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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The women went for their equipment after the hasty wake-up, Tiger having already leaped out from the insides of the wagon. They almost trampled Dusty as the old man was hardly able to keep up the same pace that the younger females had. Though the man couldn't complain about the view he got when Faye passed over him.

But it looked like their waking up was hardly needed. Some distance away from the stopped caravan, Shizuha just took a weapon she had to a scruffy-looking man armed with a spear. Now standing in the middle of a corpse ring, the woman flicked her blade clean from the blood it had collected during the battle. It was short eastern sword with a branch on the blade, making it look somewhat like a sai. There was also a ring at the middle, which Shizuha utilised to spin the blade about before it vanished into the empty sleeve. Despite having torn up almost a dozen opponents, both humans and ogres, there wasn't any blood on the woman's pristine white robes. "Oh, you woke up. I tried my best to not let this tiny issue be a bother, but looks like I failed..." were her words as she neared them, taking her seat and picking up the still-smoking pipe from the edge of the platform.

After taking in the scene for a bit, the soldier girl retreated back in to continue sleeping, as did Dusty.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

After also coming to grips with what had happened, Nina looked to Faye. "You can go back to sleep, take Tiger with you. I'm going to stay away since it's my shift soon. I'll wake you up when it's your turn, and don't let Dusty touch you."

Turning back to Shizuha, Nina leaped up to where the woman was sitting and stretched to wake up her muscles properly. "Very impressive. You remind me a bit of a girl I work with. And your weapon's pretty unique too. You must be from the east?"

She asked it conversationally, hoping that the girl wouldn't be offended by her question.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Alright, if that is how you feel. I can take the next watch, so we can sleep together some more." Faye said before vanishing back into the wagon. Tiger followed in her wake, though the dog did give Nina a look before entering.

As Nina inquired about her origins, Shizuha inhaled deeply from her pipe, letting the smoke out from the depths of the hood afterwards. "That's right. There's many unique styles and weapons to be found around the Eastern world." the hooded woman said, spinning the pipe around this time as she dumped the insides to the ground. "If you meet some of us around here, you're bound to see some out-of-ordinary ways of combat..." she continued, slipping the empty pipe back inside the folds of her robe.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded. "I've been to the eastern lands and met people from there. You remind me of their mentality with the way you hold yourself. It's the silence I think. You know how to use silence well."

Nina smiled. "I will stay up on watch with you for now. But feel free to go rest when you want. I'll slay the next band of bandits that come along, and I'll do my best to keep it quiet when I do."

The green haired girl winked and grinned brightly.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Shizuha nodded at Nina's comment about the silence, and as was appropriate for the subject, didn't say anything about it. When Nina mentioned about the watch, the woman wrapped her blanket over herself once more. "If you want, I'm not undesiring towards company. Though I recommend not trying to take on any bandit groups by yourself, as there are ogres, I think there's not going to be any further assaults. That ring is bound to dissuade any hopeful gangs, though I think the scavengers will enjoy them..." the only visible facial feature under the hood formed into something resembling a small smile once she had finished talking.

Despite the offer to rest, Shizuha didn't leave her post.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina grinned. "Well, I don't go looking for trouble from ogres, but I've slayed a few in my day. Hopefully one day I'll learn to fight well enough to be the equivalent of my friends - they're somewhat on par with you as far as I've seen. Twelve at a time... seems my life in the past few weeks has been surrounded by people who can kick ass."

She shrugged and gave Shizahu a furrowed brow look. "It makes a girl have to work hard just to be accepted amongst her peers. What I wouldn't give to have half that kind've skill. Still... I do my best and look to get better. All that matters is that I keep myself and those I care about safe..."

She frowned a bit and looked down, but just as quickly darted his eyes about and zeroed back in on her one armed companion. "So... what's brought you out this way?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Shizuha gave a small chuckle at the first lines Nina gave her. "Looks like you've found a small circle of powerful individuals there. Though it is a common occurrence that power attracts power. I have to say, skill and strenght don't come instantly. It takes time, effort and dedication to improve to the lofty heights of strength some of these individuals have."

As the first crows came to peck at the torn bodies of the bandits, the hooded woman slightly shifted her position under the blanket. "Just wandering. I'm one of those restless souls who have difficulty staying at one location for more than a few days at a time. I want to see everything there is to see in this world, maybe I'll settle down somewhere then, maybe I'll just continue travelling after that too..."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina giggled when Shizahu talked about power attracting power. "I think that power managed to kick up some dust when it hooked me along for the ride. I like to think of myself as the plucky sidekick. I'm willing to put in the time and effort, but I'm really teaching myself at this point. The only thing I'm actually being taught by my Lady is the finer points of domestic service. Not that I mind that either, but with ogres invading these lands with the help of malevolent kitsunes... it's a dangerous place. I could use a tutor to teach me weapon's play."

When talk turned to Shizahu's wandering, Nina spoke up. "If you're wandering, you should stop by our estate. Plenty of trouble there for you to test yourself against. And when all is well, it's a great place to rest and recuperate."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Hmmm, even the bigger people need the little ones to help them. No matter how strong you are, everyone needs assistance at one moment or another. Even if you aren't strong, that doesn' mean you're useless." the hooded woman gave a piece of her mind about things. "Maybe there will be someone to teach you one day, and get some of that uncertainty away"

When the estates were mentioned, Shizuha rubbed her jaw briefly. "I suppose I could. I'll see myself around the town first, it's a bigger deal to investigate an entire town."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina shrugged. "I'm not useless. I'll pick off the chumps and distract the big ones while others go for the kill. I'm happy to be part of a team. It's this recent jaunt alone that has me all mopey I think.

