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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well... they're decapitated so no perception... at all.
Stealth auto-success

Riley looked extremely unsure about the whole ordeal, but it was either facing those two or following Jenny... Taking a deep breath the trickster fixed her top hat and gave Jenny a solid nod, following VERY closely to her past the guards.

Passing by each girl held their breaths as the lumbering corpses stood lifelessly absolutely unaware of the stealthers going through their midsts. Creating a path and making sure to leave plenty of room between them and the guards the trio would make it past the headless guard without incident.

Following the path forward thankfully there were blissfully little enemies ahead. Walking through the marble covered and illustriously engraved halls the trio would soon enough reach a door to their right. Unlike the previous ones this one seemed exceptionally out of place, dark steel and engraving of human in suffering covered instantly stood out to both of the adventurers "We're not gonna like whats inside are we..." Riley spoke tentatively and looked to Jenny. The hallway continued onwards so the two could always carry on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No... no we are not." Still Jenny had little time to waste as she quickly opened the door frost out and ready. Heading in Jenny hopped there was enough light to see by with out resorting to her enhanced vision.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The door slowly boomed open the steel loudly grinding against it's frames only to open to absolute darkness. Her weapon drawn Jenny slowly felt her night vision kick in as she took a step inside the darkness. the clear stench of copper instantly assaulted both of the girls senses, spurring each to tense up.

Still the moment all three of them were in "Clear to light it up?" Riley whispered to Jenny keeping a low voice, though before Jenny could reply the door behind them slammed shut echoing through the circular chamber! Suddenly numerous torches one by one burned alight going all along the chambers wall to reveal the horrid sight.

The chamber itself was nothing like the complex, where everywhere else there was smooth cut marble, here there was only bare stone sloppily and roughly cut to make a circular dome. The same sloppy craftsmanship echoed through most of the area, except for the ground. Most of the ground had runic inscriptions, all surrounding the centerpiece symbol deep engraved in the ground it's diameter a good 7feet. Jenny did not recognise the symbol or the runes on display.

Though it wouldn't be the diabolic symbols that brought darkness to the sight, but the sheer amount of blood and bodies in the chamber. The walls were splattered with hefty amount, the ground utterly soaked, dried blood rivers lead to the centerpiece symbol, which unnerving kept it fresh. With at least 10 bodies in black robes of various sexes here, the whole symbol design was filled with still wet, but blackened blood of the victims here.

Even Riley for all her time in the academy winced at the sight "Jack would feel right at home here..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's nose wrinkled at the smell but with the door slamming shut there was little they could do. Keeping her eyes to the room Jenny spoke. "Rily is that door sealed?" Jenny felt she knew the answer to that but there was always hope. Still if her worst thought proved true Jenny would sigh and grit her teeth trying to fortify herself for what lay ahead. "Riley that Rune make any sense to you?" Hearing Rily out Jenny would begin to explore the chamber avoidingi the center of the room and its runes. Looking about Jenny would search for other exits not wanting to disrupt the runes in the middle with out knowing what they where for.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley pulled at the door, perhaps to Jennys surpise opening it successfully. Sighing with relief the trickster looked back with a smile "Looks like it's unlocked." whether to keep the minor ventilation or play it safe and close was up to Jenny, but whatever the choice was the two had a mystery to inspect.

"I'm not sure..." Riley joined with Jenny and looked over the runes and massive symbol here "It's definedly demon work..." she'd note Jennys gaze to her "You can tell by the way they write, demons have a specific style to their writing." giving her leader a reassuring smile she'd keep her gaze locked on them runes, thoughtfully "Gimme a moment."

This ofcourse gave Sir and Jenny free reign if they wanted to inspect anything else.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved and closed the door. It would be smelly for sure but she didn't want any of the possing ghost to come into a room full of fresh bodies. "Im just glad we are not sealed in here. We are just gonna have to deal with the smell. I would prefer not to have zombies walkng in on us." Jenny moved with Riley to examin the rune before move about still looking for any other form of exit. She winced at the sound of her shoes pulling up from the stone floor. It was kinda like ripping cloth as the sticky blood tried to adher her feet to the stone.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was no other exit out of the area, even if Jenny moved the bodies. Though be she did note that the bodies here seemed far more fiercely slain, perhaps it was due to the insignificant protection the robes provided, but the wounds on them were nothing short of immense. Some even too disgusting for Jenny to look in detail at.

Shuddering as she turned away and returned to the blood free area of the room, Jenny winced briefly as she tried to rub off the stale blood stuck to the high-heeled boot, before Riley finally spoke up.

"A channeling rune..." the trickster placed a finger on her lips, before motioning the symbol with it once more as if creating a replica in her mind "Yeah, no doubt about it. They're usually significantly smaller, but this symbol is usually used to transfer or funnel energy." she'd look to the grin centerpiece "Though usually it's not carved in dark steel and highlighted by blood." the mage shuddered at the sight and turned to Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A channeling rune... that sounded bad. "Is there anyway we can reverse it maybe draw the power they where channeling away from what they used it for?" Undoubt there was little chance of that happeing. Still with all the bodies strew about and little else she wanted to look at Jenny made her way back to the door. "No point in staying in this grisly tomb lets move on." Jenny would open the door and head to the last unexplored path. Hopefully the zombies where still rather cluelss.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Not without the spell book they used." Riley glanced to the corpses thrown around the room, perhaps they held the spells needed to operate this damned device "Er... I don't have my looting gloves on." she'd smile sheepishly clearly not keen on looting the bloodied corpses. The double glances of Sir would quickly make the tiny golem shake his hands and wiggle his light side to side in a panic manner. Seemed noone was keen on the task... unless Jenny stood up to do it.

