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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The snuggling went on for a good while, probably an hour or a bit less. But eventually the wearyness of the traveling had caught up with the pair, leading Iliana to break off the girly love moment. After gathering themselves, the trio went into the kitchen, the maid-knight doing the leading around. Galeon joined them almost as soon as they left the room, his own chosen abode being the one on the opposite side of theirs in the corridor.

Eventually they were at the kitchen/dining hall combination, where Nina had the rest go and sit down to wait as she would prepare the food. Moving to her area of work, she could hear Yura come in almost as soon as she touched the first thing to use. There was a brief but extremely polite exchange of names and titles, the latter of which Yura herself had nothing to say about. Galeon also had a brief talk with the horned woman, requesting a match from her. Curiously enough, he was not doing it in the intentions that Alrik had. It was a thing of confirmation to him, the older knight wanting to know about the truth behind the stories of this legendary warrior. Yura herself did not object, but said it would have to wait until a bit later in the evening for she had work to do.

Having said that, the weapon master creeped over to Nina's side, joining her in the preparation of the food before any objections were made.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina made no objections to Yura being in the kitchen with her. The horned woman had made it clear that she wanted to help out and no one here really had the ability to say no to her, even if they had the inclination. Nina just explained what she wanted to do with the various vegetable ingredients, as well as how she wanted to cook the meat, and gave Yura the option of whichever task she felt most comfortable with. The potatoes she had peeled before were already in the wood fired oven, roasting in olive oil and various seasonings. Nina had put them in while Yura had made her brief introductions.

"So, yet another challenger? Do you ever get bored of winning against all these hopefuls?" Nina said jokingly.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The usually authoritative weapons master was quite willing to go with Nina's instruction in the kitchen, knowing fully well that there might be a new culinary experience waiting in the finish line. "It's a bit disheartening at times, but I do believe there is a lesson taught with each failed battle like this. But this man... he is leagues above what that junior Alrik was as far as skill is concerned. The way he carries himself tells me plenty about his experience and condition, this battle just might get interesting." Yura gave her serious reply to the joking question among the preparation work.

With the two of them at work, the planned foodmaking advanced rapidly. They would soon be ready to eat, which the seated people seemed to be anticipating. Iris especially seemed eager, her usual calm facade somewhat shifted as she waited for the meal to begin with a few out-of-character, random wing movements. It was probably still nothing to worry about, signs that the recent transformation had not cracked her spirit in any way.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

At last the cooking was done, and Nina began setting the table with the side dishes alongside Yura. Last she proudly brought in the roast meat, which she laid down before Iliana, removing the lid to let the steamy aroma waft across the table. At this point, after refilling drinks all around, she invited Yura to sit down, just before she took a seat next to Iris.

"Perhaps the hostess would like to do the honors of carving?" Nina encouraged Yura whose seat was at the head of the table.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Sure, I'll do the slicing. You just wait and there will be meat for everyone." Yura replied as she picked up the knife. As expected, her skill with blades did not stay merely in the battle department. The cuts she got on her plate were the most even things Nina had seen a human do, easily matching a machine in accuracy and thickness on each piece. Making sure that there was no need to tear up the meat any further, the weapon master cut two thirds of it into ready pieces for easy pickings.

After that, the group started to eat. The transformation had really affected Iris' appetite, the girl ate up a pile again, almost as much as Nina and Iliana combined. This caused seemed to amuse Yura, who looked on with a smirk on her face.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Wow Iris, you're really wolfing it down. It's as if you're eating for two," Nina said, giggling at her own joke. She ate her own meal in measured bites and was comfortable with staying herself to a single helping.

