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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

7 vs 7

Nina dashes out towards the other room, trying to reach Iliana. She can hear Iris' sword being drawn again, with a swish passing near the back of her head as she runs away. With Iris hot on her heels, Nina sprints into the other room, clutching her cut stomach. Iliana's eyes open wide at the sight, but she clearly knows what's going on. The tanned woman walks towards them, letting Nina pass her. As Iris heads towards her, she calls out to the frenzied girl
"Iris! I'm here! Calm down!"

The sword that cut Nina twice flies towards Iliana as well, but as Iris' brain processes the voice, she stops dead on her tracks. She drops the sword down, still stuck in place
"No need to panic, I'm here now.." Iliana says, grabbing the blind girl into her embrace and petting her head gently. As Iliana holds Iris' head against her chest, Nina can hear the petite swordgirl weep softly
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina winced and doubled over as she let the taller woman calm Iris, who had fought her like a woman possessed. She eyed the two of them warily but did not further her retreat once Iris had stopped following her and embraced Iliana, weeping into her arms.

After a while, when it seemed Iris had calmed down, Nina dared to ask her question.

"What happened?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The tall woman still hold Iris next to her, letting the previously frenzied girl calm down entirely as she turn her head towards Nina.
"Iris can't bear being away from me. She's suffered some kind of forced loneliness in the past. If she can't find anyone familiar nearby, she panics and enters this berserk state. But.. it doesn't usually happen this fast.." she says, looking down at the smaller girl still clinging to her with a worried expression

After the blind girl finally calms down, she moves towards Nina, taking out her cleaning cloth from the pack on her belt. She starts to rub Nina's shoulder wound with it as Iliana starts rummaging her own belt packs.
"We need to get you patched up, that wound looks pretty bad" she says, looking at Nina's torn armor
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina is wary of the blind girl's touch, and her wound doesn't clean as easily as a blade. She winces as Iris brings the cloth to her shoulder, but still doesn't move her hands from the slash across her chest.

"Didn't you know it was me, Iris? I-I know we just met, but I haven't done anything to hurt you... have I?"

Suddenly Nina wondered if she had overstepped some unspoken bounds with the blind girl. Iris and Iliana clearly had a bond of some sort, but the latter woman was certainly a bit wanton, and had charmed Nina in with her lust and looks. Perhaps the blind girl was fearing Nina might take away the affection the tall woman had for her.

"If I've done anything to make you angry with me, I'm very sorry," Nina said. Inside she had to laugh at herself. Here she was, with a gash in her shoulder and a sliced belly, apologizing to the girl who'd just given her those very same wounds. Sometimes she didn't even understand herself. Yet, that was how it had always been. Nina lived to please others or to ease their concerns, even if it was sometimes at her own expense.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I doubt you've hurt her in any way, it's just that your not entirely familiar to us yet. We've known each other for a few hours at best, remember?" Iliana says at Nina, still rummaging her packs for a bit of first aid.

As if enforcing the tanned woman's words, Iris gently grabs Nina's hands and holds them against her chest as she shakes her head at Nina's apology. Letting Nina go, the blind girl bows deep, clearly expecting something as she keeps her head down.

Iliana finally finds a few rolls of bandages in her equipment.
"These will make for a quick first aid, but you need to visit a more skilled practioner of the medical arts soon. That wound is no joke, we need to head back to town"
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nods to Iliana and lets the woman bandage her. There really was quite a lot of blood, much more than she had been expecting. Iris' blade had been so sharp, she hadn't even noticed how deeply the wound had cut, but now the pain was growing, and Nina was starting to become concerned. The game really was getting a few things quite real, and she was alarmed at how well it was mimicking the act of getting slashed with a sword. It was scary too, for Nina could imagine all sorts of nasty things that she didn't want happening to her occurring within the game.

"Okay... let's get to the town," she said, then noticed that Iris still bowed towards her. "Oh... it's okay Iris... I'll live, and trauma isn't something to scoff."

