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Dating My Daughter [Updated 12/11]

Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Is it bad that my interest is mainly rooted in all the naughty things I want to do to the 3D CG model rather than the story?
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Okay I'll try to be clear and concise, I'm on some pain meds, so my thoughts are a little unclear. Please forgive me in advance.

First off, I'm not sure how you're doing numbering for your releases or whatnot, but this 0.02 version seemed very very short. Like it showed off some of what you could do, but it didn't really have any H content that I could find. I couldn't even find that picture of the shower, is that in the version somewhere? It was good to show off what you might be able to do in the future, but until I see more game and show how your system works, I can't see a ton of people supporting you. They will though, don't get me wrong. Your stuff here is good. I'm just saying more people would support if there was more to work with.

Secondly, your art seems pretty good, I like the character designs and backgrounds.

The writing seems somewhat okay for now, but the goal for the first day is +10, you basically have to be polite as heck and can't be dirty at all. That kind of method basically forces you to follow one path for day 1 if you want to succeed. Hopefully after day 1 you can branch out a ton more because it was a really boring day 1. Again, maybe when you release more days, this will be fixed.

Anyway, don't get me wrong. I like this game and I want to see more as soon as possible, but I'm just hoping you'll bring your best work on upcoming releases and make this the fun game that I know it can easily become.

Also, if you need any help with playtesting or bugfixing let me know, I'm pretty good at crushing bugs.
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Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Okay I'll try to be clear and concise, I'm on some pain meds, so my thoughts are a little unclear. Please forgive me in advance.

First off, I'm not sure how you're doing numbering for your releases or whatnot, but this 0.02 version seemed very very short. Like it showed off some of what you could do, but it didn't really have any H content that I could find. I couldn't even find that picture of the shower, is that in the version somewhere? It was good to show off what you might be able to do in the future, but until I see more game and show how your system works, I can't see a ton of people supporting you. They will though, don't get me wrong. Your stuff here is good. I'm just saying more people would support if there was more to work with.

Secondly, your art seems pretty good, I like the character designs and backgrounds.

The writing seems somewhat okay for now, but the goal for the first day is +10, you basically have to be polite as heck and can't be dirty at all. That kind of method basically forces you to follow one path for day 1 if you want to succeed. Hopefully after day 1 you can branch out a ton more because it was a really boring day 1. Again, maybe when you release more days, this will be fixed.

Anyway, don't get me wrong. I like this game and I want to see more as soon as possible, but I'm just hoping you'll bring your best work on upcoming releases and make this the fun game that I know it can easily become.

Also, if you need any help with playtesting or bugfixing let me know, I'm pretty good at crushing bugs.

Thanks for your feedback! Yes, date 1 may seem kinda boring, but the idea was to establish some friendly conexion between father-daugther. That's why you can't do much perv stuff. But things will change in the next date s ;) (don't want to spoil too much yet, sorry :))
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Thanks for your feedback! Yes, date 1 may seem kinda boring, but the idea was to establish some friendly conexion between father-daugther. That's why you can't do much perv stuff. But things will change in the next date s ;) (don't want to spoil too much yet, sorry :))

Sounds good to me. It'd be nice to CONSENSUALLY grope all over that body like a 6 handed Orange American Octopus, but with like, bigger hands.
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

I actually really liked this one despite being devoid of content. Just looking at the absolutely stellar 3D model of your daughter, I can already tell we're in for a treat graphically. I've seen a lot of 3D models being used in comics on sadpanda or for other games and they look really bad (REALLY bad in most cases), but your modeling skills are insanely good. Don't get discouraged by what the plebs are spouting like the jackwipe who thinks the daughter has too much makeup on; everyone wants something to be done their way which is a pretty entitled stance to take considering this is going to be free (I assume). There really isn't anything wrong with her aesthetics other than maybe the lateral commisure, the part at the ends of the lips that caves in, looks weird in some scenes.

I mean, outside of a couple of spelling/grammar errors that could easily be pointed out, I didn't have a problem at all during my short playthrough. I kind of wish some of the choices could lead to more sensible outcomes, such as when you're talking to your daughter about the divorce thing and that the mother is boasting about her boyfriend and that he's better than you, I think saying "She's wrong" shouldn't be the bad choice. If anything, that should give +1 Friendship point, while the "She's right" choice should give +1 Love points.