"So do you intend to be visiting other places in Lord Grimhorn's realm before returning home to the estate, my lady?" she asked, addressing her mistress.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris payed no heed to the remarks, smiling awkwardly as she nommed on all the stuff on the table. When asked about her plans, Iliana seemed unsure. "Hmmm, haven't decided yet. Currently I imagine we will, since I have a degree of interest towards these lands." the mistress shared her plans for the moment. If nothing radical happened, they would likely be trekking around the neighboring lands some more, just on their threesome. Or with Galeon in tow, which was a good or bad thing, depending on which way of looking the green-haired girl approached the issue from.

Eventually they appraoched the finale of the dinner, Yura falling onto her back from the pillow they had been sitting on during the eating. "Been a while since I had something like this..." she said, stretching on the floor.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina at her dinner happily, enjoying the company, and offered to dab at the corners of Iris' mouth when she was done with her second meal, giggling as she did so.

"Of course, this is a beautiful country. We should be lucky to get a chance to travel and see it. But I hope you'll be willing to stay a little while longer here so that I can get some more needed training from Sensei Yura," she said in response to Iliana's words.

When the meal was ended and Yura had flopped on her side to lounge and digest her food, Nina stood up and began collecting the plates and glasses, brushing by Iris' wings playfully as she did so, enjoying playful nips at her blind friend's new appendages.

Having both of her loved ones back had put the green haired maid in a playful mood and she could completely forget about anything bad that had happened to her in the recent past.

If nothing out of the ordinary occurred, she would serve after dinner digestives and chit chat normally around the table, whittling away the time until Yura decided something else should happen, either that duel with Galeon, or something else.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris seemed happy about the attention given to her, not going against Nina's pokes in any way. The group enjoyed a bit of chat around the table while Yura lazed on the floor, rolling slightly now and then. But eventually she had enough of it and got up, seemingly wanting to get the duel underway next. Quickly leaving for her room, the weapon master told the rest of them to get to the courtyard when they were ready.

And that the group did, once they had finished their business in the dinner hall. With the ladies waiting on the sidelines, Galeon took up a spot on the middle of the courtyard, getting his weapon and shield ready but not brandishing them in any hostile manner. The elder knight seemed infinately calm, not shaken in the least about the upcoming duel with proper weapons against a legendary warrioress like Yura. The horned woman herself soon strided out to the courtyard, bedecked in her armor and carrying a long pole with a curved blade on both ends as her weapon of choice this time around. They began the pre-battle introductions immidiately, both combatants describing themselves and their equipment, in very much the same way as the bout with Alrik had started. This time was not riddled with insults and uncaring though, Yura showing her better side to the knight facing her. Looked like she really had a respect towards Galeon's ability.

"Student. Come on and do this like last time. Give it to him for approval." Yura spoke up after the initial intro, holding out her exotic weapon for Nina. Similarly, Galeon had his halberd out for her to transfer over to the weapon master for the weapon inspection.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina did as she was instructed and brought both the challenger and the champions weapons to the other for pre-bout inspection. As she did so, she took the time to guage the weight, balance, and possible strengths and weaknesses of each weapon, forcing herself to think like her sensei would and anticipate which way the fight was likely to go.

When she was done with the presentation of both weapons and had returned them, Nina stood off to the side, at a point equidistant to the two combatants.

"I am Nina Vertmer of House Einzbern. I will bear witness to this challenge. Combatants, you may begin."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The customary inspections were done quickly, more out of custom than any real suspicion about the opposition's weaponry containing any poison or such. With their weapons checked and returned, the two squared off against each other. Yura held her double sword diagonally downwards like a spear, Galeon moving his huge shield in front to protect himself practically completely, the halberd coming to rest behind him in an unshaking horizontal grip. The pair stood unmoving, eyeing each other unflinchingly until Nina gave the sign to begin.