As if to reinforce the act of accepting her apology, Nina leaned forward (ouch!) and delivered a quick kiss to Iris' forehead.

"There now. Don't worry - hey, why don't we check this room to see if the large beetle was guarding anything before we go back to town? It'll only take a minute. I just sit here and rest for a bit."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris takes up Nina's hand again after she smooches the smaller girl on her forehead. Holding it against her chest, she gives Nina a smile and a nod before letting her go and going over to pick up the sword she dropped just minutes earlier. The blade slides back into the deceptive sheath with a metallic chink, once again resembling a walking stick.

Iliana listens to Nina's suggestion and leaves her alone for a while to sit down and have a short rest as the two of them head back into the beetle room to investigate. A little while and a few loud grumbles later, the two come back from the room, a dissappointed look in Iliana's face
"Bah, only a near-empty armory. But this could prove useful." the tanned woman says, tossing a sheathed sword at Nina. This large, curved blade is of remarkably good craftmanship and looks to be in excellent condition.
"Let's get out of here, we better reach town before nightfall"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded, and held the new sword and sheath reverently. "Very beautiful work. If it cuts as well as it looks, it will be very useful indeed."

Nina slowly got up and walked slowly next to Iliana, letting the taller woman lead her out of the temple. As she walked out she pondered her first adventure's pros and cons. On the one hand, she'd been raped. Then she met two friends. Then she was raped again, along with said new friends. Then she had made love with a beautiful woman and found that the experience was quite enjoyable. Then she'd defeated a large boss with the help of her friends. Then she'd had her stomach cut open by one friend's crazy pscyho episode. But then she'd got a pretty sword.

On the whole, it had been quite a rollercoaster of pros and cons. Certainly, Nina would appreciate some calmer times ahead in the town before going back into the tomb.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

A pop-up flashes over Nina's new blade briefly to reveal it's properties

Quality Falchion, Sword Class
This particular sword is of exceptional craftmanship, its superior balancing gives the wielder +1 to hit due to increased control ability. The heavy curved blade also gives it a better chance of causing massive damage

Iliana doesn't mind helping Nina moving, providing the girl with all the support she needs. They exit the tomb, wading out into the open desert.
"We'll come back as soon as we can." the tanned beauty says to Nina as she and Iris set up their desertfaring cloaks

The group treks through the desert, only the wind and sand getting in their way. The place is quite a swelter to go through for Nina, who is unaccustomed to such extremes. After a few hours of travel, she can see a surprisingly lush and green town in the edge of the desert. As they start to approach the gate, Nina starts to feel extremely light-headed. Before she can warn Iliana about it, she fades away into unconciousness

After a time that feels like eternity, Nina wakes up in a large, beautifully decorated room. She's been placed in a relatively large bed, and her clothes have been replaced with white, nearly transparent nighties. Taking a peek at her abdomen, Nina notices that she doesn't have a scar or marking there. But, quite worryingly, a wide leather collar is applied around her neck

As she wonders, a rather handsome older man enters the room. Wearing an immaculate tuxedo and tight white gloves, he walks through the room with a few fast steps. The man looks like he's approaching his seventies, with a neatly trimmed white beard and hair that's tied to a low ponytail behind his head. Despite his apparent age, the man stands straight as a rod, his stance and way of moving easily give away that he is in an extremely good physical condition. A pair of piercing eyes turn to Nina as the man greets her in a courtly manner
"You've woken up, Miss Nina. I, Valkenhayn, welcome you to Einzbern mansion" he says with a strong, deep voice
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Mansion?" Nina grabbed her head as if she were still lightheaded. "I must have fainted from the heat. Is that what happened? Where are Iliana and Iris?"

It was then that she noticed the transparency of her white nightie, and she drew the sheets of her bed up and around her to further hide herself.

