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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Approaching the door, Jenny motions for her traveling companions to hang back as she closed in and carefully listened. Unfortunately, the silence she was so used to was gone... while without looking inside it was hard for her to be certain, but from experience echos of something feasting could be heard.

Since the door was open, Jenny could actually see inside. A short flight of stairs down still a huge creature lingered over a bloody mess, the black steel littered around the area hinting at that the mess was once one of the demon guards.

Still Jenny knew the creature from before, it was humanoid lizard-like beast, something she had encounter on several occasions before. It's huge menacing claws now bloodied, the creature seemed content with it's meal at the moment.

Hunter spotted
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

All to easy but just in case Jenny would look around from her position quickly making sure it was alone before rasing frost and putting two shots into the beast.

Ranged sneak attack with frost using rapid fire 2
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The chance proved too easy not to abuse. Pulling out frost Jenny steadied her breath, aimed and let loose a quick flurry of bullets! Unaware of its attacked the reptilian offered little resistance, the blue streaks piercing the creatures vitals, each entrance of the bullet swiftly freezing the blood in place, effectively cauterizing the wound.

Though just as Jenny smirked at the easy kill, howls, screechies and all manner of movement echoed out from deeper inside the unknown area! The echoes were coming form the other exit in the area. Whatever lived down here, it certainly heard her now...

5 shots left in the clip, 4 full clips to go
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny winced slightly at the shrikes but what could she do. Her sword skills where rather pathtic. Getting up Jenny sighed. "Maybe not the best idea guys sorry." Keeping frost at the ready Jenny started forward. "Riley is there anyway you can enhance our vision? I would rather see what is comming for us before it sees us." Getting her answer Jenny would nod and go into full stealth.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny perception check:
36 vs 52 FAIL
35 vs 53 FAIL
"Must be the wind"

Hunter perception check:
42 vs 43 FAIL
44 vs 54 FAIL
"Must be rats"

Well this is akward xD
Riley could only blink at the words "I'm not an enchanter, sorry." honestly the area was fairly well lit, unlike upstairs most the torches were fully lit, giving quite clear view of their surroundings.

Still as Jenny went into hiding and awaited what the wails would bring, Riley and Sir would join her, avoiding the doorway and letting Jenny be the look out.

Only a few brief moments would pass as Jenny head something gallop closer, flesh echoing against the stone floor, louder and louder before... silence. Jenny would sharpen her eyes and carefully look to the silent room, her pray still still lieing dead on the floor.

Still no matter how much she looked on to the sight, there didn't seem to be anything there... Just the dead body and the flickering torches.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny waited she couldn't see it but something was defiantly comming. For now the best bet was to sit and wait untill one of them made a mistake. Thankfully the cool metal of frost rested in her hand reassuring her. Please o heavenly beings let me be the first to spot it. It was a quick prayer and not to anyone in particular but it was all she could do.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny keeps looking:
35 vs 48 Nope
45 vs 39 DING!

Jenny spots Hunter #2!

??? keeps looking:
39 vs 40
32 vs 46

Hunter #2 and ??? remain unaware

The brief pause of caution may have been exactly what Jenny needed her eyes remained sharp, looking at the entryway... surely something was coming. Heck by now she knew these lizard creatures had the ability to turn nigh-invisible... perhaps they were already in the room to begin with!

"Well?" Riley leaned closer sheepishly, only for Jennys eye to catch eye at movement?! The heroine quickly raised her hand to shush Riley, perhaps even managing to place a finger on the tricksters luscious lips.

It was there, Jenny could now make it out. One of the creatures, just like the one she assassinated not a few moments ago was looking around the room. It's whole body barely visible, with only the distorted light hinting at where it is.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny could barely make one out and with one dead she could try to sneak by it. No that wouldn't do they would just have to worry about spotting it again and what if there was more down the hall? Looking to Riley Jenny would whisper instructions. "Riley I need you drop a aoe about 15 feet in front of us." Hopefully Riley would let Jenny guide her slightly till she was aiming at the spot Jenny wanted. "When you cast your spell I will fire on the creature I can see.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth check:
50 vs 43
43 vs 35

Riley casts FIREBALL! + Maximize!
36 damage done in the area!
Enemies each take 16 damage after armor!

