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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

(I would really take the wiki stats page with a huge grain of salt. All of that information is painfully tested by players going to a crystal stage and spawning the appropriate girl to see how much damage she does. It's in dire need of an update because updates keep on randomly tweaking stats - like those you posted below).

So I think it's best to understand it as the ones that are "Late" are generally aimed towards more "late-game" rather than early. They've also dropped hints at the fact that they might alter the "growth rate" in the future, thus, another point to keep in mind.

Yeah I've tested the damage and attack speeds of girls myself and the wiki isn't always accurate. Attack speeds were quite off on most the girls. I don't like to give half ass info when I rate things, so I usually tested the girls pretty thoroughly that I added into my recommendations (All the girls there I keep in my inventory/roster). Of course even those are subject to change (I have been updating it when I noticed new things though).

It sucks that I can't hold onto all the R girls to keep testing them, but I did have to eventually remove most to keep my inventory limit under control. I'd love to have them all at once, it'd be so much easier to compare/rate them. If it sounds like R girls got a nice revamp in updates, I'll retest them. So far it's just been N and SR girls mostly since I made this thread. R girls are really the only girls you can rely on late game. SRs are near impossible to find and there's only a few N's worth mentioning.

Kind of what I figured with the growth type, but I couldn't give very specific information.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah. I'd help edit, but I'm almost certain that thing is region-locked to Japan only, and I can't be bothered to swap my IP just for that. We definitely appreciate you being a good source of information, though.

On a related note, does anyone know whether Cleopatra's buff is a flat percentage or a flat addition to a girl's attack? And does it trigger on every instance of an attack or is it only the first hit? I just blew three day's worth of ST on this and couldn't make sense of the data I'm getting, so I was wondering if you guys know anything about it.

Because if it's a flat rate that triggers on every attack, one possible strategy might be to take high attack speed girls or multi-attack girls (Sapphire, Purple-haired Ninja, dark elf, gatling gun girl comes to mind) as your backbone. Send out walls like Tamaki to absorb hits and abuse the + attacks behind your front line...

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I have a question though.
Has anyone tested, if girls can gain some sort of bonus, when you're using the same timeline?
I mean there are some old japanese girls, and some are more futuristic style, while others are animal-like etc. etc.

Maybe you can gain bonusses when you're using a roster with completely... i don't know, samurai/ninja whatever girls.

I hope someone finds sense in my gibberish, I don't know how to explain my thoughts properly, I'm sorry.

(and i am aware that you gain a bonus if youre using the same girl twice in your roster)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

To the above: Possibly. Nobody knows how it actually works, but they have from an official source that themed individuals apparently "perform" better with each other. Whether this is the character boosts (eg. Oda and Ranmoru) or speaking to the team as a whole, we don't know. They also have a cryptic line about adding a more "clear" system in the future to give the players a better idea.

The formal categories are listed in Fruit's first post, and are respectively "magical," "historical", and "futuristic."

On growths, Chinese players have determined that Oda, Zero-Zero, Invidia and Revoica share similar growth rates in that whenever they level up the attack seems to increase by the same amount. That's where the theory that rarity determines growth comes from. It doesn't help, though, that all of them are "Precocious" if you're taking the wiki translation, and the numbers don't add up at all if it's a flat difference based on the girl's base stats. EG. Oda's evolved form start with 36 damage. Invidia's start with 30 damage (I just checked this myself). However, at least as of 12/6 (date of post) Oda's final form ends with 85 damage while Invidia is only 71. The math doesn't make sense there at all, since it should be like, 71 vs. 77.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah. I'd help edit, but I'm almost certain that thing is region-locked to Japan only, and I can't be bothered to swap my IP just for that. We definitely appreciate you being a good source of information, though.

On a related note, does anyone know whether Cleopatra's buff is a flat percentage or a flat addition to a girl's attack? And does it trigger on every instance of an attack or is it only the first hit? I just blew three day's worth of ST on this and couldn't make sense of the data I'm getting, so I was wondering if you guys know anything about it.

