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ADV [dartred] Breeding of the dead

Re: Breeding of the dead

yah i tend to do that. steal my own idea for my own games. im a bastard like that. glad some one caught it and corrected him lol. i was about to use some extreme sarcasm, but guess i dont get a chance too.

so i did some text fixing and a bit of story changing for the better in the beta release. just so it feels more H like. im working on story first so i can add pictures to it easier. its easier then drawing then adding story too it since storys can change. pictures cant (yes they can, but that means redrawing).

Is this game still alive?? the mega link on the first page is dead!
was really hoping to play this game today, but mega is dead ;-;
Re: Breeding of the dead

yeah, i kinda post a lot on this forum, but i got a job since starting this project. i had no time to continue. the little time i have after getting home from work i'd rather play then come home and work some more if you know what i mean.