Jenny takes a stealth shot!
52 after armor!

Riley furrowed her in confusion before smiling "So we're using slang now?" once Jenny cleared up what she meant, the trickster would give her a firm nod "Alright, I know just the thing..." she'd lightly shake her head "And don't 'Categorise' my spells like that... it's wierd."

Still with Jenny keeping the hunter in view, Riley would crawl closer and over to the other side of the door and after a brief incantation a small orb of flame formed in her hand "Here it comes!" with that she'd step into the doorway and throw the fireball into the middle of the room! The spell exploding with surprising force and enveloping most of the area!

With the flame tongues rushing Jenny could make out a clear silhoulette of her enemy and let loose a critical shot! A blue streak slicing the red flames as it pierced her enemies head!

When the flames died and the blue trail dispersed the duo now looked on to 2 corpses in the empty smoldering room "Ugh... That was one of the Invaders." Riley scowled at the sight of the creature.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the effect and scanned the room quickly. Only one?, no way. "Riley back me up and be ready to use some of that awesome magic. Frost ready Jenny left cover looking for anytell tale signs of light distortion her only clue to her enemies location.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth check?
43 vs 29
40 vs 38

Stealth attack!
62 damage dealt on Jenny!

Jenny is knocked out!

Combat continues.

Riley uses Chains of Light!
42 vs 36 SUCCESS!

Hunter flatout cannot break the chains. Combat auto-resolved with 2 lazer attacks.

Riley loses 22 EP.

Riley and Sir use healing touch on Jenny losing 4 more EP.

Jenny is back, healed to full.

Well whatever Jennys suspicions were, she flatout couldn't see any hints of another attacker in the room. Her body on edge she'd carefully take point and slowly descend in the room giving Riley the command.

The trickster too, looked over the room carefully and relaxed "Hum~ Shall I use 'single-target spells' or the 'aoe' ones." she'd giggle teasingly at Jenny, giving the heroine a sheepish smile. Even if normally Jennny would've at the very least cracked a smile, something felt very off here...

Sir would be the last to enter the room, sticking very close to the trickster who went second. Soon enough they cleared the open stairway down and approached the entrance. Jenny would glance to each corpse carefully, perhaps this dread feeling was due to one of the bastards still being alive?

Looking to the corpses thankfully revealed they were immobile-- until suddenly a low growl reached her ears from one of the darker and more burnt corners! Using the black backdrop the hunter had remained in wait almost invisible!

Before Jenny could even point Frost in the creatures direction the massive humanoid lizard leaped forward and slashed at her! It all happened in an instant and the sheer force sent the girl flying to the wall a light trail of blood splattering out!

Looking up Jenny could see the Hunter actually charge to finish her life off, before suddenly white glowing chains sprung from the ground and entangled all over it's body... Jennys eyes would darken right after as she fainted.

The heroine awoke to a gentle warm running across her whole body, akin to the summer sun tingles she felt lieing in the fields back in the day. Slowly closing her eyes, she'd open them not to bright blue skies, but to the dreary and dark rock walls all around "Thank goodness you're awake!" Riley sighed with relief and hugged the girl as Jenny sat up, Sir joining in the hug from the other side. Thankfully the wounds from the blow would be all healed up, though Jennys body seemed to remember exactly where the nigh-fatal cuts were... a streak of 3 lines, now gone.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Smiling Jenny returned the hug thankful that Riley was with her. Struggling to her feet Jeeny looked at a clearly exhausted Riley. "Do you want to rest Riley? There may be more dangers ahead?" A rest sounded good to Jenny as well but did they really have the time for it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The mention of a rest did subtly perk Rileys interest, though it was clear the mage was hiding how much the battle took from her "Oh well..." Standing up Jenny would see the creature that almost ended her, it's reptilian hide still smoldering from the spells used "Tough bastards..." the trickster scoffed looking to it.