Instantly zooming forward, Yura started to spin the exotic weapon she had to shield her approach, moving to the side of Galeon to bring in a sweeping slash. The knight's shield easily deflected the incoming blow, the man himself moving with the sweep, spinning around in place to bring his halberd to bear from Yura's current blind side. Still, the weapon master was hardly surprised by such a move and brought up her manacled wrist, using the hunk of metal to catch the pole-axe blade harmlessly. Similar kinds of attacks followed the initial clash of the combatants, Yura mostly being the aggressor while Galeon maintained a more defensive approach. Most amazingly, the horned woman kept on using her thick manacles to block incoming strikes, appearing to be quite proficient with the unconventional style of defense. Still, the double sword was almost powerless in face of the superbly maneuvering old knight and his gargantuan shield, only managing a slight tear on his overcoat. It spoke clearly of years upon years spent on training and fighting with such heavy equipment.

But this was hardly the true level of skill and power one would expect from Horned Yura. One too many strikes an her manacle actually cracked the latch on the thing, causing it to hang unceremoniously on the weapon master's wrist. "Hmph, looks like I might have to get serious..." she pondered aloud, quickly tossing the dented restraint away. This seemed to trigger some sort of reaction inside her, for Yura's arm immidiately started generating barely visible energy, along with an increase in muscle mass. Now, the master had an arm that was visibly bigger and beefier than her other. "Ahhh, such lightness..." she thought out aloud again, removing the second manacle as well, with similar results on the other arm. The nature of the manacles was revealed to Nina as well when she saw the second hit the ground, actually breaking a pavement stone that it landed on. Along with her increased body mass, the weapon master also gained a red glow to her eyes and lenghtened canines that showed clearly when she smirked at Galeon's reaction.

"Now, let's try this again...." the "released" Yura spoke out as she began to twirl her blade again, now taking the spin to ridiculous speeds, fast enough to produce a strong wind. Only after a few seconds of spin, the weapon was going at such velocity that it was impossible to see. Approaching Galeon in her empowered attack mode, the spinning blade catching him off guard completely. Before he could realise it, one of the twin blades was already resting against his armored bandanna. "I win." Yura said, quickly getting Galeon's consent. The battle had finished.

Out of curiousity, Iliana tried to pick up the manacle near them. After a few fruitless attempts, she gave up. "That thing... it weights a ton. If she carries one on both arms at all times... No wonder she is so damned strong." the mistress said, clearly awestruck by the weapon master's true potential.

Nina remembered that she had seen similar restraints on the woman's ankles as well. This was truly an exceptional person they were dealing with.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina clapped politely at the end of the duel, impressed as well as a tad frightened of the horned Yura's true strength. She was quite certain that she had no desire to fight an opponent as strong as Yura and prayed that she would never have the necessity. Nina didn't think she was made for the whole bulging with muscles and using one ton weights as training devices fighter motif.

I guess I'll just be the best that I can be, and want no more than that. Besides, fighting isn't the most important thing in life.

"Pretty impressive, isn't she?" Nina said to Iliana and Iris. "If even a fraction of a fraction of her methods rubs off on me, I'll be happy. Say, Iris, maybe tomorrow morning she could supervise a sparring practice between you and me?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Yura settled the deal with Galeon using a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Good match" she said, making way towards the female trio next. "I could do that. It's a good way of seeing how much you've improved after the two days of training. I'm not expecting anything dramatic, but even a little is better none." the horned woman continued along the way, having picked up their conversation. Casually picking up the tossed manacle, she latched it back around her wrist, the buffed arm immidiately returning to it's normal feminine shape and size as soon as the lock fastened itself shut. The other one required a few strikes with of a fist, but soon it too was wearable again. With both cuffs on her arms, the usual Yura was back again, all signs of demonic strenght vanishing completely. "Hmph, now I'm heavy again... Oh well." the weapon master thought aloud, taking a few test swings with her weapon. She was still far faster than most soldiers, but the temporary freedom from the super-heavy shackles must have been satisfying for the woman.

"So, did you have any questions? If not, then you can do whatever." Yura said as she looked at the threesome.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Only wondering where you got the incredible strength from, Sensei," Nina said with a smile. "It's like you've got a whole demon contained inside you... Actually, come to think of it... do you?"

