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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley raised an eyebrow "Wouldn't it make more sense for me and Sir to lay low in that blood chamber?" she'd look to Jenny curiously "I mean, the TNT is right here. I can wait for you to lure 'em past and just open the door to get behind them. Would save me the trouble of getting past them myself" the trickster shuddered.

Indeed, once Jenny gave the area a once over, it was a hallway with the blood chamber half-way and the Construct chamber at the very end. Whatever manner she'd look Rileys correction seemed to make better sense...

Still once agreed Riley would Jenny through half-way, before slipping inside the blood chamber "Shoutout when the coasts clear." with a confident smirk, she'd follow Jenny with her gaze for some time, before gently nudging Sir to follow her into the chamber. The bait was all up to Jenny now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded. "See team work." Jenny smiled as the group moved into position. Heading down the hallway Jenny began to sweat. The task at hand was dangerous to begin with not to mention still fairly risky. Before long though she found herself at the strange sight. Getting into a ready positon Jenny took out her rifle and took aim. The sistuation as almost comical three headless knights wandered looking for her and Riley. If they hadn't been dripping goo jenny might have chuckled but for now she had an important task. Emptying the clip she hand loaded two shots leaving her 5 rounds of rifle ammo left and 25 for frost. Not alot to play with still. Taking aim Jenny fired at the far headless zombie thing hoping its blundeirng would guide them towards her.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys is dealt 3 damage from firing a rifle in a small enclosed space.

Yes Jenny hits. It's literally impossible not to...

Chain-reaction activated!

If Jenny almost cracked a smile previously, the result of her shot was nothing short of dumbfounding. The rifle echoed out loudly, as the bullet went true and hit her target. A satisfying cry of the steel bending from the impact echoing out.

Suddenly the knight turned to Jennys direction and swung with it's over-sized sword! Effectively hitting his comrade infront! Taking the blow the other headless knight swung widely towards the attack hitting his other comrade! Jenny couldn't help, but blink as echos of the heavy blades tearing even heavier armor apart echoed out for some time, until all three of the knights actually ended up killing each other...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Though her ears rang from the confined shot Jenny laughed and fell on her butt laughing more as the knights killed each other. "Riley you need to see this." Jenny couldn't help herself but eventually brought herself together as Riley hopefully caught up. As amusing as that was they still needed to get moving the walking corpses would only be down for a little while. "Blow up the boom sticks and lets get moving." Jenny had the unexplored section in mind as she began to move.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley ignites the enchanted explosives...

Jenny suffers 16 damage and is knocked unconscious.
Riley suffers 11 damage and is knocked unconscious.

The sheer stroke of luck, quickly lifted Jennys spirits! All of the headless obstacles were down for count, leaving the coast all too clear! "Riley you need to see this!" she'd call out to the trickster, who ever so carefully peeked into the hall only to meet Jennys huge smile... and to spot a pile of knights up ahead "What happened here?"

Be it Jenny told her now or delayed it a bit longer, the call was made "Alright!" Riley turned down the hallway and ignited her hands in fire "Ha! It worked." the mage grinned like a cat looking to the flames "Haven't used fire, in a long long time..." her tongue slightly slipping out the mage aimed at the darkness and let loose a weak fireball.

The flames light up the marble hallway as they flew true, hitting the explosives head on... unfortunately. Contained in such a small space the explosives erupted with unforseen force, the shockwave hitting both of the girls head on and even blasting them back and knocking the duo of adventurers unconscious...

Jenny would wake up after an unknown amount of time to slow footsteps echoing out across the silent halls. The steeled footsteps, slowly, but surely neared her location as Jenny tried to get up, her head absolutely ringing, the pain being nothing short of incapacitating. As much as she tried, her head was far too dizzy to quickly gather her sense... the footsteps had reached her.

The heroine suddenly felt a powerful iron grip on her head as her body was lifted up, opening her eyes a silver mask looked to her surrounded in darkness "Ah it's you." the fallen angel, looked to the heroine, before letting her go to fumble to the ground "How do you like it? Every demonic parasite... dead."

Her vision now returning Jenny could see Riley was still unconcious and fully in the nude, seemed her illusionary clothing relied on her consciousness. Still thankfully she was actually hidden behind Sir, who pretended just to be a rock right in front of her!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"AHh!" she couldn't help it her head rang with the explosion her vision still blurred and suddenly to be picked up forcefully. She of course tried to pry the hand off her head but her arms despiter her will didn't respond. Maybe it was for the best as she finally saw what had picked her up. The creatures cold voice echoed around her its effect amplifed by her shellshocked condiditon. Then like a sack of grain she was dropped her body unable to react just yet to her decent. "AHH!" Jenny felt something bend the wrong way as she landed her eyes welling with tears. Bitting her lower lip and seeing Riley hopefully okay Jenny decided to try and keep the things attention on her. "I figured this was your handy work..." Moving to a sitting positon Jenny took her hand and saw the bent finger. Wincing she pulled it back into place witha grunt of pain. "So what now...." Jenny half crawled away from Riley and Sir hoping the fallen one would keep its attention on her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was no mistaking it, the silver and black armor, the chilling voice... the 4 black wings. This was the creature she herself released, the fallen one looked down the hallway towards the explosion briefly, before seemingly ignoring Jenny continued forward down the girls unexplored path.

