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Jungle Girl
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Game Type: Text/Partial Drawings

Game Name: Breakdown

Concept: You start the game into a random enslavement scenario, you must escape at all costs, but your captors will attempt to break you in and sell you off or otherwise, each day will have 3 turns which can be taken up by your captors attempting to do whatever it is they want to do to you to break you, as you have 2 major stats to worry about you will need to strategize your turns that you have free to attempt to stay dominant enough to continue trying to escape, as it is now the 2 major stats are Tiredness, and Dominance, Dominance is the end game stat you need it to continue attempting to escape, once its gone you are no longer in control of your fate and the game will end with whatever fate your captor has chosen for you, Tiredness will determine how much of a impact any action you take during a Captor event will ruin your dominance, Escape... This will be done via many different choices once you have found a way to escape or a chance to do so depending on the captive situation, Thats really all i can think of at the moment.

Content (As of when the design came to me)
Player Domination
Gender Reassignment(Future)
(Probly more later but thats all i will be focusing on for now : Anything with Future next to it wont be seen till ive figured out or finished the content and or system(s))

Demo Content: Game Mechanics, 2 events, 1 escape+good ending, 1 Gameover end (3 differences)

All games will always be free, Patreon is just a jump start for continual creation of games.

Demo (Web based for Mac/Linux/Windows): textadventures.co.uk/games/view/rkecp0hlk0ww_ge8u6skjq/breakdown

Windows Exclusive Download: textadventures.co.uk/games/download/rkecp0hlk0ww_ge8u6skjq
{windows exclusive needs Quest player: textadventures.co.uk/quest/desktop}

Patreon: patreon.com/liberistudios

Edit: Copy and past the links to your browser, will redo post once i have the requisite amount of posts.
Edit2: If your game lags on browser it is the site, give it some time, and do not refresh, if it continues, and you have windows, you may want to use the exclusive download instead, since this will rely on your processor not another site/persons bandwidth.
Edit3: As i cant pay attention to every forum i have posted on for this, if you want to see the newest update news please refer to the patreon or TFGames, as i will be monitering those more then the others, not saying i dont check here, i just don't frequent it, however large updates i will try and post here, might as well to raise my posts marker so i can fix the links.
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Jungle Girl
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [Demo Included]Breakdown

Uploading a experimental test of a new Escape setup, escapes may be broken, if so let me know.

namely let me know the text involved and how it looks broken incase the text is scrambled the setup of it is still messy and may go through another change later to hopfully make it less messy to me, but for now need to make sure this ones working as it should.


Jungle Girl
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [Demo Included]Breakdown

As i havent made a update past while that ive been working on the game, i might as well give a heads up to progress.

Event system is being reworked entirly, so the events will be procedural to the content involved in the type of event Meaning torture and so on will have its own specific event that randomizes, humiliation will have its own, sex etc, at the moment im working on a torturish event, which will contain both the spanking and pussy torture event chains, which will randomize through a turns system where the player can choose to resist or submit, both having there own benefits.

At the moment the stats will still be partially hidden, as i dont really think opening them up will make the game as immersive as i wanted to try and make it, but im sure ill figure somthing else out AFTER i finish perfecting a archetype for the new events, as this first one will just be a placeholder of sorts untill i have it just how i want it.

The new update will be rather major i guess, so ill report on all forums/patreon when its finished, i would just say dont hold your breath on the first run through of it, im sure it will need alot of fix's, and additions more then likly, and it will need alot of fleshing out since there will still only be 2 sub event types inside it, and for more diversity ill need to brainstorm a fuck ton and see what would work in its soft torture sort of content category, this wont be the only torture event pickable this will just contain the more softcore, but im pretty sure before any of the hardcore torture stuff comes in ill be working on getting a partial on humiliation and sex although at this point in time im not sure how well humiliation will fit in as it is in a captive situation setup only, so aside from filming acts done to you i don't see much hope for it to be a massive addition if at all, i could just have it as a sub event addition that raises dominance loss so a random tick happens and vuala your now being filmed through the situation, but will see im already thinking too far ahead from where i should be thinking, so will wait on it.


Jungle Girl
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [Demo Included]Breakdown

some semi big news

I have finally gotten fed up with the Quest engine, and as such have switched over to another IDE, which uses a Basic as well as C++ environment, i was going to use RPGmaker which may have been more graphical, but in all honesty i hated that idea, but luckily for me one of my buddies gave me a copy of AGK on steam, as it sits now the game can easily survive on the Basic Language it has setup, and as such ill be using that for this game, later on once this games got a decent amount of content i will probly be going back into relearning C++ for use in this or switching to Unity (I will be continuing to use AGK for this game however).

As it sits now, there will be a windows version, but i will need to track down a newer mac as my old one is too much of a piece of shit to use this IDE on, and since it seems like im stuck to needing the specific OS/item to actually produce a binary for it, i am stuck to just windows for now, im sure sooner or later i will track down a mac so it isnt off the table, just post poned.

Have already started on recreating the game (Pre Intro, Game Generator, Character Creator, etc) as the basic language is making things fairly easy with only a few hitches here and there, i still expect it will take some time before i finish to where i was before, but this change should benefit me and the game greatly, on a side note, im patchworking the gui, so i doubt it will look pretty on the first release on the new demo, but ill be modifying it as i go till i feel like its a good look for the game, more so would like to get the game where it was on the quest engine, without the severe irritations and limitations i got using that piece of crap.


Jungle Girl
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [Demo Included]Breakdown

Mmm ya sorry for the no posts, i have a few forums im on, so its hard to keep up with each one, my major forum is tfgames, but on the side.

I have been working as ive had time and motivation, and as such ive already gotten half the day cycle gui finished which will incorperate the event system inside that, and have been working on the intro content, as it sits now i will be adding in some of the planned stuff i had for the old demo, figured as this is taking alot longer then the first demo on the quest engine that i should sweeten up the pot so to speak, the event system will work how i wanted it too as well, but i wont be adding more then the current 2 sub event sets for the current event type, but intro will be getting a big buff up on differences (starters of course so only 1 variation per so this means 4 variations of the after char create intro part 1, and im guessing i will do either 4 of the captured at scenario text's, or all of them not sure, depends how long it takes for the first 4, and as before the 4 variations for ending intro leading into the day cycle, as i dont see a need to have more on that at the moment since that bit takes a bit longer to write, and i think ill be doing partial rewrites on most of the stuff i already had in, given how the new intro setup is, once the intro is finished, and the day cycle is fully gui'd ill get the gameover stuff done, may add in a few more different trained for situations which will lead to the gameover of whichever you get on game start, but not sure on how many this demo will still take some time as is, but more so feel like ited be better to have a chunk more content then have it almost the exact same content.

Escapes will be done after i finish the event system which will be my main work after the gameover stuffs done, is the biggest bulk of the work now.

anyways hope this helps people have a glimpse as to where i am now on the new demo.