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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to spend the night calmly, Jenny would at her leisure undress and head off into slumber. Noone or nothing would disturb her rest that night...

Stirring from her slumber Jenny yawned lazily and slowly opened her eyes to reveal, she was alone? Well alone besides Sir, who seemed to have snuck inside via the window and was in his own "sleeping" stance. Still once Jenny got out of the bed, so did the little guy seemed to react and begin his subtle following once again.

Neither Grace or Riley seemed to have returned at all. Jenny could only guess the reasons, though once she left to the main hall incidentally from one of the rooms Rileys stepped out, her outfit clearly readjusted anew from the previous night as she'd stretch out with an all too content smile "Hey~ There's our hero." she'd giggle greeting Jenny "You've missed quite the bit of fun last night." the trickster would wink slyly, though only if Jenny peeked behind the closing would she note there seemed to be atleast 2 other figures inside the room.

Still Riley seemed unkeen to share much of what she had done last night except for "Well~ people around here certainly have a unique gifts to them." she'd wink slyly. Though Jenny knew by the sheer smile on Rileys face and the subtly accentuated sway in her supreme hips, the girl definedly enjoyed her time last night.

Though it would turn out, she wasn't the only one in a uplifted mood this morning as Grace seemed to be already downstairs absolutely beaming with a smile and joking with some of the odd creatures in the inn "Jenny! Riley!" the angelic girl waved happily, grinning all too widely "Well~ Looks like someone got their shy-stick nudged out." Riley winked to Jenny as soon enough the duo approached the overly giddy Grace.

With that the trio could have something to eat. Seemed the inn did indeed serve breakfast, one that was... surprisingly simple, albeit delicious "So~ Whats the plan now?" Riley spoke up smiling. Indeed the girls were free to do as they pleased, with the White Ladys blessing they seemed to be able to go wherever they wished. Be it the ranger district or the holding cells that were previously off-limits.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny couldn't recall if she needed to get permission to enter the holding cells or not but still they would likly be in the ranger district as well. Finishing her meal Jenny would ready herself a moment before thanking Jane their hostess for the night. "We should see if I can speak with the leader of the nyx yet and at lest see how the rangers faired in their encounter.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Fortunately Jenny could indeed gain an audience with the Nyx queen, though as she neared the chambers beneath the main building where the Clan head meeting was she'd be stopped "Only one person can enter at a time. Sorry... this stands even for you."

It was likely Jenny would be the one to enter, as her friends all agreed to the notion. Stepping down the stone collidor the girl felt a clear chill from the structure being underground, before she neared a gran chamber at the end of the walkway.

It was a circular dome and it's cell bars seemed to be all engraved with runes that occasionally light up. Nearing the cell soon enough Jenny felt something dark looking at her as cruel and seductive voice echoed out "You're no elf."

The chamber was covered with webbing of all manner of shap and sizes, some animal carcasses and bones all too clear to see as clearly the spider queen was fed them down here.

Looking to the chamber Jenny saw a huge silhouleete of spindly spider descend down, before from the webbing stepped out... a woman? "An so pretty, what do I owe the pleasure of such a sight." the female spoke as her lips seemed to be as if adorned with lipstick - blood red. Her body seemingly clad in a leather outfit, although it seemed to be her spider shell.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh probably me being a meddler in other peoples affairs really." Jenny would look for a place to sit and if not finding one would sit cross legged in front of the cell. "It really is a bad habit of mine." Comfortable Jenny would look at the Nyx queen unafraid but not in a cocky Ive got you prisoner way. "I just want to know from the queen herself what is afflicting her brood?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Queen looked to her bemused "Hum... I take it you've run into my babies? How are they?" she'd look caringly, though somehow Jenny almost felt a certain bloodthirst from her "My poor babies, but no matter. Soon it will be over." the creature seemed to lightly ignore Jennys question.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes unfortunately had to incinerate the lot of them. They were very naughty almost feral." Jenny looked at the queen. "So that is it then? I guess I expected more. A shame really. Jenny began to rise brushing off her butt from the dirt. "Not much I can do if their mother doesn't even care."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Queen smirked at Jenny "You'll make a fine host for the babies you've harmed." the creature seemed hardly moved by either Jennys comments or her bemusement at her "Silly human, you thought -I- would require your aid? Hum~ Do you wish to help me rid the forests of these elves?" the creature snickered it was quite clear the creature was far from an ally "I could turn you into something far greater than a mere mangy human."