"Ah, Mister Valkenhayn, could you please let me know what's gone on? I'm so very confused."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry about that Miss. I should've told you about the situation." the man says, his mannerism still as courtly as possible.
"You've been taken in as a servant by Lady Einzbern. She has taken a liking to you, it seems. I've been instructed to guide you to the bathing facilities, but feel free to ask me about anything that's on your mind" Valkenhayn continues, maintaining his ramrod straight posture
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Lady Einzbern? Is that, Miss Iliana? Um... tall, red head, tanned skin, magnificent t...astes?" Nina brought her description to an abrupt end. "I suppose I really should thank her for all she's done to get me to safety. Please, I'd love a bath, it would be wonderful."

She slowly got up, testing her strength lightly, but also making certain to cover her arms across the places requiring modesty. The old man seemed nice enough, perhaps he was a butler of some sort. Still, she should try to be decent, even though her various rumbles in the tomb had been anything but...

Along the way to the baths, Nina asked another question.

"Mister Valkenhayn, I had a large wound when last I remembered, it was on my stomach, yet now it is gone without a trace. Do you know how this might be?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Hmm yes, those words could be used to describe the Lady's glorious appearance. There'll be plenty of time to talk with her, since you're a servant now" the elderly man replies to Nina, politely turning away from her so she can retain her modesty. As she stretches, Nina feels a bit weak still, a slight ache in her tummy the only remainder that there was any cut in there.

On their way to the bath, Nina decides to inquire about the mysteriously vanished wound.
"That nasty gash? Oh, Sister Elise was called in to take care of your health and beauty. The Lady likes her servants to look their best. Maybe you can exchange words with the good Sister, since I believe she too is bathing at this moment." Valkenhayn replies to her as they arrive at the bathing area

As Nina enters the relatively big dressing room, she is greeted by a short, somewhat plump woman about her own age. The thickness doesn't take away from her beauty though, she is still quite a looker. Long, lightly blue-tinged hair flows down to the middle of her back as she looks at Nina with amazingly light blue eyes. Near her, a long, cross-decorated tabard and a grey bodysuit hang from hooks on the wall. On a chair near them is a big, somewhat boxy hat with a cross on it, quite similar to those worn by high priests.
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The man's use of the word servant doesn't escape Nina, but though for an instant in her mind, Nina balked at it, she quickly discarded any heated notion. Iliana had the look of nobility all about her, and it didn't come as a surprise that she was this Lady Einzbern with a host of servants at her beckon call. It didn't go quite so far as to explain the collar, but Nina gave a mental shrug.

The fact of the matter was that from their brief experience together, Nina had taken a liking to the woman too. It was easy to like beauty, but Iliana had shown compassion and a readiness to act as equals in battle. And she had been extremely protective and caring towards Iris and Nina both, so there was little question that her heart was in the right place. She'd personally propped Nina up and walked her across a desert. If she was going to be listed as anyone's servant, Nina was preferential to Iliana.

Valkenhayn led her to the bathing area and showed her in to the dressing room, where she encountered the blue haired woman. Nina was pleased to see that the game didn't represent all woman as the same hour-glassed figure, and appreciated the "average and healthy" appearance of the girl.

"Oh, hello," she said in greeting. "Would you happen to be Sister Elise? If you are, I think I have you to thank for my tummy not being horribly scarred."

She patted her soft flesh near her belly button and giggled. "I certainly feel a lot better than I did. My name's Nina. Nina Vertmer." She extended her hand in greeting. "I'm the newest member of the staff, or so I'm told. I've only seen a bit of the mansion yet, but I'm already overwhelmed. I had no idea Iliana - I mean, Lady Einzbern, was such a well-off noble. Though considering I met her in a tomb, it's clear she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, is she? It's a charming quality, don't you think? So, are you just finishing up here, or will you be bathing too?"