While I typically don't like visual novels or similar games like the genre, I'm not against playing a game that is similar to "Date Ariane" - which was really fun unlocking all of the scenes - as getting from Start to End is typically very quick as opposed to VNs typically being very long with the scenes not being worth the effort to me. I like the idea behind the concept of balancing Friendship points and Love points for this game, it makes you wonder what kind of different and new scenes you can unlock for experimenting with getting different amounts. That alone makes me hope this game doesn't crash and burn.

Which brings me to my next point. I noticed in this thread that there are a lot of development concepts being thrown out there. As someone who took a college class on game design, I know of the "trap" that unexperienced game designers fall into when they flesh out the game so broadly; when they think of all of these new additions they can add into their game. It's best to stick with the core design and develop it so that you can at least finish it, then expand on it with one concept at a time. This makes it so it's not all a jumbled mess of working on all of these different concepts at a time and it severely muddles the quality of each of them when you can simply work on one to great quality, then move onto the next one and do the same, so on and so forth. Please don't fall into that trap, and never forget the scope of the game.
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Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]


Which brings me to my next point. I noticed in this thread that there are a lot of development concepts being thrown out there. As someone who took a college class on game design, I know of the "trap" that unexperienced game designers fall into when they flesh out the game so broadly; when they think of all of these new additions they can add into their game. It's best to stick with the core design and develop it so that you can at least finish it, then expand on it with one concept at a time. This makes it so it's not all a jumbled mess of working on all of these different concepts at a time and it severely muddles the quality of each of them when you can simply work on one to great quality, then move onto the next one and do the same, so on and so forth. Please don't fall into that trap, and never forget the scope of the game.

Yeah, as much as I have a personal interest in freeplay epilogue where you can stitch together whatever you want, I also don't want to jeapordize/ruin the overall project by throwing out too many ideas. As he said, a model this gorgeous looks like she could be a real treat. As long as the h-content isn't too underwhelming, having something would be better than nothing.
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Is it bad that my interest is mainly rooted in all the naughty things I want to do to the 3D CG model rather than the story?
A good story should boost these naughty feelings ;)

Which brings me to my next point. I noticed in this thread that there are a lot of development concepts being thrown out there. As someone who took a college class on game design, I know of the "trap" that unexperienced game designers fall into when they flesh out the game so broadly; when they think of all of these new additions they can add into their game. It's best to stick with the core design and develop it so that you can at least finish it, then expand on it with one concept at a time. This makes it so it's not all a jumbled mess of working on all of these different concepts at a time and it severely muddles the quality of each of them when you can simply work on one to great quality, then move onto the next one and do the same, so on and so forth. Please don't fall into that trap, and never forget the scope of the game.

You make a good point here.
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

I actually really liked this one despite being devoid of content. Just looking at the absolutely stellar 3D model of your daughter, I can already tell we're in for a treat graphically. I've seen a lot of 3D models being used in comics on sadpanda or for other games and they look really bad (REALLY bad in most cases), but your modeling skills are insanely good. Don't get discouraged by what the plebs are spouting like the jackwipe who thinks the daughter has too much makeup on; everyone wants something to be done their way which is a pretty entitled stance to take considering this is going to be free (I assume). There really isn't anything wrong with her aesthetics other than maybe the lateral commisure, the part at the ends of the lips that caves in, looks weird in some scenes.

I mean, outside of a couple of spelling/grammar errors that could easily be pointed out, I didn't have a problem at all during my short playthrough. I kind of wish some of the choices could lead to more sensible outcomes, such as when you're talking to your daughter about the divorce thing and that the mother is boasting about her boyfriend and that he's better than you, I think saying "She's wrong" shouldn't be the bad choice. If anything, that should give +1 Friendship point, while the "She's right" choice should give +1 Love points.

While I typically don't like visual novels or similar games like the genre, I'm not against playing a game that is similar to "Date Ariane" - which was really fun unlocking all of the scenes - as getting from Start to End is typically very quick as opposed to VNs typically being very long with the scenes not being worth the effort to me. I like the idea behind the concept of balancing Friendship points and Love points for this game, it makes you wonder what kind of different and new scenes you can unlock for experimenting with getting different amounts. That alone makes me hope this game doesn't crash and burn.

