye. Taking her blade Jenny would gently nudge the portarit on the left seeing if it responded in a hostil manner.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as Jenny entered the room the unnerving feel of being watched utterly rippled across her body. Seemingly each and every one of the pictures looked to her, their painted eyes locked to Jenny in silence.

The girl pulled out her blade and would carefully nudge the closest picture to her left. The frame gently squeeked as it was now crooked, but nothing else happened. Approaching the picture would reveal it was just a picture of a plain landscape.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed in relief before straighting the painting back up. Next she repeated her test on the next painting. The plains scape however did remind the girl of home and it twinged a little home sickness in her but Jenny gathered her strength and contuned on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny reached out for the next painting, suddenly all of the art in the room flipped over in a booming slam. Each painting hiding it's contents. If Jenny tried to flip any of the pictures back, it would prove a fruitless endeavor. None of the pictures would flips back.

Though as Jenny turned back, the surprising sight of Sir leading Riley to the middle of the room came into view the tiny construct motioning for it's master to come join them as well?

Sorry for the delay. Let's see what happens :D
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This of course bugged Jenny to no end but still a more curious and far more dangerous situation presented itself. "Sir what are you doing?" Jenny looked around the room to see if anything had changed before heading to meet up with Sir and Riley.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception check: DC 25 (+5 for each painting recognised)
3 pictures spotted in total
The construct couldn't exactly answer, but he seemed keen for Jenny to just trust him. For whatever reason she picked, the girl joined her friends in the middle as suddenly actual lights turned on the paintings each painting of revealing it's contents. The dim lighting and sheer surprise of the sudden surprise caught Jenny unaware, but even in during the brief moment she managed to sort of make out 3 of the pictures contents, the rest disappearing before she could perceive what they held.

The images lingered for a brief moment before the lights went out. The painting clearly seen swaying side to side freely on their hooks. Their backs turned to Jenny once more...

Pictures spotted:
#1 - ?
#2 - ?
#3 - a picture of a mis-shapen humaonoid
#4 - ?
#5 - ?
#6 - ?
#7 - ?
#8 - A blonde haired girl holding a statue reminiscent of 1
#9 - ?
#10 - ?
#11 - ?
#12 - a picture of a Writhing Dark Mass
#13 - ?
#14 - ?
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aww damn it....." Jenny was never good at puzzles and in fact several of her misadventures in the acadamy where a failure of one type or another due to puzzles. "Sir keep an eye on the paintings quickly Im gonna need your help." Looking over the painting Jenny saw that the picture with the blonde haird girl seemed to have a statue looking like the number 1. Thankfully her parents had taught her letters and numbers. Looking at them it still bothered her that she had no goal. Still the writhing masses looked bad. "Sir keep RIley safe." Looking around Jenny decided to go with the seveth picture.
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