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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"I have no problem with that, just be careful when you go. Or should I come along?" the weapon master both answered and asked as they got off from the pool and dried themselves. Iliana and Iris both seemed accepting of the idea as well, maybe wanting something to do in the area. The complex had very little in entertainment, and the pair might well be desiring a break from that. The whole foursome was soon dressed, and it was up to Nina how they would go with this thing.


Tentacle God
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Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Ooh, yes! Sensei you could come along and watch our technique, and come to our aid if we're in any serious danger! Wouldn't that be an interesting way to observe and correct our technique as a team? You were a part of an expert team, so certainly you know a lot about tactics as well. You could make us all better!"

Nina grew very excited at the thought and encouraged them all to get ready to go exploring in her small, cutsie prodding way.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Very well. Maybe that is for the best, really. It'll be a good substitute for the evening training, so I'm not complaining. Meet me at the front gate once you are ready, I'll just pick up a few weapons to take with me." Yura agreed to the idea. She made way for her room, letting the companion trio get to their own preparations. This is exactly what they would do, Iliana taking more time than Iris with her equipment, having to string the bow that had been unready for such action. When they were ready, the group wandered to the main gate of the temple.

At the shrine gate, both Yura and Galeon were waiting fro them. The weapon master had gotten herself a pair of hand-axes and a large, two-handed pole weapon that had a studded metal ball at the end. Despite the weapons, her dress-up for the random wandering was less than serious. A plain white shirt, a long skirt with red and purple vertical stripes that made it look somewhat like an umbrella and the usual wooden sandals that she almost always seemed to have on her feet. "So, we going?" she asked


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina prepped herself for the journey much as she had the last time they had all gone out for an adventuring jaunt. When she reached the edge of the temple she raised a brow at Yura's colorful get up but didn't comment on it verbally.

"Yep, ready when you are, Sensei Yura. Let's go!"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Yura nodded upon hearing about the group's readiness. "Alright, onwards we go then." she announced the departure, letting Nina take the lead. Iris followed, the weapon master herself took mid-point so she could lend her strenght to either end of the group. After her, Iliana maintained a rearguard spot with her bow and finally Galeon, who was sturdy and well-protected enough to withstand all but the most determined of ambushes even from behind.

The group explored their way through the mountainous forests, the vegetation not proving to be all that much different from the lower lands. Animals were more frequent, but there was more birds and such around the higher locales, though the team passed by a herd of mountain goats along the way. If only Yura had found one of those during that one eating time...

After barely an hour into the exploration, they were facing a large cave entrance, big enough to allow all of them to march in side-to-side and still leave enough space to swing weapons. Yura advised against such behaviour though.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Well if we shouldn't go in side by side, I can go first," Nina volunteered as she stared into the cave. She slid her shield into place on her forearm and drew her sword out from its sheath.

"What do we have in the way of light? Any torches?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Always better to go in a line. Well, maybe not in any possible situation, but this is a good one to go in line. And sure, you take point, this is kind of your lesson after all." Yura went along with the proposition, keeping her axes available at the back of her belt. When asked about illumination, she rummaged about in her pocket for a while before producing a stone that was pretty familiar to Nina by this point. It was one of the strange pieces of rock that kept the complex lit and heated, even in the mountains, the kind that seemed to be widely employed in the kingdom of Grimhorn. "I grabbed this from one of the courtyard lanterns. Even if it goes missing, there will be no real damage done. But in the future, it's for the best to prepare with your own torches or similar if you can." the horned woman kept up with the talk. The rock provided vast amounts of light once they stepped in, maintaining the same marching order as they went.

The insides of the cave were pretty much what one would expect from a mountain cave, though there had definately been human hands working on these tunnels somewhere along the paths of history. Not too long after entering, the group came to an intersection. One path went on in the same elevation, the second started going down in pretty minor way, the descent was just noticeable with the human eye.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Let's head down this way, deeper into the mountain. Should be some interesting things down here. What do you guys think?" Nina asked over her shoulder without too much concern in her voice. She felt very safe and secure with Yura here, not to mention Iliana and Iris for moral support as well. Things were a little bit brighter when they were all three of them together.

In the low light, Nina stepped carefully and paid much heed to her footing during their descent.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

None of the other members seemed to have objections against the idea of going down. Their light source was strong, so the descent into the depths shouldn't be too risky with all the manpower they had on their side. Having settled on this particular plan, the fivesome started their venture deeper in.

