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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stared at the vial for a moment. Then, she somehow mustered the willpower to raise her hand and take if from her mamono. "I suddenly find myself uninterested in looking down." Darkstar announced as she struggled to open it for a brief moment before finally gaining access to - and quickly downing - it's contents. "Where did you get this?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"From Logan's pocket." she announced. "I considered that it was suitable given that he is getting the service of sleeping with you. A hangover is such low payment for you."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"What." Even with the medicine working, Razzie's thoughts still felt a little sluggish. That being said, she wasn't sure whether the last sentence would make any more sense if she was completely sober. "I... I don't even want to point out what was wrong with that sentence." Darkstar groaned. After a short wait, to give the medicine some time to kick in, she moved to get up. "I'm gonna go and wash myself or something..." Suddenly, something clicked in her mind. "By the way, that wasn't his only vial, was it?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

The hangover headache slowly vanished until it felt like it was never there, before Akitsu answered flatly. "It was his only vial."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie sighed as she dug herself out of bed, her feet plopping down on the floor as her hangover cleared up. Standing tall, she did a stretch to loosen up some of the stiff joints, before glancing down at her bed and it's current occupants. As she looked at Logan, Darkstar couldn't help but smirk. Said smirk quickly evolved into a snicker as she tried, and failed, to contain her shadenfreude. "Pfft... Hehehehehehehe... Ah, I needed that. Thanks, Akitsu." Sure, Logan would likely get pissed off at this, but what the Hell. She was annoyed as fuck. Anything that helped improve her mood would do, and cruelty towards other beings did the trick. Still snickering, the rancher made her way towards the bathroom, to clean herself up and prepare for the next day.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Glad I could be of service." Akitsu said simply.

After Razzie freshened herself up, the moment she stepped out of the bathroom, she found her collar getting gripped by a very angry Logan. "I've got a fucking migraine, an empty vial, and a whole lot of pissed-at-you right now." he announced flatly. "You gonna pay me back for that vial you robbed me of, or is this gonna have to get ugly?" he asked her, ready for a fight, with his companion lizard at his size, unwavering in the face of two possible foes, both Akitsu and Hana. Somehow, his mamono seemed more capable than both of her's.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Stepping out of the bathroom, Razzie was not prepared for Logan's unexpected assault. Hell, she didn't expect him to be able to get up this quickly. Being held up - and feeling more than a little annoyed by his attitude - Darkstar briefly considered her options. Sure, she could fight him, but this would result in a big mess and likely devastate the house. Plus, she wasn't so sure about her chances of winning this. It was the latter that made her refrain from just starting a fight at the spot. "Well, aren't you a rude little guy." The girl replied with a sigh. "Fine. I'll pay ya back if you insist. Sorry about that, anyway. But Akitsu just handed me the thing and I really wasn't in the right state to think about it, my bad. Now can you let me go and act like a civilized person? Especially since you're in my house right now. And you were sleeping in my bed."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Logan let go of her collar. "That's not my fault." he announced. "You wouldn't let go of me, even when I brought you home. I didn't take off my clothes though."

"He did, even wished to penetrate you." Akitsu announced.

"I just need one good reason, Bones." Logan said to Akitsu, the urge to pick a fight showing itself still to be present. Then, he held his hand out. "Give me fifty. That's what that medicine costs."

"You owe him nothing, he got to see your beautiful breasts." Akitsu announced.

"Money. Now. My headache is getting worse."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Fine. Sheesh." Razzie patted herself down, checking if she had enough money on her person. She didn't carry all of it with her - that'd be foolish. But fortunately, she had taken enough to pay for Logan's medicine. "Here." She gave him the money, trying to hide the smirk that developed as she watched him argue with Akitsu. She almost considered telling the skeleton to stop, but alas. The show was too amusing. "By the way, where do you get this stuff? It's pretty damn good." Hell, maybe she could push him a little herself? "And would you mind explaining what happened yesterday in detail? I'd rather know what happened during my little booze trip, and aside of you I've got only Akitsu and Hana as witnesses. And frankly, what I'm hearing is a little troubling."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

(Darkstar loses 50G)

Pocketing the money, Logan shrugged at her. "Probably something perverted, hence why we were almost naked. That's the kind of thiing that happens in this world, so get used to reality." He said bluntly. "From panty fetish skeletons to ball sniffing men-turned-alp, I'd be surprised if you were still a virgin after spending a year in this place." He shook his head. "Maybe we even had sex, but I don't remember exactly. You clinged to me a lot though, not sure if you were trying to strangle me or what, but it was cute watching you try." he chuckled.

His shirt nowhere to be seen, he opted simply to leave without digging for it. "I'm going home. I've got a task to prepare to do." he said, before opting to leave.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie's eyebrow twitched a little at the percieved insult, but she said nothing. This wasn't quite the reaction she expected, but whatever. Apparently, the weirdness that Akitsu and the likes of her seemed fond of was too commonplace for Logan to be phased by it. In fact, his comments about the weird alp thing, whatever the hell that was, discouraged her from asking further questions. "We'll see about that." She sighed, shrugging. She wasn't sure whether he should be some nonchalant about the possibility of the two of them fucking, but then again, they were probably really distant relatives. "Anyway. Have fun, see ya some other time." Truth be told, she wasn't sure if she'd see Logan again, but that was certainly a possibility. As she watched him go, something clicked in her head. "And hey, you didn't tell me where you get that medicine!"

