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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Oy." Razzie grunted, not quite liking the blunt assessment. And who was she to talk? She possessed a woman and ran off to commit a debauchery spree. Still, the kitsune accepted the invitation - that was good. Her salary, though... "Hmm... Deal." Razzie nodded. "You'd better take good care of my body while you're in it, I'm kinda attached to it." Darkstar added, slipping a joke now that her mood improved. "So, what's your name?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

The kitsune smiled when Razzie accepted her offer. "Sounds good!" she replied. "Oh, I didn't give myself a name." she announced. "I was just made today. I came from Lotus' tail, she sometimes let's some excess power seep out of her without realizing it."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Lotus?" Razzie asked, not sure if she understood things right. Dear gods of the underworld, were those foxes reproducing just by merely walking around? That was probably the most terrifying concept the girl could think of. Madness. "Well, you want to come up with a name for yourself, then? Or maybe I could try to pick one, if you don't mind."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"That's the norm, isn't it? Ranchers give mamono names because we don't have any?" she asked. "That's what it's like when you never really had a conversation with your mother!" she laughed.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Oi, I'm new at this job, you know. And I never looked at it like that." Razzie frowned. Names, names... She was never good with them. Hell, she had no idea what possessed her to give Akitsu that name, it was some kind of momentary feeling. One that now refused to inspire her again. "Let's see..." The rancher stared at the spirit. Didn't she mention she was created by someone called Lotus? Maybe she could think of something related. "How about... Hana?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Hana? I hope I don't get confused with the loads of other Hanas in the world." the kitsune chuckled. "Alright then, I guess I'm your partner." the kitsune announced.

(Hana has joined the party! Roster updated.)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie grinned. "Alright then!" Things were going well. Mission has been accomplished, new mamono recruited, things were definitely starting to look up for her. "So, I guess we can head back home." Though she had this nagging feeling she forgot something... What could that be? Oh, right. The naked woman Hana possessed earlier. Whoops. Darkstar sighed, her smile disappearing. "Ah damn." She looked around, hoping to locate the "corpse". And come to think of it, what was Venice doing during the conversation? She seemed oddly quiet.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Venice was coming back from whatever she was doing, and the woman's body was apparently gone. "Well done Razzie. That concludes how I can help you. After this, you should look into establishing friendships with your fellow Ranchers, as you seem to be doing with Valdis, who sent me a request to give you this message." Venice handed Razzie a note, which read:

"I'm going to put her to work if she continues to loiter around me."

With that, Venice waved off the seeming disrespect of the note. "I only gave that by request, as hostile as it may seem. Valdis only wishes to see your potential. Give it your best and she will surely respect you."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"She sure has a peculiar way of expressing that." Razzie noted dryly as she went over the note. "Loiter around, she says... I've only met her twice and she's already acting like I'm some kind of clingy pest... Hell, the first time was entirely HER fault, not mine!" The rancher ranted. Just because Valdis was a decent person deep down, as Venice implied, didn't mean she was less of a pain in the ass to deal with. The fact that Darkstar could say the same thing about herself seemed lost on her. "Well, whatever. She can throw whatever she wants at me. Won't matter how much effort it takes, I'll deal with all that and more." The young rancher crossed her arms as she spoke with certainty. Right now, she added one more objective to her list of goals. She hated being taken lightly. But would you take someone who proved his superiority - or at the very least, his capability - with what he was doing lightly? No, people would give him respect he deserved. And that was her new, long term goal - be the rancher others would measure themselves up to.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Positive attitude! Keep it up!" Venice encouraged Razzie. "If you act well and perform well, people will be drawn to you. I have to leave a little early, but my best wishes go out to you, Razzie! Good Luck!" she said, before lifting her arm up as she did before, as a blur of green flashed before Razzie's eyes and swooped Venice away into the sky.

"The hell!?" Hana exclaimed. "What happened!? That was freaky!"

"I saw a very brief glimpse of Venice's panties. They were plain." Akitsu seemed disappointed. "You wear better panties than her." Akitsu seemed to compliment Razzie.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Venice happened." Razzie replied dryly as she watched the woman disappear. "That, my dear Hana, is one of the reasons why one should secure one's access to alcohol around these parts." Darkstar sighed. "Well, now that all this is over, I guess we can head back home. Show you the place around, altough it's not much to look at right now." The girl winced slightly. "Akitsu and I only managed to make it inhabitable again. We'll have to keep on going until we get a higher rank, a free building crew is one of the perks of advancing and we really need some fixing there. Though I suppose we could try doing something by ourselves, like cleaning up. And I suppose we could check out later what the Hell Valdis might want... She's the local undead specialist, so I imagine it's probably something related." Razzie began to walk as she talked, sounding a bit as if she was talking to herself more than anyone else.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Stuff like alcohol just slips right through me," Hana revealed. "The trick is to let someone else get drunk, and then drink from their soul!" she cheered. "Like that girl from before, she gave me a nice buzz! It didn't matter anymore if it was a man or a woman."