Plenty of walking was done after their brief stop, the tunnel eventually switching into a slightly steeper slope and starting to go down in a more serious angle. The man-built nature of the tunnels remained all along their way. An unknown amount of time later, there started to be more forks in the roads, along with what appeared to be resting places for the dead carved into the wall. The alcoves contained a few skeletons here and there, but mostly there were items of the deceased in their stead. "Looks like this might be a warrior graveyard..." Yura commented upon seeing the ever-increasing amount of resting spots. Better yet, there was illumination there, as the magical rocks had been set into the ceiling. A few of them had faded out or were missing though.

Then, there was a movement ahead of them. A hulking form came up from behind a corner, standing there in the 3-way intersection and looking around a bit before carrying on. It was a somewhat ogre-like creature in both looks and size, though it had a leather bag of sorts over it's head, carrying an oddly well-conditioned spear and shield. Apparently, it had no sight and had missed them from the other side of that particualr corridor.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Odd," Nina whispered to her companions. "What do you all make of that? Should we follow after it and see where it's going? Or should we head to where it was coming from?"

Nina would likely receive a bunch of blank stares or indifferent shrugs, so eventually she would have to make the decision herself.

"Right. We're all tough fighters, we shouldn't be afraid of him. Let's go after him and see where he leads us."

So saying, Nina turned the corner at the intersection and headed after the strange hooded ogre.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Among the catacombs, the rest of the group agreed in a mostly wordless manner to go after the oddly-styled brute. With careful steps, they moved onwards.

Behind the corner, there was a more limited corridor ahead of the group. Two of them would be able to walk side-to-side, but swinging any weapons would be almost impossible if the did. Some ways in, the ogre had stopped and was seemingly waiting for them. It had the shield up and spear at ready, almost totally blocking the way forward with it's sizeable bulk. Whatever was beyond, the brute was likely not going to let them pass easily.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"I'll go at it first along the left wall. Iliana, my lo- my lady, you can shoot at it from the right side. If he gets too much for me, I'll fall back and Iris can take my spot. Okay?"

Nina gripped her sword tightly in anticipation, and if the others were keen on her plan, she would raise her shield and advance towards the defending ogre, ready to do battle with it and attack if necessary. There was the off-chance that it would attempt to reason with them, and if it showed a desire to talk, she'd let it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

20 vs 14 hit | 10 vs 9 hit | 12 vs 10 hit
16 vs 11 hit | 17 vs 5 hit | 9 vs 14 miss

Since it was Nina's lesson of sorts, her plans were followed without too much other ideas being told. Going towards the creature, the maid-knight saw that it was only not going to try and talk with them, but outright attack once she got closer. A strong stab with the spear swooshed at her, but the the girl's shield caught it so no real damage was done to her, only some hard pressure on her arm as the weapon pushed her back. The recovery from the huge poke was rather slow though, and the sluggish nature of it allowed both Iliana and Nina to strike twice with their respective weapons before another thrust at Nina was attempted. This time she was ready for it, ducking under the attack and letting it go over her. It was looking good for them.

Nina 5/6 FP Iliana 7/7 FP
Hooded Ogre? 3/7


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Pleased with the way her performance was going thus far, Nina pressed her attack, working in tandem with Iliana's arrows to bring the beast down. She looked for an opening that would let her finish the fight quickly.

It was too bad that the strange ogre had been so aggressive. What could it be guarding, she wondered.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

15 vs 14 hit | 21 vs 3 critical

Pressing her attack, Nina poked at the ogre's leg with her blade, further wounding it. The brutish creature turned it's spear downwards to aim at her, lowering it's defenses rather foolishly in the process. This was something that Iliana would not miss, and the tan mistress tensed her bow back as far as possible before releasing the wooden shaft. The arrow hurtled through the air, striking just through the bottom of the hood and into the monster's neck. Falling backwards from the deadly blow, the monster's body changed into rock before it had hit the ground with a hard thud, something the green-haired girl was witnessing right next to the event. It was probably a good thing that she had not finished the creature off with her sword.

Beyond the rigid carcass, the tomb complex seemed to go further down and become increasingly larger as well.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Sheathing her sword, Nina turned to smile at her beloved mistress.

"Nice shot, my lady!"

The group approached the tomb complex in the same order they'd been following all along.

"Looks like it's getting wider up ahead. More room for us to maneuver as a group, but that also means it might be a place for more enemies, or larger ones. That strange rock ogre was guarding something after all. We best be careful. Stay close to me Iris, we'll guard each other."

