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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The mistress didn't reply, keeping up with her act of lazing while still looking at the two, now doing it more frequently. Iris' reactions were the usual shivering she had done previously when they had gone intimate, but soon the blind warrior withdrew from Nina's touch, covering herself from further attempts. It appeared that she was not in the mood to do anything like this. but was not holding it against the maid-knight in any way, reaching out to give her a brief hair-ruffling with a friendly smile.

With Iris out of the picture, Iliana turned onto her side. "Doesn't look like Iris is willing." the mistress spoke up, remaining on her spot for now, possibly waiting for Nina to move in. Who knows what the always attractive woman was thinking?
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I'm sorry Iris," Nina said, slightly disappointed and wondering now if she had done something wrong. The ruffle of her hair was probably given with good intention, but still the rebuffing of her advances wounded her and being tussled just felt like a cheap way to cover up the fact that she didn't have the ability to get Iris in the mood. She crept back to her spot and laid her head down on the pillow, looking at Iliana out of the corner of her eyes.

Of course she wanted to go to her mistress' arms, but now she was afraid that she had somehow messed things up and disappointed both her loved ones with her overt display of desire for intimacy. If Iliana wanted her, all she had to do was ask her to come to her. Was Nina no longer attractive enough? Had their role reversal from before caused too much of an awkward rift amongst them? She bit her lip as she lay on her stomach, her knees bent and her tush slightly raised, still gazing out of her periphery at her beautiful mistress who lazed next to her.

"Have I... have I acted inappropriately, my lady?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iliana did not seem as concerned as Nina herself was about the retreat of Iris. "I don't think that you did anything wrong. Now, come here." she instructed, taking the girl inside her personal space and into a pleasant, warm embrace. The two of them squished against each other, the redhead giving her servant a peck to the cheek for starters. "She is not as interested as the two of us are on these things. Only when her mood is on the ball does Iris have enough willingness to go into the act, and you can't change her mind on the matter. Don't feel too bad about it, it's just her quirks. I can't affect her during those times either, not even after the years we've been together." the mistress carried on in a soft voice, beginning to rub her hands on various places on Nina while kissing her softly. "There is nothing wrong with you, it's just how Iris is. She'll be open and accepting if you pick the right time." the tall woman finished her whispered dialogue about the blind warrior, who had now removed her blindfold and set it aside for the night. As she began to steadily sink towards sleep, giving the two of them more ability to focus on the lovely time ahead.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina settled into the embrace with Iliana, happy to feel Iliana's intimate touches. The explanation about Iris made enough sense to satisfy Nina's curiosity for the time being, and push aside her self doubts. She lifted her face to look up at Iliana and as soon as she could, she would catch the lady's soft kisses with her own, letting her tongue mingle and her hands likewise beginning to roam her mistress' skin lovingly.

Settling up on her knees facing Iliana, the servant continued to kiss her passionately while her legs brushed against the redhead's long, beautifully formed and tanned thighs.

"Oh mistress, your servant is so happy," she said between light moans and slippery kisses along the nape of Iliana's neck. During their playful touching, Nina began to slip aside Iliana's underwear, eager to get the inhibiting clothes away so that her fingers, lips and tongue could explore more sensitive areas of the beautiful noblewoman.

"I'm always yours~" she mumbled against Iliana's cheek as she moved upwards for another go at a deep, long kiss. It had been a while since she could do this with her lover, and she was determined to draw it out.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The two eager lovers carries on their foreplay for a good while as Nina had finally been allowed her desires after a pause that had resulted from both her training and the mistress' political visits. It might not have been good form of them to start sexing in Rao's castle-mansion. This place was different from that though, almost perfect for something like this. Iliana allowed herself to be undressed without resistance, but she did not help the servant's cause either, making her work for the rewards in a somewhat teasy manner.

After another long, deep kiss, the tan beauty stopped to address Nina. "Hmmh... alright... you first... as is usual..." she gasped lightly, already into the whole act quite nicely. The mistress offered herself up, apparently wanting to make the green-haired girl work for her reward. Backing away only a little, she sat down, curiously enough doing it like an eastern person. But that was probably not something Nina noticed or cared about too much in the current situation.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With a pouty look on her face, Nina nudged, tugged, and pulled off her mistress' robes and undergarments, revealing the woman's naughty bits, which were swiftly and demurely covered up in a teasing fashion as Iliana sat back,

