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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

'Well, aren't you a ball of sunshine...' Razzie stopped herself from verbalising that particular thought as she wondered how to put what she wanted to say. "Hmm... Well, it's nothing big. I just wondered, seeing as you live with undead around you, if you have some tips on how to deal with someone who's rather..." She glanced at Akitsu. "Scratch that, VERY literal-minded. And rather quirky, if obedient." She mulled over that. "Though more importantly - any advice on dealing with vampires? There's one that showed up yesterday my ranch, small like a child, so far limited herself to verbal harassment, but I plan on dealing with her in the future, since her last partner is dead. I'd rather know what to expect from one like her so I don't do something stupid during a confrontation." She briefly wondered if Valdis would even bother to share advice at all. She seemed rather... Strict about the company she preferred.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Your skeleton's soul was formed from a human's soul, so what you must do is find your own answer. I am not a skeleton counselor." Valdis said bluntly. Then came the topic of vampires. "If she was a partner in the past, then she would have a trinket that would protect her from her greatest weakness, sunlight," Valdis announced. "Vampires possess powerful physical and magical strength, as well as unnatural endurance. But they do have one weakness you could exploit." Valdis revealed, before pulling something out of her black robes, and throwing it at Razzie, who'd find herself in possession of a bag of garlic. "This will subdue her, but only if she is too weak to escape it. Ensure your minion is up to the task."

"If that is all." Valdis said, walking ahead, and towards the scared little doppelganger who quickly clung to Valdis' skirt of her dress, and towards the ruined bodies of her fallen mamono. Valdis raised her hands over her head, as she seemed to suck all that was evil and dead from all around her, emitting a black aura that consumed light, before green glowing threads came from her fingers and worked with lightning speed, piecing Hollow and Frederika back together.

Once they were alive again, Hollow adjusted her head on her shoulders, as if she had no neck. "Your plan worked perfectly, Valdis..." Hollow announced, seeming calm and composed, not at all bothered by her recent fate.

"It was a lesson, not a battle." Valdis announced. "Melpha will learn."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"So some of the myths are actually true..." Mused Razzie as she glanced inside the bag, wincing slightly at the overpowering smell. "Well, thanks for the advice, Valdis. See ya... Sometime." The girl left the necromancer to her devices, sensing that the conversation was over. She felt that she wouldn't be seeing the strange woman in the nearest future. A bit of a shame, perhaps, but then again the mage didn't seem to be the type that'd enjoy an evening out, drinking. The young rancher smirked as she imagine Valdis with a glass of beer - a rather surreal image. She had to admit that the necromancer wasn't as bad as she seemed at first. Not actively malevolent, for sure - she just had some kind of personal standard she measured others by. She respected strenght and expected others to deal with problems with their own power, something Razzie found reasonable. Shame that she couldn't help with Akitsu, but oh well.

With that done and over with, Darkstar wondered what to do next. She glanced up at the sun to check the time, wondering if she still had enough to go visit other places before it started getting dark.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"If you are truly thankful, then come by my Ranch and perform tasks for me." Valdis announced as Razzie went away.

It was some time into the afternoon, though the orange skies wouldn't show for some time, so Razzie would be able to tell that she could yet visit one more location before having to return to her ranch before dark.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Hmm... Sure, I guess that's not a problem." Razzie mused. She wasn't exactly sure what kind of tasks Valdis would have in store for her, but she could certainly help as much as possible. It probably wouldn't hurt to establish something of a working relationship with the woman. She'd get to return the favor, too, and maybe learn a couple of things. There was only the slight problem of what kind of tasks a freaking necromancer might have in store, but it probably was nothing illegal at least. For now, she decided to end her day with a visit to the hot spring - something told her to put off the visit to Valdis's place for next week.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Visiting the hotsprings, Razzie found that it was a mostly nude spring with mostly mamono present. She had the option of wearing a bikini, and Akitsu seemed supportive of this as she gathered a large selection of lewd swimwear that was worse to wear than being outright naked.

No matter what she wore, Akitsu's red eyes were fixed on her, fascinated with her form as she saw a moderate crowd gathered. Among the patrons were the defeated Melpha sitting in the water, looking to be trying to relieve her stress, a pink haired kitsune singing a tune with other, smaller kitsunes listening happily, and a noble looking elvish woman sitting quietly with a centaur.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie was rather non-plussed about the selection of... Clothing Akitsu opted to provide her with. Rather than select something from that pile, she decided to search for a relatively modest piece on her own. Should she fail to find anything that qualified, she'd pick the least ridiculous looking one - regardless of what they were, they were still better than wearing nothing... Probably. Just to be on the safe side, she'd pick a spot away from the crowds, and try to relax without drawing attention to herself.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Choosing to spend some time away, Razzie's choice seemed to be respected by her peers as no one seemed to approach her.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie sighed, content. The bath was rather relaxing and helped her mellow out a bit after the day's excitement. Once she figured she soaked up enough water, the girl left the spring. With the day coming to a close, she decided to return to the ranch and prepare for the week. Starting tomorrow, she was officially in the business.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Leaving the bath and heading home, Razzie and Akitsu prepared for the week of training...

Monday morning, Akitsu was on her way to train. In all the classes, she was the most out of place. Everyone found it strange that a skeleton was being taught how to learn the magic of the world. Even so, she participated in the studies...


Akitsu studied with the kitsune instructor. Akitsu seemed to be able to recite everything the kitsune said word for word, and yet, when she was asked if she understood, Akitsu responded simply. "No."

+1 Intelligence


Akitsu stood in the middle of a wide river as a huge tidal wave was summoned. With her red eyes she watched the wave come for her. When it finally slammed into her with all it's force, she lost a few bones, but after a few hours, found them all and put them back onto her body.