Unless Jenny called out to it, the fallen angel would just simply continue onwards, the footsteps echoing out, before being replaced by the sounds of heavy doors slamming open and then closed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would not call out not wanting to draw attention to herself or her companions. Still a part of her was jealous at how the fallen one could just disregard her. Maybe it was her succubus pride issueing up but Jenny had gotten use to men looking at her in naughty ways. Even the inquisitors had a reaction. Sure it was mistrust or out right disgust but it was something. The fallen one seemed unmoved in anyway by Jenny. Still a dark fantasy clouded her thougths about the fallen one. Sitting at his side casting judgement on the world. She was his dark queen neither demon nor angel but a mortal filled with the same darkness as his heart. Thankfully Jenny pulled herself away. Such dark fantasies would not help and only distract her from the task at hand. Looking over at Riley Jenny dragged herself over to make sher her lover was alright.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as expected the fallen one would just leave, with only Jenny and Riley at the crossroads, the bodies were thankfully blow back as well, though more than likely not too far. Pushing aside one of the great swords still littering the area, the girl got closer and closer, before Sirs light would float over his head and look around behind him both ways.

The moment it was clear, the lil' guy dropped his semi-disguise and tap-tapped over to Jenny in a clear rush, almost even falling face-first! With Sir moved and her vision slowly restored, Jenny could look over her companions gorgeous body, thankfully free from any scars or injuries. Jennys breath stalled, before all too clearly she saw hints of Riley breathing... hopefully she was okay.

Still all her crawling around, would suddenly earn Jenny a tip tap on her forehead as Sir looked to her, unfortunately his yodel-outfit now torn to shreds with only a half-burnt hat hinting at what once was. The construct motioned Jenny a no no and tried to stop her from crawling forward. Be it Jenny listened to the command to stop or not, he'd continue holding his hands over Jennys body, allowing the warm light energies to enter and reinvigorate her.

Soon enough, the buzzing would pass leaving her with light pain, a kin to a passed migraine. With Sirs help Jenny too would shortly be able to stand and move, while slightly shaken up she was good to go once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would stop and extend a hand out to Riley. "Hey.... I think Im done playing with explosives for awhile." She offered a weak smile before resting longer letting Sir work his healing arts on her. After a moment she would get up and look down the hallway. Helping Riley up as well she would sigh. "The fallen one is here.. and headed where we need to go....."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Indeed Riley would soon stir to life as well, slowly opening her eyes to see Jenny "Oops..." she'd laugh weakly "Well... I guess we now know, how potent those things are." helped up, Riley slightly wobble before shaking the drowsiness off "It's pyro class all over again..." she'd need a moment to gather herself, giving Jenny a chance to brief her up to speed.

"Fallen one? That angel we released?" the news would visibly widen Rileys eyes as she tensed up a bit more "Here?" Jenny would quickly recall the creatures brief passing, just as Riley took Sirs offered top hat.

"I was worried you'd say that..." casually sighing the trickster returned the top hat to it's rightful place, causing a purple line to appear a circle around her top. From the created line purple illusionary curtains would unroll, covering the mages whole body, before the line fel down and dispersed, revealing the once more dressed up trickster.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well the good news he at lest is clearing the way....." Getting sorted Jenny looked down the hallway and gulped a little. The fallen one was a powerful entity that Jenny could never hope to match in combat in any form.. well expect maybe fucking but.... even then such contact between them would undoubtly change the heroine forever and likely not for the better. "So... I want both of you to know I love you. I can't say whats ahead of us from here.. just know that.. I want you guys to be safe. Alright so no matter what happens ahead I want you and Sir to get out of here okay.... promis me."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley would only give Jenny the look "Just how many times are you going to keep saying that?" she'd smirk confidently, before turning to face Jenny and leaning forward lightly "Instead, if things seem bad. We all just get out." she'd cross her hands, incidentally accentuating her magnificent bust "You're not going to become some Martyr on my watch, you know." Sir would jump up as well, seemingly agreeing with Riley on the matter.

Whatever Jennys reaction was, the duo of her companions stood firm on that stance as they'd move down the final passage way. Only a few feet into the passage they'd already meet a double door. Golden and silver encrusted, significantly better fitting the area than most the trio encounter, it seemed to have a huge lock on it. This was clearly not the door the angel went to...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"As many times as it takes to get threw to ya." Jenny cracked a smile and readied herself. Moving on the first door she came to was sealed or at lest locked. Stopping long enough to inspect the lock Jenny tried to pick it. If that failed she would move on maybe they would find a key deeper in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately the lock was nothing like Jenny had ever seen, if it could be opened this would require and odd key. Any attempts to lockpick it, would just fail... looking at it, even with her talents in the matter, Jenny would flatout not even know where to begin. If the door was to be opened, she'd need a very specific key.

