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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Elise keeps herself firmly pressed against Nina, letting the other girl do most of the work for them as she didn't need to do much, and didn't want to end this too fast.
"O-oh no, goodness. I tend to use this skill only in emergencies, when I'm out of power. Some people are more keen on using it as much as possible, but I'm not one. The suit I wear under my tabard is there so I can access myself easily if need be."

The priestess starts to pant once Nina goes for her slit, enjoying the treatment wholeheartedly before she is asked the question.
"Hmmm, I-I'm no sexual wizard, but th-there something I could do.." Elise replies to her, letting Nina continue pleasing her as she reaches down to Nina's womanhood. The priestess' two fingers enter into Nina for only a couple of inches. Elise picks a certain spot inside Nina's sweet flower, then does three slow slides along that certain part. The two initial rubbing motions raise Nina's arousal level in a staggering speed before the third one throws her into the throes of climax.
"How's that?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina had shivered upon that magical touch pushing its way into her flower, clamping her inner walls around the fingers tightly. Then with two stroked, Nina felt her arousal double, then double again.

"Ahhhhh.... AHHHHH....."

And then came the third stroke, and Nina's voice caught in her throat, a silent exaltation emanating from her open mouth as her eyes turned skyward. Her body spasmed as Elise dialed up an orgasm as simple as counting to three.

Nina lost her focus on Elise's pussy, her hand sliding out to wrap herself around the priestess' body for support as she slumped into the woman. Long moments passed by as she panted. Then she regained her composure and finally, her voice.

"That... is an excellent trick," she murmured appreciatively to Elise. Slowly, she moved her hand back to Elise's flower and began to once again work the priestess to a nice, steady rise to climax. Nina was comfortable to draw this out as well, and spent close to fifteen minutes lounging by Elise's side, embracing and stroking her, and kissing her as well. Giving her as much treatment as Nina could give.

When finally Elise was ready to cum, Nina increased her pace and swiftly ground back and forth, in and out, until she felt the release come over the sexy little holy woman.

When they were done, they helped each other towel off before dressing again in their respective garments. "Thank you for all you've done. If it were possible, I would be interested in learning that touch of yours as well, if such powers were open to me. I do not know if I have the innate talent, but I'm curious to find out."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Wholeheartedly enjoying the long moment in Nina's care, Elise keeps exchanging long, wet kisses with her whenever Nina offers herself up for it. The priestess arch back as Nina keeps pleasuring her, but clamps around her as she receives her climax.

Once they finish cleaning and are dressing up into their clothes once more, Elise ponders Nina's question a bit.
"A similar touch can be achieved if you have an innate talent for healing magic. That little climax trick I did is an anatomical thing, but it's not as easy to do without the support of a magical flow in your body. I doubt you'll be able to do it, not as quickly at least." the priestess tells her as she pulls the long tabard over her tight bodysuit.
"But anyway, I'll be heading back to the shrine. The hour is quite late."

With the priestess' departure, Nina is left alone for a brief moment before Valkenhayn enters the room.
"Evening Miss Nina, I believe it would be best for you to retire to your chambers. The Lady was talking about another trip into the desert tomorrow, might be that same place you already were at." the elderly butler tells her, keeping his stiff but super-polite mannerisms going.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was a little thankful that Iliana had chosen not to need her services that evening. It had been quite an eventful time and no doubt there were other matters weighing on the Lady's mind - plus Nina was a bit tired from her session with Elise. The mention of tomorrow's journey back to the desert brightened her face however.

"Oh, how exciting, thank you for telling me Valkenhayn," she said, then walked back to her room to fall to sleep and await the following day, hoping for sweet dreams, and a sweeter tomorrow.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The butler escorts Nina into her room, wishing her a good night as she closes the door. The ordeals of the day make it easy for Nina to relax, and the cheery girl falls asleep almost as soon as she lays her head down on the fluffy pillow of her bed.

Feeling someone poke her in the cheek, Nina is startled up from her sleep. The offending prodder turns out to be Iris, clad in a plain white night-robe, a cloth replacing the usual leather blindfold. The petite girl pokes her a few more times to make sure Nina is up. Looking at the window, Nina sees it's early morning.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Mmf.... Mmf..." Nina dimly wondered why the winged dolphin had become so nudging, and then she found herself puzzled at how Iris had managed to float up into the clouds with them both, then slowly the haze of her dreams melted away and she realized it had been Iris - the true Iris, who had been poking her.

"Mmff-ah, oh, wha?" Nina blinked herself awake and gave out a big yawn, her arms stretching above her head and the covers falling away from her naked bosom. She had slept in the nude again - the desert was hot after all, and the sheets had felt nice against her skin.

"Oh hi Iris. Good morning. Thank you for waking me - I'll get up quickly, don't worry. Just have to streeeeeetch..." She arched her back and rolled around in the bed playfully. "Okay! I'm good to go."

Here the plucky heroine shifted on her tush and put her two dainty feet to the cool floor. "Are we to go to the tomb again today?" she inquired, hoping Iris would confirm Valkenhayn's hunch from last night.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris doesn't try to hurry Nina, tilting her head a bit as Nina rolls around in the bed. She nods at Nina's question, confirming the destination of their coming journey.

The blind girl soon exits, her current mission done now as Nina is awake. Not a few minutes later, Lynette pokes her head through the door.
"Breakfast is ready. Do come before it gets cold." the stern maid tells her, now back to her usual self.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina dressed in a durable white outfit of a similar manner to the to the type she had dressed in yesterday - a desert raider style, with a light hooded cloak draped over her shoulders and her sword in its sheath strapped to her side.