Because if it's a flat rate that triggers on every attack, one possible strategy might be to take high attack speed girls or multi-attack girls (Sapphire, Purple-haired Ninja, dark elf, gatling gun girl comes to mind) as your backbone. Send out walls like Tamaki to absorb hits and abuse the + attacks behind your front line...


I played with this for a while and it seemed like Cleo's buff is roughly 1.2x attack. I love testing this stuff though, so lemme try playing around with more girls, maybe there is a difference. I did notice one time with an N girl that her attack was altered in a weird way that didn't appear to be a crit (since those are also 1.5x damage) when I was testing Cleo. Maybe her damage just fluctuates. I did mostly test it with R girls who probably had similar attacks though, so let's see if there's a difference.

The most annoying thing ever, when you're testing attack speeds and damage and it keeps spawning in your friends' favorite girls x.x Holy shit I wish I could turn that off. Let's just constantly spawn in SR girls as soon as you're about to reach the crystal x.X I just had the spawn message block the crystal hp... lol.

Because I just tested Sarutobi (only R+ level 21) for the first time and she has a 1.5x attack bonus, I got confused and thought that was the amount for most girls but it's even in my guide that Cleo has 20% with all the other girls I tested before. There is something screwy going on. Could be a flat bonus that I didn't notice because the girls I tested were similar in damage maybe? Guess I'll see. I'll test more N girls and non max level girls this time.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah, I'll be perfectly frank. I play the game because the tug-o-war is pretty fun, and I pass off the H-content to the owner of the account. He gets porn and I get fun, it's a pretty fair trade-off if you ask me. ;)

Not that I mind the H content much, but this is an example of a browser game that I think the gameplay stands on its own well enough.

I wouldn't try to test attack speed just yet. People on the Japanese forums have asked (they have some sort of ask a dev thing by paying customers, from what I can understand - I'm not too sure on this part) what exactly determines attack speed, because it's been observed that there appears to be both an attack speed and an animation delay (very evident on Jean, Porco, Yoshitsune, Shadmalice as just random examples.).

In the case of Yoshitsune, though, players have noticed that her animation delay might actually be (theorized) her dodge/invincibility frame, so that could be a good thing. The problem is that people over there for some reason overwhelmingly like her, so pretty much I think those comments on the wiki are rather biased.

EDIT NOTE: Don't forget that Sarutobi's attack counts as a single attack but I believe the damage packet are separate. Let's say each of her attacks is 30 damage x 2 = 60 damage. 1.2x boost from Cleo = 36+36 = 72, so 20% increase.

Now, if Cleo just adds say, 12 damage flat per attack, you'd see 42+42 = 84, for a 40% increase total.

There's one more theory floating around that a girl maxed vs. a girl leveling has some very different stats (some kind of boost for maxing a girl out). Given the typical paradigm of Japanese game design (where boosts are often given for "perfection") I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I judged attack speeds with a stop watch over multiple runs, I hit a benchmark whenever I saw the attack actually make contact with the orb, then averaged the time differences together. I can't think of a better way to judge attack speed than when it actually connects and does damage.

And now for Cleo tests!

R+ level 40, Jean

613 (87)
526 (87)
395 (131 Crit x1.5)
308 (87)

with N+ level 40 Cleopatra

287 (104) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +17 damage)
183 (104) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +17 damage)

R+ level 40 Minamotono Yoshitsune

169 (81)
88 (81)
7 (81)

with N+ level 40 Cleopatra

153 (97) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +16 damage)
56 (97) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +16 damage)

R+ level 40 Oda Nobunaga

169 (81)
88 (81)
7 (81)

with N+ level 40 Cleopatra

153 (97) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +16 damage)
56 (97) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +16 damage)