Nina felt in a chatty mood. Such inclinations struck her from time to time. She was curious about her new surroundings, but also anticipating seeing Iliana and Iris again.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Yes I am. It was a pleasure to help you regain your health." the sister replies to her in a melodious voice. Considering her status as one of the faithful, Elise was surprisingly uncaring about her nakedness. The girl takes Nina's hand with both of her own, a warm and fuzzy feeling washing through Nina's body as the sister touches her.
"Oh, Iliana opted to take you in. She's as eccentric as ever, wanting to do things her way. I'm sure you'll get to share many moments with her, both good and the not so pleasant. That woman has her dark side. But please, let us continue in the bath." the holy woman says as she leads Nina to a massive open-air bath
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"A dark side you say? Hmm, well I've only seen good things from her so far. She can't be all bad," Nina shrugged.

Her face lit up at the open air bath. "Ooh!" she gasped, and then giggled excitedly, choosing to dip her toes daintily in the water. It was warm and pleasant. She slid into the water and sighed happily. Then she thought of the choker she was wearing.

"Hmm, this is leather, I probably shouldn't get it wet if it's meant to fit around my neck. Can you help me take it off?" The question was innocent enough, but Nina was 'testing the waters' here, since she had some ideas about how this might be taken.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The priestess follows Nina into the bath, seemingly familiar with the place. She keeps on looking at Nina as the girl fiddles with the collar. Upon hearing the question, her expression becomes that of worry.
"I recommend you to not do that. I've seen what can happen if you try to take it off without the applier's permission"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Hmmm?" Nina lets her hands drop away from the collar. "Oh. Well, I really don't know who exactly put the collar on me. I was unconscious before it happened..."

Nina gasped, "You don't think... would it choke me?" Nina was worried about that. That would be very mean, especially since Nina hadn't been warned. She hoped that wasn't the case.

But the momentary scare relaxed and drifted away. "Oh well, I won't touch it then. But I'll be careful about keeping it dry."

She made sure not to sink too low as she washed herself. "So is there anything you think I should know about this place? I really don't know a thing, so I'd appreciate a little background - about Lady Einzburn, yourself, this estate, and Iris... if you know about her."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"It's worse.. that's a shock collar. It'll tase you badly, but fight it hard enough and your brain will burn to a crisp" the plump priestess warns Nina, casting her gaze down to the water

As the girls wash themselves, the priestess listens to Nina ask her questions.
"Hmmm, well I could share some info with you. This place is Einzbern mansion, not much diffferent from other noble mansions. It belongs to Iliana, who is an eccentric noble. She's gotten bored to her usual duties on this relatively small town, so she's taken up adventuring and all kinds of depraved hobbies. If you ever get taken to a certain room in the basement, you'll instantly know what I mean..." Elise tells her, shivering as she mentions the basement

"Myself, I'm the local cleric of my church. I was taken in at an early age, for I showed the gift of spiritual magic and especially healing. You must likely felt that when we shook hands. But the blind girl? I'm not sure what her purpose is, but Iliana is fond of her. I've never seen her do anything here besides tail Iliana all the time"
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina pondered the shock collar. She didn't relish her brain being fried to a crisp. If Iliana wanted her to wear a collar, all she had to do was ask - the shock was a bit much.

"Yes, Iris is certainly something else, and she's very dependent upon Iliana. I think she's a kind soul at her core... but she's got something wrong with her - forced isolation I think Iliana said at one point. She was very unstable when Iliana was separated from her in the tomb. That's how I ended up with the... well, I... nevermind."

Nina shouldn't have spoken ill of Iris. It wasn't Iris' fault that she had slashed her. Nina was a sound judge of character, she thought, and she knew that Iris, under proper control, would never have willingly lashed out at her like that. She shouldn't spread rumors about Iris slashing friends... that'd just make trouble for the poor girl. Making trouble was the last thing Nina wanted to do.

After a while of quite washing and pondering, Nina got up from the bath. "I think I'm clean enough she said. Perhaps I should have a chat with Iliana. That might be for the best."