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[DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

Ah, sorry I should clarify that by minimal I meant minimal amount to get guaranteed optimal results in all synthesis levels, which is 500 for one and the least amount you can do for the other three. You might be able to get SSRs for less than that, but I'm too chicken to test it out when these 3star crystals are so valuable.
As for Ls, I play it safe with 350, 350, 350, 450. Judging by the wiki I figured 1500 crystals was the cutoff for getting L rank girls. There doesn't seem to be any need whatsoever to max them out at 500 each to get the best results. The only thing that impedes me now is it seems I have half of the total girls you can get, so I'm wary of duplicates.

On a side note, I'm definitely bummed with the random rare girls appearance rates. They've really been lowered. I've only had one girl appear out of all the times I've been running these maps, and the success rate was only 13%. I guess the bananas raise the chance of them showing up and boost the capture rate to 25%, but it's still nowhere near worth it when they're a buck a piece and don't guarantee they'll even show up.

I'd like to, but yeah my attempt at doing 10 R gatcha all at once was a disappointment. Looks like you fared better than I did with your attempt, so congrats!

That mad rush in the final hour was crazy. I was expecting it, but not to that extent. Shouldn't all those Japanese players be at work or school around that time? I completely depleted my emergency reserve of 10 point potions just trying to keep up, even after a well timed level up. I'm glad I hoarded those. If anyone wants screens of Redi, let me know.
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Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

grats! hmm no luck for me this time. Nvm I still can get the screens of Redi from u :D I dont think it's just japanese players play this game. As what i know, some Cina players do play this game and they just sleep 3 hrs everyday just to get Redi. No work no gain i think.
And here comes another ranking event,goodluck :D (more 3 star crystals and ticket, yeah)
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

Sure thing, I'll post some screens of Redi when I accumulate enough hearts.

Man, my body is not ready for another one of these events. I really hope they don't become the norm. The completionist in me won't allow me to not make an attempt to get the ranking girl. This game is pretty brutal in that regard since it looks like they take certain girls out of the gatcha and now the rare eromons that had a chance of showing up from the last event don't seem to be returning, like Tenko and Charlotte did. Even if I never get them, I just want to feel like I at least have the opportunity to. Guess time will tell.

It looks like the reverted back to the old probability for rare eromons to show up in the maps since I saw one appear almost immediately, which I'm grateful for. A 3% chance of getting them every 10 or 20 runs is way better than a 13% chance of getting them every 200+ runs.

EDIT: Just did 3 more 3star synthesis and got nothing but duplicates at 350, 350, 350, 450 orz. I also learned that you can still get SSRs with that amount, though it seems your chances of getting Ls are better. It looks like the wiki has been updated to show that as well, or I might just not have noticed it before, so just a heads up.
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Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

about how many times would one have to run these event dungeons to earn 300,000 ep to get all those alchemy rocks? doesn't really seem plausible with the 100~ ep Im getting per a dungeon currently
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

You get way more with the harder maps, and as the event goes on. The 30 point map for the 1st event girl gives little over 1,400, whereas the 30 point map for the 3rd event girl will give little over 2,400. Unless you're really on top of it, you're probably not going to make it to 300,000.

Here are Redi's two scenes. I can post the sprite variations too if anyone wants, but they're nothing really special. It'd be nice if I could rip these in their proper resolution and with their animations somehow.

EDIT: Man, I was really hoping the second event girl would be the tan santa with blue hair, instead of the yandere. I'm almost guaranteed to never see her thanks to being a rare appearance event girl, whereas I just got the yandere three times in a row at 8% the first three times I saw her. The RNG gods have a twisted sense of humor orz


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Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

Does anyone know how people are getting such ridiculously high damage? Even with 2x combo, critical, special attack, and against a weakness I can only get about 12k. Even when I'm speedy enough to nearly triple Redi's attack stat with her ability, I can only get around 12k with 2x combo, critical and against a weakness as well.

Also, does anyone know what the 5th stat, きようさ (skill), does?
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

1st,u need 2 or 3(i think 2 is enough,3 might consume too much WP) girls with skill which buff the damage of your entire party.With proper timing,u can stack up to 6 with 2 atk buffing girls.For more bonus damage,u can choose to lower the defence of your enemy,and aim for a critical damage.Btw, i only mamage to reach 10k :D bcause i have only 1 girl who buff atk.
The 5th stat determine the critical rate of your girls.
Nice redi u have :D I heard that she have a quite high damage abt 2.2k whn level maxed.And sounds like her skill is atk buffing ,quite nice actually.
Anyway, the 3rd event map,not sure if it's a bug or what,with combo bonus x2,and atk buff 3 stack, my sapphire girls only deal 2k++ to the boss,which is ruby.
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

Thanks for the info. I have one good girl that can buff my party's attack by 25%, but she's level one. She probably won't make it in time and even if she did there are so many people who've racked up so much damage, I doubt I'd be able to crack the top 500.
Good to know that skill affects critical hits as well, thanks.

