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[DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Not much to do or talk about when there are no events going on, glad it seems the new one is about to start.

I hope those new girls aren't modifiers or something like last time since I didn't manage to get a single one with 200k in gacha tickets x.x
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Wow they must be joking, 100k stamps? Last time it was hard enough to get 10k...
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Can anybody explain this? I'm wondering what temporary rewards exist so I don't miss them, hopefully. This event seems more confusing than the last one. Holy hell there's moonrunes and numbers everywhere on the event page and different colored keys and stamps and ahdflakjahf.

Alright the black button with purple girl silhouette is some kind of vs mode? I'm not sure what's up with that but I won, then a locked chest popped up (And shows up in the top left tab of the battle window). Got a silver and gold locked chest.

Top left tab is your locked boxes, right is your friend's locked boxes. The left tab below is current locked boxes, right tab below is completed/opened locked boxes. Is there some reason to unlock your friend's boxes?

I got 10 scouter looking items... Oh they automatically call up stamp chances? Hmm, I still haven't found any keys.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Every time you open a friend's box, both of you get an item. Last time there was a pole dancer SR in the boxes, so it's in your best interest to crack open all that you can.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I got 10 scouter looking items... Oh they automatically call up stamp chances? Hmm, I still haven't found any keys.

The pink keys you get to buy N-Tickets or defeating bosses.
The silver keys and gold keys also you can get them from bosses.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Eesh, the art they used for the enemy encounters this time... that card always freaked me out a little.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Eesh, the art they used for the enemy encounters this time... that card always freaked me out a little.

yeah, there's something off about it. It's one of the few cards in there overall collection that doesn't seem to fit in with the rest.

On a side note, my luck sucks, took me 9 attempts to get past the 1st floor. at least these early stages don't use a whole lot of energy.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I just hit floor 25, gotta get to 100 by the 20th right? At least it seems like that. Is it one of those two stage things again when floor 101-200 will be unlocked after the 20th?

Those stamps are a pain, at least it doesn't seem like there's any girl rewards or anything too fabulous in the rewards for them. So far I liked the other event a lot more. At least it felt like my attack/hypnosis power mattered. This just feels time consuming.

Seriously 270 stamps currently...100k for the final reward...
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah, I have a feeling the higher stamp rewards are for people with event cards, because last time they were useless after 10,000 except to try and get a higher ranking.

You don't need to hit 100 by the 20th, but 101-200 are locked until then, yes. Then I think the first players to reach 200 get better prizes, but nothing too special compared to the ranking prize.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

it can be very time consuming especially when you have poor luck like myself. how do you guys go about choosing 1 of the 6 squares for chance time, reaching the next floor, or when using gatcha tickets? do you attempt to choose randomly, use a pattern, or just choose the same square over and over?
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I usually just choose randomly. I have a preference for the middle two spots, though.

Don't waste any of the glasses items you may get. Save them for when there's only one correct pick out of six.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

it can be very time consuming especially when you have poor luck like myself. how do you guys go about choosing 1 of the 6 squares for chance time, reaching the next floor, or when using gatcha tickets? do you attempt to choose randomly, use a pattern, or just choose the same square over and over?

I only choose one square (even if progress or not), I continue with him to the last floor.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Don't waste any of the glasses items you may get. Save them for when there's only one correct pick out of six.

yeah, I learned that from the last event. my personally preference varies; some days ill pick the same box over and over, others Ill use a dice to decide.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I just randomize. I usually don't pick the same square twice, anyways. I'm pretty even on every box/square.

When doing girl gacha, I usually kind of pick two boxes immediately but just go with one anyways on impulse, I make it like those two are my only options in my mind. So as long as there isn't a good card in the one of the two that I didn't choose, I don't get upset. 1/6 are terrible odds, making it seem like I only had 2 card options makes me not mind missing cards I need in the 4 options I didn't count.

Weird, but it helps me. Makes me feel like I win more often.

Also good to know that 101 is locked until the 20th, that means I shouldn't waste too many energy/attack items before then since I'm sure I can reach floor 100 with just natural regeneration before then.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Hello guys, if you were me which card will you choose ?

I'm still newbie for this forum, that means I can't post any U-R-L here. sorry for inconvenience. :(
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Hello guys, if you were me which card will you choose ?

I'm still newbie for this forum, that means I can't post any U-R-L here. sorry for inconvenience. :(


Ah scratch that, I thought the event card was an R or SR but she's only an N. Tough call. If the event card raises the chance of stamp drops, she's only useful for this event. That means getting her as soon as possible is best. The SR girl will always be there to get later and is useless for the event.

So they do raise stamp chance? Is there anywhere to see that multiplier? I got a cheerleader SR girl, not sure if she's counted in it since she's not on that patch page.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I'd choose the SR. The N card boosts the number of stamps you earn when you get a Stamp Chance, but for players at our level, we'd probably only be able to hit around 15,000 stamps at the max. We can't really get high enough to make it worthwhile without the R and SR event cards, which will cost real money, and if you really wanted that N card you could get it from the normal gacha.

And what the devil, they put the bottle consumables from the boss event in the briefcase prize pool. What's the point of this...
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

And what the devil, they put the bottle consumables from the boss event in the briefcase prize pool. What's the point of this...

I noticed that and it confused me lol.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I'd choose the SR. The N card boosts the number of stamps you earn when you get a Stamp Chance, but for players at our level, we'd probably only be able to hit around 15,000 stamps at the max. We can't really get high enough to make it worthwhile without the R and SR event cards, which will cost real money, and if you really wanted that N card you could get it from the normal gacha.

And what the devil, they put the bottle consumables from the boss event in the briefcase prize pool. What's the point of this...

Yeah, like you told that event's card I've choosen not increase rate of stamp slot but increase number of stamp u get about 1.16 for example for my stamp chance those I just get increase numbers of stamp from 100 --> 116
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah the stamp rewards really aren't that great. I think I'd take the SR now in your place.

Awesome, I just got the N event card :3 Then I got another one of the new SR cards. Thank you luck today. I guess those 200 failed spins were for today.

Ah that 4th text is the stamp modifier in the event page. It's up to 1.1 for me now.
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