Then, Akitsu was tugging on Razzie's shirt. "You promised..." Akitsu reminded her. If she could sound needy, she most certainly would, but asides from her gesture which was needy in itself, her voice was the same cold, dead tone.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"I see." Razzie had to admit that Hana's situation may have warranted some possessing. Not being able to experience the good stuff in life despite it being so close? That was something Darkstar wouldn't wish on anyone. Of course, before she had a chance to ponder that further, Akitsu interrupted her. The rancher was rather bemused by this. She intended to keep her word, but she really wished her partner had some sense of shame. "Fine..." The girl sighed. "But next time, can you please wait until we're home? I really don't want to be seen like that by someone else." She looked around to find a relatively secluded spot. "Hana, care to keep an eye in case someone comes here?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Hah?" Hana gave out a questioned noise. "But I wanna see too!" she said with a sudden playful tone.

Akitsu held her arms open as if she were preaching. "All should bask in the glory of my master's panties."

"You worship her panties religiously!?" Hana exclaimed.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"I think I managed to see my future for a moment." Razzie deadpanned. "There was liquor in it. Lots and lots of liquor." With how things were progressing, the girl had little doubt she'd end up as a hard drinker by the time she reached a high grade. "Hana. Akitsu takes my underwear very, very seriously. In fact, you may find it wise not to talk too much about that topic." Darkstar gave the kitsune a stern glare. Last thing she needed was a spirit encouraging the skeleton's addiction. "Alright then. If both of you want it, then fine. But let's get this over with quickly, I'd really prefer not to do such things outside." Muttering under her breath about undead and their obsessions, Razzie took one last look around to confirm that they were alone before pulling down her pants to reveal the object of Akitsu's desire.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Hana blinked in confusion, before Razzie dropped her pants upon finding not a soul for miles along the flat road. Both Akitsu and Hana leaned over to inspect the blond's panties, with Akitsu making a drawn out, "Haaaaaaa..." upon seeing Razzie's bare legs and her (presumably) white panties.

"I don't get it." Hana said aloud, before Akitsu grabbed the back of Hana's head and forced it down.

"Show some respect." Akitsu scolded her, before looking up to Razzie. "The back... Show us the back." she requested, before lifting Hana's head. "You will truly understand when you see... Her butt." she promised.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie groaned. Obsession was one thing, this was genuine religious zealotry! She really needed to find a way to break Akitsu out of this, and fast. Hopefully she could meet a rancher that'd offer some advice on that, otherwise she'd have one Hell of a time dealing with that. For the time being, she just turned around, facepalming as she did so. She only hoped that Hana would not fall prey to this madness - she needed someone around her who wasn't completely off her kilter.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

When Razzie turned around, both Akitsu and Hana gave a hum of observation. "Certainly a very cute little butt..." Hana observed. "And I suppose the way her panties grip the curves give it a sexy appeal..."

"Touch, feel." Akitsu ordered her.

Reaching out, Razzie would feel Hana's soft, spiritual hand smooth along her butt cheeks. "W-wow... Soft."

"A soft, and youthful butt." Akitsu said with pride.

Suddenly, Hana was starting to get into it, before Razzie suddenly felt Hana's face rubbing against her butt. "This is the best butt ever!" Hana giggled, before Akitsu joined in as well, rubbing their faces against Razzie's ass.

"What... the fuck?" announced a man's voice, before Akitsu quickly threw Razzie's pants up to cover her. A man wearing light leather armor with brown, short hair combed back to give him a rugged yet clean look. A lizard girl was behind him as well, possibly making him a Rancher. "Sorry to interrupt your panty showing, but I'm looking for Razzie Darkstar, a cousin of mine." he announced.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie did her best to tune out the two nutcases behind her as they've admired her butt. It was proving difficult, however. With both of her mamono first touching, then ramming their faces into her bum, she decided she finally had enough of the embarassment. Before she could say anything, though, the worst possible thing had happened. Though Akitsu was quick to react and cover her up, Razzie didn't move. Instead, she took a moment to fasten her pants properly, to ensure there'd be no wardrobe malfunction. While she did that, she also wondered about her course of action. Pretend it's not her? Nah, that never worked. It was best to face the bastard with as much dignity as possible and hope the situation gets forgotten. With that in mind, she turned around to greet the arrivals.

Of course, much of the paragraph above was going on in Darkstar's head. Those around her, on the other hand, would quickly note that her hair went up to full blonde very, very fast. She turned around slowly, her face still a little red. Interestingly, her expression seemed calm... Until you took a look at her eyes. She had a glare that promised nothing but death and suffering to anyone who spoke, and the tension in her shoulders (plus the clenching and unclenching of her hands) suggested she was ready to murder all witnesses. Sweeping her gaze around to identify everyone present, she didn't have a stare of someone familiarizing herself with the situation - she was merely picking her first target.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Seeing her turn, with her face red, the man blinked at her stare, but didn't react further. "Yeah, guess not." he announced, before turning, and walking off, his partner giving Razzie a look of caution before following after the man she was with.