Yeah, Redi is pretty great. She's easily my best unit stat wise and has a skill that buffs her attack by 100%. It looks like the girls you get for ranking in the top 500 are a cut above the rest, judging by this next girls stats as well.

The boss of the 3rd 30 point map event is probably intentionally absurd. Extremely high defense to the point where many of your units only do 10 damage to her, spams a skill that hits for 3k+ damage, has an AoE that can hit for 2k damage, is fairly fast, and has a good deal of health to boot.
I imagine if you have a team full of extremely efficient healers and/or def buffers/attack debuffers you could get a massive combo off of her. At least that's what I'm guessing the people with 400-1000+ combos did.
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Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

In the end ,i was able to grab 6 copies of boss from the 3rd map,but not a single glance at any of the rare girls.

It seems like such ranking events aren't going to stop:( im quite tired actually,and the "racing" in the last hour was so fun,every time you refreshed your rank, it dropped lol
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

I was lucky enough to come across the rare girl I wanted from the second map, but she was the only one I saw out of countless runs (aside from the non-event specific rare girl). This event has only 2 girls I like out of the 10 and they're both rare ;_;

I was away from my computer in the last hour and a half, so I was worried all my work would go to waste, but luckily I was ranked high enough that I wasn't booted. It sounds like you managed to stay in the top 500 as well, so congrats!
I'm really sick of these ranking events. I hope they come up with better events soon. It's really painful seeing a bunch of girls you want, only to have them yanked away, possibly never to be seen again after the event ends.

They made some improvements to skills in that you can power them up if you have copies, as well as give skills to other girls (I think?), so I'm glad I've been keeping all of my copies of rare girls. I'm a little scared to try it out though. I'm still hoping they'll introduce some kind of trading system, however slim that chance might be, so I don't want to use them lightly.

EDIT: Damn, I'm glad I tested the changes to skills with some disposable girls. I thought it was a 5% increase to the skill (skill went from 20 to 21), not 5% chance for it to work. No wonder those items didn't seem to have an effect on the results, they just up your chances. And even worse, it's 300 points just to raise your chances by 10% (for a total of only 55% using 5). That's not worth it at all, especially when rare girls are on the line.
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Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

Haha thx. The two girls u meant are in this Big-Oppai-Theme event? Big Oppai-s are everywhere :cool: Anyway I still hope there's a chance to get Redi in future :( lost her due to that stupid internet problem arghh.

If you don't spend cash, the success rate is only 7.5% maximum. I can smell the big difference btw cash players and non-cash players soon.

And it seems like you can encounter "rare" boss every time u finish an event dungeon.It gives you some event tickets,but im not sure where to use the tickets.

Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

Yup, Ana and Riu.
Yeah, I really hope everyone has more chances to get girls they missed. There's some hope in the notion that it wouldn't be very profitable if they didn't offer revival events for newer players to spend their cash on.

More like the extremely luck and rich vs non-payers. Those items will cost you a fortune in order to make any substantial progress. It also costs a huge chunk of gold for good skills and uses up a (most likely rare) girl. You can up your chances by a whopping 1% (SR), 2%(SSR), or 3%(L) by maxing the affection of a fodder girl, for a potential total of 20%, but it's still really horrible.

Speaking of spending your fortune on this game, I just experienced one of these games shutting down on me, and all I got for my time and effort was a "thank you very much, please continue to support us" message. You would think they'd give you a download of all the scenes and such that you've unlocked or something, instead of just leaving you high and dry after you've spent however much time, effort, and money on it. It's pretty worrying.

Yeah, I'm grateful for the easy extra points. Those tickets can be used to trade for two of the event girls during the middle and end of the event it seems like. That's just a guess though with my limited japanese.

EDIT: I love all breasts, of every shape and size. Every pair of breasts is perfect in their own way.
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Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

Man, I'm glad I got Ana, I really like her scenes.
I had to manually stitch these together to get a good resolution, which is a real pain with animated images. I just hope there's a more efficient solution for ripping the content from this game at some point. They really made it difficult to do by segmenting these scenes into a bunch of smaller parts, and there's no way that I know of to save the animations themselves.