+1 Defense


Again, she tried to survive the tidal wave. Akitsu didn't seem to understand how to defend herself as she was blown away again.

+1 Defense


Blown away again. Akitsu didn't seem stronger from the experience.

+1 Defense


Upon taking another lesson, Akitsu got 100 in the memorization, and zero points in practice. "She's not suited for this." said the kitsune instructor to Razzie.

+1 Intelligence
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie sighed as she went over the results of this week's worth of training. Akitsu hadn't tried her best, that's for sure... Probably, Razzie suspected, because she just couldn't do anything in these areas. And since she seemed to lack the capacity to learn new concepts, at least for now, Darkstar had to conclude this was the wrong way to go. For the time being, attempting to overcome her weaknesses would be a waste of time unless she managed to reach some kind of breakthrough with her partner. With that in mind, it was probably better to focus on her strenghts and hope they make up for things she was lacking in, at least initially. Still... "I guess you did all you could." Razzie offered Akitsu with a bit of an awkward smile - she was the one who picked the exercises, and still couldn't think about the first day of defence training without wincing. Those bones took forever to find.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"I was often the target of ridicule," Akitsu replied. "But, as long as I kept thinking about your panties, I could endure... That is what he would say." Akitsu announced.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Ah." Razzie really wasn't sure how to reply to that. She was starting to resign to the fact that Akitsu was likely beyond the realm of common sense. "Well... Let's look at it this way. If one thing doesn't work, we can try another." And that was true... There were several other exercises she planned to try. And she felt that Akitsu could ony do better at those. "I'm sure you'll do great in other kinds of training. Now, let's see... What do we have planned for today?" Darkstar frowned a bit. "Hey, didn't Venice mention something about visiting us again last time she was here?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"I did." Venice replied, arriving at Venice's ranch seemingly from the sky as she fell down within a few feet of her. "Combat training! As well as possibly learning how to recruit mamono to your cause. Basically, what I want you to do is to pacify a naughty kitsune spirit who's been causing unrest about the area. Humans can't deal with mamono easily, so that's where a Rancher like you comes in. If you're ready, we can go ahead and head out to meet the little trouble maker!"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stared at Venice with a raised eyebrow. She had to admit that simply appearing from the sky without warning or greeting could be a little annoying, as evidenced by the streaks of blonde sneaking their way into her hair. 'Note to self, acquire a strong flying mamono for self at first possibility, or research similiar forms of travel. Investigate potential for trolling.' "Alright then, I guess we better get moving. Shouldn't be too hard... Right?" Darkstar stretched, cracking her fingers as she usually did before any big task. "So, how is it going to work? I understand that Ranchers tend to play a supporting or commanding role while mamono fight, correct?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Don't do anything too rash." Venice said suddenly following Razzie's mental note, as if her secret thoughts were not secret at all.

"You are nearly right." Venice replied. "You are the sole reason often enough for why your mamono will fight. This is why it's essential for your presences to be there. In your case, Akitsu will fight for you with the hopes of seeing your underwear that she so covets." Venice said with an unfaltering smile.

"I will fight valiantly for the sake of seeing her shining white butt wrapped in the delicate cloth." Akitsu said flatly.

"You see?" Venice giggled. "Though beware, mamono are people too, and forcing them to do your bidding without giving them their just rewards will only make an angry mamono you'll have to deal with." Venice said, before her smile faded, and she looked at Razzie seriously. "... I've had my underwear stolen on numerous occasions, so I want you to understand that I don't speak from ignorance..." she stated. "With all of that said, shall we depart to deal with a naughty mamono?" Venice inquired.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie gave Venice a solemn, calm stare, the effect of serenity and composure ruined slightly by the increasing amount of blonde on top of her head. "Venice." She spoke finally. "I like you, I really do. I also realize that you understand my plight here." Darkstar acknowledged that with a nod. "With that beind said, I'm sure you realize I'd hate to murder you horribly, which is something that might happen if certain subjects are brought up. Especially since Akitsu appears to be very much capable of helping herself to her reward without my assistance." The young rancher was quite sure that what her skeleton did was in fact the epitome of shamelessness. Feeling that she said everything she wanted, Razzie switched back to her usual, half-exasperated semi-annoyed expression. "So, where is that little kit hiding? About time we got some combat practice in." Hopefully, it'd go better than this week's training.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Venice suddenly laughed when Razzie mentioned murdering her horribly. "Rest assured that you will never murder me, Razzie. Trust me on that." she stated, before turning. "To the north, in the lands of Zippangu, where strange things like kitsune spirits possessing people usually happen." she indicated, leading the way for Razzie.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Whoa, hold on." Razzie asked as she followed Venice, trusting Akitsu to keep up with them. "Are you trying to tell me that the one we're dealing with possessed someone?" That'd complicate things greatly. Attacking a problematic spirit was something Darkstar didn't have many issues with. But, if the damn creature started using locals as meatshields, things could get dicey. "Come to think of it - what exactly did that kitsune do?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Don't worry about that." Venice announced. "Of course she'll have a host, but I have a device that will fix that problem right quick. Then, you should have Akitsu subdue her, she is a weak spirit after all."

As she said that, a crazed naked woman of youth suddenly leaped from the bushes, and tackled Razzie. She looked normal, except for the pair of purple see-through fox ears on her head that were alit with a purple flame. Same for her tail swishing back and forth over her bare ass, just like a fox tail, but spiritual in nature, and giving off a purple flame that carried no warmth. "Oh~ A real cutie~" she giggled. "Wanna have a good ti-KYAAA!" she suddenly screamed as Venice applied her amulet to the woman's back, causing the naked woman to fall limp on top of Razzie as a purple kitsune spirit fled from the woman's body, the ears and tail seeming to belong to her. "Ow! What the hell was that!? I had complete control over her!"