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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Kain furrowed his brow at Jennys words "What did you just say?" he looked to her quizingly, still Jenny was hardly in the mood to elaborate on her words as she quickly agreed to deliver the message and left. Kain would not inquire on her words further, he himself going inside the church.

Returning to the alchemists, Jenny wasted little time going directly to Nicole with the news. Opening the door downstairs revealed most of the girls, surprisingly in full combat gear. Though seeing Jenny a collective relief washed across them "Changed your mind afterall?" Nico spoke with kind smile, all too happy Jenny didn't proceed with her plan... until Jenny explained to her why she returned.

The elder succubus looked aside as her smile evaporated, her right hand gripping her left forearm with visible strength "I see..." Nico once more looked over her plans and then to all the girls, putting on a fake smile "Perhaps it's for the best if I discuss it with him directly."

She'd quickly put on a significantly less revealing outfit and for the first time leave, barely saying a word. Her face driven and concentrated "Girls, don't follow me. This includes you too Jenny." she'd look to the girl firmly "I mean it this time." with that she'd exit outside leaving only the succubi inside the room.

"N-Nico?" Rita uttered in disbelief at the sudden departure, seemed Nico herself leaving their little nest was a rare event. Though Jenny could feel palpable concern across the whole room. Whether she lingered here and was likely approached or did something else was up to her. For the time being, Nico was gone.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny watched as Nico departed. This was bad very very bad. Still she knew now what Kain was.... and dared not go against his request. That would only put Nico in more danger. Damn it Jenny your a fool." Punching the wall she left the other succbi and head to where she las saw Sir and Riley. She had an apology to make or at lest explain herself to Riley. Opening the door Jenny called out "Riley? Ive come to say Im sorry.... Ive let my worry over you getting hurt hinder my judgment."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The succubi didn't inquire just what exactly Jenny told Nico during their private talk, allowing Jenny to continue the quarters where she last left Riley and Sir. Opening the door, Jenny began her apology only upon entry to note noone was there? Sir and Riley were gone?!

Looking through the other rooms Jenny wouldn't find either of them, even taking a peek into infirmary would only reveal Rosa alone and in deep slumber. If asked the other girls would say Riley left for some fresh air...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Damn it Riley......." Jenny would turn and look for Misty. Upon finding her she would pull her aside and speak softly to her. "Misty I need a way to track Sir. I think Riley and him went off on their own." Jenny wasn't sure where they went exactly but she had a feeling it was to the demon forest or the mining town. If Misty couldn't help her Jenny would head out on her own after them. Manifesting her wings she would fly villigers be damned.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Running upstairs Jennys search would not yield any results. Both Reicarn and Mistey were missing, looking inside the construct room would only reveal a decent dozen of Servos sleeping with only one with a green light looking up to the intrusion. Wherever Jenny choose to go next was all up to her to decide.

From her current knowledge the deep forest was to the north, the academy to the east and the miner town to the west.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley knew the plan and knew that Jenny would head for the mining town. Still there was always a chance she went to the forest. Heading out she would take to the air heading west first. It hadn't been all that long and if they where heading that way she should be able to spot them. If not she would swing north the forest and search there. "Damn it Riley..... be safe."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The lush forest would deny Jenny her scouting plan, not to mention the days dying light only accentuated the shadows, while not allowing Jennys night eyes or the moon to aid in the search. Flying Jenny could reach the small miners town in a few minutes, but there was little to no doubt if anything was on watch, she'd be seen from a fair distance.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Getting spotted would only mean trouble. Instead Jenny landed and backtracked a ways to see if she had missed them. Keeping eyes peeled Jenny searched for any signs of Sir or Riley. With the fading light Jenny had little choice it was either call it quits or head ino the mining town. Crouching down Jenny got her rifle ready and check to make sure it was in working order before slinging it over her shoulders and hiding her wings. The gun undoubly her most powerufl weapon would have to be alast resort. Instead she drew her blade and moved silently to the minning town stay quite and stealthy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was tracker, so any subtle signs of activity would slip by her gaze, still her eyes sharp she'd only need to see either Sirs light or Riley in the woods. With the setting dark all the shimmers and shivers of the woods grew all the more menacing. At the very least the girl was thankful that the route she had chosen seemed to have been used to some extent, creating a easy path to follow.

As she continued onwards Jenny saw a familiar sickly white beast up ahead, quickly sharpening her sense the girl gripped her blade tightly and approached the corrupt wolf, only to find it ever so lightly smoldering and killed by what seemed heat. Thankfully the area didn't have any other signs of conflict, be it blood cracked trees or the like. Someone most certainly recently came this way!

Looking around Jenny made sure there are no trials or signs of someone running from the path to the side, before moving on. This would be the only carcass she'd encounter on the trail and soon enough the small miner town came into view.

Town perhaps was a generous word, there were 4 buildings here in total. At least from first glance, two wide double-story buildings, a large shack and a stone refinery building further on. Keeping hidden Jenny stayed close to the trees and surveyed the area in front of her in better detail. Unfortunately the details were nothing short of morbid.

