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RPG RPG Maker [ Developing Room ] [ 開発室] The Queen of All Vixens / 淫魔の女王 (RE098642) (RJ098642)

Re: 淫魔の女王

Mediafire gave me a warning for hosting audio files for a game. Not even music. Just sound effects, for people that didn't have the correct names. It seems that if you link to specific sites, it assumes the content you're sharing is copyrighted and baleets it. That was the only thing I had shared with ULMF that was publicly accessible, sooooo...

Mediafire is banning anything from certain sites. You have been warned.
Re: 淫魔の女王

Well damn, that sucks...

I'm really sorry that your account got suspended for that. =(
Re: 淫魔の女王

I would also say what they do is like racism...
It was only some audio without reference a save file and a walktrough even without any porn pictures or stuff...

Probably only because it was postet here...and thats like racism.

Well screw you mediafire, you may get down cause nobody wants to use you anymore xD
Re: 淫魔の女王

Mediafire gave me a warning for hosting audio files for a game. Not even music. Just sound effects, for people that didn't have the correct names. It seems that if you link to specific sites, it assumes the content you're sharing is copyrighted and baleets it. That was the only thing I had shared with ULMF that was publicly accessible, sooooo...

Mediafire is banning anything from certain sites. You have been warned.

And NOW you say me that!? Man...
Re: 淫魔の女王

Perhaps we should start using anonym.to or something when posting mediafire links? Mediafire is still a *good* filehost, they're just...very banhappy.
Re: 淫魔の女王

Send me a pm for the Files you may need.

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Sorry for the necro but anyone still has this and the other old games of this circle?
If yes, please pm.