Nina wouldn't be surprised to discover this to be the case, but wouldn't look down on her mentor even if she said it was true. Yura seemed to be in complete control of herself even with the shackles off. Nina had no other questions herself but would look to see if Iliana did.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Upon hearing the question, Yura tapped at her horn suggestively. "Nope. I don't have anything spiritual backing me up on this. There was a demon of some sort in my ancestry, according to a family tree I saw once at least, giving me this power. This is all myself, like the horn suggests. I was even exorcised once, to take out the demon there never was to begin with. The cuffs help me restrain the energy of my demonhood, along with their more mundane training aid purpose. I do have a fancy ring and amulet combination to fight the power as well, but these things are so much better." the weapon master replied, taking a brief look at one of the metal rings. Despite her modest curiousity about this powerful woman, Iliana seemed to have nothing to ask.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Cool!" Nina said, grinning at her Sensei like a fan girl. She soon realized what she was doing and straightened up. "Ah, I mean that's very admirable. Though I like you with the manacles too. You're very pretty when not all buffed out like that."

Giving her best sweet smile, she then turned to Iliana. "Perhaps its best we make preparations for bed, my lady? I'd like to get fresh start tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to training and sparring with Iris under Sensei Yura's guidance."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I think we should. The day has been long enough, and despite not really doing all that much, the whole bumpy cart ride was a tiring experience. And I think you too will benefit from the rest, between all these training times." was Iliana's reply to the inquiry. The trio left after wishing Yura a good night. As they went, Nina could hear the weapon master wonder. "Do I really look that muscular and weird in my partial release mode....?"

Galeon came after the group like he was assigned to, going into his own selected group. "If there is something you require from me, do come and ask." he said as they split, both parties going into their own rooms. Both of Nina's companions started preparing for the night, peeling out from their day gear to exchange into more suitable sleeping clothing. Iris had already set her sheathed sword down near the bed, but never went more than a step or two away from it. Iliana had no such necessities in her mind, not bothering to remove the dagger from her belt.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Happy to relax, Nina slid out of her light robes as well, and then before settling into bed, poured a pitcher of water into three glasses and handed one each to her friends so that they could drink if they wanted before going to bed. She sipped from her own water and then crawled past Iris on her way towards her own mattress, but stopped to give the blind girl a peck on the cheek and another friendly squeeze at the hem of her wing before scooting on by.

It was then that she curled up, supporting her weight with one arm while looking up at Iliana.

"Coming to bed, my lady?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Both of her companions took up on the offer of water readily, Iris chugging it, Iliana being more restrained with the liquid as she switched on her sleeping clothing. The blind girl seemed to like the attensions offered to her, but did not make any moves out from her chosen resting spot, instead turning her head to face Nina briefly.

"Yes, yes. I did plan to rest eventually." the mistress replied as she hassled a bit with her belongings, but soon rolled over to Nina's other side, her chosen spot on the eastern matresses. It looked like they were arranged in height order, from the tall mistress to the average-sized Nina and finally smaller Iris. Iliana did not seem to be trying sleeping yet, maintaining a casual lying pose with one leg bent and the over it, as if she was sitting. No words came from her, but there was the occasional look in the direction of the two other girls.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"If you're not resting just yet, mistress. Is there something that we can do for you?"

Nina idly let her knee swing side to side as she waited to see what the mistress would request. She shifted a little so that she was closer to Iris, keeping her body open and inviting to Iliana while at the same time brushing against Iris' body. Perhaps this would make Iris and Nina seem like a package deal for the lady's desires tonight?

Seemingly inspired by the thought of Iliana watching her play with Iris, Nina began to kiss the blind warrior's bare leg, as it was the closest part of her body next to where Nina was lying. If Iliana ordered her to do something at any time, Nina would stop and follow that order, but for right now, she thought it might be fun to play with Iris a bit more, since the winged girl was certainly having new 'hungers' and perhaps they weren't reserved to just food?