Still the trio could leave without much incident if they choose. Exiting outside Jenny looked down the path back and almost turned, before Riley interrupted the plan "Wait, we're not checking where this lead?" indeed this was just a door to their left, unless the hall here ended at a dead end there was more to see, if they chose to.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's search of the bodies before revealed no book but then again she didn't exactly touch them. Looking at the bodies Jenny decided not to go over them. A book would be evident and from teh amount of blood she doubt it would be even readable if it was. Heading out she looked to the door Riley pointed out and made for it. Having frost ready Jenny opened it up and looked to see what was within.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley did, in fact, not point out any doors, just the hallways stretching onwards. However going along the path would reveal another expected door, though this one seemed different once more... if only because it was open.

Her weapon drawn Jenny motioned for her friends to follow and approached the entrance. As they neared a louder and louder grumbling of stone works could heard, a clear blue light emmiting from inside the unknown room. Thankfully this entrance did not share the menacing appearance of the last one, though it did have silvery engravings of some strange creatures standing around a sun? Or well an orb of some sorts.

Steadying her breath Jenny leaned against the half of the double doors that was closed and peeked inside only for her eyes to go wide.

This chamber was significantly larger than any other Jenny encountered so far. In the middle of the chamber was a huge stone orb, continiously rolling and turning in place. The boulder seemed no less than 10 feet in diameter it's surface covered in numerous thick scribblings. The circular object seemed to be held in place by several rings all swirling around it, bright spark of energy connected to it.

The whole room emitted a loud rumbling from the massive device, looking around the room was also one of the most elaborate areas they've entered numerous marble collumns lined the walls. Some ways inside the room and up a small flight of marble stairs there was some sort of stand with what seemed to be a massive book.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Whoa......" Jenny paused a moment and just looked at the room. The noise was intense but it seemed to pale to the intricate rune work on the rolling orb and its rings. Taking in the awesome sight Jenny headed for the stairs pulling Riley along with her. Clearly the book would need a translator someone intimatly familar with magic.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley wouldn't exactly resist seemed the trickster was in awe at the sight aswell, the sound while booming was hardly jarring or too irritating. Unless Jenny had grown highly sensitive to sound, it was barely a nuisance.

Approaching the grand construct Jenny couldn't help, but feel herself swept in awe. The center had to weight a significant amount and here it was seemingly levitating by the magic produced of the equally grand rings circulating about it. Riley approached the book and glanced to Jenny with a smile "Fingers crossed for no fallen angels?" with that she'd slowly open the age all book, the pages turning by themselves before stopping.

Riley read the description of the spell aloud "Summon the Curator..." the trickster glanced to Jenny, as if checking for the go ahead or hold. It was Jennys call.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at Riley a moment. She had freed an life hating fallen angel of doom why not the curator. "Go for it." Still Jenny had frost ready and motioned for Sir to come stand next to them. As Riley worked the magic she instead examined the room before pulling the panties off Sir's head chuckling as she did so. "I hope Azreal didn't teach you any naughty habits." Smiling she would stuff the undergarmen in her bag before looking about the room in more detail from her position next to Riley.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir would only look to Jenny quizingly with that ever innocent blue light of his, clearly not quite sure what 'habbits' his master had in mind. Still as Riley read the incantation, the previously dimmed or completely extinguished torches bursted to life illuminating the room in a gran light.

Jenny all too clearly felt sand rush by her feet next to them as it spun around in a whirlwind, before rapidly setting down and creating a female figure. As the sand collected itself a beautiful statue would now stand before them, a female with a what seemed to be a beautiful light dress and long wavy hair.

The statue would suddenly turn and face the before speaking in a calm and soothing voice, a clear light echo heard to it "I greet you, summoner. How may I be of assistance?" she'd keep a still expression, her lips not even moving.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked surprised. This was hardly what she expected but she was glad it wasn't some crazy monster. "Well Riley looks like you have a new friend." Jenny smiled and pinched her butt before stepping back to let Riley do her thing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The statue turned to Jenny, though her eyes were clearly going right through her "It is alright. The assistant may speak to me as well, it is my duty to aid in any matter I can." she'd speak with a light echo, her voice lifeless and devoid of any personality.

Riley looked to Jenny and then to the statue "Alright... let's start simple. What is this room?" the trickster inquired and listened closely.

"This room houses the Guidestone." she'd answer plainly, before either Riley or Jenny inquired further "The Guidestone is a creation by the great genius Dominicus. It's purpose is to steer the Invader forces into the Lux Sanctus."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"The Lux Pupili?" No doubt Riley and Jenny's voice echoed together with the shared comment. Though Jenny's thoughts where on another thing. Was this one of the wards? Or was it something else.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes." The statue would answer plainly and remain silent. The two girls blinked at the silence, before Riley beat Jenny to the question "What is the Lux Sanctus?" thankful this time the statue responded properly "Another creation of Dominicus. It's purpose is to create a field of magic, which would incinerate all non-angelic life in the effective radius."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh......" A weapon of such power...... "What is the effective radius?" Jenny had to know after all if the angels didn't use it to defend themselves then it must be rather large and included some innocents.