Yes... Finding the source of that wonderful brew was a priority.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"And I'm not going to. Don't want her running out of stock because I point too many people in her direction." Logan replied. "Besides, we're probably not going to see each other again. Bye." he waved her off, walking out of the house.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Whatever, sunshine. See ya." With Logan gone, Razzie sighed as she took stock of the situation. It was probably a good idea to start organizing things after the previous day, see how her mamono were doing, probably eat something before that, check her mail... Stretching, she let out one last yawn before going back to see her mamono. Come to think of it, she hasn't really seen Hana today, has she? "Yo, Akitsu." Darkstar called out to her most loyal partner. "Where's our new, less than corporeal friend? I want to hear how she's doing and what she's thinking about this place."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

A pair of kitsune ears popped out of Akitsu's head. "... I have been violated." Akitsu said. "I wanted you to be the first to experience me, master." she went on, a ghostly fox tail swishing back and forth behind her, before her red eyes took on a ghostly purple flame.

"This place is kind of a trash heap, but I can dig it." Akitsu said, actually using emotion and body gestures, though it was clear it wasn't actually her talking.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie raised an eyebrow as she witnessed Akitsu get taken over by her new monster. "You know, I was starting to think she couldn't get any more creepy than she already was." The girl sighed. "And like every other time I think something like that, I'm proven wrong." There was just something very... Off about Akitsu acting so lively. That, and seeing fox ears and a tail sprout out of a skeleton was just plain bizzare. Especially ghostly ones. "Yeah, I know, it's a dump. Can't do much about it, at least we were able to make sure it's no longer a contruction hazard. The local big cheese said she'd lend us some free labor to fix it up into something decent if we manage to advance to the next rank, though, which is why I'm going to have you two trained up so you can spill blood in my name and earn us riches." Darkstar scratched her head in thought. "Might need to find a third companion somewhere along the ride, but it's just us for now. By the way, what exactly happened last night? I think I can count on you at least to give me an accurate story."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"He pounded you and made you pregnant. Take legal action and collect his money." Akitsu suggested.

"All he did was flop into the bed while you snuggled up to him because you were cold." Hana followed up with a different story.

"He flopped onto you and made you pregnant, violated your ass as well. Sue him." Akitsu suggested.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie's eyebrow twitched as she listened, a surge of irritation flashing through her mind. She embraced it, drawing energy to tackle what she suspected would end up being a long day. "You two are doing this on fucking purpose, aren't you?" She growled at her two-in-one partner before letting out a sigh. "Whatever, fuck it. I'm gonna go and forget this ever happened. It's way too early in the morning for my tastes, especially after getting shitfaced yesterday. Hell, I didn't even have time to eat anything." Darkstar realized. "And that needs to be rectified immediately. Alright ladies, breakfast time, after that we check the mail and figure out what the Hell we're going to be doing today. It's probably going to be something that will end with someone in tears, or at least I damn well hope so. As long as it's someone else, of course." The young rancher said as she moved to the kitchen to fix herself something to eat.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"But you are the only one here who can shed tears. I am a skeleton." Akitsu reminded Razzie.

"And I'm a ghost." Hana reminded Razzie also, popping out of Akitsu and floating around.

Akitsu and Hana decided to make breakfast for Razzie as something of an apology for being mean to her. The mail was brought to her as well, and was actually something of a request.

"My husband was taken by some awful mouse creatures! I don't have much, but please rescue him!" read the wife's plea for help.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Then we will find someone else whom we can bring to tears, god damn it." Razzie grumbled as she moved to the kitchen. She thought it was an obvious solution, but apparently her monsters were not as quick to hurt others as she was. Oh well. They have, however, fixed her a breakfast, and for that she was immediately thankful. Chewing through it quickly, she went over the mail - and her eyes lit up as she scanned the request. After swallowing the last of her meal, she grinned. "And this answers the question who the unfortunate victim is going to be." Darkstar let out and evil chuckle. "Well, it is the duty of a rancher to maintain order around the place." Finishing her meal, she made her way to prepare to move out. "Alright, we'll move out if you're ready. Let's pay the woman a visit and find out what happened, then do a little pest control."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Wait." Akitsu stopped Razzie. The skeleton stood in front of her as if to completely obstruct Razzie's progress, towering over her like an unmoving wall, filled with determination. Then, she suddenly held up a pair of black lace panties, "Wear these panties before we go." she requested with lewd intent.

Whether Razzie did or not, they would set out, traveling through the neighborhood and finding the lady in question's home. She was a young woman, must have recently gotten into such a relationship before it went sour with the sudden kidnapping of the mice. Seeing a girl approach with mamono at her side, the woman looked up with curiosity. "Are you the Rancher who read my plea?" she asked. Before she could answer, the woman continued on. "Your mamono has already come and done the deed... Thank you." the woman said with a smile.

Then, suddenly, the door to the woman's house opened up. "Thanks for the money, I'll be off... Now." said a girl Razzie would find most familiar, the vampire girl she saw before she went into her Ranch house. The girl's eyes narrowed at Razzie while she held a bag of money in her hand, before she suddenly began walking, opting to walk right past Razzie.