She lightly ran down the hallway and made her way to the breakfast table, hoping she wasn't late.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

At the dining room door, Nina is stopped by Lynette. The maid is clearly not happy with something.
"Nina dear, you're going to bring a sword to the breakfast table?" she says, shaking her head at Nina's etiquette mistake.
"There'll be time to arm up later, the lady is still in her morning clothes."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ah?" Nina bows her head low in apology. "I'm sorry Lynette, I just wanted to be prepared, I didn't know... I'll put it away." She hurriedly took it off and placed the sword and sheath gently on a counter near to the door, so that they wouldn't be out of place in the dining room. Then she entered the dining room. Another apologetic look on her face towards Lynette.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Lynette's single eye keeps following Nina as she apologises. The maid looks serious, but once Nina leaves her sword, she can see something for the first time ever. Lynette gives her a faint smile and pets Nina on her head.
"It's not a big deal. Go on, I'll take this to your room." she says, taking Nina's sword from the counter and leaves for her room

Once inside the dining room, Nina can see all the others there, with the exception of Isaku. Iris sits next to Iliana, both girl and woman dressed in loose-fitting robes. They eat in relative silence, Lynette joining them after a few moments.
"Already eager to adventure?" Iliana breaks the silence, looking at Nina's attire.
"It'll take a short while for me and Iris to prepare once we've eaten."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina blushed furiously, embarrassed at her obvious ignorance of etiquette. She was a simple girl - she dressed for the day in the morning and her average breakfast was a quick glass of juice and maybe a granola bar before she zoomed out the front door. She wasn't used to a sit down, dress in morning robes style of living. Though she should have realized it would be this way, living with Iliana.

"I'm sorry, my lady," Nina began. "I didn't know how quickly we were leaving. I suppose I wanted to be prepared."

She fidgeted in her seat, almost afraid to eat as if it would seem she was being greedy. Her little gaff had made her incredibly self-conscious. Her fork poked at the meal, prodding it. She dared a little glance up at Iliana, saw the woman looking at her, and immediately lowered her eyes again.

Finally, in an attempt to stave off awkwardness, she began to eat again, enjoying the nice breakfast. "Thank you Lynette, this breakfast is nice," she said.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The maid nods back at Nina, swallowing the piece of fruit she was munching on before replying.
"It's nothing out of the ordinary for me, but the compliment is appriciated."

Once they finish, Iliana and Iris head towards the door, the Lady turning to face Nina briefly.
"We'll go get ready, if there's something you'd like to add to your equipment, ask Valkenhayn. He'll show you around the armory and other places if there's additional gear to be picked up." the tan woman instructs her before heading out with Iris


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina bowed to Iliana as she exited with Iris, and then after the lady had left, she moved to the doorway towards the armory, looking for Valkenhayn along the way. When she found him, she would tell him what the lady had said.

"I thought perhaps a shield might be good, if we have one. And if you had any advice about other things I could bring - you seem like you know your way around an armory, Valk." She grinned up at the tall butler.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Valkenhay seems to ponder her request for a bit before heading forward into the armory.
"A shield... of course, it'll go well with your sword. Use an empty hand for something" he expresses his opinion, before handing Nina a middle-sized, oval shield. It's made from wood, with a iron frame around it.
"This might come in handy as well." the butler continues, handing her a heavy travelling cloak. "It'll be a good thing to have during the walk across the desert."

Done with equipping herself, Nina heads back to the main hall to find Iliana and Iris waiting. Iris is still dressed in the same clothes she wore on their previous expedition, a loose-fitting set of black clothing that covers her slim frame up, the familiar sword hanging on her belt. Iliana's getup is a bit less scandalous that it was last time, she wears a long-sleeved shirt that seems to be a bit tight over the chest area and tight pants that go down to her knees, the rest of her shapely legs being covered by a pair of long boots. To Nina's surprise, the mistress now has a bow strapped behind her back in addition to the long knife on her belt sheath. With their cloaks set across their backs to wait for the coming journey, Iliana looks over to Nina.
"Ready to go?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Yes, I'm quite ready to be off," Nina said cheerily. "Oh you have a bow now. How come you didn't have that the last time you were in the tomb?"

She fell into step around Iliana as they exited the mansion, slinging her new shield over her shoulder. She was excited to get back into the questing spirit. It also felt nice not to be going into that tomb alone as she had been last time.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Didn't think I'd be needing it. Turns out would've been useful.." the mistress tells Nina, flipping the cloak over her womanly form as they head out to the the open desert.

The trek across the sands proves unevenful, only a larger than average vulture trying to harass them. Iliana proves her skills with the mighty bow behind her back, dropping the avian from the sky with a single, well-placed arrow. Within a few hours, they reach the tomb again, standing at the familiar entry hall. As they set themselves up for a further sojourn into the depths, Nina could swear she saw a flitting humanoid shape in the doorway they were at previously.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Did either of you notice that?" Nina asked, indicating where she'd seen the human figure flit through the doorway. "I could've sworn I just saw someone go through there. Should we follow?"

She posed her question to Iliana, but she looked at both women for indication that they had seen or sensed the other figure as well.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Her mistress seems to have noticed the creeper as well. Iliana moves to the edge of the doorway, keeping an arrow nocked. Iris follows behind her as the tanned woman peeks behind the corner.
"Looks pretty skilled, this one. Evaded the plates on the stairs by jumping down the entire stairway." the lady says, motioning the two forward. "You two take the front, I think I saw a sword on them."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nodding her head and readying her sword and shield, Nina stepped towards the front, careful to avoid the plates on the stairway. She made her way down the stairs, following the creeper, her eyes darting forward and side to side, making sure that nothing got the jump on her.