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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

The RNG factor doesn't seem so prevalent in the second set of the maps as a lot of the routes are forced-arrow triggers with 1-2 RNG spinners. May have just had better luck, but I didn't find the second half anyway near as frustrating as the first.

I've gotten all 36 medals now, guess I'm back to farming crystals of life. :D
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Hahaha, yeah, we all were fearing the worst... glad it didn't turn out that way.:)

Haven't got all medals myself yet, only have to do the 80 stamina maps. The first one had a nasty surprise that there's a random tile on the right side and a bug under a lock which needs 2 teams to unlock and a 3rd to beat it... Thought I had it until that happened. Was my last stamina too, so have to wait a while to regen.

Handy addition on the maps as well that when you hover over your teams you can see the speed of them now. Plus on the missions menu there's a 2nd tab that has loads of completed missions if you played a long time already. Got loads of fairies from them :D
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Just tried the new map....
Yeah is not as hard as the 1st map set...
At most you will get 50% to 3 star on the rng part (of coz beware of hidden enemy so might be another xtra try)
There also doesn't seem need to change speed... i just use my usual set up where everyone on ~500 speed to clear.

I'm gonna farm wednesday daily later on and leave finishing event map (1 map left) for dragon daily later on.
Q: what is this event girl going to be ? purple ? i think i want to farm the dragon 1st so i can evolve her asap.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I flipped over to a team composition that had more speed focused on my first team for one of the maps, but otherwise I just used my standard teams where they are all ~20 speed apart. I did miss out on 3-medals on the second/bottom set's 80-map because the assist that I brought was ~20 speed too slow though.

I think Purple is a safe bet as she doesn't look like a punchy-type and isn't shown carrying a weapon. The speculation I see on the Japanese wiki is similar. I suppose there's a chance she uses the flowers behind her as arrows, and might end up being Yellow? The RNG of the first half makes me believe the devs could be so devious.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

The second part of the event is not that bad i guess, 3* all the map without any problem. But i still fear what kind of event will they make in the future, im just hoping not like this one :/
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Not that bad he says... Well less RNG at work for sure, but I totally feared not managing to 3* both 80 maps as my teams always didn't go the correct paths after the random tiles. Until just now... suddenly they felt pity for me and cleared both 80 maps right after each other. Praise RNGesus~! :cool:
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

So she wasn't Purple after all... Another Blue girl in a row. I don't know about you guys, but I'm positively swimming in 5-star Blue girls at this point. I had just picked up Kirutansasu and Peach prior to the last event girl, and there was Southern Cross before that...

Looks like the new event is another one of those raid boss collection ones. Picking up pieces of coral this time. ~5800 pieces to get the new Yellow girl, Dipladenia, who fences with a parasol rapier. Of course this coincides with them changing how raid bosses work... you can now select "only friends" or "everyone" for assistance when you get a raid boss.

Seems they've added another daily dungeon run, but this one requires that you have girls from the various in-game nations to run it? Not totally clear on what's up with that.

Under quests there's also a new tab that shows the 3 new characters, along with the 2-star Strawberry. Looks like you require the selected character at a specific level (10, 30, Max or Evolved?) in order to access new dungeons. The specified character needs to be the party leader to get in. Machine translation on this part is sketchy at best, but it looks like it may reward character-specific equipment that they warn you not to sell.

In addition to that there's another "super-high difficulty" dungeon of the day, possibly more difficult than the necklace and bracelet ones?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I want to say this new blue event unit prize..... is...... disappointing skill wise
2x atk to single enemy so... yeah ZZzzz.... (while the ninja girl 2x atk to all enemies)
Her passive skill is 2 ppl atk up by 15% including self / evolved skill solar effect +15%.
SOooo...... event unit is geting really bad now, the only saving grace is they on full skill (high % activation) and 4 equipment slot.

As for this new event girl she can be strategicaly useful as her 1st skill ignore terain speed up and down / evolved skill party speed +100

I really need someone to explain to me what type of unit can participate in this new daily map -.-
I though at 1st bycolour but nope im wrong -.-... you mention lvl ? but what similarity in the lvl ?

Edit: in any case cleared it.... this the unit i use that was able to go in....
Note that i have all 3-4 star and yet and all event unit and yet this the only unit able to go in


  • FKG - Monday.jpg
    FKG - Monday.jpg
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

You're talking about the third one in the list today, right? The one that starts with ウインターローズ?

It's the new National daily I mentioned from the patch notes. Only girls from ウインターローズ (Winter Rose) can enter it (plus your full assists). There's two tiers, a 10 and a 25-stam cost. I got 3-medals on both with only sending 5 girls in 4 separate teams.

This is what I used, along with a slower assist:

I agree that the event girls have been kinda underwhelming lately... Color is basically a worse all-around version of Peach, but she gets the skill levels and slots if you worked for them. The previous girl, Canna, at least had a relatively unique passive going for her.

