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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie watched the man leave, her stare fixed on the back of his head. One of her family members? He said he was her cousin. Well, at least he knew better than to say anything... But was it really out of courtesy? It could be the other thing. And now he was walking away.

Walking away with the knowledge of what happened here.

Now this. This would not do at all.

Razzie smiled. It was a big, innocent smile, and with that expression plastered on her face, she began to walk forward. "Hmm... Excuse me, may I ask... Where are you going, kind sir?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Turning around to face her, the man tilted his head at Razzie, giving her a warning look of his own, seeming to be able to see the threat behind her smile as he gave a small gesture to his partner, who immediately stepped in to his aid, ready to protect him.

"I'm going to find that girl," he said with mention to Razzie herself. "She's here likely to take up Ranching because an uncle of our's died. He left Razzie in his will, and no doubt left her something fucked up. I'm just looking to do the brat a favor and relieve her of whatever twisted thing he left for her."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Brat?" Razzie asked, her composure breaking slightly at the insult. "I see. So you care about her. Still." Her smile dropped as she no longer bothered to hide her annoyance. "You did, at the very least, try to find out how the Hell she looks, riiight?" Dear gods... How did he intend to find the right person like this? "Altough I'll give you one thing: he left something fucked up all right."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

The man sighed. "Nobody around here saw Razzie since she was a child, so none of us could guess what she looks like now." he answered. "Anyway, I get the feeling you're fucking around with me, since you seem to know about what he left behind. Since you're not Razzie, as the last person she sounded like was someone who'd show her panties in broad daylight, then can you just tell me where she is? I've got my own mamono problems to deal with, you know." he sighed.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie sighed, facepalming. Apparently unless she spoke as bluntly as possible to be understood by this one. "I am Razzie Darkstar." She replied, feeling even more annoyed. "And don't fucking mention those panties again. It's because of that obsessed skeleton back there. I've been thinking of trying to do something about her addiction, but just didn't have the time yet. And I kinda owe her for performance." Seriously, she really hoped he'd not mention that to anyone. Otherwise, she would seriously have to kill him. "By the way, what's your name?" The girl asked, genuinely curious. Trying to remember all her more distant relatives was too much hassle in her opinion. She rarely saw them more often that once in a few years, if not less. And this one didn't look familiar enough to ring any bells.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Oh, well damn." he said at her revelation, raising an eyebrow at her. "I'm Logan Cynder, from the other side of your family. Nice to meet you, I guess." he shrugged as if he said that just out of common courtesy. "Guess you got a handle on things then. I won't tell anyone, in fact, I was going to drown myself in booze to forget seeing that altogether." he said flatly.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie raised an eyebrow. Cynder? It looked like the entire family had some seriously bad last names, as far as she could tell. Seriously, who the Hell came up with those? "Likewise." She replied to his greeting. Well, at least Logan didn't waste time on pointless talk, even if he wasn't all that sharp. And Darkstar had to admit, he did have some good ideas, too. "Booze, huh? Now you're speaking my language." Darkstar felt a spark of genuine interest. Due to her drinking habits, she was naturally drawn to any mentions of alcohol. "You wouldn't mind if I helped you with that? And out of curiosity, what's your poison?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

The man seemed to quietly consider her offer for a moment. "The oni's brew, it's the strongest stuff around." he replied. "One sip of that stuff and it makes me drunk."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Oni, huh." Razzie frowned. That genuinely sounded like a drink one should not mess around with. Alas, her curiosity has been piqued already. " Okay, that sounds like something I should try. So, where can one get some of that?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"At Fio's Ranch, the bunny chick with the huge oriental ranch to the north. The oni share their stuff with anyone with the hopes they'll get so drunk that they won't mind fucking."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie paused, then glanced back at her mamono. While she was all for tasting exotic and strong brews, she knew well enough not to do that without having someone who could help her get back home. All she had to rely on were two perverts. Still, the allure was there... "Ahh... Damn it." She swore under her breath. "A little bit won't hurt, I think. Yo!" She called out. "Hana! Akitsu! We'll be making a little detour, I think!"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"The romance fills the air." Akitsu said in reply.

Hana waved as she floated, following. "I didn't think someone like you could love! Good luck!" she announced.

Logan sighed. "Take it from someone who deals with it every day, pretend they're talking to someone else." he advised Razzie, before leading the way. After her reply, they'd arrive at an indeed very oriental styled village. Given the property, it was a Ranch, even though the dwellers and appearance didn't give off that vibe.

"Ah~ Logan!" announced a serene voice. A pink haired woman was stepping out of a sliding door, before flourishing an umbrella and using it to protect her from the sun. "Have you met the love of your life? I can tell by your matching scowls that you suit each other~" she giggled.

"This is Lotus." Logan said simply, ignoring her comment. "Lotus, this is Razzie. Now where's the booze?" he asked, getting right to the point.

"Oh~ Well the oni circle is right over there~" she pointed to a group of oni sitting on the grass, drinking from massive jugs of sake.

"Thanks." he said, walking ahead, and towards the oni.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stared at her monsters for a moment. It was not a nice stare. Nice stares are usually stares of awe and such. Maybe suprised stares, if you wanted that effect. This was a stare that promised cruel and unusual punishments in the future, and it'd not be pretty. "I... Just... WHAT?" She sputtered. "I'M JUST GOING FOR THE BOOZE, YOU MORONS!" She howled, completely unable to understand the thought process of a mamono. At Logan's advice, however, she decided to drop the matter after the initial outburst and just headed over to Fio's ranch, hoping it was just those two.