R+ level 40 Space Pirate SAPPHIRES

625 (75)
550 (75)
437 (113)
362 (75)
287 (75)
212 (75)
137 (75)
62 (75)

with N+ level 40 Cleopatra

610 (90) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +15 damage)
475 (135 crit x1.5) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus)
340 (135) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus)
250 (90) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +15 damage)
175 (75) (missed buff even though she has it in the screenshot)
85 (90) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +15 damage)

R+ level 21 Sarutobi

668 (32)
636 (32)
604 (32)
572 (32)
540 (32)

with N+ level 40 Cleopatra

661 (39) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +7 damage)
622 (39) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +7 damage)
583 (39) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +7 damage)
544 (39) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +7 damage)
505 (39) (Roughly 1.2 attack bonus, +7 damage)

I had to use screenshots to track Space Pirate SAPPHIRES and finally just got a screen recording program for Sarutobi and froze the video on each hit so I could keep track of each of her attacks separately. I must have messed up somewhere earlier. Well so far, it looks like x1.2 multiplier to damage. Woulda been a lot cleaner if I didn't have friends spawning characters into the fight constantly :p
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ok, I think this game has crits. D: Either that or my visual acuity is too low to distinguish some of these numbers.

My numbers: Testing on Ranmoru's stage 3-5.
Level 26 tentacle.
5x L13 R+ Yoshitsune: 66 damage (unbuffed).
5x L14 R+ Yoshitsune: 68 damage (unbuffed).
5x L14 R+ Yoshitsune: 81 damage (buffed with level 17 N+ Cleo).
2x L17 R Sapphire: 51 damage (unbuffed). Allied gatling girl was on field (?)
6x L17 R Sapphire: 49 damage (unbuffed).
1x L17 R Sapphire: 49 damage (buffed with level 17 N+ Cleo).
1x L17 R Sapphire: 58 damage (buffed with level 17 N+ Cleo) (?)
2x L17 R Sapphire: 50 damage (buffed with level 17 N+ Cleo).

Level 27 tentacle.
8x L17 R Sapphire: 58 damage (buffed with level 17 N+ Cleo).
5x L15 R+ Yoshitsune: 69 damage (unbuffed).
4x L15 R+ Yoshitsune: 82, 100 damage (buffed wtf? crit?)
5x L15 R+ Yoshitsune: 82 damage (buffed with level 18 N+ Cleo).
4x L18 R Sapphire: 51 damage (unbuffed).
Way too many times to count: L1 R Sapphire: 59-61 damage (unbuffed). 77+ damage (crit?) (buffed with level 18 N+ Cleo).

Something I've observed is that it usually takes Sapphire two hits to kill the purple Ninja. Yet sometimes she can oneshot the purple ninja with or without Cleopatra's help. She needs two hits on the bunny girls and 3 hits on the blond girl. Yoshi usually oneshots the purple ninja and needs two hits on the other mobs. With Cleo's help she can oneshot everything, so I think that rate makes sense. She's also super consistent with numbers, but sometimes the crystal drops by 100+ in a single hit without reason, so I can't really explain that.

tl;dr mythbusting: I think the idea that R girls get 2+ attack per level is not a myth, per se. And your measurements of ~20% of Cleo seems to be right on the money. The growth is definitely questionable, though, considering that my Yoshi's only level 15, so assuming 24 more growths to get to 40, she'd have an attack of 69+48 = 117 attack, instead of the 89 in which you've demonstrated.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Clear your friends list off before testing :)

Can anyone give me an opinion on Zero Zero? I just got her from spins but given her slow attack speed and horrible cooldown time she doesn't seem terribly useful. And I need space as always.

Also, Jean hates me :( Two freaking days and still nothing.

And thanks thordain. You made my life a lot easier :)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Zero Zero's shots pierce(maybe?). Her range is gigantic and doesn't have the issue of Elfella's arrows arcing. On top of that she's only obtainable from the spin (I think she used to be a preorder special or something, lol). I'd take yours off your hands if you don't want her.