"But yeah... when you're done with your investigating around town, feel free to stop by our estate. It's always nice to have visitors. Just tell the gate guard Isaku that Nina invited you. He's a nice guy, our gate guard, even though he's huge and intimidating. Very gentlemanly."

Nina realized that she missed the big guy too. It wasn't just Iliana and Iris alone whom she missed. She missed her whole virtual 'family.'
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Good to see that you still have confidence.. once someone's will and eagerness is gone, they are usually not too useful, no matter how strong." Shizuha said, stopping briefly and following her words up by taking a mental note about the gate guard and this girl who wanted her to visit. Silence followed, and as Nina took a look in the hooded woman's direction, she could make out that Shizuha had most likely fallen asleep during the period of non-conversation. She was still leaning back against the edge of the wagon, wrapped inside the blanket given to her by Dusty earlier.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina wouldn't disturb Shizuha, but simply remain on her guard and wait out the hours on watch until it came time to go get Faye for her own turn. She'd make sure that the one-armed girl wasn't getting cold and if there came a point where the girl really, truly looked as though she were in a deep sleep, Nina would go get a pillow and another blanket to prop up the girl and make sure she was comfortable and warm.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The few hours passed in silence, only the quiet pecking and padding of the carrion birds making any sounds in the absolutely still nigh. A pack of wild dogs soon came over as well, shooing the crows away from a few corpses before pulling them into the cover of the nearby forest, with several dogs taking hold on a dead body to make dragging them easier. Despite this, Shizuha didn't make a move, most likely asleep despite her sitting position.

Eventually, the shift was over for Nina, and she woke up Faye. The doctor went out from the wagon in silence, leaving Nina to sleep inside if she so desired.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Did you want company for a bit?" Nina asked Faye, sleepily. She figured she could always get some rest on the ride tomorrow.

She indicated to the sleeping girl. "Out like a stone I think." She smiled.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I've got nothing against you sitting out some more with me. It'll make this watch pass faster than complete silence. And that's just boring." the doctor replied, sitting down at the other edge of the platform, leaving Nina enough space so she could sit between herself and the sleeping Shizuha.

"You no doubt want to ask me something? Or just felt like keeping me company?" Faye asked her as Nina sat down


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I guess I just didn't feel quite sleepy just yet and, I don't know, thought you might be an interesting conversationalist. Mmm... I suppose I was a bit interested in how you know Elise, and I also maybe wanted to ask you a bit about your experiences with those relationships and such. I'm in my first relationship of this sort... guess I just wanted to know what I might expect down the road."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I've come to know Elise through our professions. Some of us medical practitioners don't limit ourselves to just one place, I for example am an example of such a doctor. The good priestess says she'd like to do it like this too, but there's the restraints of being a shrine keeper, so she's kind of stuck there for now. In the letters we've exchanged, she stated being happy though as she had developed a working co-operation between the local ruler and the shrine. We used to travel as a pair, helping the needy wherever we went, before Elise got called back into the church..." Faye told openly what she thought and heard about the local healer, before moving forward to an entire different topic. "Relationships... I think I'll refrain from telling too much, since I like others to experience these things firsthand if there's interest, wouldn't want to spoil the pleasures. I'll just give one advice. Consider things that seem too extreme, don't just give in to everything. That is a quick way to turn the pleasurable relationship into a powertripping abuse-coaster. Unless you have absolute trust towards your Master or Mistress."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded and smiled at both the history and the advice that Faye had for her.

"Yes... I do put a lot of trust in her." Nina said, rubbing her neck and finding the collar there that she'd not taken off since that day that Iliana had first given it to her. "I'm happy to do it though, because it's not just her. I put my trust in all the people within our household. I don't think they'd want to do anything bad to me. They're people I'd fight for, and who I think or even know that they would fight for me."

She shrugged and then sat back. "So, what do you do when you're not healing people?"

Nina was happy to talk about light subject matters with Faye for the time being. Foods, games, old stories, these all seemed like good topics for discussion. Nina would chat and keep Faye company until she felt tired, and then would bid Faye a good night and go back to the wagon to fall asleep until the morning.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Much of the everyday things people do. Eating and drinking, practising, cleaning, getting drunk and falling down on my rear. That sort of thing." the doctor explained, clearly being one that enjoyed the simple pleasures of life.

The two of them had talked for a while, and didn't notice the fast passage of time. Whent they finally did, it was almost time for Faye too to go back to sleep. She went before Nina, laid down on the middle where the younger girl had been previously and poked at the soldier girl. The redhaired girl got up with perhaps unsurprising speed, and grabbed her blade before heading past the two to take the second-to-last turn at looking around. With the uniformed girl now at the front to keep watch, the two females could resume sleeping, and just like earlier Faye took Nina into her arms.

Once morning came, Nina was still held by the sleeping doctor. She could see Dusty sitting at the platform, the sleeping Shizuha still there.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina found it curious that Faye was so interested in cuddling up to her, but she didn't object. She was sleepy and she had developed a quick bond with the doctor. Faye was almost as chatty as Nina was, and she was very empathic when it came to hearing stories that the green haired girl told her.

When Nina woke up, she decided to stay in Faye's arms for a bit until the doctor woke up as well. Nina smiled pleasantly then and stroked the doctor's cheek.

"You're cute y'know, and you don't hog the blankets," Nina said, enjoying the lazy morning sunrise. "You're an easy person to dream beside."

Later that morning, Nina retrieved some rations for both herself, Faye, and Tiger, and they ate together relatively happily as Dusty prepared the wagon to keep on trekking towards the town. Nina would be happy to see the estate, and was apprehensive about the condition that she would find Iliana and Iris in.