The one wide street with the four buildings on it's side was littered with corpses. The blood having already turned black and splattering across the wast majority of the area. Jenny could see even from here a good dozen corpses, some even adorned by black ravens. Besides their dark creeks the establishment was deathly silent.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As disgusting as it was Jenny looked at the pile of courpses trying to see if they be demons or humans. Once she had her answer she would move to avoid the pile so she didn't disturb the crows. Clearly something had come this way but considering that she didn't hear shots ring out she doubt it was Rei. That is if she was even right in her assumption of Riley at lest takeing someone along. No that wolf was killed with some form of magic. Still Jenny had other problums the bodies where everywhere. Avoiding the crows would be tough but Jenny was good at being still and unseen. The two large building where either bunk houses or warehouses maybe even both. Doubting she would find much in them she instead headed for the shack. No doubt this was either a storage place or an office, but her search had to start someplace.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Each and every corpse was demonic, if Jenny had the stomach looking over the remains some of them seemed to have been almost split apart with sharp blade, while others seemed to have suffered dozens of smaller stab wounds across their bodies. However during her initial inspection Jenny did noted that some of the corpses had a pool of dried blood right next to them, but none beneath them.

Moving to the shack, the darkness of the night swiftly descended down upon her. The cooling air creating a light mist about the ghostly town. Pushing the shack doors open, Jenny peeked inside.

It was a basic building, but of decent size. Opening the door would reveal it was just one large area covered up. Besides 4 more corpses Jenny noted numerous weapons and armor covering the walls, with even a blacksmith anvil and tools nearby. Seemed this was once the demon infirmary.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

An armory... nothing she could use here. Looking around the only buildings left where the Refinery or the yet unknown warehouse/bunk houses. Not yet willing to inspect them Jenny moved to the refinery. The cool mist was hardly helping her mood especialy with all the corpses around. It seemed the Fallen one had been here already. Steadying her breath Jenny pondered the corpses she seen. Blood next to them but not under them.... it was strange but somehow seemed familar. Still she had to keep her wits about her and eyes sharp. If the fallen one was still around she doubted he would spare her. Instead she needed to stay quite and keep moving. The refinery was next.. hopefully it had some better clues.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Walking to the refinery Jenny would only find a bolted off entrance. Judging by the dust and mud about it, seemed the refinery remained abbandoned even after the demons moved in.

That left only the 2 buildings closer to the entrance. Though from the refinery entrance Jenny could clearly see the mines entrance, the heavy steel doors were bent inside with clear cuts across the steel.

It was up to her whether she moved onwards or lingered outside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny fully doubted there was much for her to see in those buildings but what if there was something waiting. She had to check it out just in case. Getting attacked from behind would not be good especially with only one entrace she knew in or out. Heading to the nearest building Jenny stayed steathly not trusting the ravens one bit. They could be natural scavengers but in all honesty where where the others. Wolves, koyote, other birds. No Jenny would not be drawing their attention if she could help it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The wooden door was busted inside, with barely it's handles remaining from forceful entry. Inside there were even more bodies, though these were seemingly all flung to the the side walls.

Stepping inside Jenny found herself in a large open area with numerous busted tables and flipped or destoyed chairs littering around. There was another good dozen of bodies inside and with the limited ventilation the stench was almost unbearable.

The whole place seemed familiar to Nico's bar if far less luxurious, rotten and reeking. As she noted earlier the girl stood in the more open area, with a good 9 to 12 corpses scattered to the sides, all in full armor and likely possessions, whatever killed them was not looking for monetary gain. Jenny could see one entrance behind the areas 'bar' and a stairway upstairs.

As she looked around, suddenly the girl heard a clear squeeking of wooden floors from the second floor somewhere above her! It may have been the places age or someone else here. Still the longer Jenny spent here the more noticeable the nights colder air became. Coupled with the stench, this was not a nice place for her to be at.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The noise made Jenny's heart race a loud thump thump thump she swore anyone could hear. Still calming herself she moved on checking the bar first and seraching a few of the nearbye bodies for potions. Readying herself she peaked around the corner of the bar entrance to see if it was just a storage room or somethng further. If like Nico's it lead down she would instead head up to investigate the noise on the 2nd level.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to ignore the commotion from upstairs Jenny instead moved to what seemed to be the bar, glancing over the corpses for any healing items. Unfortunately, none of them seemed to carry any potions, atleast not apparently. Though a few had sanchels on them. Unless searched in detail, Jenny didn't find anything.

Nearing it, the girl clearly recognised it was indeed a bar. While the lower shelf seemed to have broken from impact there was a decent number of beverages unopened and barely stained with blood. Though if Jenny did want a drink, she'd need to get it herself. The bartender lied behind the bar, his position creepishly unnatural.

The entrance would lead to a small passage. On Jennys right lied a basic closed door with another door slightly agape futher down the hall. As the girl glanced around suddenly a clear sound of glass rolling across the floor echoed from the room at the end of the hallway. The sound was soon followed by even more rustling of glass, before going silent
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rat or mouse maybe..... gods why did she come here alone. Stepping silently Jenny held her sword at the ready. Checking each room as she passed Jenny tried to stay silent as she approched the room of the sliding glass.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately it wasn't a rat nor a mouse. If she opened the door to her right, Jenny would find a stairway downstairs, unless she suddenly had a change of heart the girl continued to the further door, only now did she note a trail of blood as if something or someone was dragged inside. Then tell-tale sounds came to her senses.

The sound was unmistakeable. Clear as day, someone was chugging down a drink before exhaling with clear content. Someone was certainly there and one subtle peek, the culprit would be revealed.

The room was lined with rack upon racks of alcohol and near one of them lied a fairly huge demon. Resting his back against the wall the demon chugged a bottle of clear substance dry right then and there before throwing it aside. One hand on a new bottle his other hand held the his side, the palm utterly soaked in blood and armor seemingly torn asunder on his left side.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned and backed off silently. Well at lest she knew that there had been survivors. Heading out as quickly as staying silent would allow Jenny would investigate upstairs. She needed to know how many she might be dealing with.