Which brings me to my next point. I noticed in this thread that there are a lot of development concepts being thrown out there. As someone who took a college class on game design, I know of the "trap" that unexperienced game designers fall into when they flesh out the game so broadly; when they think of all of these new additions they can add into their game. It's best to stick with the core design and develop it so that you can at least finish it, then expand on it with one concept at a time. This makes it so it's not all a jumbled mess of working on all of these different concepts at a time and it severely muddles the quality of each of them when you can simply work on one to great quality, then move onto the next one and do the same, so on and so forth. Please don't fall into that trap, and never forget the scope of the game.

Thanks so much for your feedback! You're absolutely right, trying to do it all at once would be a terrible idea!
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

this is going to be a great game if you flesh out the story. I really do like the art and the start is very promising.
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Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

this is going to be a great game if you flesh out the story. I really do like the art and the start is very promising.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it so far :D
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

I'd really suggest making a design document, even a simple one if you haven't already. In it do a rough draft of the game from beginning to end (i.e. Date 1: x happens, Date 2: y happens, Date 3: z happens, and so on) so that you know how everything connects together and have a general feel of the flow of the game.

And, yeah, listening to feedback is always great but don't add in anything you don't want or feel you can't do well. Stick to your guns and make the best version of the game you want.
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Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm doing :)
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Game is looking good so far :D

Who did the daughter's design? That is honestly very well done :p
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Game is looking good so far :D

Who did the daughter's design? That is honestly very well done :p

I created her, using assets from different models :D
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Hi guys!

So... Dating My Daughter v0.0.3 will be released on November 13th.

This update will be for patrons only so that means I'll be sending this version to those who are currently supporting the development of the game through Patreon.

If you want to support my games (thank you so much! ^^) and get this version, please visit:

Here's the changelog for version 0.0.3 (WIP)
Daughter's Hotel Room
+Added daughter's hotel room scene
+Added daughter's taking a bath scene
+Added conversation with Elena
+Added kissing scene

Father's Appartment
+Added new bathroom scene
+Added new kitchen scene
+Added dancing scene
+Added massage in bed scene
+Added cuddling on the couch scene
+Added "watch porn" scene

Local Park
+Added local park scene
+Added lunch at the park scene
+Added playing frisbee with daughter scene
+Added photography contest scene

Here are some previews from Dating My Daughter v0.0.3 (Patrons get HD quality images):







Thank you so much for trusting me with the development of the game. It means a lot to me!

If you have any questions please comment here or send me a PM :)

Thanks so much for your support!
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Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Man you almost spoiled your entire update allready ;p

And it is still over 2 weeks to release ;]

Thx for the heads up though.

BTW - do you plan to introduce Dog for possible Bestiality in next few updates ? like v0.4 or v0.5 or is it still far from beeing put into the game ?

I mean like introducing him to the story - not that I expect any hardcore bestiality scenes early.
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Man you almost spoiled your entire update allready ;p
This is why screencaps of an update need to be spoiler-tagged. At least, I think so.
mrdots said:
patrons only
So does this mean non-patrons will never see this?
Also, I've having trouble opening your Patreon link. The actual page doesn't load. And it's only yours. It loads the top bar, and then there's nothing. Just a page of that weird shade of gray that Patreon uses.
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Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Man you almost spoiled your entire update allready ;p

And it is still over 2 weeks to release ;]

Thx for the heads up though.

BTW - do you plan to introduce Dog for possible Bestiality in next few updates ? like v0.4 or v0.5 or is it still far from beeing put into the game ?

I mean like introducing him to the story - not that I expect any hardcore bestiality scenes early.

Ha ha Fixed it :) Thanks.

Yes, introductions will happen soon :)

So does this mean non-patrons will never see this?
Also, I've having trouble opening your Patreon link. The actual page doesn't load. And it's only yours. It loads the top bar, and then there's nothing. Just a page of that weird shade of gray that Patreon uses.

I will release this version to the public once v0.0.4 comes out, but atm is for patreons only.

About my Patreon page, you're right... I don't know what happened but I think it's fixed now :) Let me know if you can get access
Re: Dating My Daughter [Updated 10/9]

Awesome! :cool: