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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

somebody know the Code, for the Girl from Event?

If you mean the code for silver girl in the serial code tab, you can get the code from famitsu magazine, so maybe it only 1 use/magazine aka not worth it since you have to buy the magazine 1st. They might give free serial code in the next campaign though.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Event finish for me , just before the gold daily and the saturday fairie XD, it was the easiest event , now just i have to wait for the second set of map to get the 8 hana stone left and the affection item :) .

I got a question concerning the currency of this event , they gonna wipe them after the event or they gonna be usefull for latter purpose ?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I would assume the currency gets wiped. Wouldn't be fair for others if some players could just horde the event currency for the next event.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Who is the girl that like punches the ground and a giant rock shoots up then she jumps up and smashes the ground. I have an ally with two of them and she just destroys everything it's unreal.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Who is the girl that like punches the ground and a giant rock shoots up then she jumps up and smashes the ground. I have an ally with two of them and she just destroys everything it's unreal.

They are 2 girl using this skill :) , and , i got the gold one and her skill is nice (skill activation double on the first turn).

Got someone on friendlist who got the last rainbow red girl (black dress girl) and the new blue rainbow (the loli) and they really destroy everything when they use their skill :).
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Only reason why I'm beating some of these levels at the moment haha

My girls aren't strong enough D:
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I would assume the currency gets wiped. Wouldn't be fair for others if some players could just horde the event currency for the next event.

It will be more unfair to people that already hoarding so much currency coin if they just deleted it like that, beside according to the update news they planning to add more item to the exchange shop. It doesn't have to be the next event girl but maybe other thing like dragon, fairies, equipment or maybe flower crystal :D.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Are the spinning question marks all about timing or is it random? Cuz it's ridiculous
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Isnt this coin only come from event map raid boss.
I think its bout right if it only for event map.
Unless they start to let a normal raid boss to drop coin as well or daily i dun't see if this xtra coin is complainable.
As for me im missing 1.2k more coin while there still 8 days to go so yeah im pretty much taking my easy time and probably farming it more during dragon daily
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

It will be more unfair to people that already hoarding so much currency coin if they just deleted it like that, beside according to the update news they planning to add more item to the exchange shop. It doesn't have to be the next event girl but maybe other thing like dragon, fairies, equipment or maybe flower crystal :D.

If anything they'll probably create two types of currency. A Raid Currency that we get from just doing raid bosses and can use to purchase things in the shop. And an Event Currency that is dropped during events and gets wiped after an event is over.

Are the spinning question marks all about timing or is it random? Cuz it's ridiculous

Ya its random. Welcome to RNG World :p
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl


Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Lol i evolve the other event gunner 1st :D
Her 2nd skill same like the 1st of that gunner.... in 3rd turn skill rate activation +120%

All these unit seem so easy to die :(
Need girls that have 10k+ hp nowday or else they basicaly get 2-3 shooted by raid boss
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yorugao isn't so squishy when you get her leveled. She's at 8766 HP for me and has slightly more health than Red Tulip, but slightly less than Violet. Of course, Yamayuri and Oncidium totally blow her away in HP, but they are tanky characters anyways with less damage.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Need girls that have 10k+ hp nowday or else they basicaly get 2-3 shooted by raid boss
It doesn't matter at all how well they do against raid bosses, you still get the same rewards. It can actually be nice for people to send in a really weak team that doesn't do much damage so that more people have the opportunity to attack that raid boss and get the rewards.
That's why skills that give you an attack boost against raid bosses are especially garbage. They do absolutely nothing and can even be detrimental depending on how you look at it.

They may change the rewards to be based on how much damage you've done in the future, but for now that's how I understand it.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Haha, ya I evolved her right away when I got her XD Shes my favorite atm so I have her set as first hahaha. I think shes really beautiful and sexy. The outfit could've been better though...
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

There's now stuff to buy with Event Coins. Happy farming
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Ergh.... Yes there new stuff but, those upgrade thingy cost 3000 coin
30k money 300 / cake 200.....
Well its true this make xtra coin to be somewhat useful, but no way i will be farming them. At least i wll help other kill raid boss just like the usual
*might farm story mission instead for equipment seed and lucky dungeon or daily + affection item*

Btw you guys already finish all the item for event girl ? still missing 900 here
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yeah, the new trade-able stuff is too costly and can be farmed with less effort instead by doing normal dungeon. Only the gold one is worth it(spent 1800 coins already for it:p).

Anyway, can the bonus dungeon appear after clearing event map? since from last week I don't get any bonus dungeon from the current event map (the update said something about that in the bugfix, but I don't quite get it)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I still need a skill up and equip up (1000 + 1500) and I only have 424 atm. So I still need to make about 2k in a week. I'm happy they added items but I wish they were a bit cheaper. The upside is that there's really no reason not to assist friends if you have raid points. The part I worry about is that there will still be less people spawning bosses themselves (And less shared) because a lot of people are probably finished already.

I dunno how I'm going to finish her at this rate. Anyways I'm REALLY not a fan of these types of events. This is why I quit LoW and Pero Pero on DMM, I don't want to be forced to play 24/7 to finish events. You have to just sit around and wait for people to spawn these raid bosses and that is WAY too time consuming. I hope they either don't do this often, or find a way to not suck your life dry if you want to complete them.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

The new event map set is clear for me :) , last map is quite hard :) , the boss has ton hp and the 2 add lvl 79 hit hard ^^.

Anyway , boss raid in the last map are lvl 80+ (see some lvl 91) and they give a lot event coin :eek: (90+ per assist and 130 if you summon and i hit) , so try to hit them if your friend has one of them up (they have a ton of hp so they don't die quickly :eek:).

For the new stuff i like the 30k gold for 300 seed :) , it's only 3-4 raid boss and i need a lot of cash XD , the cake is good if you have somme girl who need it it's a 6% affection if i'm not wrong . The increase stats chara are expensive in my opinion but it's a rare drop so when i got my money back in good state i will buy these ;o.

i got a question , on the event map selection there is a number in the bottom right of the map (just right to the stamina cost) anyone know what it means ? .