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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i am farming stage 6-2 its easy and the highest stage i can actually beat without the re try thingy.

what girls are you using to beat the last stages? my team just gets demolished, even my Kaiketsu Clit (pretty sure thats translated wrong) can only take 3 hits.

also anyone else have just awful luck with the rare gacha? i have only ever gotten 3 SR's the whole time ive played and 2 of them were the same person (the really crappy shovel girl)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Just started playing this game as well.

CODE: C6621A

It's pretty hard trying to find brothers because the "recommendation" the game gives is practically all inactive players. I tried using the bulletin board on the wiki from the OP but we will see. This is important to earn RP :(...

I tried all the other games except Lord of Walkure and 千年戦争アイギス R.

The card game エンジェリックサーガ ~X指定~ is pretty fun too, lots of cards with different crazy abilities. One match the opponent threw out some Juggernaut card that was practically impossible to take down with my current hand, luckily I had a card that when placed on the field lets me choose one of the opponent's card, take half that card's attack power and use it against the opponent HP -> match end XD (learn from this Eushully...)

My first spin gave me Minamoto Yoshitsune, go figure.

I'm currently halfway through stage 8 but can kind of already see the cycle, it's all about who has the higher level girls (better overall), who can regenerate faster, etc etc.

The 24 slot limit is bleh, not a good way to get someone to pay... You usually try to make the user pay because the game is really really fun, not for features like that...

Also, some cards become stronger if their friend is in the same team. Read the card description.

The time limit is idiotic.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'm currently halfway through stage 8 but can kind of already see the cycle, it's all about who has the higher level girls (better overall), who can regenerate faster, etc etc.
The time limit is idiotic.

ya having a girl who can dodge (yoshitsune) or just plain hard to kill is pretty much required to actually have a chance at winning or alternatively for those early levels you could just spam a lot of ranged units but that strategy stops working when the shield knights show up (if you want your own version of the shield knights go to 9-5 and farm for her and one of these event levels can also drop her) also cleopatra little 20% damage buff really helps.

sent you a friend request, if you get lucky and it actually summons my girl you should coast through pretty much all the story levels.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

IMO, this game can be summary like this:

- Story stages: grind money to upgrade your tentacle. Also try to get 1 - 2 useful SR. Level up your team and you can clear any stages.

- Event: just grind to win. Or spend some cash to spin for gatcha girl. Then grind again.

- PvP: the only event actually involve "tactic".

My team to grind Byakko 3-6 stage: 2x Gulvan, 2x Demensia, 1x Benkei, 2x Yoshitsune, 1x Shainer, 1x 100th Valentinus, and one slot to level up card. Tentacle skill is revive dead.

PS: Yoshitsune is actually a pretty decent R card. I still use her a lot.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

TY for brother add.

I didn't mean Yoshitsune for my very first spin, I ended up getting White Black. Naturally a low lv tentacle like me can't use a card that costs 600.

Ended up getting Yoshitsune from some stage I was farming the boss for.

Were R-card drop rates nerfed significantly or did they change that back?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i am farming stage 6-2 its easy and the highest stage i can actually beat without the re try thingy.

what girls are you using to beat the last stages? my team just gets demolished, even my Kaiketsu Clit (pretty sure thats translated wrong) can only take 3 hits.

also anyone else have just awful luck with the rare gacha? i have only ever gotten 3 SR's the whole time ive played and 2 of them were the same person (the really crappy shovel girl)

Hi there, yea Im just a few post ago complained about the same gatcha thing really wanted that lucy :( , and for beating the 3-6 boss my team (all maxed lvl):
3 stainer (1 piercer 2 hibrid)
1 gulivan (to boost the stainers)
3 elfella (continous damage)
1 shadmalice (hig stun boss chance)
1 ypola (initial time buyer)
free slot to lvl card.
revive skill.

Also boukyaku i sent you a friend invit. hope my girl helps you to lvl faster and the mosr r card drop at least for me was 15-6 there drops 2 r card´s sarutobi sasuke and gakutensoku.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Thanks for the add. My list is almost full by using the brother recruiting board from the wiki.