Nina stood by her little sister-in-arms as they moved further down into the growing tunnels.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Well, your sword had something to do with allowing that to happen, so don't give me all the glory so easily." Iliana was quick to remind Nina that she too had done something for the lethal shot to be effective, giving her a poke to the cheek.

Walking over the stony body, they saw that there were multiple pathways that formed a literal crisscross of corridors beyond, all looking pretty much like each other. Another ogre could be seen somewhere along the network of pathways, on patrol mode just like it's now-dead kin had been a few moments ago. Since the tunnels were many and the ogre had limited detection skills, they would likely be able to get past it without an encounter if they timed and selected their movement through the corridors correctly. This is exactly what they did, traversing through the opposite end and onto the other side, never alerting the ogre and letting it keep up with the circling patrol.

Having passed that spot, the group headed downwards shortly afterwards as the path began to decline towards the depths once more. Soon, the atmosphere began to darken and go more chill, with light becoming a little less plentiful and creating shadows all over. Even worse, the open graves were now gone, replaced with wall upon wall of memorial plaques and gravestones on the ground. There were also bones, most of which weren't human, but seemed to belong to different larger kinds of humanoids with differing physiologies. There were still alcoves on the surrounding structures, which could be used for hiding.

Once more, there was an forking path ahead of them, and a guard as well. This time, the creature they saw coming from some distance away was not something a sane person wanted to see, far ahead of an ogre in intimidation level. A sickly-looking lizardman of sorts, with pale purple skin and scales. From the look of it's condition, the creature had never seen the outside world. Despite it's almost bone-level skinniness, there were muscles on it's form. It wore a skull on it's head, a scratched and partially cracked one that probably had belonged to one of it's kin in the past. In both hands, it carried large bones that had been broken and chipped into jagged and pointy shapes to make pick-like weapons, the other still had some flesh and blood left on it. The size of these suggested that they too were most likely from another similar creature. Signs of old wounds were all over it as well. If the hunched thing could stand straight, it would probably be around six feet in height, but the bad posture reduced it's size somewhat.

As the skull turned towards them, the creature let out a terrible, absurdly high-pitched shriek that was only made harsher by the ages-old walls. A green light lit up on the creature's eyes, giving it a rather spooky look as it turned towards the group and started to close the distance between them with alarmingly fast steps, the sharpened bones clattering against the floor and sending other bones tumbling to the sides.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Drawing her sword again, Nina took her defensive stance and stepped forward to meet the creature's intimidating charge. She was scared of it, of course, but she had the confidence of Yura, and Yura's own imparted techniques within herself as well. Most importantly, Nina told herself that she was protecting her mistress, and that alone was enough to steel her nerves and tighten her grip on the handle of her sword. Nothing would get past her. It would never lay a slimey, scaley claw upon Iliana's perfect skin.

When the creature got to her, she pushed forward with her shield and brought her sword forward in a stabbing motion, aimed at the creature's neck.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

No need to write rolls since everything hits. Fear resistance rolls also succeed for both mistress and servant, Iris has no need for those for she knows no fear.

The creature's charge was as primitive and ferocious as one might expect from something like it. Despite a feeling of creeping dread, Nina's nerve held steady and she had no problem with facing the thing and it's improvised weaponry. Iliana started the hitting streak with an arrow as the creature was yet to reach them, nailing it in the shoulder but barely getting a reaction. Iris moved in from the side as well, cutting at the bone-clad lizardman from another angle. Even that was not enough to dissuade it's mad rush though, and it crashed headfirst against Nina's shield while receiving a stab from the girl, the berserk strenght knocking her back several steps and almost off her feet. Before she could recover her balance, a bone hit her on the upper arm, a brutal blow moving her to the side and cutting a small wound. A second arrow distracted it and the lizard turned attention away from the maid-knight, receiving another quick slice from Iris' blade as it stood between the two blade-wielding girls. Utterly ignoring the wounds from both servants, it turned to swing at Iris with both nasty picks at once and smashing her to the side while causing twin tears into the midsection of her black robes. Surely the blind girl had received wounds now as well.

Despite the minor setbacks, the situation was pretty good and balanced heavily towards the girl trio.

Nina 5/6 FP Iris 2/4 FP Iliana 7/7 FP
Berserk Lizardman 2/8


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Shouting at the sight of her beloved companion getting stabbed so cruelly, the green-haired maid-knight sprang at the lizard man, raising her blade in an upward strike as she flew through the hair, hoping to slice neatly into the creature's neck before it could bring any more flurry of blows down on poor Iris.