The level requirements I talked about are for the character-specific quests listed on the second Quest tab.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Completed event map as well....
The rng is not bad as long you got that 4star archer that ignore web / cyclone (move speed down / up)
1 shot clear 1st 2nd and 4th map..... 3rd map had to change team abit puting the that archer girl on team 2 instead of team 4)

All that left is farming raid boss.... sigh hate this type of event personaly cuz the waiting on that 3 point stamina to engage the boss..

Edit: tried the 10x gacha cuz the duel swd new girl looks cute, but.......... well don't want to say the result, its something you can tell :(
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I'm tired of weak blue girls. :(
And they gave her for that RNG-event! :mad:

I want to sort girls in inventory by type and at the same time by level. E.g. rainbow 70, rainbow 60, gold 70, gold 60, gold 50, silver 60, etc. BUT not gold 70, gold 50, gold 70 again; or gold 70, rainbow 70, gold 69. And at the same time girls must be the first, dragons/fairies/etc after them. Is it all possible?

Additional deputy leader appointed function
We add "appointed deputy leader" button to character status column upper right corner of the character confirmation screen.
Character was appointed deputy leader regardless of the party, it will be displayed on the home screen.
How to disable that stupid button? Now I can't see on the "home screen" what party I use!
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

There's a new tab in the achievement tab too. Got a list of a few girls, did anyone explain that one yet?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I want to sort girls in inventory by type and at the same time by level. E.g. rainbow 70, rainbow 60, gold 70, gold 60, gold 50, silver 60, etc. BUT not gold 70, gold 50, gold 70 again; or gold 70, rainbow 70, gold 69. And at the same time girls must be the first, dragons/fairies/etc after them. Is it all possible?

Not as far as I'm aware. You can sort by rarity/level/HP/etc. individually but not at the same time.

How to disable that stupid button? Now I can't see on the "home screen" what party I use!

I don't believe there's an option to outright disable this feature... but you can select what party you're using from the screen prior to starting a mission, just after selecting your assist. You don't have to go to the Party screen and select the # there every time any longer.

There's a new tab in the achievement tab too. Got a list of a few girls, did anyone explain that one yet?

Those are character story quests/missions. They require the shown girl at the levels listed (10, 30, Evolved) to enter, and give character-specific (I think?) item rewards for clearing all 3. The patch notes warn not to sell these, possibly because they'll be upgradeable in the future?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I don't believe there's an option to outright disable this feature... but you can select what party you're using from the screen prior to starting a mission, just after selecting your assist. You don't have to go to the Party screen and select the # there every time any longer.

I know but it is inconvenient for me. I see my main girl on the main screen and I think I use my main party. I'm used to it. Then click, click, click fast... we are on a map... and what the hell I see? I can't clear that map cause this wasn't my main party but weak team or even a team with one weakest girl (which I use for Reidobosu).
The main screen gave me a warning first of all about my party. I don't need to go to the party screen to know what party I use now, or be careful when I already select an assist. Now it's annoying me!
Besides, I liked to see some different girls per day when I switched between parties, rather than one girl all the time as it is now.
If I only didn't try that button, may be it'd work as it worked before. :mad:

Thank you.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Was counting my coral collection today and figured I'd finally be done after a ~1.3 mill HP boss... and this happens:


Oh well... One more (for real, this time!) and I can stop watching the raid boss window like a hawk. :mad:

On the plus side I finally got my Rose fully levelled up and put her in to replace the (personally) overvalued Cosmos I've had for forever. Gives me way more flexibility in making team compositions by not having to balance around that slow-as-molasses 215 speed. Dipladenia (the current event girl) will probably replace one of my other blue girls whenever she gets capped out.

Has anyone had a chance to try out ? Her overall stats are really low at ~16.5k, with only ~9k HP capped out. Initially I thought she'd be terrible, but her evasion passive actually had her surviving more often than Cosmos despite the extra 6k HP she has.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Has anyone had a chance to try out Water Lily? Her overall stats are really low at ~16.5k, with only ~9k HP capped out. Initially I thought she'd be terrible, but her evasion passive actually had her surviving more often than Cosmos despite the extra 6k HP she has.

I have her, she helped me out a couple of times when my teams were kind of weak thanks to that evasion. Haven't maxed and evolved her yet, though not far off from that.

Was kind of leeching off people that encountered bosses as well while I was hunting for fairies and yellow 100-year dragons. Also trying to figure out what to use for those extra missions we have now, the ones where you can only use a couple of knights. Kind of annoying sifting through all your girls to check which can and can not go into them.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Also trying to figure out what to use for those extra missions we have now, the ones where you can only use a couple of knights. Kind of annoying sifting through all your girls to check which can and can not go into them.

Just use .
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Thanks for that, made it a bit easier. Didn't know the wiki had that :)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Thanks for that, made it a bit easier. Didn't know the wiki had that :)

It's also possible to sort girls in the Book/Inventory to see which you have.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Just wanted to ask is there a way to get more friend boss raids?
I've been noticing that this event I always had to find my own even though my friend list is quite active.
Also noticed the raid list would populate for a short time when i complete daily quests and if i were fast enough to enter one.