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Demon King Domination


Mar 30, 2018
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Malos, the evil ruler of the demon realm, has declared war on humanity, spreading death and destruction with his army.

Princess Dianne, the fiercest warrior of humankind, quests to infiltrate the demon realm and kill Malos.

The Demon King waits as she fights her way to his throne room, where they will clash. One will emerge victorious, and the other will face humiliation and defeat...
  • Experience the tension of an RPG-style boss fight!
  • Taste the satisfaction of 3 unique endings, each with uncensored erotic images!
  • Treat your ears to an original soundtrack and English voice acting!
  • Watch the story come to life in 1080p HD Resolution!

This game was made for NaNoRenO 2018, over the course of about a month, with a small team of 3 people.

If you like our game, please consider !

Have Fun~!
This game is pretty good! I like the scenario and was pleasantly surprised that it was all voice acted. The combat was a little abusable since you could kind of get her to do a loop of actions and just plan accordingly, but it was still enjoyable and the in battle story scenes were a good addition to giving weight to the fight, especially with how ending 2 works. If anything I think a nice addition to combat would be preventing you from using the same move on the following turn since it would force you to commit to actions a bit. I think the princess has this limitation and it kind of makes her a bit easy to predict. It's just off the top of my head so I'm not sure if it'd improve the combat or not, but I think it'd be fun to mess around with the idea and see how it plays. Anyway good work with this, especially for a month long jam. I look forward to seeing what you guys make in the future!
This game is pretty good! I like the scenario and was pleasantly surprised that it was all voice acted. The combat was a little abusable since you could kind of get her to do a loop of actions and just plan accordingly, but it was still enjoyable and the in battle story scenes were a good addition to giving weight to the fight, especially with how ending 2 works. If anything I think a nice addition to combat would be preventing you from using the same move on the following turn since it would force you to commit to actions a bit. I think the princess has this limitation and it kind of makes her a bit easy to predict. It's just off the top of my head so I'm not sure if it'd improve the combat or not, but I think it'd be fun to mess around with the idea and see how it plays. Anyway good work with this, especially for a month long jam. I look forward to seeing what you guys make in the future!

While it may seem like her moves never repeat, it is actually possible, depending on how you act. I don't want to make the game too hard for casual players, so I think I'll leave in the ability to repeat moves for now. Making the system a bit harder might be something to consider in future games, though, since we're planning to have more characters and fights in them.

Thanks for your kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed our game! =)
now the question we all want to ask, how is the H- Content?
now the question we all want to ask, how is the H- Content?

I'd like to think it's very good, but I'm the developer, so you may not want to take my word for it. XD

We've made an update to the game, adding a new CG and a small amount of story as a reward for beating hard mode. We hope you like it!
See Patreon dumpers? This is how it is done - give a proper full game instead of a crappy concept demo with no h content.

now the question we all want to ask, how is the H- Content?

Pretty good if you're into proper rape fantasy, none of that girl breaks down into a quiving mass of moans and orgasms crap.

Overall a pretty good game, nice simple gameplay that is still entertaining enough whilst not stretching out play time with pointless dialog and/or uneventful sequences. If you liked JSK's fighting games you'll like this. The plot is pretty standard but works and is executed well. CG is well drawn and voice work is pretty good for the most part*.

*My only negatives are that the woman's voice acting was a bit over acted in the prologue, she gets better further in the game though
The fighting was a bit too sequetional too, seemed Dianne always followed a set pattern per stage. Made the fight quite predictable.
Also a bit disappoint at the lack of maiden blood. What's the point of a defloration without the virgin splatter eh? ;)
Only thing i am interested in is the Reverse Rape Route. Unfortunately i will be enlisting in the army in about a week, hopefully when i come back, i get to enjoy the Heroine Rapes Demon King Route ( If it exist like JSK Workshop )

Kudos to you.
Wow, if you can do this with 3 people in a month I'm excited to see what you can do long term. Headed over to Patreon right now to support! Awesome game/proof of concept! I've been replaying the Witcher 3 quite a bit lately and am a huge fan of when the title screen changes to reflect in game choices/outcomes or DLC in the witcher 3's case. It's the little things that make games great ;D
See Patreon dumpers? This is how it is done - give a proper full game instead of a crappy concept demo with no h content.

Pretty good if you're into proper rape fantasy, none of that girl breaks down into a quiving mass of moans and orgasms crap.

Overall a pretty good game, nice simple gameplay that is still entertaining enough whilst not stretching out play time with pointless dialog and/or uneventful sequences. If you liked JSK's fighting games you'll like this. The plot is pretty standard but works and is executed well. CG is well drawn and voice work is pretty good for the most part*.

*My only negatives are that the woman's voice acting was a bit over acted in the prologue, she gets better further in the game though
The fighting was a bit too sequetional too, seemed Dianne always followed a set pattern per stage. Made the fight quite predictable.
Also a bit disappoint at the lack of maiden blood. What's the point of a defloration without the virgin splatter eh? ;)

Thanks for your nice compliments! =) The predictability of Dianne's moves was actually intentional. The combat is a little bit like rock-paper-scissors, in that the key to winning is in predicting your opponent's moves. Thus, to make the game easy enough for the casual gamer, I tried to keep the patterns pretty simple. For future games, we might make it a little harder over time. We didn't include any defloration blood because we wanted to keep the game appealing to a wider audience, and I personally have a negative reaction to seeing blood.
Wow, if you can do this with 3 people in a month I'm excited to see what you can do long term. Headed over to Patreon right now to support! Awesome game/proof of concept! I've been replaying the Witcher 3 quite a bit lately and am a huge fan of when the title screen changes to reflect in game choices/outcomes or DLC in the witcher 3's case. It's the little things that make games great ;D

I'm glad you enjoyed our game, and I appreciate any patronage you're willing to contribute. =)
We've released a new version of the game for Android! Gotta hit all the platforms!
Version 1.3.0 is out, with a bunch of improvements to the GUI and performance!
The current release, version 1.3.1, has many additions and fixes since the original version, and I'm hoping it will stand well for a long time to come.

We are also working on our next game now, titled Magebuster: Amorous Augury.

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