Still Jenny hardly wished to stay in the Queens presence, though before she left she heard "Have you seen Evergreen lately? I hear it's wonderful this time of year." she'd laugh out, disappearing in her webs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Humm... arrogance as bastion for the dethroned. Still I must lament a child without its mother is an easily sway able thing. I wonder how long it will take for your children to abandon you for the growing darkness in the woods." Jenny would look up at the webs. "Your arrogance and pride will end you and your children. The forest has risen up against them. Your children are pawns of a greater evil only you can save them. But it seems you just don't care." With that Jenny would leave offering a slight bow.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Queen listened to Jennys speech in a silent, but belittling manner that absolutely made the girl hate the creature even more... only for her to start laughing "What a little bird you are." she'd snicker "I won't be in here much longer... My Children and I have no greater comfort than the embrace of the deep dark forest."

"This town and these clans will fall. Do make sure to stay, I'll have something special for you." whether Jenny had anything to retort or answer the Queen seemed to be done talking as she'd turn around and disappear her feminine frame into the webs. Only for the silhoullete of a giant spider to rise up the webs and out of view.

While the girl likely hardly achieved the goal she saught down here, at the very least she now knew what sort of creature the elves kept captive.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny scoffed at the queens comment of something special for her. "Oh please Ive already given birth to demon spiders, your children are nothing compared to that." Not listening to further words Jenny left to meet with her companions a disappointed and exasperated expression on her face. "She is utterly corrupt but confident. The incursion into the elven city is only the first of no doubt many." Turning to the elven guard. "You should tell the rangers to expect more and more and in larger number. And we should strike at the heart of the evil which sadly is not queen bitch down there."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny exited the cell her companions quickly flocked to her "How'd it go?" Rileys raised an eyebrow, though judging by the girls expression she already knew the answer. Though after Jenny shared her thoughts with the group and the guard, Grace would chip in as well "I don't understand, why? Spiders are not inherently evil creatures."

Though the prison guard would however inform that she may not leave her post, leaving Jenny to deliver her message by herself... and it seemed she'd have an escort.

One of the Rangers seemed to rush to the group "Your attendance is required in our quarter. Please follow me." she'd salute... Riley? The Trickster blinked and looked to Jenny, who'd nod to her "Alright, lead the way!" Riley smiled to the messenger as soon enough they'd return back to the Ranger headquarters.

This time it seemed less crowded, but significantly more busy with only the rangers swooshing past the collidors and up the trees all preparing to mobilise properly.

Entering the planning room, Jenny and co would see the familiar faces of the Ranger leadership as they'd turn to them, before the Ranger leader approach looking to them, Jenny and then Riley in that order "Our guests of honor have arrived."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Grace corruption is not a natural thing. It follows its own rules. Remember the seekers and how they where all different." Still thats as far as Jenny got before they where summoned away. Looking over the situation the Rangers seemed to prefer Riley to her input. For once Jenny didn't mind and would let Riley take the lead, after all she was the far better actor than herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Still the whole group would be invited closer, the commanders revealing their interest in Riley moments after they approached "You're the human from Evergreen? The one that brought Kanna back?" they'd reconfirm with Riley, before looking to the group as a whole "Do you have any idea who or what has taken refuge there?" this time it was the ranger leader herself, for once devoid of her demeaning tone... somehow this clearly seemed to hint just how worried the rangers had become of whatever infested their ruined town.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would let Riley speak before adding her own concerns. Namely the fact that the spider queen knew of the rangers incursion into evergreen, and the fact she was likely plotting something to add her escape. Some extra guards and patrols would be helpful. Maybe ask some of the dreamers to send their constructs with patrols for added muscle. Once she shared her thoughts she would let the conversation continue.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Melyssa, the ranger leader paused and glanced aside, before turning to them "We know she's trouble, but this is not natural. Follow me." she'd beckon the group to follow deeper into the headquarters into what seemed an emergency aid section as here the medicine seemed far more advanced... as well as severe "Showgirl, I take you've seen what roamed the ruins." she'd ask Riley as they walked onwards "Unfortunately, yeah..." the girl added, not having properly shared the sights with either the elves or Jenny herself yet.