"As for the rest--" a distant howl could be heard from deeper inside of some unknown creature "I'm not sure it's safe to rest here..." It was up to Jenny if they'd soldier onwards or take some other actions.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As the howl echoed down the hall Jenny smiled at Riley. "I doubt anyplace is safe here. Tell me what you need Riley after all your always so nice when I get hungry. I can get us tucked away in a nice corner where they won't find us." In the end however it was Riley's choice. If the illusionest wanted to continue they would with Jenny scouting ahead in stealth.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well..." Riley blushed lightly, her gaze looking down Jennys body for a brief moment before she shook it off "Honestly, I doubt I could rest in this place. Let's just finish what we have to do here and leave." the trickster didn't even try to hide how over these damned dungeons and dark corners she was, though for Jenny, perhaps it was too early too leave just yet.

Continueing onwards Jenny carefully approached the pathway onwards and carefully peeked to both sides. Instantly, some unknown familiarity hit Jenny. Peeking inside Jenny was a open area, a entrance of sorts. A lush and luxurious red rug extended down to Jennys feet and lead straight forward and up a small flight of stairs to some unknown entrance.

Looking there were numerous parts of plate armor littered around, while their purpose here at first a mystery looking to each side of the stairway would reveal similar steel boots. The parts may have been armor stands... thought thinking about it, there was enough plate armor here for both her and Riley to slip in... though it was questionable if it would fit.

Either way looking all around, the base red torches down here were replaced by intricate blue flame ones, illuminating the whole area. Looking around the entrance Jenny could see the door where the rug lead, but also there seemed to be a pair of steel doors on both right and left.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the place. "Humph this is where they held Nico." Jenny frowned still steel doors intact and they where bedrooms. It could be a safe place for Riley to rest a moment. Heading to the left Jenny readied frost and opened the door slowly to peak inside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Indeed Jenny now recalled this place, looking through the collidors and areas she knew the general layout of this place for the most part. Putting together a small map in her mind, she was able to traverse the dungeon to a certain location with fair ease.

Because I'm horrid at dungeon design unlocking quick travel, with a risk roll for enemy encounters.

Quick travel locations:

Kitchen; (low risk)
Throne room; (no risk)
Living quarters; (high risk)
Prison; (very high risk)
The Alien dome; (extreme risk)

The mysterious omnious door(...?);

"You've been here before?" Riley looked to Jenny with slight unease "Doesn't seem like a repeat-visit locale to me." the trickster smiled wryly, only for distant footsteps and dark moans to echo out from deeper in the dungeon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I didn't much like the stay. Lets just say the reason I look the way I do is because of this place." Frowning to herself Jenny would check the door on the left. She knew for a fact that the demons kept several former pristesses down here as sex slaves and she wasn't sure if they would be in their right minds anymore or if the aliens got to them... Shaking that thought from her head she readied frost for any confornation that may arise.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hot? Sexy?" Riley smiled teasingly, as the distant echos of some ghastly creature echoed out, though the trickster seemed to keep her smile. Perhaps she was used to such sounds during her time in the academy "Brunnete?" she'd giggled mischieviously, giving Jenny time to consider their next destination.

From previous encounter Jenny recalled the living quarters of sorts here, it was where she found Grace and Nico. The angel girl definedly mentioned there were others... could anyone alive still be stuck in this gods forsaken place. Giving the order to move out the trio moved onwards.

It was a short walk to the living quarters, though even nearing the area Jenny saw lumbering bodies even from distance. These were not demons or some unknown creatures of dark, they seemed like plain townsfolk atleast five of them inside the area lumbering around.

Their bodies seemed to be covered in some unknown sickly white substance, occasionally reaching out seemingly looking for something to cling too "Whatever they are, they're no longer human..." Riley sharpened her eyes as she too looked on to the sight, her playfulness gone as she got serious as well.

Atleast 5 Warped blocking the way
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stuck her tongue out at the Riley. "I went from a bimbo to a gothic wet dream." Shaking her head she contiuned on till the sight of the warped stopped them. Stepping back into cover Jenny watched a moment to see if the things where just wandering aimlessly. After watching them a short while Jenny would try to determine if she could distract them and free up the path. She wasn't of course sure how mindless the things where dispite their look.