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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

2 vs 6 | 17 vs 5
2 vs 21 counter | 6 vs 21 counter

Fed up with the scarab, Nina tries to stab the annoying beetle. It leaps at her, avoiding the blow easily. But Nina is prepared, cutting the bug in half as it flies through the air towards her.

Iris continues her amazing show of skill, effortlessly avoiding the huge scarab's attacks at her, cutting it across the head twice for those feeble attempts

Huge Scarab 7/13 HP

Nina 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina runs to the door and drags it open, hoping to see Iliana on the other side. If the knife fighter isn't there, then she'll just run back to help Iris finish off the big bug at the other end of the chamber.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

19 vs 9
9 vs 14

Nina manages to pull the heavy door open after a brief effort. She sees an empty room on the other side, with anther similar door on the opposite edge of the room. She can hear Iliana fighting something two rooms away

Iris proves too quick and nimble for the gargantuan beetle, which just can't manage to grab on the blind swordgirl slowly wearing it down, cut after cut. The creature's chirpy voice sounds across the room, as it frustrates itself with it's clumsy attempts, receiving yet another deep cut to the head for trying

Huge Scarab 6/13 HP

Nina 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh damn, two fights... well then I'd better help Iris out now and come back for Iliana later."

Gripping her sword tightly, Nina charges back across the chamber, intent on attacking the large beetle as swiftly as possible, so as to defeat it and make sure Iris was in fit enough a state to help rescue Iliana (if indeed she even needed rescuing).
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

8 vs 14 | 8 vs 1
14 vs 16

With Iris as her top priority at this moment, Nina rushes to the fray, sword held ready as she dashes towards the beetle. Taking a huge leaping strike, her sword bounces off the creature's carapace with a loud clang

Iris doesn't let up on the attack, doing a spinning jumps as she pounces over the creature's pincers. As she lands, the lethal blade flashes out, opening a nasty gash on the beetle's neck area

Huge Scarab 5/13 HP

Nina 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The carapace of the larger beetle was far thicker than its younglings. Nina would have to look to strike at the softer fleshy bits and joints if she wanted to do damage to the beast.

Following Iris' lead, Nina aimed for the neck, or the face, where its vulnerable points were as she continued her attack.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

12 vs 7 | 16 vs 10
11 vs 11

Nina strikes in unison with Iris, managing to find an exposed spot in the creature's neck carapace. Both girls wound the massive beetle, which tries to flail at them as it's tormented by numerous wounds. But the girls are on top of the situation, and manage to avoid the huge bug legs swinging at them

Huge Scarab 3/13 HP

Nina 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Panting and perspiring with the effort, but encouraged by how well she and Iris were working together, Nina continues to slash and hack at the giant bug, confident that soon it will go down and they'll be rid of one more monster in this place.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

2 vs 19 counter | 21 vs 3 critical
8 vs 22 counter

The girls swing at the beetle once more, Nina getting the wrong end of the deal as the beetle's flailing leg catches her in the stomach, hitting the wind out from her lungs and throwing the girl back a few feet

Iris capitalizes on the distraction, cleaving the beetle's face once. The thing swipes at her, but the nimble girl jumps over the mandibles, thrusting her sword deep into the creature's neck. With a few forceful pulling motions, the beetle's neck snaps with a loud crunch

Breathing heavily, Iris draws her sword free. She flick the blade to the side, cleaning it from any excess blood before sheathing it once more. But she doesn't make a move, holding the sword on her side with her hand hovering over the handle still
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Struggling to get to her feet and get her breath back, Nina motions to the far door.

"I-Iris.. we've got to help Iliana, she's fighting something."

Recovering as best she can and keeping her sword free and unsheathed, Nina runs towards the doorway that she had opened before, intent on making sure her other companion was okay.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The blind girl stays put as Nina rushes to the next room. Halfway across the room, the other door creaks open and Iliana steps in from the room behind it.
"I'm ok. A few small bugs there, but managed to take care of them." the tan woman says, her drawn dagger dripping a few drops of bug blood on the floor
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh, whew, well we -" Nina turned around and only then did she notice that Iris had stayed put.

"Um... we killed this big bug.... Hey, Iris, are you okay? Why don't you come down from there?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina's words echo across the room. An awkward silence goes on for a seemingly endless moment
"Hmmmm, what's this about?" Iliana wonders, rubbing her chin
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina moves to Iris' side.

"Iris? Can you hear me?"

Hesitantly, Nina stuck out her hand, slowly moving it to the blindfolded girl's shoulder, then placing it gently upon her.

"What's wrong?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina heads to the other room, Iliana stays behind to briefly clean her dagger.

Now on the other room, Nina calls out for Iris. The blind girl doesn't react to the calls, her breathing still quite heavy. She still stands in an attack-ready.

As soon as Nina's hand touches Iris' shoulder, a metallic voice warns her, before it's too late. Iris' sword flashes out at Nina, which she barely manages to evade. Standing well away, Nina can feel a drop of blood drip down her throat, as the sword caused a minor nick there. The petite swordswoman re-sheathes her sword, returning her hand to position above the handle after that. Her breathing heavy still, a barely audible growl can be heard coming from Iris' mouth.

[BOSS] Iris 3/4 HP 0/10 AP

Nina 5/5 HP 0/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Iliana, what's wrong with Iris? Why is she like this?"

Nina doesn't draw her sword, not wanting to harm the girl, even though she had nearly killed her.

"Does this have something to do with her eyes?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

14 vs 5

"Hmm, what did you say?" Iliana's voice calls from the next room as the tanned woman can be heard coming towards them

As Nina hollers at Iliana, Iris suddenly lunges forward. Her deadly blade swishes through the air in a quick motion, the metal flash cutting a bleeding wound on Nina's shoulder. Iris backs down after her strike, resuming her quick-draw stance and leering towards Nina

[BOSS] Iris 3/4 HP 0/10 AP

Nina 4/5 HP 0/10 AP
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ahhh!" Nina recoild backwards, clutching her shoulder. "Iris, please! Don't do this. I'm not your enemy!"

Nina goes on the defensive, not attacking but concentrating on dodging if Iris comes at her. She wants to wait for Iliana to come to her and explain what's going on.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

22 vs 7 critical

With Iliana still moving towards the other room, Iris leaps forward again. The gleaming blade flashes out towards Nina for the second time, tearing a gash through her armor and leaving a more painful wound on Nina's abdomen. The swordgirl returns to her well-practised position after sheathing her sword

[BOSS] Iris 3/4 HP 0/10 AP

Nina 2/5 HP 0/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Aiiiieeee!" Nina clutched at her stomach and looked at Iris forlornly.

Spinning, she ran away from the warrior as fast as she could, in the direction of the dagger wielding fighter.. "Iliana! Get over here! Iris is going crazy!"