As they walked Jenny could see the Dreamers here flocked around one of the beds as their brilliant golden magic seemed to focused on someone "We've managed to retrieve some of our scouts, thankfully the Dreamers are able to purge whatever happened to them."

Soon enough Jenny would see why they were taken here, as there seemed to be one of the Seeker girls sitting near one of the beds... though the bed itself seemed to be trapped within a cube of abyss black magic. As the red eyed elf opened her eyes, she'd look over the group and received a nod from the leader moments later dispersing her spell to reveal the bed and the figure on it.

It was an elf... or well it was an elven girl once. Now she rested on the bed, cogs and metal seemed molded and sealed into her body throughout, as the connection of steel and flesh seemed to be marked by some blaze ooze. From the girls shoulders entirely replaced to her eyes seemingly missing, though on further inspection they seemed to be entirely enveloped in the black substance. The creature was nothing short of a mockery of what she had previously been...

Riley seemed to shift lightly and sharpen her eyes, while Grace only looked on in horror "Karlyssa, eight unit. She'd been missing for less than a week." Mellyssa spoke with sharp eyes, though her body seemed to be tense and hands held in subtle tight fists.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would put a hand on Riley. "Just like the academy." She would grip the should tightly before letting it go and speaking. "Riley if you want I'll help you to stop this." It was Riley's call she would not endanger her life after all she had just been freed not to long ago from such horror.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No... this is something else entirely." Riley approached the body and looked it over "Man... we get the best jobs, eh?" her tone certainly did not ring joy... As Riley indeed seemed to bound closely to similar darkness. Though if anything Jennys own intuition was hinting who might be in the ruins... and somehow at the back of her mind, she couldn't help, but feel a slight tinge of guilt that this was partly her fault.

"What is... this?" Melyssa asked looking over the girl "What did this?" she'd look to the group for answers, but Grace certainly did not know and only turned to Jenny. As Riley could hardly answer as well.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned, it was a good chance that this was partly her fault. Though it was still uncertain. "We have seen something similar in our travels. Either way a quick reaction is better than sitting to waiting." Jenny looked over the changed scout. "Ill go check this out you should keep your rangers here to secure your homes.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Melyssa turned to Jenny in silence briefly, before sighing "I won't refuse aid. We'll do all we can to aid you." she'd nod to the Seeker who'd nod back and return the girl out of view and into her containment of sorts.

"Although it looks permamanet, the dreamers say it's just a strange molding of corruption and metal. It can be reversed." the woman spoke as they'd head closer to the table that was swarmed from before, which thankfully spread aside to reveal indeed another elven girl unconscious, but this time golden light trails danced around her body as slowly the metalic parts seemed to be push ouf of the body, giving way to her body being restored.

Though it seemed they could not disturb the dreamers for long as soon enough they refocused their efforts "Which is why, if you indeed want to head in there. I'm not allowing you entry without certain gear."

Melyssa would lead them away and into a small armory "Magic if controlled should be fine, however weapons and swords could kill our girls." she'd actually lead them towards some subtly flowing... bullets? "You're a gun user correct?" she'd glance to Jenny and place a fair number of bullets before her, each one glowing subtly "Use these. They combat the infestation, but do not harm the host." before she'd follow it up with a small oversized cannon weapon "This is a signal flare. If it gets bad, fire it to the air. We will come to your rescue. It's only for extraction, if you're going to use it... make sure it's to get out of there."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would take every single bullet she could and quickly load them into frost. It was strange to be going into a fight again, but with her proper weapon it wouldn't be any trouble at all. Whispering the command words Frost glowed to life its icy blue patterns slowly illuminating hinting at its enchanted nature. "We will do what we can but for a small group stealth is usually the best option. Which means Grace my dear friend. Your gonna have to stay behind. Besides if what I think is there is there.. then I don't want you to face it...."