Moving onwards, the fairly simple design of the area would hold true. The hallway would end with yet another, albeit bigger, heavily ornamented in silver and gold filigree door.

This path seemed to only end here, meaning either the fallen one went through a secret passage... or here. Whether Jenny informed her companions of this suspicion was up to her.

Approaching the door, the silence that had accompanied in their exploration of the unknown mine complex would slowly be broken. Clear cries of agony echoed out louder and louder as they got near the door, daring to listen in Jenny was certain whoever was in pain, would be behind these doors...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking at the screaming door Jenny backed away. She wasn't ready for that by anymeans. Reatreating for now Jenny stoped to inspect the locked door again trying to figure out what type of key she needed. Maybe the gilded door had a hint. If not she would move back and head to the mineshaft. "Well.. unless you got a better idea we need to head down...." Jenny would look to Riley and shrug. Letting her wings out she would try to soften their drop if no other safe meathod was avaible.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Y-yeah..." Rileys smiled sheepishly at Jennys words and was actually the first to lead the charge back. Though Jenny would pause the retreat briefly to glance over the lock, Rileys lantern providing enough light to examine it in detail. Seemed the key was a sharply cut triangle, judging by the slot it was a decent fist sized. Besides that no clear hints about it, could be deducted.

Thankfully the headless knights, nor ghosts or even the two knights from the barracks impeded their escape. The moment the trio went out, they could only smile at the relative fresh air the mines provided... the utterly chilling and misty fresh air...

Looking around the whole mine was enveloped in an icy mist "J-jeez, we just can't catch a break can we." Riley rubbed her shoulders as the cold was clearly effecting her to some degree. Walking back towards the shaft, Jenny could swear she saw some unknown shadows scitter in the main minning area below, but with the absolutely limited lighting it was impossible to say for sure if it was her imagination.

Thankfully their trip back to the mineshaft from before was incident free. The trio looked over the deep shaft and then to each other "How deep do ya think it goes?" unfortunately Jennys plan to float the trio down seemed exceptionally risky due to the fairly narrow shaft, flapping her wings she may be able to make the trip... "I dunno, Jen. You're sure you can fly all of us?" "It's fine we'll just glide down, trust me." Jenny answer fairly confident on her plan "Well---"

Suddenly the sound of rusted metal brushing against each other echoed from very close by?! The duo looked to the source only to see Sir, let go of a lever and step back. His hands raised, motioning it was sort of an accident.

And what an accident that was. Down from below, loud echoed of steel grinding against stone echoed out louder and louder, as the lift from below slowly raised, seemingly hitting each bump to make sure it's arrival was a very clear message...

Riley meanwhile gave Sir the look, making the poor guy cower in guilt. Though soon enough the platform finished it's ascend and, thankfully, nothing or no-one showed up to inspect the source of the sound...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well no point in worring about it now. Jenny would crack a small smile. "Lets just be ready for any surprises okay. Getting on the rusted lift Jenny took frost out of her holster and readied it. "Be ready for a fight Riley have some magic ready to go.. and we will need some light. Sir when we are all set trigger the lift again and catch up okay." Waiting for all to get into position Jenny croched frost at the ready and gave Sir a nod
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"And you prepare those wings..." Riley smirked at Jenny and glanced to the unstable construct "This thing looks like it'll break any moment." she'd carefully get on the platform and wait for Jenny. Giving Sir his instructions, the tiny construct would give Jenny a salute and ready the lever once more.

Everyone in position Jenny would Sir a nod, only for the tiny construct to pull the lever with all his might... just when it seemed it wasn't gonna move suddenly the metal creaked out and the lever shifted, causing the platform to begin it's rocky descend down.

During the descend Riley would smirk and lean closer to Jenny, her warmth and silks an all too pleasant contrast to the dreary walls around them as they went down. Sir would ofcourse soon enough catch up, thanks to his magical glide and with all three of them present they moved onwards, deep beneath the ground.

The lantern would only illumiante rough stone for some time, before soon enough their descend would lead them into a huge open area. It was nothing like the marble area above, 4 huge collumns stood on either side of the area leading towards a open double door. 2 still ignited torches burning on either side of the entrance. The glorious and intricate design seemed to disappear here as most of the stone was plainly cut without much detail, the doors even from this distance, were clearly plain thick steel.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully nothing awaited for them down the shaft at lest not immidiatly. Looking about Jenny moved foreward her lowlight vision letting her see a bit father than the lantern provided. Still no enemies presented themselves as the moved to the door. Of course Jenny didn't relax one bit her eyes kept shifting around as her ears perked at the slightest noise. Reaching the door she calmly leaned in to listen before opening it.