Undeterred, Nina crawled forward, kissing her mistress' knees, then moving up her thighs, to the v of her pelvis, then further up to her belly button. Further up she brushed her nose against the curve of her breasts, then again up to the lady's lips for another kiss, and finally with her weight over her mistress completely, she used it to force the woman's back to the mattress. With her own leg, Nina spread her mistress' thighs, allowing for her fingers to find the lady's sensitive place and begin to service it with soft, circling rubs and exploratory delving. When she felt her mistress starting to moisten under her ministrations, she crooked two fingers and slipped them in further, while still applying pressure to the nub. As she did all this, her mouth was busy kissing Iliana tenderly, uttering soft moans between each momentary break for new breath. Her shapely body pressed against Iliana's, and she began to rock back and forth with each thrust of her fingers, so that they could enjoy more friction between the two of them.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iliana took in her servants's shows of affection and pleasure with her usual willingness, starting to moan pretty fast under the ministrations. But almost as if going against her usual ways, she too reached for Nina's womanhood along the way, apparently eager on helping her get off as well. From there, things progressed as expected, the tan woman not bothering to look for something out of the usual. The surrounding areas had been pretty void of usable things, and the two had to stick to just their own bodies to please the other. Once both of them had received their climaxes, Iliana grabbed onto the maid-knight, holding her close before falling asleep. Given the situation, Nina too had to do the same.

Another Karin-related dream came to the girl as she slept. This time, the ferrygirl was sitting on the edge of her boat, having removed her sandals. As she stirred the black waters with the tips of her toes, the spirit girl described the events, things and emotions she had witnessed and felt through Nina's senses to the gathered floating lanters, of which there was an amazingly huge number. Her descriptions were colorful and accurate, not leaving the slightest bits away and really giving them the full package of things.

Eventually the dream subsided, leaving Nina back at her bed. She had moved around in the bed, as had her companions. All of them were on the middle mattress now, in quite a pile. Still, the closeness was not a thing she minded. It still seemed to be early morning, and the sun had barely managed to bring part of itself oven the horizon.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina enjoyed the mutual pleasuring and it wasn't long before Iliana was able to bring her to a mouth-gaping, eyes-clamped-shut climax. Her body shuddered, but her hand kept working until Iliana too had reached her peak. They then fell asleep in each others arms and the maid-knight couldn't have been happier.

She woke the next morning, the two beauties on either side of her, pressed against her. She kissed both of them affectionately on the cheek before attempting to unentwine herself. She quickly found that she would be unable to do so without waking them so she began to kiss Iliana more, nipping at her softly until she woke up or allowed Nina to get up.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The girl pile unpacked itself after a few pecks as Iliana turned away from the source of the kissing, still asleep as she did it. Iris had no reaction to the one she got, apparently deep in her slumber. Still, with the mistress moving, Nina was free to get up. The way had opened enough for her to exit the bed. Outside the room, she could hear a door closing, followed by the slight clink of armored footsteps heading off to the side. Looked like Galeon had beaten her to waking up, having already gotten his suit of protective steel on while the maid-knight was still getting herself to her feet.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina took the time to rewrap her training garments under herself before pulling on the tight fitting, yet flexible training garments. She then left the room and went to the courtyard, where she sat down and settled into as close an approximation of yesterday's meditative stance as she could.

She didn't specifically ask for the Tree Father to show up, though she wouldn't mind if he did. She merely wanted to achieve what she had begun learning yesterday, calming her body before she would begin her morning exercises. She would eschew breakfast today, at least waiting until after the morning session and her duel with Iris before grabbing a bite to eat. She wanted to make some serious progress today for certain.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With her adopted training equipment, Nina left her beloved ones to have their sleep while she tried to get further practise with her spirit. There had been a definite blossoming on her part during the first-ever training for some reason. Maybe it had been Tree-Father's or Karin's influence, maybe she was just much better at focusing than she thought initially. Settling herself down, the servant girl picked up where she left the last time.

After a while, Nina could hear a far-away voice whispering to her. "Last time... you poked into the energy... now... try to reach for it... hold it in your grasp... once it's within you again..." the speaker, apparently Tree-Father, instructed her.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina heeded the Tree-Father's voice, knowing what he meant when he asked for her to grab hold of the energy. When she achieved enough sense of its form, she focused all her efforts into not only touching the waves of power, but now actually forming a 'grip' of sorts on it. The spirit energy was elusive at first, slipping through her mental fingers like a greased animal. She discovered after several attempts that the best way to combat this was to focus harder on her perception of the spirit's form. The more clearly she perceived it, the better 'grip' she could place on it. Perhaps this was what common practitioners of meditation referred to as "knowing yourself?"

At last, her attempts bore fruit and she held her spirit energy. She was tentative in her movement, afraid of doing anything major with it right away. In truth she was content to hold it in place and get a stronger understanding of her own essence. She awaited any additional instruction from the Tree Father.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Within the confines of her mind, Nina sought out her so-called core, eventually finding it again. Focusing like she had last time, the few initial attempts at the energy went off completely. After a while, there were more serious attempts. Finally success came to her, and the green-haired girl held her inner power in a psychic grip.