Alas, that was not the case. For the kitsune she met, Lotus, seemed to come to the exact same conclusion, despite the appearance of dignity and sophistication. Groaning, she just followed Logan towards the booze source, hoping that whatever she was about to drink, would be strong enough to completely erase the memories of what happened today. "Suit each other... Fuck's sake... I better be stone drunk after this so I don't have to deal with more bullshit."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Logan sat down around the little circle the oni's made, and was immediately handed his share of the sake. Eagerly he took it, but only took a single mouthful, which seemed to be enough to make him have difficulty maintaining his balance while sitting down, quite powerful. When Razzie came next, he handed it to her. "Ash da tuff, ton't rink roo mush though." he said, his words already gibberish.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie glanced at Logan, eyebrow raised, before turning her attention to the booze. While she was a little tempted to down it in one big shot, she was mindful of what he told her earlier - and could see what was going on. Shrugging, she decided to go easy on her first sip - a small amount, just to take in the taste and maybe get a little kick in. After all, rule number one when drinking previously unknown kinds of alcohol - small dose first. She learned this lesson the hard way once.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

The alcohol hit her like a speeding minotaur. One sip and she felt the weight of the world take her. It was an accomplishment that she remained standing from the small dose, but Logan took even more than that. In comparison, if she took his dose, no doubt she'd have been floored in a moment.

The taste was bitter, yet flowed so easily down her throat, the numbness that followed giving the strange sensation of the alcohol being a creamy substance rolling down into her stomach and giving her a strong sensation of warmth, so much that her body heated up, and in more ways than one, as she felt herself starting to get excited.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie blinked. Sky and ground swirled and mixed around her. Time slowed to a crawl. Words and thoughts sped through her brain like lightning on speed. Her equilibrium tilted, did a 270 degree turn around it's head, then decided to stand on it's head and crack jokes about butts. Right was wrong and wrong was right. Everything spinned around her while standing in place. In the exact moment when she drank the strange brew, Darkstar was enlightened - she had found the answer to life, universe and the rest.

The girl blinked, then stared at her drink with a blank, open mouthed expression on her face. She had no idea what the Hell all of that was about, and she wasn't sure whether she wanted to know. She raised one arm to scratch her head and noted, with a hint of frustration, that aiming was a bit more difficult than she expected. Unlike the first rush, this was not a pleasant feeling. There were also other sensations, but she was paying them less conscious attention, focusing more on scratching just the right spot on her head to express bewilderment properly while maintaining balance.

"Da... Dafuq -" Razzie tried to speak, only to pause (she also stopped trying to scratch her head, but didn't lower her arm yet, resulting in an odd sight). There was something about her speech pattern that was... Off. Darkstar frowned, crossing her arms over her chest, adopting an expression of hard concentration. She knew what she wanted to say, she really did. However, articulating the sentence properly suddenly became uncharacteristically difficult. After a few strained attempts, she gave up with a groan, deciding that everything was Akitsu's fault. And Hana's, too. Bloody panty-freaks.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

One of the spectating oni laughed at the sight of Razzie struggling with the simple sip she took. "She can't hold her liquor, eh?" she asked aloud. What's worse, the instant effects of the alcohol wasn't the end of it. It grew worse, and worse, until Razzie's condition became so woozy that the importance of her weight in the world was gone and she felt herself as if in a state of floating. She realized her feet were no longer touching the ground. The sky was spinning above her before she'd realize that she was looking at the clouds above. Suddenly she'd realize that she was moving, as if floating through the sky, her mind in an empty and fuzzy state.

Her surroundings were suddenly familiar. She'd realize that she was home. And that was the last thing she'd realize... Before she woke up the next morning. Her clothes were off, down to her panties, and she was not alone in the bed. Her arms and legs were wrapped around what felt like a big body pillow and in the meanwhile something that felt like a boney face was face first resting into her ass.

After her eyes would clear a bit, Razzie would discover that she was clinging to an equally naked Logan, except his pants were on.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Can too!" Somehow, Razzie managed to articulate a normally sounding sentence, as short as it was. The power of getting angry at jokes was not to be underestimated. "JUSSNEDTRAININ!" And as quickly as it came, it disappeared. Leaving the young rancher to her fate as she struggled to make sense of the shit she was seeing. And hearing. And tasting. Altough she was pretty sure she wasn't supposed to taste blue. Or move. She would have investigated that, but it felt too much like a chore. And seeing as nothing bad seemed to come out of moving, Darkstar decided to just go with it. Moving was fine too.

Razzie blinked. She was back in her house. She was now awake. It was the next day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, she had a fucking hangover from Hell and wanted to murder the feathery little fuckers for making so much goddamn noise. She was also aware of three things. First, she was only wearing panties. Second, she was in bed with Logan, slightly less undressed. Third, there was a bony face pressing into her. If there were any doubts about her mood, they'd be dispersed as soon as people noticed her hair turn a completely new shade of blonde - one far more complex and rich than before. And if Darkstar's expression was anything to go by, reaching completely new heights of fury seemed to be the catalyst for the change.

"Akitsu." Razzie ground out, her voice cold like antarctic wind. She slowly untangled herself from her grip on Logan. "I know it's you down there, I don't need to turn my head and look down to confirm. That being said, I am about to do just that. If I find someone, anyone, pressed into that part of my body by the time I look, then my mood is going to get much, much worse. And if that happens, I will make sure to share this with every person around here in the most traumatizing way possible. I'm already contemplating hitting myself in the head with an axe to spare myself this hangover. If this gets worse, everybody shall suffer with me. And trust me, even you won't like that." Darkstar ranted, seething as she mustered the willpower to move. Getting up was no problem for her. Getting up with the worst hangover in her life? That would require nothing short of titanic effort.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Midway through Razzie's rant of anger regarding the boney face against her ass, she felt a boney hand brace against her hip before a boney hand outstretched to gift Razzie what it held: a thin vial of light blue liquid. "Hangover medicine." the skeleton announced simply.