Hilarious for gunlines if you like to go AFK farming. The biggest problem is that her damage is low, though, so it kind of depends on whether or not you build your team to support her. She's not going to be able to be your main source of ranged damage for most of the harder content.

EDIT: Nevermind, I actually don't know which one of the gunner girls I saw with piercing shots.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Gotta admit, I didn't want to get myself an Elfella, mostly because everyone wants her and I'm opposite guy, but
I just caaaaan't pass 10+ (Spacepirates, etc.) so I've decided to get her.

That Cleo confirmation is great information, should add that to the wiki (if it wasn't for the Japan-region thingy.)

Also, just out of curiosity, have my White Black ever appeared for someone?

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Zero Zero's shots pierce(maybe?). Her range is gigantic and doesn't have the issue of Elfella's arrows arcing. On top of that she's only obtainable from the spin (I think she used to be a preorder special or something, lol). I'd take yours off your hands if you don't want her.

Hilarious for gunlines if you like to go AFK farming. The biggest problem is that her damage is low, though, so it kind of depends on whether or not you build your team to support her. She's not going to be able to be your main source of ranged damage for most of the harder content.

EDIT: Nevermind, I actually don't know which one of the gunner girls I saw with piercing shots.

Only nobulonga has piercing range attacks. Her and sniper girl hit through anti range units.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So keep Zero Zero in my "You are here to level and for fun" slot and don't worry about it? How do you build around her?

Err... What does White/Black look like? There's a few girls who keep showing up in my games that I have no idea who they are.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

ホワイト・ブラック is White Black. Still can't post links.

I've only seen people talk about using her, Invidia, and the motorcycle girl. I don't have one personally so I can't test.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

ホワイト・ブラック is White Black. Still can't post links.

I've only seen people talk about using her, Invidia, and the motorcycle girl. I don't have one personally so I can't test.

Played against her in the hell stages - has a HUGE AoE and is tanky as hell. Good for clearing out your front liners. Have not used her "counters" though (wiki states Y-poola and Hiraga Chennai hit harder against mechnical - white black, the rabbit girl and Gakutensoku)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics


Anyone else having issues purchasing the sale items tactics is currently running? whenever I select what I want to purchase and click confirm I get some sort of error message from dmm.

*Edit* still appearing even after clearing my cache. Guess its just another bug in the game. would have been really nice to increase my card stock by 10 for free.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Anyone else having issues purchasing the sale items tactics is currently running? whenever I select what I want to purchase and click confirm I get some sort of error message from dmm.

They all said they cost 0 P before I cleared my cache (I tried to buy them but it didn't work). Well this "event" is underwhelming... Guess I should update the event anyways. User support campaign >.> sure. The event warnings made me laugh though. "Be careful of your surroundings and volume level when playing outside" haha. Do people play hentai games on their phone in public?
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Wow, game is really screwed up now. where to start. The Xmas event page has reappeared, my message center keeps indicating I either have messages/presents available when there's nothing there, 985 rp points seemed to have disappeared from my account and anytime I attempt any mission the game crashes.

seriously WTF!!
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

They all said they cost 0 P before I cleared my cache (I tried to buy them but it didn't work). Well this "event" is underwhelming... Guess I should update the event anyways. User support campaign >.> sure. The event warnings made me laugh though. "Be careful of your surroundings and volume level when playing outside" haha. Do people play hentai games on their phone in public?

Actually, this game is apparently really, really popular on mobile devices. So obligatory warning. xD
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics



Wow, game is really screwed up now. where to start. The Xmas event page has reappeared, my message center keeps indicating I either have messages/presents available when there's nothing there, 985 rp points seemed to have disappeared from my account and anytime I attempt any mission the game crashes.

seriously WTF!!

I have no idea what's going on with your game o_O I assume you cleared your browser cache?