Opening her eyes, Nina saw the world moving at a slower pace than usual. A leaf from one of the courtyard trees fell past her field of vision, the pass taking almost ten seconds when it usually would have passed in a second or two. In addition, she was surrounded with a faint white aura. "This is what your elevated state can do... In advanced states... you can alter the effects to your desires... but now it looks like you've manifested alacrity... A specific power increasing your reaction speed... in effect slowing down the surrounding world... when your senses function at higher levels..." Tree-Father spoke up, now sitting there beside Nina again. "This is how you do it... but it takes more practise to be able to do this much... at any given point in your life..." the ancient fox spirit explained while the girl still held onto her core. It was a mentally tiring activity, and she was not sure much more she could go before the connection was lost.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"It's tiring me out..." she mumbled, unsure whether she was actually speaking aloud or simply speaking with her mind at the Tree Father.

"I'm not sure I can keep this up very much longer." She watched as the world went slowly by. Her body was still awash in a white nimbus glow. "I think... that's it for now. I have to... stop."

Nina felt herself letting go of her spirit, lessening her grip and then letting it slip gently away. She could still perceive it, but the mental fortitude it would take to re-seize it was a bit beyond her at this point. She figured this mental or spiritual strength was like her sword arm. It would only be strengthened with time and practice.

"Thank you, Tree Father, for teaching me," she said as she left the realm of spiritual perception and time returned to its normal pace in the courtyard. Her stomach began to growl as she stood up. She glanced at it, wondering how much time had truly passed while she meditated and if she should reconsider making breakfast for herself. Who knew how much energy something like that had taken out of her? She looked around to see if anyone else was present. If not, she would make her way back to the kitchens for a quick bite.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"That is pretty normal... I don't think that a new spiritualist can... hold their power for long... you've done pretty good to come this far this fast." the kitsune spirit acknowledged Nina's words and her ability. As she let the energy go, the green-haired girl snapped back to her normal way of sensing things around her. "My pleasure... I'm deeply interested in your future growth... so, until next time..." Tree-Father replied the the girl's thanks, beginning to turn into a tree completely and eventually vanishing in a puff of leaves as the treeform completed.

With her belly signalling a time of need, Nina wandered off towards the kitchen. No-one had been looking, but everyone was gathered at the table, eating breakfast foodstuffs that Yura had apparently prepared. "Come on, sit down and eat." the weapon master off-handedly remarked while munching on a bacon-topped piece of bread.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Thanks... I think I will," she said, sitting down and grabbing a rasher of bacon and folding a slice of bread around it before munching it down.

"I was doing some training in the courtyard and I guess I lost track of time. Thanks for the breakfast."

She looked around at the others gathered at the table, trying to judge their moods before readdressing Yura.

"So, what will we do first this morning, Sensei?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Yeah. I did see you there as I passed by. You didn't miss too much, we only started eating a few minutes ago. The people here are patient and gave me all the time I wanted to prepare. So enjoy your food." the weapon master replied once spoken to. She did not seem too fussed, neither riled up or happy. It was just the usual sleepyness that she seemed to have during the first few hours of the morning, interfering with her awareness.

Iris and Iliana both seemed to be like they were yesterday, the mistress looking somewhat happier than yesterday as she munched on breakfast. Iris was still as hungry as before, the morning food dissappearing into her mouth in surprising amounts.

For his part, the un-emotional Galeon was content with maintaining watch over his assigned wards while enjoying the offered food and the company of a legendary warrior like Yura. And the Lady Einzbern seemed to be a tasteful person in his mind, for he had a respectful way of speaking towards the tan beauty.

Having made her estimations about the mood of the breakfast table, Nina turned back to Yura, asking her about today's lessons and what there was to expect. "I think I'll demonstrate some more of the weapon vs weapon tactics today, along with some methods of fighting multiple opponents at once. Now that there's several of us here, that can be done in proper fashion."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Sounds like fun," Nina said as she finished up her sandwich, saving the best bite for last. She then stood up and got herself a cup of clean mountain water poured from a pitcher. She washed down the food and then leaned against the wall as she waited for the others to be done with their breakfast. She was feeling restless and wanting to make the most of her training time with Yura.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"That's one way to look at it, I suppose." Yura replied, going along and eating her breakfast that with gusto that almost matched Iris' current form on the dining tables. She soon layed back on the floor like she had during their dinner last night, not really caring if it made her look awkward or just odd.

Eventually, Galeon finished, offering his thanks and leaving the room just as Iliana and Iris had gotten around to finishing. It looked as if the mistress had paced her own more restricted manner with the blind girl's vast appetite. Yura has still made no move to get off from the floor, still looking up to the ceiling after her morning meal. "Go along with your group if you want. I can clear this stuff up." the horned woman eventually spoke up, clearly addressing Nina with the comment despite not calling her by name.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I'm sure you could, Sensei, but you won't." Nina chuckled as she started collecting plates and cups and bringing them over to the wash basin. "Unless of course you get off that dirty floor and help me rinse. hee hee..."

Nina was fairly certain Yura wouldn't beat her up outside of practice, so she was confident in challenging the horned lady's assertion that she was going to do all the chores. Nina didn't want to leave all the work to just one person, so she was determined to help.

"I'll catch up with you my lady. Iris." She told her friends as they stood by the door.