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Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

could just record them with bandicam or something if you can actually play the scene at least.

how do you get this girl btw is it those stupid new year bag things? I saw her scenes in the exhentai gallery but they dont have motion and I kind of want to see the real scene with moving animation so I thought I might give this game another shot


Speaking of spending your fortune on this game, I just experienced one of these games shutting down on me, and all I got for my time and effort was a "thank you very much, please continue to support us" message. You would think they'd give you a download of all the scenes and such that you've unlocked or something, instead of just leaving you high and dry after you've spent however much time, effort, and money on it. It's pretty worrying.

dmm is evil it seems like 70 maybe 80% of their games are grind fest and pit you against other players that spend tons of money on these games to get ahead which is just a big trap to make you spend money and then theres the ones where you need 4 copies of a rare card to view the scenes out 5 dollar gachas. Japanese people must be rich or something to spend 100s of dollars for like 1 card Im seriously tired of seeing this in their games its always the ones with the best art too. I guess the only way to avoid the sudden shutdown is to only play the games that are kind of popular so you know it wont get shut down because its not making enough money or to not spend so much on the more obscure games so if its shuts down no big loss. I know most of these dmm games if not all of them dont care and will just randomly shut down if they dont make enough. But It would be nice if they just dumped all the cgs for the game somewhere when that happens or at least make an event where you can earn everything with minimal effort.
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Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

That's true, but I've never used such a program before and I'd probably be stuck recording it in the smaller resolution (with a watermark), so I'm not sure it's worth it. I was hoping I could get a gif or somesuch from the data loaded to your computer, but it's not that simple. Games like Aegis make it so easy to nab the cg through that method, I'm surprised a good exhentai gallery for it took so long.

Unfortunately I think you may be a little too late for her marcus. You'd have to go all out right now and start running the event constantly until the 6th in order to have maybe a 50% chance. You get the items needed to draw a lot for her by gaining EP and beating the raid boss, but unless you get really lucky and draw her with only a few of them, you won't have the time to accumulate enough as I believe they're going to replace her with the policewoman on the 6th. I spent over 100 on it and have yet to get her. I don't really care about her though and the raid boss gets to the point where you have to take two trips to beat so I'm saving them for the policewoman.

Yeah, everything is absurdly expensive and it blows my mind that people can just lay down hundreds of dollars for this. I mean the time investment itself is horrible enough. It's irritating that they just released a girl that doubles your EP, and gives you massive advantages against the raid boss (which will also make them rank impossible to beat high in the damage rankings) during the middle of the event, shafting a lot of the free players who had worked up until that point. You have to plop down $100 just for a 25% chance of getting her and yet there seems to be a ton of people who have her now just judging by the rankings and those who use her as their profile girl.
I really just need to quit these games. While they're not worth it in any way, especially if a good exhentai gallery becomes available, it's hard to just walk away after spending so much time and effort on them. Aegis had the benefit of not having a decent gallery until now, and while the scenes are 90% mediocre, the gameplay was at least somewhat engaging. This game is nothing but tedious, and while it has a number of good characters and art styles it has a crummy unfinished gallery only for the mobile version. One could only hope it eventually gets a comprehensive gallery with animations at some point.
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

wish I decided to pick this up again earlier if shes gonna be gone on the 6th.yeah would be awesome if it got a good gallery and wow thats pretty shltty 100$ and it doesn't even guarantee you get the girl your sure? I know some games when you buy the packs it gives you at least that showcased character.

I dont think I would mind the watermark and you probably wouldn't have to use a small resolution Ive tried some other programs they either lagged or had lower quality bandicam just simply worked with what looks like perfect quality to me.
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

It's a $100 bundle that has a chance of giving you one of 4 L ranked characters, only one of which has special perks. You still get some other items, but people are buying it in hopes of getting the special girl and not for the bananas and autoclickers, which are almost completely worthless and it's sad they're even items you have to pay for.

The problem with how the scenes are set up is the window size is way too small, so they either shrink the scene to fit it or you have to scroll up and down to see the entire image. I would only be able to capture the entire animation in the smaller resolution thanks to that. You'd also be missing out on the variations in expressions and orgasms. It'd be neat if it could be captured and saved as, or converted to, a fla somehow.
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

I see do you know if I tried to get the girl with my box tickets now and failed will the items Ive taken out of the box be reset when they put in that police girl? Thus completely wasting my effort
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

I see do you know if I tried to get the girl with my box tickets now and failed will the items Ive taken out of the box be reset when they put in that police girl? Thus completely wasting my effort

It's a little late, but yes, that's what I assumed was going to happen.
What I was not expecting was for them to reset everything about the event like this. There goes any chance of a guaranteed SSR girl ticket to all but those with the EP bonus girls.

Man, of course I get the policewoman right off the bat with 20 of those tickets, out of the 50 I had saved orz And with the EP items and raid boss being reset I just lost my chance at the first lottery girl for no reason as well.
Re: [DMM] 大冒険! ゆけゆけ☆おさわりアイランド mobile

dangit kinda mad Ive been trying to get that big boobed wind SSR girl but in this new map with both event girls I got the other one I didnt want instead on the first try. having 2 bosses scared me also thought it might have been too hard for me to beat I have full team of earth /water SSR/L and a SR healer I have to use but only 1 wind and fire type. I think I need cards with better skills and more fire/wind types. My buffers I'm not sure I believe they just only up defense Mischa and that SSR angel they gave us at the beginning.