It's not that bad of a game though if the fast forward button was not available I would've already quit.

I'm wondering why the game is so low on DMM ranking list and figured the designers must've made some pretty terrible decisions in the last two years.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'm wondering why the game is so low on DMM ranking list and figured the designers must've made some pretty terrible decisions in the last two years.

I blame the insane high cost, in most other dmm games the 11 sr gatcha cost 1000 points and here 10 sr sr gatcha 3000, also exist the new exclusive pack on gatcha the right arrow cost 3000 the first time, the second cost 5000, I dunno if that increase more but I can tell that because in the past events won a free ticket for that special spin and check the change on the cost for the second try.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

The event ended, the one replacing it is apparently bringing back characters from past events and placing them in "archive areas".

SR character appearance in rare roulette is boosted.

There's also a boost to training/breaking girls.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yes this time are girls from the past events (enforced Cinggis qan) also a new pay area, the green button on selection for stage type and have a chance to drop sr supreme ruler, sniper type, and for me a new chance to get the most hot lucy vercion (untill now) and her param up skill :D
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

is there anything else to this event other than the gatcha girls and the blue chick from the missions? and the increased exp.

i only ask because i got the blue chick on the 3rd try and if thats it imma just wait till next event
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

No, that's all there is. Just take some break until next week.;)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

ok this week scort mission, now it is more dificult be cause the boss attack is multiple aoe and the kirin girl is really SLOOOWWW luckly no elfelas this time, btw on the second and third set you can use the muting skill (first skill page, big X on pic and 3 orb) to avoid the constant summon from the boss and get the 5 tickets easier.:D


Now I wonder, at the second part of the event willl change the medal to feed the vip? like some of the resent events, what do you think guys? cause if thats the case Im considering to lvl up the first to 100 on the last day and no whait for the 30%feed exp log in bonus for the sr and check the surprise.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'll just wait and feed at the last day of event. I don't think the second part will have significant change anyway.

This event seem to have better bonus reward than previous ones. I just do daily bonus and I'm at 84 now.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

any way to combine girls Oo
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

any way to combine girls Oo

Well in this game you cant combine girls, you can feed the tentacle or sell them for in game cash (I not recomend cash cause along the game you make a lot of ingame currency for leather wimps, extra battle slots, upgrade skills and stats for the tentacle).

Ok the event ended.
Some old girls gatcha (3) are viable again, and one of the regular sr was enpowered.:rolleyes:
Now about the blue advertisement, what does say?, I understand some thing about a dead time during one day this week end.:confused:
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Not to alarm anyone, but I have a bad feeling that it's about the game ending on 2015/7/23. If I understand correctly, and this is just me guessing based on how Tentacle Kingdom ended and a few words here and there I recognize so maybe I'm totally wrong (hopefully), it's saying that the final event will start the 11th until the 25, and then it's something about items until the end, which I guess will be the last time to get stuff, most likely they will give easier access to stuff and make everything easier.

It doesn't make sense to me, since they updated their game not so long ago, and I hope I'm wrong, but I can't shake the bad feeling...wish I could read japanese :(
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah, the game will end at 7/23 according to the banner. Too bad. :(

Well, time to look for another DMM game. I start out this game because the H-scene look interesting (by interesting I mean the tentacle is somewhat extreme). Do you guys know any other DMM game with interesting H-content ? I would love to hear some recommend :p
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well, if you are looking for tentacles, that's a tough one. After this one dies I think the only one left will be the one based on the shokushu games from Tinkerbell but it's only available on smartphones. The Asagi one has great CGs. But pretty much every game is your typical boring barely animated, almost same gameplay, card grinding fest. Aigis has nice gameplay, but you can play it in english on nutaku. And that's it, I can't think of anything else. I won't probably look for a replacement, I still played this one because I enjoyed the game itself, don't feel like wasting time or money on cookie cutter boring card games. :(